A Bunny and His Butler

By ImpracticalBitchHa

527K 13.5K 6.7K

Hybrid!Male reader x Ciel Phantomhive. Claude is on the look out for a new master that isn't as bratty as the... More

Chapter 1: Gotcha!
Chapter 2 Outfit Pictures
Chapter 3: Where Is My Young Tokki?
Chapter 4: A New Master?
Chapter 5: Mission and Interaction
Chapter 6 - Case And Symbol
I Can't (Short Chapter)
Chapter 8 - Not Again...
Chapter 9 - Ball?
Chapter 10 - Worried Ciel.
Chapter 11 - His Past
Chapter 12 - Don't Touch Him!
Chapter 13 - I Can't Sleep
Chapter 14 - Running Away (Short Chapter)
Chapter 15 - Search
Chapter 16: The Senses
Chapter 17: Warnings
Chapter 18 - Why Now?
Chapter 19 - Finally
Details About Yourself/Tokki
Chapter 20 - Much Needed Sorry
Chapter 21 - Back To Normal
Chapter 22 - Suprisingly Protective
Chapter 23 - Telling Lizzy
Chapter 24 - Better? (Short Af And Unedited. I'm Sorry)
Chapter 25 - Danger
Chapter 26 - Captured
Chapter 27 - Extra Help With An Escape
Chapter 28 - I'll Kill Her!
Chapter 29 - The Last And Only One
Chapter 30 - A New Beginning

Chapter 2: The Start

37.2K 792 1.2K
By ImpracticalBitchHa

Y/n Pov:

"Master? It's time to wake up.."

My eyes fluttered open to see that butler above me, I rubbed my eyes to see him better then I sighed and snuggled into the soft covers. Where am I? My eyes suddenly got wide and I sat up quickly.

"Wha..?" I looked at the butler. He set down a set of clothes on the bed before pulling the sheets off me.

"We're at the manor I was talking about master." He answered at my confusion. I then calmed and nodded before stretching and letting my legs dangle off the side of the huge bed.

"Ya,I never got your name." I stated while crossing my arms.

"I never got you're name either."

"You came up to me though."

"Very well,my name is Claude Faustus and what would the name of my beloved master be?"

"Y/n..." I said softly. He raised an eyebrow.

"No last name?"he questioned. I sighed and shook my head no.

"My mom died when I was 5 and my dad abandoned me before I was born, I can't remember what my last name was..."I said sadly while looking down at my ragged clothes I was still in since we met.

"Very tragic,did you not have any brothers or sisters?"he asked.

I nodded,"I had one older brother but he left and was later pronounced dead from a fight,we saw the body.." The sudden memory brought tears to my eyes but he couldn't see thank God, I blinked them away quickly before looking up at him as he began to talk again.

"I'm sorry for your loss but today you need a bath, when was the last time you had one?"

"A few weeks ago in the rain,no soap or anything.."

He hummed as a response before walking to the bathroom that was built inside my bedroom,"Come this way now master."
I got off the bed and followed behind him, he had grabbed the folded up clothes from th e bed and placed them on the smooth and cold counter before shutting the door behind us and locking it. My heart raced a bit, I wasn't fond of being in a room with someone and not being able to ascape but then I remembered our contract and quickly cooled down. He made the agreements to protect me and listen to me so that he'll do, he's already referring to me as "master."

"Now master, I will have to bathe you now so do-"

"Why master?"I questioned,cutting him off. He simply stared at me before pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Sorry for cutting you off.."I apologized quickly",but why master?"

"Do you not like me calling you master?"he questioned while looking me in the eye.

"I don't care but I would rather be called something else..."I said while playing with my fingers.
He smiled lightly at me,"and what would that be?"

"Tokki (토끼)."I stated," It's Korean for "bunny" and my mother would call me that all the time. She would always say stuff like,"It's okay my little Tokki," or  "Come here young Tokki!"

"Very well,I shall call you Tokki, my young Tokki.." He said softly as his deep voice echoed the bathroom. It made me smile and feel safe, I walked towards him.

"Now what were you saying about bathing me?"

He nodded,"yes, I'll be bathing you daily unless there is a problem with that,I have hired a female servant...?"he questioned. I shook me head no,"im a boy so it's better for me with another male and someone I know more."
He nodded before explaining my morning routine to me once again,I complied with everything before we started my bath. It was quite awkward at first as my shirt was removed to reveal a few cuts here and there that I didnt like on my body but he stopped and began to put bubbles into the running water,the bubbles evolved into more and soon enough it was time for my bath. He removed my trousers and underware and noticed my discomfort and quickly placed me into the tub since I wouldnt budge.The water was warm and felt nice on my dirty skin.

"When did you hired the female servant?"I asked as he lathered a sponge with soap and water,he began to wash my chest and arms.

"I searched for her last night, she is special and has the ability to throw anything and hit the target spot on. She also isn't the only servant I hired."

"Woah.."I awed at the thought,"and the others?"

"They are twin brothers, one of them is very quiet and cold like stone while the other is kinda wild and perky, they have the ability to trap their victims and make them vision things that aren't true. I also hired another female servant, she is simple one who is good at cleaning but she also knows how to fight."

I nodded as he turned my around and began to wash my back and neck.

"What are their names?"I asked.

"Maid 1 Victoria, Twin 1 Casper, Twin 2 Joshua, Maid 2 Lilian."

"I'm guessing Casper is the tough one and Joshua the wild one?"

"Yes my Tokki."He answered while lifting one of my legs up on the side of the tub, I sat back to get more comfortable.

~After Bath~

"There you go,perfectly clean plus moisturized skin with Vanilla scented lotion along with Cotton Candy body wash. Now,would you like me to help you with the rest of your morning routine?"

I smiled before shaking my head no,"I'll do the rest and you take a break."

"Very well then,I'll get going." He said before bowing.

"Oh and Claude!"I called before he left the room, he turned to me,"yes?"

"Thank you.."

He smiled at me before leaving. Once alone,I turned to the mirror, my h/c hair was a mess and my eeth didnt look clean at all. I washed my face,brushed my hair and teeth then checked myself to make sure I looked presentable for the servants.


"Alright Y/n,this is the start of your new life..let's not mess it up." I told myself before leaving.


"How the heck does he get through these halls?" I asked myself out loud while turning yet another corner and seeing a set of stairs leading down into another room,I hope this is it. Walking down the stairs,I was led down into what looked like a kitchen. Walking even more into the kitchen, I noticed Claude chopping something up. I didn't say anything but walk up beside him.

"Why hello young Tokki,what brings you here?"

"I got lost."

"You got a bad habit of doing that."He said while mixing some fruit together.

"It's one of my bad habits..."I trailed off.

"I'll note that." He stated before placing the fruit into a small bowl. I laughed lightly,"What's this?"

"Your breakfast young Tokki." He answered while placing it at a small dinner table,it only had two chairs and a nice cloak over it along with flowers.

"Really?"I asked as my mouth watered,trying to remember the last time I actually had a true meal instead of just scraps.

"Indeed,please sit and eat up now while I get the servants."He said before leaving. I sat down and grabbed the small spoon beside the bowl and began to eat quickly,it wasn't sloppy but I almost choked on a strawberry.

~After Breakfast~

"Gosh darnit..."I said again before turning another corner to only see the kitchen yet again,why can't I find my bedroom again? I've been roaming around for another 10 minutes and have started to get impatient.

"Claude?"I called out,maybe he'll hear and I could follow his voice.

"Yes Young Tokki?"

I wiped my head around to see Claude standing there casually.

"Can you help me around,maybe to the living room so I could meet the servants?"I asked.He chuckled asked nodded before walking over and picking me up.


And just like that,we were in the living room.

"What the?!"I questioned while being let down.

"I'm a demon and can teleport also young Tokki." He stated.

"Woah..."I said before sighing and heading down the small steps and onto the large carpet.

"Casper,Joshua,Lilian,and Victoria!!The master is here to see you!"Claude yelled before I heard footsteps coming towards us,they were very faint and I tried to listen better. My ear twitched and suddenly a woman who looked to be in her late 20's flipped into the living room,literally flipped. She gracefully landed on her feet and looked at me with a smile,"It's very nice to meet you master!"

I smiled back as she bowed and looked her up and down,she had purple hair that went down to her mid way back with red ish brow ish eyes. She was taller than me by about 8 inches and had glasses on.

Some more footsteps were heard before another girl came into room,nothing special,all she did was walk.

"It's nice to meet you master."She said with a small smile before bowing,she had black hair and dark green eyes.

Then there was a swoosh and all of a sudden the room was dark and suddenly lit up. The entire room was decorated into tiny fairy lights.

"Woah.."I ooed while walking around and examining every inch of the room but suddenly I was stilled by two hands on my shoulders. There was a snap and everything disappeared,two twin boys stood infront of me.

"Now what have I told you about brain washing the young Tokki?"Claude questioned from behind me.

"Huh?"I questioned,"where did the pretty lights go?"

There was a laugh from one of the twins before they both bowed.

"Sorry master,that was us."They said at th e same time,"It's a pleasure to meet you!"

They both had birth blonde hair and silver like eyes.

"Oh..well,it's very nice to meet you all also. You all are very kind and quite entertaining and seem to be fit for your jobs. I hope you have a good time working here." I said politely while smiling.

"Now then young Tokki,shall we get you started for your first day as an Earl?"





Casper (left) Joshua (right)

It took me awhile to try and find some characters so please try to imagine these characters in the BlackButler style of animation. I hope you are liking my story so far!!💞💝💘

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