The Peanuts Gang in High Scho...

By JadexStyles20

25.7K 338 415

We all know the Good Man Charlie Brown together with his gang. But now that they're in high school, probably... More

The Peanuts Gang in High School


1K 19 40
By JadexStyles20




Linus' POV:

So the last time that happened, we were watching Schroeder's piano playing, and after that, my phone rang with an unknown number. I answered it without hesitation.


"Hi, is this Linus?"

"Yes, uhm, speaking."

"Hi, Linus."

I can't remember where I heard this voice, but boy, it sure is familiar.

"Yes? Who is this?"

"It's Janice. How are you?"


That's where I lost it. She said about moving back here, and being excited to see me once again. It is true, that she never forgot about me.

I am now inside a coffee shop, sitting alone, waiting for Janice. After years and years and years of waiting, I will finally get to see her again. Yes, I am nervous. But this is what I've been waiting for, for my whole life. I am more excited than nervous.

I am wearing my casual blue sweatshirt, and a beanie on top of my head. Of course my security blanket (that turns into a medium handkerchief) was on my hand, and my heart? It won't stop beating fast.

The entrance door opened, and my head quickly turn to see it. A blonde girl, wearing a white dress, behind a pink denim, came in.

She is really pretty. More prettier than I expected.

When she saw me, she quickly walked to me, wearing this big smile on her face, she sat down in the chair in front of me.



We were smiling the whole time.

"Hi." I greeted.

"You don't know how much I've missed you." She stood up, walking to me and giving me a tight hug. I quickly hugged her back, smelling her hair, her sweet scent gives more smile to my face.

"Hey, hey" I pushed her lightly, looking at her. Her eyes were sweating with tears, and I quickly wipe it with my security blanket. "Why? Why are you crying Janice?"

She covers it with a smile, and she goes back to sitting at the chair in front of me. "I'm so sorry for everything."

"For what?" I asked, skeptically.

"For not contacting you after all these years." She pouted, sadly.

I almost forgot that she nearly forgot about me. But the important thing is that, she is here again, we are close again, and she will live here again. "Janice, hey, don't worry about it okay? The important thing is you are right here."

"Yes, I'm going to stay here for good though. My parents also decided to enroll me at your school. We'll be classmates, Linus!" She smiled so big.

"I love you."


I immediately shake my head, chuckling at myself. What was I thinking? I am so fast at saying these words. Linus, please calm down.

"I mean... I would love that." I smiled back at her.

She giggled, looking at me. Those eyes, I've missed them.

"So... Tell me what happened with you, and this place, while I was away."




Schroeder's POV:

It's been a week, after I won second place from my piano competition. And it's been a week, since I last saw Lucy. Things are so confusing, you know?

She didn't attended my competition, she was acting strange about things, about everything. Sad thing is, I haven't even saw her in school.

"Schroeder?" I heard my mom's voice, as she walks inside my room. I took off my headphone, which is playing clair de lune, and faced my mom.

"Heather asked if you're going to pick her up tomorrow?" My mom asked, smiling at me.

"Mom, do girls really just act strange all of a sudden?" I asked, not even minding the question she asked me.

"What? Why? Is Heather alright?" Mom invited herself in my room, as she sat beside me on my bed.

"Not Heather." I groaned. "I mean... One day they're smiling at you, then next day they'll not even going to speak a word to you. Might as well, they'll turned invisible, like you didn't knew each other at all." I asked, skeptically.

"Then maybe, there is a reason, Schroeder."

"Wh- What reason?"

"Maybe you did something, that she didn't like?"

"Mom, I definitely don't understand." I chuckled, but that faded quickly.

"Okay, maybe, you are not aware of what you did, that affects them so much. For example, there's a girl involved."

I knitted my eyebrows together, as I process all mom's words. And seconds after, I think I finally figured it out. I looked at my mom, with hooded eyes.

"Heather." I sighed.

"Do you have a date yet?" I asked, glancing at Lucy. And she turned her face to face me. She shook her head, no.

"Well, if you don't mind, I would like to---" my sentence was cutted by some music.

There's a text from Dad.

-"Son, please come home now, there's an important thing we should discuss."-


Then I went home quickly after I received that, leaving Lucy with an unfinished sentence. When I arrived home...

"What is is you wanna tell me , Dad?"

"Heather, she looked so lonely, you should go to the prom with her."

"What? Heather? The red haired girl? Why?"

"Son, she looked so lonely, you know well that her parents are one of our very close friends. Her parents asked me to tell you that you should take her to prom."


"Dad," I breathed.

"What?" Mom asked.

"Where is dad, mom?" I asked her, but she didn't answer me at all. I got up from my bed and go out of my room. I jogged downstairs, and saw my dad watching a football match on TV.

"Oh hey son." He smiled as he saw me walking towards him. "This match is---"

"Quit playing, dad. Tell me the real reason, why you keep pushing me to Heather." I asked him, with knitted eyebrows.

He sighed, exasperately. " Son, her parents said that--"

"She's lonely? I don't think so dad." I finished the sentence for him. "It keeps me wondering, why you and mom keeps on pushing me to go out with Heather. I don't find her lonely at all, she has lots of friends at school."

"Schroeder, let us explain." My mom spoke as she walks downstairs to join us.

"I took her to prom, because you said she was lonely. I thought I was helping a person, I thought she was depressed or something, she even went to my piano competition by surprise, and I didn't even told her about it. I was surprised that even by going to school, or eating outside, we should go together." I vented out, can't even control myself.

"Schroeder, she is our only chance." My dad said, and my face quickly turned into a questionable look.

"Chance?" I asked, looking at the both of them. They remained silent, looking at the floor. "What do you mean chance?" I asked again, I can feel my heart beat going fast. "Mom? Dad?"

"We're so sorry, Schroeder. This is for your future." My mom sadly spoke.

"I don't understand."

"Our company, son, it went bankrupt." My dad answered me, with a gloomy look. "Th-- that's why we left germany, and go back here. Heather's parents were really rooting for you and their daughter, they owned this big business in---"

"What the hell?!" I groaned, my face shocked. "I can't believe it." I throw my hands in the air, in the most exasperated way.

My dad stood up, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Son, if you marry Heather, I'm definitely sure that you will become the greatest pianist of all time. Heather can provide all the needs, a musician need." My dad smiled, trying to ease the situation.

My fists crumbled, and my jaw tightens. This is not the life, I want. "If the only way to reach my dream, is to sacrifice my freedom, then might as well, forget that dream." I stated, before running out of the house.




Charlie Brown's POV:

I was sitting on the floor, leaning my back at the old brick wall, that Linus and I used to go to. I heard that Linus will be meeting Janice, and I'm happy for him. All those years he waited for her, and now the time has already come.

Anyway, I bring snoopy with me, I took him out for a stroll, since all he ever do at home is to eat, and eat, and eat. But he definitely looked annoyed at me though, for making him walk.

"Don't worry, Snoopy, we'll go home soon. I just need a friend now, and I think that friend is you today." I weakly smiled at Snoopy, and my dog does this irritated look.

"You know what Snoop? I didn't think life will be this hard." My dog looked at me with a skeptical look. "I mean, I know life is hard ever since I was little, because I was always being bullied and such. But I didn't think it'll be harder." I sighed.

By my surprise, Snoopy scoots closer to me as if leaning his head on my lap.

"When I was little, I always wanted to grow up. Because I thought that, when I grew up, I can finally defend myself, I can finally be a man, and be tough. But life isn't about that." I sighed, sadly.

It was a bad month for me, but I guess Heather and I weren't meant for each other. Violet's right though, Heather and Schroeder should be together. But they don't just look cute together, I know Schroeder can be able to protect Heather, unlike me.

"Hey, blockhead."

I turn around to see who it was, seeing Lucy walking over to me, with her hands in her dress pocket. She sat beside me on the floor, also leaning her back on the brick wall.

"And hey, snoopy." She said again, tapping Snoopy's head with her hands. My dog shift his head from my lap, to Lucy's lap.

"Hi, Lucy." I greeted her, giving her a weak smile. "How are you?"

"Not good." She chuckled, continuing on tapping Snoopy's head, as my dog fell asleep. I looked at Lucy and saw her eyes, who looked like she just cried.

"Would you like to go get an ice cream?" I offered her, because I think Lucy needs to smile genuinely now, she's been in a tough situation.

"Hey, Charlie Brown, you're talking as if you're not also hurt?" Lucy looked at me, blankly.

I weakly smiled, looking down. "That doesn't matter, Lucy--"

"You matter, Charlie Brown." The words that fell out of her lips, I can't believe I'm hearing it, especially from Lucy.

"Wow, thank you." I sighed.

"I appreciate how you always try to encourage other people when they're down. But please remember, it's okay not to be okay, and you also need encouragement."

"I don't know what to say, Lucy..." I can't look up at her right now, because feeling like someone cares about you, it's a foreign feeling to me.

"Hey, no pressure, it's okay if you don't have the right words yet. Sometimes, you just have to let yourself feel it. If your angry, you can shout. If your happy, you can laugh. And if your sad, you can cry." Lucy stated, encouraging me, she really is going to be a great psychiatrist someday. "Remember when we were little? We always play and mock each other." She laughed, lighting the mood.

"Yeah, I will never forget how you always ask me to kick the football, but then--"

"You can't even actually kick it, right?"

"Right. Because you always lift it up, when I try to do it!"

"You are so gullible!"

"Am I really?" We laughed, looking back at all the memories when we were kids. It was sure a fun memory to reminisce. Before I can speak anything, I heard Lucy sobbed. I looked at her, and her face were planted on her palms.

"I'm sorry, I'm a mess." She tried to hide it with a laugh, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"If you're sad, you can cry." I used her words against her, that made her giggle.

"Using my words against me huh? good ole charlie brown." She laughed again, and then suddenly started crying.

I looked at her in sadness, I can definitely see myself like her. Sad and emotional because of Heather. I put my arms around her, tapping her sides, whispering words that can calm her.

"It's good to have you right now, Charlie Brown. My friends--- I don't even know if I can call them friends anymore, it's so hard." She looked up at me with teary eyes. "I really really like him, Charlie Brown."

That pains me so much. I can definitely feel Lucy's situation, liking someone who doesn't like you back?

I continue on tapping her shoulder, and she put her head on mine. "We will be happy again, Lucy. We will be, I promise you."




Sally's POV:

I was still in my room, lying on my bed, with my blanket covering me. It's saturday, I'm glad there's no school today. But also sad, because Janice will move here today.

I'm happy for Linus, because he can finally be genuinely happy. He really waited for this moment, all his life. I guess, I should just think that seeing him happy, will make me happy.

So, I wasn't in the mood lately. But I bet my big brother too, since what Schroeder and Heather do to him. My big brother doesn't deserve this, he's a good person. And I feel very sad for him, I wish there's something I can do to help him, to help him ease the pain that he's been feeling.

A loud ringtone blurted out in my room. I got a text from Shermy.

-"Hey Sal, wanna go to the mall? x"-

Maybe this is what I need today.




[fast forward]

"So, what film do you want to watch at the cinema?" Shermy asked me, smiling as we enter the mall.

"I don't know, you decide." I shrugged.

"Are you into horror films?"

I immediately glared at him, "No, definitely, duh." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, so let's choose sci-fi then." Shermy excitedly said as we walk on.

"Can we grab something? Like ice cream?" I smiled awkwardly, scratching the back of my head.

"Sure, Sal. Let's go."

We went to this ice cream parlor, walking forward to the counter as we wait in line.

"I want strawberry please." I told Shermy, and he just smiled at me. "What?"

"Nothing." He smiled more, as he looked at the menu. He, then, turn to tell my order. "Uhm, one strawberry for my lovely date." Shermy then, payed for it, and suddenly his phone rang, "I have to get this fast, Sal." He said to me.

"Sure, go on." I nodded at him, and he walked out of the shop.

I was standing there, staring at the menu, as I wait for my order. Well, looking at it, chocolate and vanilla looks yummy too. But whatever I do though, strawberry will always be my favorite.

"One strawberry scoop!" The ice cream crew fom the counter, spoked.

I immediately walked forward, saying, "That's mine."

"That's mine." another person talked beside me, as she walked to grab the ice cream.

I looked at her, irritated. "I was here first."

"Oh, I'm very sorry, I thought it was mine because I ordered mine a few minutes ago." She is so annoying. But anyway, I have to be nice now, new sally remember?

"Okay, then get it."

"Uh no, it's okay you get it."

I cringe my face at her, as I get the ice cream. "Okay, thanks."

"Strawberry is my favorite too." She smiled. She is starting to piss me off, I didn't even ask for her favorite flavor! I was just here to get ice cream!

"Yeah, nice." I said, mockingly, as I eat my ice cream.

"Oh, Hi Sally!" I turn my head to who said it, and oh joy, it was Linus. "So you knew each other now?" He pointed his fingers towards me and the girl.

Oh shi---. What? So this annoying girl is--?

"Oh, you're Sally." She smiled. "I'm Janice, and I'm so sorry about the ice cream." She apologetically looked at me, and Linus put his arms around her. Wow, what a view.

I silently continue on eating my ice cream.

"Why what happened?" Linus asked.

"I accidentally thought her strawberry ice cream, was mine, so.." She shyly stated. That's right, be shy, you're trying to get what's mine... oh, wait--

I try to put on the best happy expression on my face, and continue on eating my ice cream.

"Hey, Sal, the show's going to start--" Shermy said, walking inside. As he saw Linus and Janice in front of me. "Oh hey, Linus and---?"

"She's Janice." Linus proudly introduced her. Oh joy.

"I want to talk, but I'm sorry, Sally and I will be late for the show." Shermy apologizes, and he looked at me. "Let's go, Sal?"

I nodded at him, as I walk on.

"Hey, Sally," Linus started speaking, as my fragile self, turn around for him. "Uh, have a nice day." He smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled back, and turned around to follow Shermy.

That was sad, seeing them together. But anyway, Ice cream first before anything.




Schroeder's POV:

I don't know where I'll go. After finally knowing what my parents' plans, it started to make me feel weak. I definitely lose all the chance and time that me and Lucy can share, just for the sake of my selfish parents' plans. I hate myself for being too dumb at this situation. How awful is that? You're so good at music Schroeder, you read notes, you play well, damn, you know Beethoven's life, but you can't even figure the problems in your own life.

I want to vent out all my emotions by playing Beethoven's moonlight sonata in movement three. But how can I? I know myself too much, I'm too weak without music. I can't express my feelings without music, but--

When I looked at the old place, me and the gang used to visit, the view wasn't really what I was expecting.

I saw Lucy and Charlie Brown, sitting on the floor with Lucy's head on Charlie Brown's shoulder, and Charlie Brown's arms are around her. For the first time in my life, without my piano, without the help of music, tears fall from my eyes.

Are they really together? I thought Lucy only bullies him at school. But, wait, why am I tearing up? What is this? Is this for Lucy? Am I jealous? Schroeder, what is happening to you? This isn't you.

I quickly turn around, running to the opposite direction. This isn't the senior year that I was expecting.




(Author's note:

I'm so sorry for a very sad chapter. But Wowser, it's been what? Four years? I didn't know that someone will actually read my story! And seeing all your comments and feedbacks, is making me really motivated and happy! I'm sorry for being gone for too long though (that was very long, indeed). But I hope, you still get to read this. I re-read the whole book from the start just to be reminded of what my plans are, for this story. I am going to do my best to write more, please please don't stop commenting and sharing your thoughts and reactions, it really helps me to be motivated! Love u guys so much!

I want to leave questions for you guys to answer.

1. How are you doing, especially with this quarantine/lockdown that is happening?

2. Would you agree if I change the book's cover? I've been thinking about it!

love, your very-well-late-updater-author-, JadexStyles20 ♡)

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