Excuse Mr Alpha Sir Your Step...

By ImperfectionsIsMy

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Image knowing someone your whole life, living with them and everything. Only to find out everything you have... More

Excuse Mr Alpha Sir Your Stepping On My Tail Can You Kindly Get The Hell Off
Chapter 2 Stupid Son Of A Wolf
Chapter 3 His Personal Maid
Chapter 5 Cant Breathe Anymore

Chapter 4 Dance Of Remembrance

454 16 9
By ImperfectionsIsMy

Among the many things going through my head, right the most important thing is; how I feel about Luke touching my arm! Here I am in his house, his room, his domain and he is tracing my arm right now. Between his constant rantings and badgering me to do things, his touching is driving me insane! 

"Please stop touching me." I stated, bitterly grinding my teeth together as his fingers traced over my arm. "It really bothers me."

"Get use to it Vivian. Your mine from now on. Besides. . "He whispered, moving closer to me as I stepped backwards. Luke pressed his lips against mine and continued to remind me how I made these arrangements on my own will. "You agreed to these terms." 

I let him press his lips against mine. It is sad that I am getting use to his touches, his kisses and even sometimes I enjoy them. I don't know why I feel that way. All I know his when he is around my tattoo burns and my body screams in desire for him. Luke began to move his lips against mine I responded to his advances not realizing that I was beginning to lean on him. 

"I need you to get dress up for tonight. There is a party and your my guest." Luke informed me, pushing up the edges of my shirt exposing my belly. His hand moved around my tummy and worked it's way to my lower back. "I have your all your items, clothing set up in your room so please make your self presentable. Mary will be in the room shortly to help you do your make up and hair." 

With that he kissed my lips one more time and ushered me out of his room and into the hallway. My mouth was slightly open from his speech about tonight. It was always like this with Luke. Oh that is right, I have been at his house for over a month now. I have been running in and out on his whims. which is bloody insane. 

I grumbled to my self before walking my way down the hall to my room. I stopped half way in the hall and closed my eyes. I felt small droplets of tears fall down, I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss home. I have not been allowed to see any of them. I had to transfers schools which was a nightmare. A bunch of rich brats! I wiped away my tears as I stumbled into my room, first thing I wanted to do was plop down on my bed. Maybe if I threw a fit he would get upset and then I wouldn't have to go. 

I flung my self onto the bed burying my face into my blanket I brought from home. The scent of my mother flooded my senses and I felt calm. My eyes slowly began to drift shut as I relaxed to the soothing scents and before I knew it I was asleep. 


"Vivan, wake up." someone was saying this as they repeated poked my side. I made a noise groaning before turning the other way and ignoring it. I was having a good dream and did not want to be woken up. "Vivan come on we are going to be late."

"Mmm Luke leave me alone." I moaned, curling into my blanket. I smiled to my self cuddling into the blanket. 

Just when I thought the person left my body was flung over someones shoulders and my eyes snapped opened. I saw Luke carrying me some where which looked like the bathroom. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just went back to sleep. I have been so tired lately that I just wanted to sleep right now. I felt my body being softly put down on warm sheets that felt nice against my skin. Luke shifted his hands around my body taking off my shirt. He then made his way to my shorts pushing them off. 

"Vivan, I am going to change you." he mumbled, trying hard to keep his focus on his job at hand. "Try to make it easy for me." 

For a moment there I thought it was my mother saying that but when I realized that. my mother didn't have a deep sexy voice my eyes snapped opened and I saw Luke standing there with my shirt in his hand. 

"What the hell LUKE!??!?!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I grabbed my shirt and threw it on my body pressing it closely. "Throw a bucket of water on me or something if I don't wake up BUT DO NOT CHANGE ME!!!!" 

"Do not raise your voice at me!!" he growled, his fangs slightly visible. My eyes grew wide and I jumped back on the bed. "Do not ever raise your voice at me I am your alpha." 

I nodded my head in pure fear. I had never seen him that angry. I think I challenged the inner alpha wolf inside him and pissed him off. 

"Get ready now. We are late as it is." he stated, walking out quickly. 

I think my heart skipped a beat when he slammed the door close behind him. I quickly flung off all my clothing climbing to the dress. It was a beautiful black and red dress, that has a back open where it was laced back and forth almost like a corset. It went down to my mid thigh and there lightly strands handing loosely around my thighs. It was embedded with sliver crystals and it crossed around my neck. I slipped into the heels that crossed around my ankles. Mary came in just in time to do my make up for me. Once she was done I made my way down the hall to see Luke there in a tux he was matching my colors.

"Behave." was all he said. Before taking my hand and walking me downstairs. 

As we came into the few of the living room my eyes grew wide. It was almost like a ball everyone dressed so elegantly. The curtains had been changed to a dark but yet light shade of gray. There was lace linings all around the ends of the curtains and there were crystal lights all around. It almost seem like a light shimmer to the place. It looked beautiful. I turned to Luke still looking very pissed off. I sighed to my self before disappearing into the crowd making my way to the balcony. 

Maybe I will be safe here I thought to my self. I stood there for a while letting the cold wind grace past my cheeks letting the curls in my hair sway in the wind. They dance along with the wind making twist and turns in the moonlight that was shining down. Making the crystals on my dress glitter in the light. 

This isn't bad its just I miss home so dearly. I heard foot prints behind me and I turned around to see Luke standing there with his hand held out and head tilted slightly. My expression soften a little and I took his hand. It felt warm. comforting safe in a way too. We spun around as he lead the dance. I felt his body press into mine his hand on my hip while his other hand held my own. I rested my free hand on his shoulder letting him move to the beat of the winds brushing past us hastily. 

Just as he spun me around one more time I realized it was a full moon tonight. Wait .. I thought my self and I turned to see Luke's a deep shade of purple almost red and I stumbled in fear.

"Do not run Vivan this is your beginning of your journey." he whispered, placing his lips against my neck grazing his fangs softly against my vein. "Some day we will meet again but for now you have to find who you are. Please forgive me one day for this."

Forgive you for what? Is all I could think. I felt his fangs sink into my neck and a wave of electric waves pulsed through my body. I felt my blood boil, my senses heightened, the vision became stronger and my sense of smell grew. I could smell Luke's scent this mixture of clone and pine. My eyes began to flash different parts of my life as I began to stumble backwards away from Luke. I think I was going to fall. I turned around to see Luke's eyes sadden and he mouthed, 

"I love you Vivan don't be to long now." 

With that all I remember is fading into darkness that I don't remember where was. All I know is the wind was cradling me down to the ground where I was falling and holding me up.  


I know it took me a while to upload this part I hope you enjoy! 

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