Give Me Strength

By Rain_Enby

15.7K 389 486

*TRIGGER WARNING* Dan Howell has been bullied for as long as he can remember. Phil Lester is the bully. Phil... More

31 {Last Chapter}
Alternative Ending


244 10 24
By Rain_Enby

The banging got louder, Phil and I were huddled in the corner of the room. We could hear Phil's mum screaming from outside of the room pleading for Rick to stop banging and to get out of the house. He wasn't doing as she said and kept banging, clearly trying to bang the door open.

Phil was in hysterical tears next, shaking. On the verge of a panic attack. I was internally freaking out, trying my hardest to look strong for Phil who was not handling it.

"Dan, what's going to happen" his voice was barely a whisper, obviously, so that Rick wouldn't hear him..

"I-I, I um, don't know beautiful" I copied the whisper, kissing him on the forehead and rubbed soothing patterns on his back.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY GODDAMN HOUSE RICK AND LEAVE MY SON'S ALONE" we heard a yell from outside, Phil's mum.

The banging stopped, next we heard a shriek of terror, a slapping sound... Then silence...

"MUUUUUUM" phil yelled to his mother, she wasn't making a sound anymore.

We heard a evil laugh afterwards before the banging continued. We were both emotionally wrecked, torrential tears falling down.

The door was cracking, we crawled further into the corner together. Phil kept whispering 'Mum please be ok' over and over again.

This can't be happening, this is not real. A psychotic lunatic severely hurt or worse to Phil's mum who is silent now. He is coming after us trying to get into the room. He's gonna get us and I'm scared of what he's going to do to us once he finally makes his way through the locked door.

"Dan, i'm scared"

"Me too". I tried to stay as strong as possible but is really hard when I have no hope, my boyfriend is in distress and his mum is hurt.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" Rick's voice echoing in our eyes, I could feel Phil jump at the sound of his voice.

"I'm going to get you" this time he said it quieter through evil laughing.

The door cracked even more at this point. We could see him through the cracks as he banged harder and harder. This guy doesn't give up. I would have called the police but we both left our phones on the lounge, where we both fell asleep, while we went to investigate the noise.


We both screamed in unison as the door broke down falling down by the end of the bed. I noticed Phil closed his eyes as Rick slowly walked towards us. He reached down and grabbed Phil by the hair pulling him up so they were face to face. I cried hysterically.

"DON'T FUCKING TALK BACK TO ME YOU LITTLE TWIRP" he then threw him back at the ground towards, I caught him to stop him getting as hurt.

"Leave him alone" I retaliated back at him. He then turned to me.

"oh, boy does someone have some balls." he kicked Phil towards the broken door whilst he walked up to me looking back at Phil who was shaking, looking up at me with eyes that said "I'm sorry", I returned a reassuring look to say 'it's ok'

"I'll be back to you faggot"  referring to Phil. He then turned back at me.

"Oh, Dan, Dan, Dan.. DID YOU NOT HEAR ME TALK TO YOUR FAGGOT BOYFRIEND TELLING HIM NOT TO TALK BACK TO ME. ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT OR SOMETHING" he lifted my up by the collar and I closed my eyes, patiently waiting for impact, he then threw my at the wall and started kicking my repeatedly, punching my face multiple times until I couldn't physically move but I was still conscious.. Just..

He had a smirk of accomplishment before turning his head back to Phil. I wanted to tell at Phil to run but I couldn't speak. All I could do was watch as he beat the living daylights out of him. Soon Phil's screams and cries of pain and suffering turned to silence.

After he finished and was satisfied he left the room and down the stairs. I heard smashing downstairs but I ignored it and used all my strength to lift my self up and crawl over to my lifeless boyfriend.

No, no, no, no

I checked his breathing.. Nothing.. He was. Dead.

I cried so hard but I couldn't stay. My boyfriend and his mum are dead. I couldn't stay or he would come back for round two. I saw an opening. I slowly walked to the stairs and descended cautiously. He was in the kitchen with his back turned. He was sharpening a large knife, obviously going to use it on me. It terrified me.

When I knew he definitely couldn't see me I quickly ran out the door, making sure not to close it, because then he would no I left and we would have come after me.

I couldn't live any longer knowing my boyfriend and only kind of family I had left was dead and there was a psychotic lunatic after me, so i notified the police who said they were on their way to the house but I went the complete opposite way. I had to make sure he wouldn't be loose in town to get any more Victims. He must know I'm missing by now so I hope the police get there and arrest him soon. They definitely will arrest him after finding Phil and Mrs Lester's body's there.

I kept on walking to the bridge by the high school. In just a few hours everybody will be starting the school day and I'll be gone and so will Phil.

By the time I reached the bridge it was super late, about 2am. So it was a ghost town out here, no cars to be seen. I climbed over the edge and stood there for a few minutes with the cold enveloping me.

"I love you Phil. I will see you in the afterlife"

I heard sirens in the background, I smiled before I let go of the rail letting my self fall into the deep water below me being taken by the water.

"Hey Bear"

"Hey Lion"

I did it, I finally made it to the afterlife, Phil and I can finally be together forever with no distractions.

I'm finally happy.


Sorry if this made any of you cry(vote or comment if it did. I really want to know)

There will be one more chapter with the reactions of anyone/ a little funeral scene..



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