The Diamond Milkshake

Od RyptyqIkarusAccuviZ

173 10 13

What happens when you try to mix diamonds into a milkshake? Neither go well together, and surprising circumst... Viac

Chapter 1 - The Request [A.V]


109 5 7
Od RyptyqIkarusAccuviZ

I awoke with a start. Hmm...Where was I? I was about try and answer that and it hit me. Like an anvil dropped form a hundred feet up straight onto me. My Head ached so much that I thought every neuron in my brain must've exploded in one concentrated instant. I tried to reach my temples with my left hand to massage them, but, I couldn't feel it, my left or right arms, it's like I didn't have my arms anymore.

What the hell? And so, I carefully bent my head to see, my eyes trying in vain to pierce through the thick blanket of darkness. As my eyes started to adjust, I saw that my arms were tied up behind a chair. Realization crept into my head, I was tied up in a dusty, dark room on a thoroughly rusted metal chair. As my brain tried to answer these questions, a calm numbness was filling my head replacing the throbbing pain. And I welcomed it with as much fervor I could manage. Well, at least as much as I could with my hands tied behind my back, anyway.

I thought I'd tackle my conundrums one at a time. Why couldn't I feel my arms? Trying to get an answer, I tried to move my arms once again and I realized that they were bound by rope that was tied so tight that my blood flow was very restricted.

Oh, This was not good. As I struggled against the rope, the blood started to flow in slowly but, it brought the feeling back to my arms. As the feeling started to return to my arms, I tried to concentrate my thinking on what brought me into this position in the first place. Ugh! I mentally shouted in frustration as I couldn't remember what had happened.

As I was finally able to get my blood flowing through my arms, the ropes loosened as I shook them around. This is when I finally tried to reach my back pocket, I knew that I had brought my Swiss knife, after all, I never left home without it. I felt over my back jean pocket,  feeling the familiar cuboid bulge, I sighed with relief.

Whoever these guys were, they weren't too careful, or they were underestimating their odds. Well, all the better for me, I mused as I awkwardly tried to reach into my pocket in that tied up state. The ropes weren't making it any easier. I was finally able to reach in and I slowly worked my fingers into the pocket, moving slowly into the corner, where my little prize was stored. I was starting to sweat, the coolness of the place was fading somehow. I'd reached the the little tool, which had more tools in it.I slowly worked my fingers around it and pullled it out straight into the palm of my hand.

As soon I'd gotten the rest of my hand out, I clutched the Swiss, as if it were the holy grail, and in my case, it was going to decide whether I get to get out or not, so, it seemed appropriate, in a way, I guess.

Now came the tough part, trying to pry into the Swiss and flip the knife open. I exhaled slowly, and calmed down, closing my eyes to concentrate better on the task at hand. I felt down the tools set, searching for the knife, when I finally found it, I reached in with my fingernail, and slowly pried the knife loose, I was about to work on the secure bonds that held me, when I heard footsteps outside the door, I immediately froze. Shaking my head, I tried to listen to the voices, starting to work my magic on the ropes.

"Man, you beat that kid up pretty good, I'll bet he's still out of it.", said a gruff voice. "Yeah, but, he didn't go down without a fight, that stupid kid! I still have that bruise on my feet when he tried to stamp me", replied a lower but, firmer voice. "Hyuk! What are you, a wimp, letting a kid get to you like that", said the gruff one. "Humph! Well, Whatever, It doesn't  really matter now", said his buddy, as the footsteps finally closed in front of my holding place, I really didn't know where I was. So, as they came in, I tried to take a look outside, while I pretended to still be unconscious. 

I couldn't see much through my mostly closed eyes, but, I saw, two men, one muscular enough to block the door by his sheer size alone, so, I couldn't see much out side except that it was only lit by a lone incandescent lamp. The other guy was shorter, but still was dressed the same way, both of them had on a worn out t-shirt, and faded jeans. But, somehow the shorter one just didn't seem like he belonged with the other goon, as I saw his face. Did I really fight this guy? It didn't seem like it. 

Where-ever this place is, it sure doesn't have any windows, so, I immediately thought of all the place where there wouldn't be a need for windows. And, one word popped up, 'underground'. So, I was being held somewhere below the surface.  

"Hey, Rhody! I think he's still unconscious. What do we do, now?", asked the short guy, to which Rhody replied, "You heard the boss, we'll have to come back later to see how much he knows, Andy". "Do we really have to kill him, if he knows too much?", asked Andy. "You're new, Andy, You'll learn that people who don't understand their place, gets a new hell", said Rhody, mysteriously. Andy gulped hard, and replied, "Alright, we'd better go check on the other prisoners." "Yeah, that girl was getting restless last time, better we get rid of her now, before she gets all riled up". Andy just nodded with a worried look and went off after Rhody.

Oh, shoot!  These guys meant serious business! And, another prisoner? Oh, man, I'd better get to work on these ropes and fast! I started to panic, and then my trained instinct kicked in, and I slowly started to calm down as I took slow, calming breaths. I shook my head, my headache had returned. Well, that's just great!

I was just about done with my ropes and as I cut the last of the bonds which held me loose, my hand slipped and the Knife fell out of my grip, it fell with a soft thud, Shoot! Did those guys hear it fall? If that's the case, then I might be dead. I waited and listened for a few seconds, I heard no response.

Whew! I calmed down a little, when I head a voice, "Hey, I think I heard a noise over there". It was that Rhody. "Fine, whatever, maybe the kid's up, just check it out quick and lets get the hell out! This place gives me the creeps!", said Andy. Rhody just smirked, "Creeps? What are you a teenager? Now try and steel your spine a little", I heard the voice as it got closer and closer.  I heard his footsteps and then heard the lock on my cell being opened. But, I was ready, I had a weapon, and my arms were completely loose!  The door opened, and I jumped on the muscular man.

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