One Direction's Adopted Daugh...

By _LarrysLoveChildx_

64.6K 1.7K 136

Delilah had a difficult childhood with different foster family's have their way with her, she was abused by h... More

ODAD (One Directions Adopted Daughter)
New Begginings
Daddy Lou!!!
The Single Shatter
Hazza's Girl
What's a real Family?
Goodbye 4 good
New Home!
New School
Day 1
New Girl
It's All To Much
Saving Baby Direction
New Family
Not so good suprise
Just like that... Gone!
Let me go!
Please don't shoot
Last Chapter!

We have to hide!

2.1K 71 0
By _LarrysLoveChildx_


"What? No! this can't be happening!" I cried as Harry comforted me

"Delilah what's wrong baby?" Louis asked

"Her parents escaped prison and are coming after her" Harry explained

"Oh my god! what? we have to hide! we can't let them take her!" Liam cried

"Don't you think I know that!?" Harry snapped

"What do you think we do Zayn?" Louis asked

"We need to go into hiding, if they find her they could kill her and we can't let that happen" Zayn explained

"Alright it's settled we go into hiding" Louis announced


We basically packed up the house like we were moving, it was terrifying to know that my birth parents were after me!

"Delilah are you ready" Harry called

"Yeah I'm coming now" I answered heaving my heavy suite cases Off my bed and rolled them down the hall into what seemed like an unreadable future


"Daniel why are we going after her? she probably has a life now shouldn't we just let her be?" Courtney asked as we sped to an abandon airport where we would fly to the UK to find out bitch of a daughter

"Don't you get it! she put us in jail! her parents!" I yelled

"Yes but you ne'er even wanted her so why go after her?"

"Cause I'm going to kill her!" I screamed

Man this bitch can talk no wonder our daughter is a smart ass! she got it from her fucking mother

"Daniel you can't kill your only daughter!" she screeched

"Fucking hell! shut up or I will tape your fucking mouth shut!" I yelled

We soon arrived at the airport and surly enough their was Tom ready to fly us

"Thanks bro" I smiled

"No worries but why the uk? you hate it!" Tom announced

"We're going after Delilah"

"What do you mean?"

"Tom we are going to kill her"

Tom's face turns into a look of horror

"Courtney you can't be seriously letting him do this!" Tom yelled

Courtney didn't speak she just kept her eyes fixated on the ground

"Tom get in that fucking plane and fly us to fucking England before word gets out!" I screamed pushing Tom onto the plane

"Fine but if you hurt my niece you gonna get it!" he defended and started the plane before I could argue



"Ok baby girl we are here" Liam announced

"Where is here?" I asked

"Well we will be am staying with Louis's mum and sisters" Harry spoke up

"Really?" I beamed

"Yeah" Louis smiled

"Louis! BOYS!" a Middle aged women called

She hugged Louis tightly then moved on to each of the boys

"How are you? I have missed you all terribly" she gushed

I suddenly felt out-of-place and uncomfortable and awkward and I silently slid back into the car


"So where is this Delilah?" mum asked

"She is right..." I trialled off turning around to introduce Delilah

Well she wasn't there

"She was right here" I explained

"Lou she is still in the car" Harry spoke up

"Well mum can you take the boys in and I will get Delilah" I offered

"Sure lou" mum smiled and motioned the boys to come inside

I turned around to the car and headed towards Delilah

"Delilah are you ok?" I asked

"No" she whispered

"What's wrong?"

"I'm so out of place here, I don't know anyone except the boys" she spoke up

"That cause we haven't introduced you yet" I comforted

"Oh right" she smiled

"That's the spirit now come on let's go say hi" I smiled

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