The Originals Imagines

De beautygirl701

26.2K 336 60

This book will be filled with different imagines with the original family and maybe even some crossovers with... Mais

MIKAELSON FAMILY+THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (Nicklaus/ Daughter) Imagine Part 1
MIKAELSON FAMILY+THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (Nicklaus/ Daughter) Imagine Part 2
Mikaelson Family+ The Vampire Diaries (Nicklaus/Daughter) Imagine Part 3
Mikealson Family+ The Vampire Diaries (Nicklaus/Daughter) Imagine Part 7


2.4K 45 7
De beautygirl701


I looked over at my daughter's burned body. 

You are going home my little wolf....


We had finally wrapped up my daughter's body and put her in the back of the vehicle. I looked back over to the Salvatore Mansion and saw the whole gang mourning the loss of their family and friends. I looked at each of their faces and they were upset but I could not care any less. They took the life of my daughter, they now know the pain. I turned around again when I felt a presence behind me. I could smell her sweet perfume that use to be intoxicating. I turned around and faced her with tears streaking my face. "Klaus, I am so sorry, I never thought..." she said trying to make up for their mistakes.

"No, you didn't think, you just let a innocent soul die at your hands," I said with anger and sadness. "Please Klaus, I still care about you, I never knew she was your daughter," she said trying to come closer to me. I stepped away from her and looked her right in the eye," you took the life of my child, the only thing that matters more than myself, that can never be forgiven." I turned towards my SUV and closed the hatch. I looked at her one last time. "Goodbye Caroline," I said with sadness and grief. I turned away from her and opened the door and got into the back of the vehicle with Hayley on my left and Rebekah on my right. Elijah was in the driver's seat.

Elijah looked at me through the mirror and I nodded my head despairingly. He started the vehicle and the others drove off first and then we began out descent back home.  Hayley and Rebekah both grabbed each of my hands and laid their heads on my shoulders. They still had tears dripping from their eyes. I felt numb to the core, like I couldn't breathe anymore. I rested my head on Hayley's and stared off at the road silently crying for my child.

It is going to be quieter at home and in my heart...


            We were finally on our way home. Yet, this time it was quieter. My best friend is now dead. I felt like I lost a part of myself. (Y/N) and I were as close as they could get. She was practically the sister I have always wanted. Kol had to carry me to the vehicle because I was drained, physically and emotionally. I had Kol's arm wrapped around me and I was pressed into his side. Marcel sat next to me and Freya and Finn were in the front seats. I looked over at Marcel and all I saw and felt was sadness and anger and guilt. He knew her better than everyone, he grew up with her. They were sister and brother. I slowly grabbed Marcel's hand and squeezed it to show him I know how he felt and he wasn't alone. He looked at me with tears still falling from his eyes.  

He grabbed my hand just as tightly and brought it up to his lips. He left a kiss on my hand  and just held onto my hand. I pulled him over into my side and let him rest his head on my mine. I felt his tears dripping down his face on our hands. We silently cried all the way back to New Orleans. 


We had finally made it to New Orleans in the early dawn. The sun was just rising over the river. She always liked watching the sun rise and set, even younger she did. Sometimes she would just wake up early to paint the morning sun rising. I watched all the people in the street as they passed. They all had either just got done partying or were getting ready for the new day. They had smiles on their faces while mine had none. We finally made it to the compound and parked the vehicle. I still felt weak in my knees and like I couldn't walk. I had stumbled a little getting out of the vehicle. Rebekah and Elijah had both grabbed my arms and held me up.

I was grateful for them. I was grateful that they had never abandoned me. Finn and Kol went to the back of the vehicle to get my daughter. I wanted to make sure that they were careful with her. Elijah and Rebekah both held my arms until we got into the compound. Camille came walking in with Hope holding her hand. Hayley went and picked up Hope. I couldn't even look at my other child knowing that I lost the other. Camille then looked at me and she knew something was wrong. "Klaus, what's wrong?" Camille asked looking at my grief-stricken face. I couldn't form any words in my mouth. Oh how, I wanted to tell her everything but my brain and heart couldn't work as one.

Elijah and Rebekah helped usher me upstairs. "Freya, Davina, and Hayley will tell you everything Cami," Elijah had said to her as he helped me to my room. Freya, Davina, and Hayley gently pulled Camille into the living area and sat her down on the couches. Rebekah opened the door and I slowly stumbled in. They sat me on the bed and let go of my arms. I kept my head down feeling like a child who was scolded. I knew they could tell I was broken, broken than I have ever been. "Nick, please talk to us," Rebekah asked quietly trying to have me open up. She sat down on my left putting her hand on my back trying to coax me out of my emptiness. I opened my mouth but I could barely get any words out. "Please Nicklaus, say something," Elijah said trying to shake me. 

I looked at both of them and when I opened my mouth this time I just let sobs pour out. "I miss her, I miss her so much," I cried into my hands. Rebekah rubbed my back while Elijah was on my right trying to help comfort me. "She was the first child I ever had and I drove her away. She still loved me enough even in her death," I cried out. Rebekah pulled me into a hug and just let me stay there. Elijah had his hand on my shoulder holding on to let me know he was there. "Shh Shh, it's okay Nick. She always loved you no matter what. You were her father and her hero and she knew you loved her," Rebekah spoke gently in my ear. 

I sniffled a little and then Rebekah pulled me away and grabbed my face. She wiped my tears and held onto my face. "You want to know one thing Nick," she said lifting my head a little. I looked right at her and asked quietly, "what?" "She was always our family and she knew that," Rebekah said and looked at Elijah to say the rest. "And family is always and forever," Elijah spoke squeezing my shoulder. I looked at both of them and they were right. I just had wished I had told her. Elijah then ruffled my hair a little, just like when we were kids. "You should rest Nick," he said slowly getting me to relax a little. 

I nodded my head slowly and just sat down on my bed and took off my shoes. When I looked down at my clothes, they were still covered in the blood of them. Elijah and Rebekah both gave a hug and Rebekah a kiss on the cheek. They opened the door and left. I still sat on my bed when I looked around my room. It was covered either in paintings or journals from long past. I slowly stood up and looked over my items I have collected over the years. I was looking at my paintings and stuff when I see a necklace that I could have sworn that was lost. It was the one (Y/N) made for me as a gift.  It was on a piece of thread and it was almost kind of the shape of Rebekah's necklace. It was black casing but there was a blue gem on it and an engraving of a wolf. She always was so creative as a child. She had told me, "it's a piece of me to keep with you. So when you think you are all alone, you know that I will always be there for you," she said with a smile on her face. I remember everything about that day.

I put the necklace over my neck when I heard a knock at my door.  I sighed a little and muttered, "come in". The door opened and it was Camille. She looked at me with sadness and guilt. "Klaus, I am so sorry, I can't believe what happened," she said as she came closer holding onto my face. I just gave her a small smile and then looked down at my shoes which seem to be the most comfortable thing to look at. "Klaus, if there is anything I can do, please just tell me," she said to me putting her fingers under my chin. I slowly about told her to leave until I decided that I needed someone there for me.

"Stay," I said looking right into her eyes. She nodded her head and she took my hand, leading over to my bed. She took off her shoes. I gave her a shirt of mine she could wear and she nodded graciously. She went to the bathroom and changed. I took off my shirt and changed into a pair of lounge pants. The bathroom door opened and Camille was in my shirt with a pair of shorts. She put the clothes down by the end of the bed and then crawled in over on the other side. I climbed into the bed and she scooted right into my arm. She laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around back. She laid there for a moment until she saw the necklace. "What's this?" she said twirling it in her fingers.

"A necklace that (Y/N) made for me when she was just a child. She told me that a part of her was in it so I was never alone," I said blinking away the little tears. "She will always be with you Nick," she said wiping away my tears. I grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead. "Thank you," I said in a hushed whisper. "You are welcome,get some sleep," she said holding onto my hand and laying her head down. She slowly closed her eyes and she fell into a deep sleep. Me, I had a hard time falling asleep. Then slowly, I fell asleep feeling as though someone or something was watching me.

Over in the corner of the room sitting on a little chair twirling with a necklace around their neck, was someone who just wanted to be home and wrapped up tight in family and love. "I'm always here, and I will come back to you," the voice said crying a silent tear.

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