Everything Has Changed// Tyle...

By OhMyJosh_TayTayAndTy

67.8K 2.1K 2.6K

"I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time. Let me know that it's not all in my mind." More

twenty øne
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twenty føur
twenty five
twenty six
new story!!


7.6K 166 204
By OhMyJosh_TayTayAndTy

A/n: heeeey!! so this story is based off the song Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift :) Btw, you're 17 in the story. Let's begin

•Y/n's POV•

I was sitting on the uncomfortable airplane seat, leaning my head against the window tiredly. We were on our way to Ohio.

My parents decided that we would leave the first day of December so we could stay the whole month, and spend the entire holiday season with our extended family. Part of it was also because they were thinking about moving back too, and they wanted to look for houses and stuff. We had lived in Ohio before, only for a year though, back when I was in fourth grade. It wouldn't really bother me if we did move. Sure, I had friends in New York, where I was living, but I had cousins in Ohio.

I had barely even noticed that the plane was landing until I adverted my attention to outside the window. Once it had fully landed, we grabbed our stuff and left the plane.

We walked to the area where we would pick up our suitcases. I immediately noticed my cousin, Dallas, standing against a wall. He was 3 years older than me, him being 20. He had slicked back, dark brown hair, and light brown eyes. I noticed my other cousin, Selena, who was 17, standing next to him. She and Dallas resembled each other.

I smiled brightly and ran over to them, leaving my parents to stay and wait for the luggage.

"Hey Dal!" I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug.

"How've you been, kid?" He smiled, ruffling my hair.

"Pretty good," I replied.

I turned around and faced my other cousin.

"Hey Selena!" I greeted, pulling her into a hug. "My parents are over there, so we should probably go to them," I said, pointing to where my parents were standing. They both nodded and followed me.


After finally getting our luggage, we threw it into the trunk of Dallas's car. My dad sat in the front, while Selena, my mom, and I sat in the back.

"Dal, don't forget to drive me to the church for choir practice on the way. I'm gonna be late," she told him.

"Aren't you gonna ask your other cousin if she wants to go with you?" He asked, slightly turning to face us.

"Y/n, would to like to come with me?" she asked, turning back towards me.

"Sure," I replied.

Soon enough we arrived at the church, and I stepped out of the car into the cold air, following Selena into the church. When we walked inside, it was completely empty, but she led me into a room where the rest of the choir would be.

The room was mixed with kids who were from the age of ten, to my age. Only a few people looked about the same age as me though.

Selena walked up to the teacher and greeted her.

"Oh, by the way, this is Y/n," she introduced me as she pulled me forward. I gave her a small wave. She smiled back, and Selena and I went to go stand with the other people.

She and I took stood behind a boy who was a few inches taller than me, with a gray hoodie on. I could only see the side of his face, and noticed he had bright brown eyes. He looked really familiar. Maybe he'd been in my class back in fourth grade when I lived here, but I couldn't tell.

When the choir was singing, I didn't sing along because I didn't know any of the words. I just stood there quietly and watched. The boy in front of us could be heard the most amongst everyone else. I focused on his voice, and blocked out everyone else. His voice was beautiful- it hit every note perfectly. I had been so caught up in his voice that I didn't even know long I was listening to him for. The teacher told everyone to take a break, so everyone went to talking to their friends.

Selena turned to me. "So how'd I do?" she asked.

"Great," I replied, smiling. I didn't want to tell her I wasn't really paying attention to her voice, but I doubt she sounded bad.

I saw the boy with the brown hair talking to his friend, and he stopped to leave the room. I assume he was going to go to the bathroom. Maybe if I went to the bathroom, I could see him on the way.

"Hold on, I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I told Selena, walking out of the room.

Maybe if I get a closer look at him, I can see if he really was in my fourth grade class. If he is, hopefully he notices me first, because I don't like approaching people.

I wasn't looking where I was going, and bumped into someone. I looked up, only to see the brunette boy with bright brown eyes.

"S-sorry," I stuttered nervously.

"It's fine," he smiled, walking past me.

After about an hour, the choir practice was over. The teacher started telling them about a Christmas play, and how'd they be singing after it. She told them what to wear and stuff, but I wasn't going to be in it, so I wasn't paying much attention.

As everyone was walking out, the brunette boy opened the door for me and smiled. I smiled in return.

"I still don't have a car, so Dallas is going to be picking us up," Selena told me.

We started walking towards his car. I heard someone running up behind us, so I turned around to see who it was. It was the brown haired boy.

"Hey, weren't you in my class back in like, fourth grade?" He asked with an adorable voice. So I was right.

"I think so!" I exclaimed. "Tyler, right?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "Aren't you Y/n?"


"Anyways, I've got to go meet my friend for coffee. I'll see you around?" he asked.

"Sounds great," I replied.

He ran off as Selena and I went to Dallas's car.

A/n: yay!! new story!!

also, have any of you guys seen the outsiders?? because i am literally in love with dally

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