The Emergence Of The Alpha Tw...

By YOLOwriting101

942K 27.4K 3.6K

"You belong to us." "Not one of us, but both of us." "We will share you." "For you are our mate." "We're bo... More

1. Who Are They?
2. Gut Feeling
3. No...
4. Impossible
5. This Isn't Normal, Sorry, But Not Sorry.
6. Food Fight
7. Coy, You're My Only Friend
8. Dexter
I like me some QUESTIONS!
9. Ernest
10. Only To Understand
11. Learning 'Bout The New Me
12. I'm The New Luperca?
13. Embracing
15. Nightmares/Truce
16. Comfortable Kisses
17. Where'd Ernest Go?
Part 2
18. Is This A Game To You?
19. Elizabeth/Monster
20. I am What?!
21. Chocolate's My Favorite Food
22. Secret Stupida** Brother
23. Her History
24. Birth of Four
25. You F**cking Bit Me!
26. Baby Class My Ass
27. Chienne
28. Hearing My...Pups?
29. Lewd Payback
30. Babysitting...
31. Eyes
32. Odd Feelings
33. Hybrid Twins
34. Infuriating
35. Stressed Out
36. Some Information
37. I See You
38. Final Battle
E. 1
E. 2
E. 3
E. 4
E. 5

14. Hi...Awkward...

24.6K 725 108
By YOLOwriting101

"How long has it been?" I raise my eyebrows, as Ernest counts his fingers.

"I believe you haven't seen them for about two months, almost three." He nods like he's accomplished something, but I'm the most puzzled.

We are standing in front of my old apartment complex. I am at the doors and am afraid to walk through. The last time they saw me we were abandoned by Jack and- What ever did happen to Kelly on that night she disappeared?

Is she missing like I was, or is she fine?

"We don't have all day. If you really miss your friends, then we need yo hurry up so that we can search for the Couteaus hide out." I look to Dexter as he pops his neck, then the twins push me in front.

"Lead the way." I start walking as everything feels foreign. I go through the doors and smell an aroma I did catch before or notice last time. Its...almost sea water.

I glance at them, their noses scrunched up as they smell it too. I head to the elevator, they climb on as I press my floor. Slowly the doors close, causing us to now wait.

"Did I ever mention that one of the Couteaus sons named Liam lives here?" When I said that their bodies tensed, jaws clenching.

"You are telling us this now? What if we encounter him!?" Dexter hisses, but I roll my eyes.

" He doesn't know who you both are-."

"Not unless he can remember us from ten years ago. When he tried killing us when he was a teenager, obviously he failed." Dexter and Ernest snickered as they remembered something.

The elevator doors opened as I rushed out, running to my room door as I saw the address. 2567.

"Don't do or say anything that'll make them question my existence of still being alive." I tell them as they nod, then I knock.

I hear Jack inside, shockingly enough, and he's sniffing. I hear his footsteps ease closer and hear the lock unhinge from the hole. When the door opens I see him, his eyes droopy as he has stubble on his face. His clothes on loosely as his hair was in a wild frenzy.

But as soon as his eyes looked at me the more I smiled as they got brighter. Then he was crying, his arms wrapping around me as I hugged him back.  I could feel his tears drench my shirt as he hugged me tightly, and I chuckled.

"We thought you were dead..." He mumbles into my shoulder as I understand where he's coming from.

"I'm not dead. I'm alive and well trust me. Just look at me, Jack?" I said softly, pressing my hand to his spine, and then I thought of him, laying the gold dust flow out my fingers into his spine.

He instantly was pulling away as he sighed, relaxed.

"We really missed you, hope you know that. And who are these giants?" I looked to the twins as I saw, they were giants compared to him.

Jack was 6' while they were 6'8 each, tall and couldn't even get inside without ducking.

"We are her-."

"Mates! Like mates as in Australia! That's where they're from. Remember from the bar? Yep, they, uh, found me." I smiled as Jack looked them up and down.

It didn't help as I felt them glaring into my skull as I didn't mention they were mates. Did they forget that we are around humans right now?

"Well! Enough chitchat, get inside and see Lukas and Kelly," I walked in and the twins ducked under the door," Lukas! Kelly! I have a surprise!" He screams as he is running around frantically.

And as I look, I see her walking out my room, Lukas stumbling off the couch, and Jack just the same. I am so confused right now. Did he...let them move in?

Lukas was the first to see me as he jumped off the floor, running at me as he knocked the air out of me. I coughed playfully as we hugged. But soon he was shoved away by Dexter, his eyes wild as I could sense his need to protect me. 

"Dexter..." I growl, and he steps back as I'm his Barrier, rubbing his shoulder as I calm him down.

"Renee!!!! Oh..." Kelly was now in front of me as she was looking at the twins now. She batted her eyes and looked away, popping her hip. But I could tell they weren't interested in her.

"We filed a missing persons report! We all thought you were dead. And...hi." Kelly waved at the twins, but they only started walking around the apartment as Ernest headed into my room and  Dexter headed into the kitchen.

It was...awkward as they went through all our stuff and I heard something rip in my room. I don't think they heard it as Kelly was to busy studying Dexter scavenge in the kitchen.

"What are you searching for?" She asks in a high, sweet voice as he sniffs the air.

"You guys have a special knife of mine. I think...I think you should give it to me." His voice growled and she was smiling at him as Jack and Lukas were baffled.

I laughed awkwardly as the attention was now on me. Ernest was running out my room as he was holding dirty laundry of mine. I raised my eyebrows as I looked at everyone awkwardly.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a dull whisper as I tried not to show my awkwardness, this was awkward enough.

"Can I keep your dirty clothes? It smells good...!" He sniffed my dirty shirt that I wore a long time ago.  I was shocked why that wasn't cleaned, but I shrugged like this was normal.

"Sure. Why though?"

"Because, I love smells like this." He fished out one of my old pairs of underwear and I blushed as Jacks face blushed furiously.

"Okay! Stop that! Just...just don't make a mess!" I stomped my foot and he smiled happily, running back to my room.

I looked to Dexter as he was holding the Liam's knife. His eyes were furious as he was glaring at Kelly.

"Where'd you get this?"

"Don't know. Ask Jack." Instantly when she said that he was flying across the room to Jack as he was holding the collar of his shirt.

"Did you get this from a man with the last name of...Couteau?" The way he said it sounded actually French. Jack nodded as fear was present in his eyes.

"Um...I think that's enough Dex-."

"We need to leave. Now. Ernest!" He called as he grabbed my arm. Ernest coming out as he held some of my dirty clothes.

We rushed out as I never was able to have a proper conversation with my friends...

As they slammed the door I yanked away as anger could not describe the feeling of how I felt right now.

"What, the hell, was that! You both failed at trying not to hide the fact at what you are you hear me! You. Both. Failed!!" I yelled.

They were just staring at me blankly, their heads quickly snapping at the sound of a door closing. Once Dexter sniffed the air his eyes were black and quickly, I saw Ernest's change too.

"He's here. He's walking over here right now! Go hide, NOW!" Dexter shoved me as I fell, watching as Liam was turning the corner. He was clueless, his eyes surprised as he saw the twins rushing at them at full speed.

But in a quick second he was pulling a knife out his pocket, his eyes filling with excitement.

"Come at me wild animals! He shrieked. His body ducking under Ernest, but Dexter was quicker, shoving him onto the ground as he got on top.

I stood, their eyes flying towards me.

"Renee stay the fuck down!"

"Renee? Help me!! They are werewolves like I told you! Look in their eyes!" He barked, his act seemed so real but I knew it was all lies. I could feel it in his gut as it squeezed with odd guilt.

"I don't think you want me helping you. I'm just like them now."

"No...they changed you..." His eyes really showed sadness, his mouth opening to say something. But Dexter smacked his head into the floor, knocking Liam cold.

Everything was quiet like nothing even happened. Liam was knocked out, Ernest grabbing the knife from Liam while holding the other one from the apartment, and Dexter throwing Liam's body over his shoulder. I was flabbergasted, and didn't have the words to describe my shock.

So this is the real world...? People are like this? Some Werewolves and some hunting them for prize? It's funny to me that I thought the world was only full of humans and animals and bugs. I didn't think that there was actually beings that you only hear in movies. Are vampires real? Is the boogie man actually a thing too?!

"Renee you didn't tell us that you two were friends-."


"Whatever! He knew you well enough to have light feelings for you. This man right here," Dexter turned around and showed me how Liam hung, unconscious," him and his family have been after Ernest and I for generations. Just makes me want to rip out their throats!" He snarled, stomping forward as I followed.

"Wait, so you want me to do what exactly?" I ask as we exit the lobby, people staring like we've murdered someone.

"You will be a good girl and just wait. You'll see later." Ernest smiled, opening the door to the car as Dexter threw Liam inside." Sit beside him and if he wakes him, just punch him and he'll be out." As I climbed in I was uncomfortable with all this.

The car started and now we were driving. Silence was the only thing happening as Ernest studied the knives and Dexter drove like a freak.

So, I'll just look at Liam.

I rolled him onto his back, smacking his cheek as his head went lopsided. His head now hung over the seat while drool started dripping out his mouth.

I pulled him back on the seat, bored. Until I saw his eyes flutter a little as he started regaining consciousness. I panicked, slapping him so hard in the face he was out.

My hand print imprinted onto his cheek as blood heated to his cheek.

"Woah good job with that knock out. I thought you'd sucker out, high five!" Ernest leaned over his seat and held out his hand for a high five. But I ignored it, not in the mood to high five.

"I don't think she likes high fives." Dexter said. Ernest pouted, facing forward in his seat.

"I thought humans liked high fives. I've seen lots of kids do it at playgrounds. I guess it's...old?" He asked as Dexter shrugged, causing me to laugh.

Ernest laughed too, along with Dexter laughing too. Soon we were laughing for no reason and it cracked me up how much they interpreted things about how humans work.

They were laughing because I was laughing. Now the car was full of laughter and I thought I was going to cry with laughter. Until it died down, everyone back on track.

"Okay, enough funniness, we are nearing the Couteau hideout. In case - if you haven't noticed - we are back in the woods. Their hideout is full of boobie-traps-."

"Hah! You said boobie!" Ernest giggled and looked at me, and when he saw that I wasn't laughing he calmed down." Sorry."

"As I was saying, their hideout is full of boobie-traps that will set off anytime. Just in case, like us for instance, were trying to get in. Not human traps, werewolf traps. And since you aren't human anymore these will affect just as much as they would affect us. So, be prepared to be dodging things and don't inhale anything that smells bad to the nose. That's a signal of danger being present, if you do, warn us. Also-."

"I think I get it, Mom." I mock as he rolls his eyes. We leave the car and I pull Liam's body out. Ernest throws it over his shoulder like Dexter did, and then we follow Dexter as he is sniffing the air.

"Over here. It's up there." He started sprinting up the path at an unbelievable speed. Soon Ernest was doing the same and I thought I wouldn't be able to keep up. I use to be on track but they are fast!

But once I started running I ran faster than how I used to run. I was catching up with them in no time, almost at impossible speeds. When I looked down my legs and feet were blurs, making me fill with excitement.

"This is amazing!" I screamed, hearing Dexter and Ernest laugh at my excited state. I was running ahead of Ernest as he stuck out his tongue. Then I was next to Dexter, he looked at me, his blue eyes piercing with game.

After that he was off, quickly Ernest following pursuit - Liam hanging from over his shoulder tightly.

I sprinted as fast as my legs could take me, soon catching up as I jumped, getting closer. I jumped while running, almost skipping and running at full speed. Then all three of us were next to each other, I in the middle.

We then stopped running as we came upon a huge cabin. I wasn't catching my breath or anything, just having full on fun!

"This is it. We had our fun, now here's where it gets dangerous." Dexter grabbed Liam from Ernest, throwing him through a window.

I gasped in shock, glaring at him.

"What the hell was that-."

"Shush!" He yelled. I was so close to slapping the living daylights out of him until I saw smoke appearing out of nowhere.

It was a neon yellow green color, making me think - antifreeze...smoke?

"Hey!!!" I heard Liam scream. Immediately I heard a gurgling sound of blood and I was running to the window.

"No! Renee!" I jumped through, seeing Liam holding an obvious wild animal. It was gurgling on its last breath from the antifreeze. But he wasn't calling for that, it was a distraction.

He was jumping up as he pushed me onto the floor. When I fell my back stuck to the ground like a magnet.

"Liam wait!"

"Why shouldn't I kill you! You're one of them now! We are no longer friends!" He grabs a shard of glass and is about to stab my eye.

I squirm to the side as I dodge it, dodging another as it came for neck this time.

"Liam! Just listen! Wait!" As I am able to shove my hand onto his face I push it away, only to find him slipping on the ground.

I see gold dust clogging his nostrils as his cheeks are red. He twitches as he giggles like a child, like how the twins acted.

As I stand I breath in the air, only to smell fresh air. The twins are standing outside the door, their nostrils flared. I'm not sure what it is, but I sense anger and confusion.

But when Dexter tries punching the...air he hits something. When he does it ripples out and around me, sending shockwaves through me.

When I look up I see I am surrounded by a gold force field and they are outside it. I run to them, grabbing their wrists as I pull them in.

Once they are in their hands go for their noses, but after a second they drop them.

"What is this?" They ask, and I shrug.

"I'm just as confused as you are." I look at Liam, he still is squirming like a sexually active dog, humping air.

"'s hop to it!" Ernest smiles and I shake my head.

"Stop it."

"Sorry." As I shake my head we walk forward. And as we enter the residence what I see doesn't explain the horror I felt right at that moment. And it had me and the twins covering our ears and on our knees, crying.


Hope you like this. Guess what I did! I left it on a cliffhanger! Hehe.

Someone told me to do this for fun, guess who did, myself! Lame right? Try to IMAGINE what it could possibly be.

Till next Friday!

Luv ya!😘😍🤡🙊🙈🙉🙈🙉🙈🙊

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