drown. + yoonmin.


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i think i'm crazy, and the voices do too. More



746 82 46

"to some, love is nothing. to others - it's everything."

"you're welcome, baby boy."

jimin's eyes widened and his mouth hung open a bit. yoongi was obviously embarrassed he let the playful nickname slip, his cheeks turning the same tint of pink as jimin's lips.

"baby boy?" jimin asked, cocking an eyebrow and grinning up at the taller older.

"uh, oh, i'm sorry. it just slipped, i didn't mean to-"

"i didn't say i didn't like it." yoongi sighed in relief and let out a small chuckle, reaching for jimin's hand as they pulled away from the hug.

"can we watch cartoons, now?" jimin asked, his eyes gleaming with a look of eagerness and excitement, almost like one of a puppy's. yoongi nods and they make their way to yoongi's bed. yoongi sat down first and jimin sat next to him.

yoongi pulled up the warm and fluffy pastel blue blanket and propped he and jimin up with two pillows. he grabbed the remote and flicked through the channels until he saw courage the cowardly dog. jimin practically screeched as he pointed at the screen

"this one! this one!" he shouted. yoongi smiled to himself and grinned as he saw jimin's face light up at the screen. the tv was a small box tv from the 90s that only had four channels; cartoons, the news, and the movie channel. it also had a dvd player, of course.

when yoongi glanced back from the tv to jimin, he noticed that the younger was shivering to himself and rubbing his shoulders to create friction.

"baby boy?" jimin looks over, his stomach flowing with butterflies at the sound of the nickname leaving yoongi's lips. there was something about yoongi that sent his heart racing.

"yes?" yoongi brushes a strand of jimin's hair behind his elf-like ears and smiles.

"are you cold?" jimin nods, his teeth chattering. yoongi pulls up the blanket further and placed himself in a position to where jimin is in front of him and his arms are wrapped around the younger's shoulders. jimin nestles his head backward into yoongi's chest and sighs.

"are you warm now?" yoongi says, toying with jimin's hair.

"i was never cold, i just wanted to hug you." jimin says.

yoongi blushes and they continue watching cartoons until they both fall asleep in each other's arms.


when yoongi wakes up, jimin is softly crying next to him.

the younger is sitting up, now, his back against the backboard connected to the mattress. his head is tucked carefully in his knees, his toned arms around them. his sobs are soft, drawn out, and quite pretty.

yoongi had never seen someone look so beautiful when they cried.

"baby boy, are you ok?" yoongi asked in the most comforting voice he could muster. jimin sniffles twice and turned to look at his hyung. his eyes were puffy and swollen from crying, and there were deep red circles underneath them.

"y-yoongi-" he says, collapsing into yoongi's arms. he wraps his arms around jimin and places his head on his, his nose in jimin's hair. he inhales the smell of peppermint and kisses the top of his head softly.

"do you want to tell me what's wrong?" yoongi asks, pulling away and placing the younger's cheeks in his hands. he wiped his tears away quickly with the insides of his thumb.

"i had a nightmare." he says, barely above a whisper. yoongi still can hear him, though, and gives an understanding nod. "it was about home."

yoongi grabs his hands and pulls him into a hug once more, seeing the fright in the boy's eyes. he can only imagine the suffering jimin went through at his home.

"yoongi?" jimin questions. "i don't want to go to sleep again."

yoongi nods and slides off of the bed. he fishes around in the top drawer and pulls out a book.

"want me to read you a story?"

"yeah, sure." jimin said casually, but yoongi could see the excitement in his brown eyes. he sat back on the bed next to jimin, and as jimin snuggled with him he began to read.

"and then, the boy went to the park. and he met all his friends. they played there all day long!"

"that makes me sad." jimin says. yoongi glances over and only then notices the frown plastered on jimin's chubby cheeks.

"why does it make you sad, minnie?" he asks. jimin frowns even more.

"because i'm never going to be able to go to a park." yoongi titled his head to the side in a state of confusion.

"why won't you be able to go to a park?" he questions, closing the book and placing it next to the bedside table, flicking on the lamp.

"because i'm never going to get out of here." he says softly. yoongi can see even more tears welling up in the boy's eyes.

"hey, don't cry. and don't say that either, baby boy." jimin rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"what? it's true, yoongi! i'm crazy!" as yoongi continued to shake his head, jimin threw his hands up in frustration. "i carved into my wrists with my own nails for fucks sake!"

yoongi's face instantly drops. the tears from jimin's eyes won't stop, now. they pool down his face at a rapid rate, uncontrollable, loud sobs escaping from the younger's mouth. yoongi can feel himself tearing up, too.

"jimin, please stop crying." he says softly, pulling two tissues out of the tissue box next to his bed and wiping jimin's cheeks with them. no matter how beautiful jimin looked when he cried, yoongi couldn't bear to see it.

"hey. how about this. i'll take you to a park one day." jimin's ears perked up. "someday we're going to get out of here, and i'll take you wherever you want. i'll take you to the park, and the ice cream shop, and the candy store. wouldn't you like that?"

"would you take me to the zoo?" jimin said apprehensively.

"yes, baby boy. i will take you to the zoo and anywhere else you want to go."

"promise?" jimin questioned with a quivering voice, wiping he last remaining tears off of his cheek. he stuck out his pinkie and yoongi chuckled, taking the younger's finger with his.

"i promise."

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