The Burning- Book One: Blosso...

By emberblazeofwindclan

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~BOOK ONE OF THE BURNING~ Blood. Death. Fear. That is what makes up FloraClan. It's what keeps them together... More

Blossom is once again free to read!
The Testing
The Exiling
The Naming
The Den of Hunters
The First Training Session
The Hunt
The Raven and the Robin
The Owl and the Quail
The Tree Hunt
The Ginger Swallow
The Fawn's Beginnings
The Thrush's Ascension
The Leopard and the Bear
The Flower
The Trout
The Snow
The Rebels
The Willow
The Assessment
The Ceremony
The Secret
The Argument
The Planning
The Fishing
The Lesser Leader
The Vigil
The Kits
The Story
The Yellow Blood
Limited Time Discount!

The Claiming

585 40 159
By emberblazeofwindclan

Three days passes since Willowtwig had become a full member.

It was strange, truly strange, that he hadn't approached her. Maybe he'd forgotten about her. Maybe, just maybe, he didn't really want her.

Maybe some other she-cat had caught his eye.

Robinear shifted uneasily in her nest, accidentally brushing Thrushnose with her tail. The white she-cat blinked her eyes open and glanced at Robinear in confusion. "What is it?"

Robinear sighed. "Nothing." Yet, she added.

Despite her hope, the silver tabby just couldn't believe that Willowtwig would just ignore her. So instead of relaxing, her nerves were just more on edge than ever.

Thrushnose exhaled loudly, her breath ruffling Robinear's fur slightly. "Nothing from Willowtwig?"

Robinear shook her head.

Thrushnose sighed again, her tail moving to rest on Robinear. She didn't seem to know what to say.

Who would, if their mate was going to be stolen away by a tom they hated?

Robinear let her tail rest gently on Thrushnose's, who purred quietly in response. Not long after, the white hunter was asleep, her chest rising and falling evenly.

But Robinear couldn't sleep.

It was strange-- though her sleep had been erotic ever since Willowtwig's ceremony, she'd always, eventually, been able to sleep.

But something just felt...different about tonight.

A cool breeze blew gently into the entrance of the den, and Robinear's whiskers twitched in discomfort.

Why me?

Suddenly, the sounds of footsteps approaching caused her head to snap up. She didn't even care if anyone knew she was awake as her eyes scanned the den for the culprit.

It was Leopardtail.

A sudden surge of hope shot through her. Perhaps Willowtwig wouldn't claim her after all!

The golden tom stood their awkwardly, his tail swishing from side to side. "Robinear..." he began. His gaze dropped to his paws. "I'm here with something and a message from my brother," he sighed. Something landed gently on her shoulder, and Robinear blinked at it.

It was a flower.

"He told me to give you this." A pause. "And wear it."

By the darkness, if he really though she'd accept ANY gift from him...

Robinear stood up slowly, taking care not to wake Thrusnose beside her. Despite her secret mate's good intentions, any interference on her part would just make the situation worse.

They'd probably die.

Leopardtail sighed. "He...wants you to meet him by the pond."

The pond.

The pond...

Robinear dipped her head. "I'll go," she mewed softly. She was a coward after all-- her only act of defiance would be to leave the flower. 

Leopardtail looked both relieved and saddened, his eyes suddenly looking guilty.

She suddenly tilted her head and stared at Leopardtail. "Did he threaten you?" she inquired.

Leopardtail blinked. "How did you--" He sighed. "Yes, he did." His mew quavered a moment. "He-he can kill me, and no one will ever blame him..."

Oh, poor Leopardtail.

"I'm sorry," she mewed.

"I wouldn't do it of my own free will, I swear," he blurted out.

Of course he wouldn't. Leopardtail is one of the only cats I can trust in this Clan...

"I'd...better get going, then," Robinear murmured. 

Leopardtail nodded shakily. "I suppose." He looked one toward his new nest, and reluctantly settled down there. 

Robinear ducked out of the den. No use delaying the inevitable.

"Wait," called Leopardtail quietly.

Robinear stopped.

"I'm sorry," he mewed. He paused. "I'd recomment taking the flower with you..."

"It's ok," she replied, her mew wavering slightly. "But no, I won't. It's all I can do to defy him..." 

Leopardtail's expression looked horribly guilty, and Robinear felt a surge of pity for the golden tom.'re the last cat to blame for this.

And with one last glance at the shaking Leopardtail and the slumbering Thrushnose, Robinear slipped out to confront Willowtwig.


Robinear's paws seemed impossibly heavy as she followed the river to the pond.

Maybe it'll be ok...maybe he'll be nice...maybe he just wants to talk...maybe...

But Robinear knew it was all a lie-- she was just trying to convince herself. 

An owl hooted somewhere in the distance, and Robinear nearly leapt out of her fur. Her fur spiked instinctively before she could stop it, and her heart hammered loudly in her throat.

I'm scared, she whimpered quietly to herself. Sun and Moon help me.

The splashing of the water was all she could think of as her body seemed to shut down, and her body no longer seemed to be in control. She was shaking-- oh, she couldn't stop shaking-- but the night was warm.

All that kept her going was the memory of Thrushnose's face.

He'll kill her if I don't come, she reminded herself. All he needs to say is that we're in a forbidden relationship, and...

Mud and Silverfur's execution came to mind, and she shook violently.

She nearly stopped as the water slowed to a gurgle before splashing into the pond, her paws only continuing onto the rocks with severe force of will.

"You came." Willowtwig's mew was almost enough to make her run, but she resisted. Stay strong, she reminded herself.

"I did," she mewed. She made no attempt to hide her anger, her extreme fury and terror at being dragged out of her den for this. She was certain Willowtwig could feel the contempt rolling off her in waves.

He leapt down neatly from the rock he had been sitting on, walking over to her and sitting down comfortably. His gaze raked up and down her body, and Robinear didn't conceal the shiver that stole through her.

"You don't have my flower," he observed, his mew darkening.

"I didn't want it," she retorted. "It came from you."

Willowtwig looked genuinely offended. "Sorry that I tried to be sweet...?"

Robinear snorted. He's so clueless. "I don't like you, Willowtwig. One flower isn't going to change that"

His expression fell for half a moment, before he replied, "But I like you." He stepped closer, so close his fur almost brushed with hers.

Robinear shivered again.

"I'd like to initiate a temporary claim on you," he murmured, padding around her slowly. 

Robinear gulped. "And if I say no?"

"The question is just a formality," he mewed. "But I won't hurt you, Robinear." 

"Promise?" breathed out Robinear. It was a stupid wouldn't change what would happen, but she asked it anyway.

Willowtwig hesitated. "Well, I'm not sure..." He paused. "But the question is simply politeness, my dear."

His dear? By the darkness, no. I will never belong to the piece of foxdung.

A flash of defiance shot through her. She wouldn't let this tom intimidate her, simply walk over her.

"N-" began Robinear, but Willowtwig whipped in front of her and pressed a claw to her neck. 

"What was that?" he hissed.

Robinear couldn't speak, and his claw dug deeper into her flesh.

A flash of pain shot through her, and drop of blood dripped out slowly. Robinear's breath caught. "Y-yes," she choked out.

"Better," he muttered, lifting his claw off her neck. 

Robinear stood still and silent as he stared at her once more.

He purred, leaning in close to breathe into her ear. "You're mine."


Robinear vomited up the vole she ate, shivering violently.

Thrushnose was instantly at her side, her nose wrinkling slight at the scent but her worry all on Robinear's well-being. "Are you alright?" she asked quickly.

Robinear shook her head. "I've been feeling sick all day," she admitted.

Thrushose's fur spiked. "We need to get you to a Healer."

Robinear almost protested-- she knew exactly what was wrong with her. Paired with the fact that it had been a moon since...that, and that she had been feeling tired, there was no question.

She'd told Thrushnose this would happen.

But that stubborn she-cat, bless her, didn't want to believe it.

"Come on," she hissed, yellow eyes flashing with concern and worry. "We have to get you to the Healer's Den...Moonblaze!" she called suddenly.

The black she-cat poked her head out. "Yes?" she called curiously, before noting Robinear's sick and exhausted expression. Moonblaze instantly shot out of the den, looking with concern at Robinear's form. 

"By the Sun and Moon, you don't look good," she mewed in worry, struggling to lift the light grey she-cat gently by the scruff. "Thrushnose, get her other side!"

The two she-cats pressed on Robinear's sides, supporting her. Thrushnose grunted with effort. "How much have you eaten?" Thrushnose complained.

Oh, Thrushnose...don't you understand?

 The three stumbled into the den, and Robinear collapsed, panting, on the moss.

Thrushnose instantly tried to make Robinear more comfortable as Moonblaze felt her body carefully, searching for the damage. "What happened?" she asked.

Robinear felt too tired to respond, so Thrushnose spoke for her. "She just threw up what she ate! I don't know what's wrong!"

Moonblaze's paws froze over Robinear's belly, and she looked down at the she-cat, sympathy in her eyes. "You've been feeling tired lately, too," she mewed. 

It wasn't a question, but Robinear felt the urge to nod in assent.

Moonblaze opened her mouth to make the announcement, then sighed. "You know, don't you?"

Robinear nodded. 

"Well, I don't," hissed Thrushnose in annoyance. "What in the name of the Sun and Moon is wrong with her?"

Moonblaze dropped her gaze. "She's expecting."

Aaand I bet you weren't expecting a chapter so soon, were you? Can you believe it, though? We're so close to the end!

Dedicated to wolfdragon225 for making my day today :) And special thanks to RavenFeather_TC for editing this for me :)

please don't kill me for this btw

Anyway what were your general thoughts on this chapter? Reactions? What do you think of the fact that Robinear's pregnant?

Comment here if you want Willlowtwig dead

Until next Saturday!

muffled evil laughter in background


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