Worth Solving {Dylan O'Brien}

By AintThatDevine

771K 17.8K 4.7K

Genesis and Dylan started talking over a wrong number but something compelled them to keep the calls going. A... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
For You, With Love

Chapter Twenty-Eight

13.5K 285 57
By AintThatDevine

A/N: Last day of February! Weird 0.o Currently writing in my Beacon Hills Lacrosse jumper with Lahey 14 on the back :) And holy mother of god 53k? Thank you all!! Xx -Melissa


{Genesis' P.O.V.}

"Welcome to Teen Wolf, Genesis."

I almost couldn't hear the happy outburst from cast and crew around, all of them clapping after Jeff made his announcement. I knew that it was a good chance i'd be working with them, but it didn't seem like it could've actually been real.

Dylan loudly cheered, winking over at me as he stood back with the Tylers and Daniel.

Holland was the first to come up to me, hugging me tightly. "I'm so glad!"

Crystal quickly joined, the three of us nearly tipping over as we laughed.

"Congratulations!" Crystal pulled away, grinning brightly. "This is so great!"

An idea hit Holland, a smile breaking out onto her incredibly gorgeous face. "We have to go out and celebrate!"

"I agree with that!" Keahu swooped in, putting an arm around my shoulders. "Congrats, Genesis." He said with a smile, giving me a hug.

"I heard something about drinks." Tyler Posey appeared next, the small circle seeming to grow. "Where are we going?" He asked me, pulling away from a hug.

"Can't say I know any bars around here." I admitted, this being one of the few times i'd been to Atlanta.

"Well I sure do." Hoechlin said, brightly smiling. "McRoy's, downtown."

Posey turned to Jeff who was looking over a paper with a studio assisstant. "Hey, Davis, when are you letting us free?"

Jeff rolled his eyes, "Maybe an hour or two. We need to finish up the episode and then you can all go."

Hoechlin clapped a hand softly on my back, "Drinks in your honour, then?"

I laughed a little, the entire situation making me feel as if I were on something. "Yeah, sounds brilliant." Glancing over Holland's shoulder, I saw Dylan and Daniel talking. Pretending not to feel a quickened pace in my chest, I continued talking with the people around me.

"Are we safe to announce this?" Crystal asked, holding up her phone in the air. "Give it a wirl around twitter?"

"It's okay, really." I said, timid of the idea.

"Oh, please." Ian got an approval from Jeff and took Crystal's phone, "Dylan, Daniel. Get your asses over here." He called, pulling them from a serious looking conversation. "Picture time to make it official."

Dylan patted Daniel's back, the pair of them coming over to join the photo. Squeezing in between Holland and I, he wrapped and arm around my waist and put one around Holland's shoulders.

"Everyone say Teen Wolf!" Ian suggested hopefully, having to take a step back to get Jeff and JR on the sides. He rolled his eyes at the silence. "Kill joys." Snapping the picture, he made a pleased noise. "Perfect."

Crystal happily moved from my other side, taking the phone from Ian. "I love it!" She cooed, smiling as she pulled it up to tweet. Tapping at her keyboard for a moment, she brightly looked up. "There we go!"

"All right, everyone." Jeff finally said after Crystal tweeted, "Russell is ready for scene ten, how about you all get back into touch ups and we'll go from there. I need to talk business with Genesis anyways."

Dylan stayed next to me while the crowd dispersed. "What would England say to this?" He asked, grinning down at me.

"I don't think she'd believe it. Any of it." I said, smiling up at him.

Dylan kept a smile, leaning down and kissing me softly.

I laughed lightly as he pulled away, "And she definitely wouldn't believe that, either."

Laughing, he pecked he top of my head. "I'll find you once we're done." He said, letting go of my waist. "Do they know that they're taking someone who doesn't do alcohol for a drink?" Dylan asked, started to walk away towards his next scene.

"Guess they'll find out eventually if they didn't catch on the last time we were out." I said, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I nodded off, "Go on then, Stiles." I told him, referring to his extremely Stiles Stilinski clothing.

Dylan dramatically rolled his eyes, leaving the room in a feigned huff.

I shook my head and picked my mobile out from my back pocket. The twitter was always there, but i'd refused to check it since I first got to LA. I knew how things worked when it came to fandoms; a new girl always brought up riots and there would always be someone that would hate. If anything, I was saving myself a panic attack by leaving it alone. But after Crystal posting something, I was itching to see it. Finding Crystal Reed straight off of my Following list, her last tweet had already blown up over the site.

Welcome to the family Genesis

I could tell that I was dumbly grinning at my screen, but it really meant a lot. I was actually a part of this. The thing that took up so much of my life from a bystander point of view was now something that I could help have control over. Who dies and who lives, the fight scenes, relationships. I was able to create a story line with the geniuses behind Teen Wolf.

Perfect was a light way to put my current state.

Saving the picture Crystal had attached of us, I went to Mum's contact and put the photo in a message to her. She wouldn't believe it.

When you have the time I think we're due for a chat Xx

"Genesis?" Jeff poked his head back into the empty room. "We can go over what I agreed on with your professor."

"Sure, yeah." I tucked my mobile away, following Jeff back into the conference room we were in earlier.

"Sorry for making it a big deal, I just knew that they would all be excited for you joining the crew." Jeff apologized, taking his seat back up as I sat down infront of my laptop again. "So, he'll probably talk to you about this more once you get back to LA, but he's agreed to let you take your assignments early so you can work on them on the plane trips back and forth as well as off time. I'll personally make sure that you're not getting too behind because of the show. College comes first, that has to be the deal with this."

"Done." I quickly said, nodding. "Absolutely."

Jeff grinned, "Perfect." He clasped his hands together, "How about we talk about pay?"

"Are you kidding? I would pay you to work on this show."

"As much as I would love to take you up on that, as an employee of mine, you'll be getting a paycheck."

Nearly choking on a cough that decided to come up as soon as Jeff named off a price, I was fully taken aback by how much starting pay was. The only job I ever had was working in a coffee shop in London and it only payed £10 an hour. He was easily being more than generous with this. 

"Are you breathing? I can't tell." Jeff asked, lifting an eyebrow as I stayed extremely silent.

"Neither can I." I breathlessly said, absently pushing back on my fingers. 

"I'll get a contact drawn up." Jeff happily said, "You and your agent can sign-"

"I don't have an agent." I interrupted, not planning on letting Elizabeth worm her way into this one.

Jeff nodded, "All right, then we'll just get one written and you can sign it." 

Pulling out my mobile as Jeff left me in the room alone, I'd pulled twitter back up impulsively. 

New on Teen Wolf; Genesis Venita

Giving the group of us a more secluded area, McRoy's was happy to have us come in. 

"What's everyone getting?" Daniel asked, first up to go order the drinks. After catching all of them rattling off what evers on tap, he turned to me, "What about you, Genesis?"

"Definitely go with what's on tap." Hoechlin suggested, leaned back in a leather sofa between Posey and Holland. "It's always the best you can get."

"I actually don't drink." I said, both Daniel and I well aware of it. "What else do they have here?"

"I'm not actually sure." Daniel pointed a finger behind him, "You can come up and ask the bartender if you fancy."

"Sure," I pushed myself up from next to Dylan, telling him that i'd be right back before walking off with Daniel. "I bet you could've guessed what I'd want to drink and hit it on the bloody nose."

"That'd come off as a bit suspicious, don't you think, Gen?" Daniel asked, dodging a bloke double fisting. "Congratulations by the way. You're a great fit for Teen Wolf."

"Cheers." I replied, absently tucking my chilly arms together as we passed the open door; a group of six coming in. "Can I ask what you and Dylan were talking about earlier?"

Dan nodded, "I suppose you could."

I rolled my eyes, not surprised by his answer. "What was it?"

"I didn't blow anything, I promise." Dan said, "I was just asking him about your, attacks." He looked down to me for a moment, "If you won't say if you're okay, I need to have someone tell me."

"I thought I wasn't a job of yours." I said, ignoring a vulgar stare from a lad at a bar stool.

"But that doesn't mean you're not a priority." Daniel broke out a friendly smile as a 30 something bartender came over to us. "Hi there."

"Evening." He nodded, a flip of jet black hair coifed up. "What can I get you?" 

"We've got the back of the bar so this'll be a big one." Dan warned, "But uh, twenty of what's on tap and a virgin strawberry daiquiri for the lady." 

The bloke nodded "You got it." Making up the daiquiri and three pints to start with, he slid them over to us, "We'll get the rest back to you as quick as we can."

"Cheers, mate." Daniel picked up a beer in each hand, glancing down to me with a small smirk. "Did I guess right?"

Picking up the drink with a flirty umbrella in it and a pint of beer, I rolled my eyes at him, "Like you need to ask." I quietly said, following him as we headed back for the roped off section. 

"Do we play rock, paper, scissors for them or something?" Charlie teasingly called out, spotting Daniel and I coming back with only a total of four drinks. 

Daniel chuckled, handing off the beers in his hands, "They're bringing back the rest in a minute."

Giving Holland the beer I was holding just to tease Dylan, I sat back down next to him with an innocent smile. "What?"

"That was such a jerk move." Dylan flatly said, faking annoyance with me. "That was totally mine."

"Not anymore, kiddo." Holland proudly said, sipping on it and wiggling her eyebrows at Dylan and I. "I mean," She tipped the glass towards Dylan just a little so none of the amber liquid would spill out. "Unless you still want it."

Dylan crinkled his nose cutely, "I'll pass. Your lipstick is all over the glass already." 

Laughing, Holland rose the glass back up to her mouth and took another drink. 

"Did anyone tell the owners that there are a bunch of werewolves in their bar?" The clear voice of Kate Argent cut over the small conversations rummaging around our group of roughly twenty.

Greeting her happily, JR and Crystal made room for Jill to sit down. 

Before sitting down, Jill narrowed her eyes and searched around our circle, stopping on me. Kindly smiling, she held out a hand. "You must be the beautiful Genesis." 

Something about the fact she played Kate made me see a werewolf hunter more than the actress behind the character. 

I must've looked completely stupid, hesitant to shake her hand. "Yeah, hi. It's really nice to meet you Jill."

"First name basis already." Ian commented, "I can smell where this is heading."

Rolling her eyes, Jill plopped down between the two other Argents.

This was really freaking me out.

"If you can't tell by the look she's giving you three," Keahu said to Jill, "Gen watches the show."

I tried to hide an embarrassed laugh, my cheeks flaming up instead. 

An idea came quickly to Jill, a thoughtful and mischevious grin coming across her lips, "You know-"

"Here we go everyone." Two barbacks came up to our reserved space with trays filled with glasses. "Sorry for the delay." 

Jill rasied a finger to catch their attention, "Can I get what she's having?" She asked, pointing over to my pinky drink. 

"A virgin?" The shorter of the two, a girl with purple hair asked, was already assessed with what I was drinking.

"Oh, god no. Make it alcoholic, please." Jill returned her focus to me as the girl skittered off with her partner. "If you're a new writer for Teen Wolf as well as already watch the show, you'd be great for Wolf Watch."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Wolf Watch?"

"It'll be kind of like Revelations; an after show to each new episode of season 4 as it premiers on MTV." Jill told me.

"She didn't get the hint when we killed her off and now we can't get her to go away." Posey said, sweetly smiling over at Jill. "So we just give her shows to host."

"Well," Jill haughtily ignored Tyler, the group laughing, "It'll be coming on when season four starts in January and it'll be after every episode. Basically it'll be me and a couple guest stars talking about the episode that just aired and a Teen Wolf related game plus a few other things."

 "That actually sounds really cool." I admitted, really liking the idea of it.

"Oh, Jill, don't drag her into it!" Hoechlin whined, clearly teasing her. Starting up a little riot, I was momentarily ignored.

Dylan leaned over a little to whisper in my ear. "And now you're officially stuck in my world, Gen." 

I grinned, looking over at him, "You say that like it's a bad thing." 

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