The Secret Love: A Cedric Dig...

By Lizzie_Lolly45

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"I like you. It's doesn't feel like its nothing anymore." He said to the young brown hair caramel eyed girl i... More

Chapter 1: Quiditch World Cup
Chapter 2: Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 3: Plan of Action
Chapter 4: Plans to be Successful
Chapter 5: 4 Champions
Chapter 6: Midnight Note
Chapter 7: First Task and Revealing Stories
Chapter 8: Newspaper Relationships
Chapter 10: Date Drama
Chapter 11: Yule Ball
Chapter 12: Love Rebels
Chapter 13: It's Our Secert
Chapter 14: The Second Task to Love
Chapter 15: All I want is You
Chapter 16: Tell The Truth The Hard Way
Chapter 17: The Truth and a Hogsmade Day
Chapter 18: Wanting More
Chapter 19: Conflict with Girls
Chapter 20: What's Stopping Us?
Chapter 21: Before The Storm
Chapter 22: The Third Task
Chapter 23/Ending 1: The Hurricane Hit
Chapter 24/Ending 2: The Rolling Black Clouds Hit
Chapter 25/The Final Ending: The Sun Comes Out
Chapter 26/Final Ending pt. 2: Cedmione Forever<3
Final Author's Note/The End

Chapter 9: I'm Always There For You

4.1K 60 16
By Lizzie_Lolly45

Ever since Ron found out about Cedric and Hermione, he became more of a hawk to Hermione. Hermione could tell Ron wanted their friendship to not end. Harry was the one in the group who didn't care about his friends love life. As long as Harry had his friends there for them that all that mattered to him.
Days went by still. The good old days changed as the year went on. Hermione didn't really talk to Cedric much. Rita Skeeter was always at Hogsmade when Hermione went so she was always doing something. Hermione was hoping she wouldn't effect her second date with Cedric. With Hermione trying to help Harry with the egg, it took up some time. Even though she was considered "dating" with Cedric, she couldn't let that effect her and her studies.
Hermione was in the library, again, this time hoping to crack down the egg. She also hoped to see Cedric. It's was the best time for him to come as there was no distractions in the library especially Pansy Parkinson. When she saw a Hufflepuff enter, she quickly took action.
"Hello." Hermione said.
But it wasn't Cedric who fully entered the library. It was someone else who entered. It was another boy who looked the same age as Cedric. He looked shorter than Cedric by a couple of inches. Blonde brownish hair color with green eyes.
"Oh, sorry. I wasn't expecting you." Hermione said to the boy.
"You were expecting Cedric Diggory correct?" The boy said to her.
"Well who are you?" Hermione asked straight forward.
"The name is Miezer, Lukas Miezer. Best friend of Diggory, Hufflepuff Quiditch Chaser for 3 years now, not counting this year, girl magnet for 6 years now and before you ask, I'm taken and so are you Granger." Lukas said to Hermione while shaking her hand.
"Ok, only needed the name but thanks for the extra information about you." Hermione said. "Is there a reason you are here?"
"Well I know Ced always went here. I guessed I could find you here."
"Why me?"
"You remember that first date you went on?"
"Of course, I remember. It was one of the most lovely night I have had here."
"Yeah...well...did you think Diggory thought of that idea? I helped him"
"Well I only helped with note part. He planned that day and I found out what he had been doing. He didn't now how to ask you out so I said for him to write a note to you. I had to write it just to look like he didn't write it. It couldn't be easy to tell who wrote it."
"Oh good you didn't make him date me. He did it thank the lord." Hermione said relieved. "Wait is there more I don't know?"
"You have the question, now figure out the answer."
"Ok then where would I find him?"
"He should be at the Black Lake. He left a bit to go there a few minutes ago."
"Are you sure he has more to tell me? Because I'm not wasting some good reading for this! You know what I'm reading right now?"
"Yeah I sure of it and I won't interrupt your reading anymore."
Hermione ran from the library to the Black Lake. Getting there was easy since barely anyone was out and about. She went to the tree where she met him again during school a while ago. Once she got there, she saw him sitting there near the tree, she walked up to him.
"Hey." She said.
"Hey Hermione." Cedric responded back. "How have you been?"
"Alright, you?"
"I'm good, I know you were coming."
"Well one, Lukas told me he would get you and two...there is no two. Why did you come anyway?"
"Cause I want to know more about what you think about me. Your friend said about something with you. He's really talkative and informative."
"Let's just say, when I first saw you, I thought the word beauty."
"Beauty? Why did that come to your mind when you first saw me?"
"I didn't know you when I first saw you, Hermione. I thought you as a brown haired girl who was really smart and someone I wanted to know a bit about."
"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you a question but our talks have drifted off into weird subjects. Some I done even know how we get there."
"Um...yeah go ahead. What is it?" Cedric asked.
"Remember World Cup where I came to, or near, the port key and you were there?"
"Yeah, it feels like it was yesterday."
"Question one, why did you not let me go out to find my friends?"
"That's an easy question, I didn't want to you to get hurt. You are small compared to the big crowd. Like a word in a book, so many words can create something big. It can be really good or just horrible."
"Well that's good to know. It's was good that some one noticed me at least. Ok, another one is why did you kiss me?" Hermione asked Cedric.
"You mean like this?"
Right after Cedric said that, he leaned in and kissed her. Hermione was shocked as she just had her fourth kiss with the same person. Cedric smiled and Hermione did the same. All was peaceful until one must interrupt them. This time it wasn't a student or friend.
"Hey professor." Cedric said awkwardly.
"Do you need anything professor?" Hermione asked.
"Well let's just say l won't tell anyone about you guys kissing here or anything.
"Thank you Professor Moody.
Hermione said relieved.
"Diggory, follow me." Moody said.
Cedric got up and followed Professor Moody away from the tree. Moody looked around to make sure no one was watching them.
"So, have you found the clue?" He asked.
"For the egg?" Cedric asked back.
"Yes the egg."
"No sir."
"Ok you didn't hear this from me but...take a bath with your egg."
"Do what?"
"Take your egg and bathe with it. Do it Diggory. It's not that hard and it's helpful."
"Um...ok?" Cedric responded back very confused of what he was just told.
"Good, now go tell your friends or something."

Cedric started to walk down to the common room. When he entered the cracking fire welcomed him as he sat down. His egg was right there in the open ready for the next person to open it.
"Must be loosing my mind." He said to himself thinking the egg was something else that he didn't hear before.
Cedric decided to open the egg again assuming he's loosing his mind. When he opened it, the same old screeching noise came out then when it was the first time. Cedric quickly closed the egg thinking he would loose himself even more if he didn't.
"I'm loosing my mind." He said to himself.
"Ced, what was that for?" Lukas asked as he came down from the 6th year dormitory.
"I think I'm loosing my mind Lu." He said.
"I think you are. Ced, the second task is in a month. You need to figure out the task. Harry probably already knows. Also, the Yule Ball is in 2 weeks! Max is already thinking about asking out someone."
"Luna Lovegood, Ravenclaw 3rd year."
"Isn't she that long blonde girl who's off in her own world? I've seen her but not enough to know her."
"Yeah she is."
"Why do we go for the Ravenclaw's?"
"We don't, Ced seriously. Name one I've dated, that isn't Lynzie."
"Ellie, Allison, Willow, Katrina and Elizabeth. I've only had Cho."
"I said to name one. That was 5 and I know Hogwarts doesn't teach math but you really should know what one is. I mean Ravenclaw's are something aren't they?"
"4th year Gryffindor's are nice."
"Also about the egg." Lukas said trying to change the subject from him to Cedric.
"Professor Moody told me to bathe with the egg. Why bathe with it? Is he trying to make it seem awkward."
   "I don't know but you should do it."
   "I already have everyone in Hufflepuff counting on me, I don't need to figure out what a professor told me."
"Do what the professor said. You're Cedric Diggory, nothing gets in your way."
   "Thanks, now I guess I'll do it tonight.
   "Then get Hermione to go with you do it tonight at the Prefects bathroom! It will be really nice and can hold you and Hermione." Lukas suggested.
"I wasn't planning on that. That idea is pretty good Lu, I guess I'll do that. But I'm in a bathroom with Hermione!"
   "It's a bathroom! It's not like your in a bedroom. This isn't a love potion."
   "I can't imagine me in a bathroom with a 15 year old girl. Why does it have to be a bathroom?"
   "It's the clue so do it!
   "I still can't believe I'm going to do this." Cedric said as he picked up the golden egg.
"I can believe it! I can imagine you guys together every second of it. Every second grows the connection more and more! What would it be?....Cedmione!"
"Lukas stop."
"Well better get going now."
"Bye then."

3rd Point
Cedric had the egg with him as he walked through the school to the Gryffindor common room. Maybe Cedric and Hermione has slowly grown. But it could be? Maybe Cedmione is a thing. When he got to the entrance, he asked one simple question.
"Can you get Hermione Granger?" He asked the painting.
"Well well ok, who am I talking to? Let's see, Hufflepuff robes, golden egg with him, messy light brown hair, grey stormy eyes, tall, handsome boy, age of seventeen, easy your other Hogwarts Triwizard Champion, Cedric Digggory." The Fat Lady stated.
"Yeah I'm Cedric," he said back. "How did you know?"
"The girls speak of you in the common room."
"All of that?"
"Some of the boys say that also. In my case, your a pretty boy, but a bit pale for my taste but that wouldn't bother me and also..."
"Can you please get Hermione Granger?"
"Alright lover boy, wait where you are standing." The Fat Lady said.
Hermione was in her dorm. She was reading of course. The peace on a Friday night was very lovely. Also she didn't have Parvati and Lavender with her so that was good for her. The painting that was near her just changed and scared her.
"Hello." The Fat Lady said through the painting.
   Hermione jumped up from who just said "hello" in her dormitory.
"Ever learned to knock before you startle me or anyone that's a Gryffindor?"
"I'm a painting what am I supposed to do? Knock on the frame?"
   "It's better than startling me! You're supposed to..."
"Anyway I'm here to say that someone at the door for you."
"Who? Also why would anyone be at the door for me? Also is this a student from a differnt house or something? Is it a professor? Did I fail a class! Who is it Fat Lady?"
"You have legs, go see him yourself."
Hermione got up and quickly went out to the entrance of the common room. When she said "him" she knew who should be there. Hopefully she was correct and it wasn't someone like Professor Snape complaining to her about how she tries to get Gryffindor glory another year even though it's the Triwizard Tournament this year which is way more important than a House Cup. 
"Hey." Hermione said once she saw who was at the door.
"Hey Hermione." Cedric said back.

They were walking to the prefects bathroom. It was so late that barely anyone distracted them which was a good thing.
"Cedric, where are we going?" Hermione asked.
"Prefects bathroom. Moody told me to bathe with my egg."
"Bathe with your egg? Weird idea but if it gets us closed to finding the clue then I'm in on it."
"Let's hope so. I wasn't planning on being you, Lukas suggested I should do so."
   "Lukas is something."
   "Yeah, he's a little bit out there but he's something. Reminds me of my father when I'm at school."
   "How long have you two been friends?"
   "Since our first year. We met on the Hogwarts Express."
   "Harry, Ron and I met like that."
   "That must be nice to think back to. Lukas and I met Carson and Max right after we met each other."
   "So you 4 have been good friends?"
   "Yeah, we have done loads together. We have each other when we need it."
   "That must be nice. Harry and I are nice friends. Ron and I..."
   "Are you ok?" Cedric asked concerned.
   "Yeah." Hermione said back. "Ron and I were close well I wouldn't say we were close. We were there for each other. He's always been there and risked it all for Harry and I...I never noticed that he wanted to protected me. I guess that's why he's making sure you and I are ok and not trying to hurt anything." Hermione said a bit ready as she thought of that.
   "Are you sure you ok?" Cedric asked as he lifted his hand on Hermione's face whipping away her tears.
   "Yeah, I'm ok just get emotional sometimes."
   "I'm always here for you Hermione, don't think I'm ever gonna leave you, ever."
   "I will never forget these moments with you."
   "Hermione you know I like you, I like, like you."
   "Cedric I don't just like you, I...I love you and I wouldn't have said that before I met you."
   "That's good to know. I think I love you too."

They eventually got to the entrance of the bathroom. After the honest and nice talk they had, it really made things less awkward to them.
"Nice door." Hermione stated.
"Wait till you see what's inside." Cedric said. He whispered the word 'Pine fresh' to the door.
The door slowly opened to reveal the bathroom. Hermione walked in, eyes wide open of the sight of what's supposed to be a bathroom.
"Woah, this bathroom is so nice! The bath is so huge! Could fit every Muggle on my street which isn't many but still." Hermione said astonished.
"All we have to do is wait for the bath to fill itself up." Cedric stated.
Hermione was so shocked of what a bathroom can do.
"Cedric?" She said.
"Yeah." He said near the bath taking off his school robe to reveal an old white t-shirt and swim trunks.
"I didn't bring a swimsuit or anything." Hermione stated.
"Oops, meant to tell you that. Sorry."
"It's ok, I just be on the side."
Hermione took off her school robe to reveal a cream colored pajama top that was light and light pink pajama shorts that went just above her knees. Hermione kept telling herself, "It's just a boy, it's just a boy who's more attractive than anyone I've ever seen. Stay cool, don't get weird." Cedric had to keep telling himself, "She's only 15, but she's the youngest I've dated. Stay cool, Lukas pry has done this I think. No he hasn't at least not with a girl who's as beautiful as she is."
"You look nice." Cedric said in a more awkward way than usual.
"Thanks." Hermione said back.
He decided into the water then came back up. When he did, he saw Hermione's eyes wider then they were before he went down into the water.
"Why? Just tell me why your hair looks good wet." Hermione said.
"It's just wet hair. Why do I look anymore better with dry hair?"
"Let's just say it's better than mine wet. Ginny would have called it very nice wet hair and perfect."
"Oh yeah, heard your little conversation when I met you and the Weasley's at Quiditch World Cup. You and Ginny were talking about the most attractive boy."
"You heard?"
"Heard every word. The conversation with my father and Potter talking about me gets very old. When I heard the word 'attractive' then I tried to listen which wasn't hard. You and Ginny whisper loud enough for me to hear but not loud enough for Ron, Fred and George to hear."
"Yeah, Ginny and I talk about that sometimes."
"Anyway, you think in attractive?"
" attractive."
"Have you seen anyone else like me? I mean Lukas Miezer, Carson Fickle and Max Miren. Apparently we are the most attractive in our year."
"Who said that?"
"Girls that aren't you."
   "I'm not the other girls apparently."
   "You are not like any of the other girls. Don't let them try to think who you aren't."
   "I try not to. The Slytherin's try to but they haven't hurt me well."
   "I told you, I'm always here for you."
"Anyway, the egg." Hermione quickly said trying to change the subject.
"Yeah the egg."
Cedric and Hermione were trying to think of what to do. Zero ideas came up that made since. What would you do with an egg in the bathroom?
"Have your thought of why Moody told you to the with your egg?" Hermione asked.
"No. I just thought he drank to much pumpkin juice or something. He's a little crazy am I right?" Cedric said back.
"Maybe under the water? It can work."
"Random idea, do you think it will work Hermione?"
"We better try or we will never find the right answer."
   "You kinda sound like Lukas a bit."
   "I know, he's so inspirational sometimes."
   "Yeah, he's great of that out of the four."
   "Anyway the egg!"
Both students dipped their heads in the water. Cedric opened the egg. It opened to golden light and bubbles inside.

Come seek where our voices sound

We cannot sing above the ground

   And while you're ponder this

We've taken what you sorely miss

An hour or so you have to look

To recover what we took

  But pass an hour, the prospect's black

   Too late, it's gone, it won't come back

"What was that?" They both said at the same time when they got out of the water. The golden light gave them more ideas but may have also sparked a little more. A love spark. They didn't even notice a spark came up to them.
"What do you think it was?" Hermione asked. "It was weird."
"Mermaids the Black Lake. I remember from Hogwarts History class."
"They must have stool something and each Champion only has an hour to find it."
"I'm going have to figure out how to breathe under water then. For an hour."
"You should look it up tomorrow. The thing will be gone forever if you done get out."
"Yeah, I'm going to get out now." Cedric said as get got out and grabbed a towel. "Thanks for joining me.
"No problem." Hermione said. "We should this more I mean we should talk more often. Not the bathroom part again."
   "Yes we should, remember I'm always here for you."
   "I'm here for you also."
   Before they said their goodbyes Cedric gave a light kiss to Hermione.
   "Goodbye Hermione."
   "Goodbye Cedric."

Both students left toward their common room. Hermione entered seeing Ginny near the fire.
"How was it?" Ginny automatically asked.
"What?" Hermione questioned.
"You and your time with Diggory."
"Diggory?" Ron said as he came down from his dormitory.
"Ron you come at the worst time again." Ginny exclaimed.
"Pretty Boy Diggory?" Ron said to Hermione.
"Ron, why do you use that name for him?" Hermione asked.
"Ok, first of all, Seamus made up the name so you can't accuse me. I mean the name is true about him. He's a pretty boy named Diggory so Pretty Boy Diggory works well for him." Ron stated.
"Well for your information Ron, Cedric calls that name a complement. Also we were at the library again. Yes it was a late night study but it was at the library." Hermione said.
She knew this lie will end out bad but she couldn't dare to sound like she turned back on them. The truth will come out soon just it's not time to. Will it? Ron will learn eventually from someone.
"Again? You and Diggory always go there." Ron stated. "Well, I just wanted to say hi. Also I haven't seen you in a bit. You two can talk all about it. I'm not staying though because the library sounds boring." Ron said as he left to go back to his dormitory.
"I thought it was going to be worse." Ginny said. "Tell me all about it! Actually, I've got some news."
"What is it Ginny?"
"Some asked me to go..."

Summary: Cedric and Hermione found out the clue to the second task. Ron always came at the worst times when some juicy news came from Hermione. Ginny had some news also. How will the second task end out? Will Ron know Hermione went to figure out the clue? What's Ginny's news? Also what about the Yule Ball?

AN: Hey readers. So sorry I haven't posted in a long time. I have chapter 10 read to type on my phone. I don't know when I'll post it. It should be out in a week or two. Hope your liking the story so far. Also thanks for 100+ reads on Chapter 1. Now can you read more than the 1 chapter or no? Thanks for all of the votes. I'm very busy through the week so that's why the chapters are published on weekends.

AN: Yes I added more to it. It's seems way better and I went through it. The new additions seem better in my case. Thanks for 500+ reads! I will publish Chapter 10 tomorrow. Next Saturday, there will be no new chapter because I have a horse show to go into. I promise I will post ASAP! I hope you like it!

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