Short Stories

By Percabeth5

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Short Stories
Charlie and Adam
Wow! That Was Random!
The Creature
The Creature: Part Two (redo)
Love at First Sight?
My Hatred for Nyquil only grows stronger
One Day in Language Arts This is What We Came Up With.....
"Santa Claus" and a cute boy
Books I Read In 2013
Our Song
Lets be rebels that go to the park after it closes
Where I'm From.....
Books I Read in 2014
The Dragon
"I Figured You'd Be Here"
A Different sort of Person, in a Normal sort of Place
Someone New in the House
Jelly Beans in Aisle Three

Love Inside a Coffeehouse

32 0 0
By Percabeth5

When you meet them, your chest gets warm and glows, ever so slightly. You notice it almost instantly but maybe don't think of it as anything special at first. In the room, or somewhere near you someone else has a glowing chest, but who is it? Who is the person waiting for you? Looking for you? You don't get a choice, you don't get to deny the feeling inside you, but maybe sometimes that's a good thing. You might know who they are, you might not. The moment it happens you know they are there. Waiting.

It might not happen when you first meet them. But believe me, if it's meant to happen, it will happen. Whether its sooner or later, you will find them.

I walk into the loud coffeehouse and search for an empty seat. As I look around I see couples talking and sipping coffee. All of them have felt it. The warmth in their chest. Everyone of them has seen it. The dim glowing. They have found the on.

I find a chair, alone in the far back corner of the coffeehouse. I sit down cross legged on the big brown chair. I situate my homework on my lap and on the small coffee table next to me. My textbook lies open, to page 394, on my crossed legs.

As I get comfy a horrifying realization comes to me. I forgot to order coffee. After throwing the textbook onto the table, I walk to the counter. With only one person in front of me, I decide what I want quickly and gaze at the baked good with a watering mouth. There is only one piece of chocolate cake left and I want it.

In my head, I silently pray that the guy in front of me will not take the last piece of chocolate cake. Thankfully, he does not take it.

I walk up to the counter. A boy with black hair, pulled up into a quiff, stands behind the counter. Tattoos run up and down his bare arms. He has a lip ring and an earring. I don't want to categorize him but by the way he looks you could say he is a punk / bad boy. He is a barista punk.

When he looked up from the cash register, he smiled. "Hello. What would you like today?" He was handsome and kind. I could not tell if him being kind was an act or not.

I had to think. I was going to get black coffee with milk and sugar, but all of sudden it seemed really hot inside the coffeehouse. I start fanning myself with my hand and order. "I will have iced coffee with two shots vanilla and two shots caramel with soy milk."

The boy writes it down on a piece of paper. "And what size would you like?"

"Large please." It keeps getting hotter. I do not think anything of it. All I do is fan myself. Then I remember. "Also could I get that last piece of chocolate cake?" It feels like all my body heat is gathering in my chest. I continue to fan myself.

He takes the cake from the case of baked goods and puts it on a plate in front of me. He sees me fanning myself and places his elbows on the counter then leans against them, towards me. "It's hot in here isn't it? Everybody I have asked says it is perfect temperature in here. Not to hot, not to cold." He stands up and takes my money out of my extended hand. "Maybe it's just us." He says putting the money into the register.

A barista hands him my iced coffee. Then she says. "It's definitely just you two." She turns to go do something but then stops mid-turn and turns back around. Her eyes wide and her moth agape. "Do you know what that most likely means?" Excitement flows through her words. She smiles widely. "You don't! We'll I won't two figure it out together." She pauses then says. "BTW this is Titan. (A/N: I know I've used the name Titan before but I really love the name so I'm using it again) He acts like a bad boy but really he's a cupcake. Unless you get him mad. Not a pretty sight. Also He is the only boy barista that works here."

Titans cheeks are bright red. He looks down in embarrassment. He looks back up a few seconds later with a smile on his face and hands my iced coffee. The girl is watching us waiting for us to realize something. She leans in a little. Then, at the exact same moment we realize what she meant. We look into each others eyes.

Titans smile gets bigger then it was before. "So that means that you and I are like....meant for each other. If you want to say it in a cheesy sort of way." Titans smile is impossibly big.

I nod slowly. A smile spreads across my face once the realization of what is happening kicks in. "Yeah. Definitely cheesy."

Titan laughs. "I don't even know your name!"

"It's Clara. Like the Doctor Who character, if you watch that show."

"I do watch Doctor Who."

"Well then, we will get along perfectly well."

Titan chuckles and says. "I guess we will. How about in two hours, when my shift is over, I take you on a date so I can learn more about you?"

"Deal. I will be over there." I point to the chair I was sitting in.

"I'll meet you over there in two hours." He leans over the counter and kisses my cheek. His lip ring tickles my cheek. I grab my plate and coffee and head back towards my seat.

Just before I'm out of earshot I here the one barista say to Titan. "You guys are gonna be perfect together."

"I know."


I hope you guys liked it. This isn't my original idea, I found It on Tumblr. I thought it was a good Idea and I wanted To make it Into a Short Story. So yeah.

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