My first love disaster(Anime...

By anoziwaishe2006

11.4K 242 53

A girl, as small as a doll, a tence vibe to her,long red pig-tailed hair and blue sparkling eyes named Vorani... More

The Cafeteria Threat
It Doesn't Matter
Kiss From The Wrong Person
Do I know you?

First time we met

4.3K 89 13
By anoziwaishe2006

Voranica P.O.V

"Ugh" I woke to the sound of my alarm in the morning.I got up and went to the kitchen and ate breakfast after changing into my uniform. "Well,my first day of school and I don't even have any lunch. Maybe I can stop at the bakery to get some lunch." I said to myself as I was walking out the door.
-At The Bakery-
"Hello" I greeted the lady behind the counter,"What can I do for you"she replied.
"Umm...Well.....Oh,may I please have the cream bread" I ordered. The lady handed me a bag with the cream bread inside. I looked at the clock in the store and I had time before I had to go to school so I decided to go the park.

As I sat down on the bench I heard an unknown voice coming from next to me,"Ohh the cream bread,good choice cream bread is my favourite." When i turned to see who it was I saw a boy with hair as Brown as wet soil and eyes as blue as the sea, sitting next to me I didn't know what to do so I asked for his name,he replied with,"Out my name is Felix Tokahashi and yours."
"Vora-" and I was cut of by the chime in the park,"Oh no I'm going to be late, goodbye Felix hope I can see you again" I shouted as I ran of to school. I ran and ran until I could see the school. I stoped at the lockrs and changed my shoes, I ran to the front office and got my class number,9 A.

I ran as fast as I could hoping they didn't start the lesson. "Hey,you don't run in the halls" one of the teachers yelled. But I was too in a rush to slow down.I burst through the door and everyone was looked at me and as they looked at me I saw Felix."Well finally your here I was wondering when you would show up" the teacher said putting  the chalk she was using on her desk."Well everybody this is our new transfer student would you like to say a few things" the teacher announced."Umm.... Hello my name is Voranica Metuhere and it is Mic to meet to all" I said while bowing.

Felix P.O.V
"Ohh, Voranica thats her name it's pretty." I mumbled to myself.
"Voranica you will be sitting next Felix" sensei(teacher) said pointing at the desk next to me. I looked up and started blushing. She quietly walked towards the desk next to me.
"Umm....Felix" she said embarassed"I forgot my text book is it fine if I umm borrow yours, like umm you don't had to if you don't want to I was only a question oh no I'm rambling I'm sorry." "You look cute when you ramble" I said. At looked at me and said"Ugh shut up"

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