
By Heartless9849

1.9K 88 7

Valentina Katrina DelliBovi. The name fit for a princess. When the apocalypse comes, so did her royalty. Her... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Survivors Part 2!

Chapter 1

192 9 0
By Heartless9849

Emily Didonato as V. K.

Edward Wilding as Carter

Chapter 1

"Interesting accent you have Miss--," the director of the survivors sactuary, John Reed, opens my fake file, "Katrina Moretti." He places it back down on the desk.

I'm at a sanctuary in New York City where another army is located. Its located in a skyscraper, completely walled off from the rest of the disaster thats left. I forged a file to help get me inside and a friend of mine covered for me, saying I'm from a sanctuary in Chicago. The last sanctuary I was at with my parents was in Los Angeles. Far, far, away.

"Yes, well I'm from Italy and I moved to the states when I was 12, before all of this happened. But my fathers parents were from France, my mother was Russian and has a Russian accent, and her parents were German, so I grew up around all 4 cultures. I guess my accent is a mix. Depending on my mood I guess I take on one of those cultures," I chuckle and lie smoothly. Well it was all true, except I moved here when I was 13, and my parents are very much alive but I made it seem like they weren't.

"That's very interesting. What brings you here from Chicago?"

"I guess I like to help out wherever I can. Plus, I lived in Chicago when everything went to hell. I lost my family, and its become very hard to stay there."

"I understand. Well we're happy to have you. What would you like to do here?" He glances back at the file before closing it.

"I want to join your army."

"Are you sure? We don't really have women in the army here, most of them are doctors or cooks. I see you wanted to be a surgeon before everything happened, did you train after the disaster? Maybe it would suit you better." Although that is true, I was planning to be a surgeon and taking medical field courses in high school, my plans changed. That was 10 years ago. My parents did have me go through all the training to become a surgeon because they didn't want me fighting, but I've been training to fight since I could walk. And ever since the disaster I secretly trained to join the army too.

"I do have the training, but trust me, sir. I am the best fighter you will ever have. You're going to want me in your army." I smile, knowing its the truth. I'm skilled more than most people, especially with my fathers military background. He was special ops in Italy, before coming to America.

"I'd like to see this skill then." He takes out his phone and speaks to someone on the other line. "Come to my office." He hangs up and after ten minutes there's a knock on the door. "Come in."

"You needed to see me?" A man, about 26 years old I would say, steps inside. He's the best looking man my eyes have ever seen. He's tall, nearly 6'4 and every inch of him is pure muscle. He has dark short hair that sweeps a little onto his forehead. His eyes are a piercing dark blue and they land on mine. His expression remains impassive as he looks back at the director.

"Hello Carter. Katrina here would like to join the army, she says she's the best. You're my best soldier here, I'd like to see you both sparr. Let's see what she's made of, shall we." Director Reed stands from his desk and adjusts his tie. I rise from my chair and turn towards Carter.

He smirks at me and opens the door. "Lets go, princess."

My eyes shoot daggers at him. "Don't call me princess." I brush past him and stand outside. "Lead the way."

His eyes roll as he passes me and heads into the direction of the training room. I follow the both of them and walk into the large room. I look around at the many men training, sparring and working out. They turn towards us and whistle at me.

I roll my eyes and follow Carter as he leads a path through the crowd. They all back up and give him space. He turns towards me and starts taking off his hoodie. "Let's see what your made of, princess."

I glare as I take off my leather jacket and toss it out of the way. I sweep my dark brown, almost black, hair up into a messy bun. "You're on."

Taking my place across from him, I get into a fighting stance. He does the same and looks over at the Director.

"Begin." The director commands and Carter turns back at me.

"Careful, princess. Don't want you getting hurt." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

I place my arms behind my back, fighting no-handed. "You can try your best, sweetheart."

He steps and takes a swing and I lean backwards, dodging it. He takes another and I repeat the move in the opposite direction, and bend. I kick his legs out from under him and he falls flat on the matt.

I smile, bending down. Men behind me look as if they just saw a ghost. Their jaws hit the floor and their eyes bug out of their head. "Where's that confidence now, sweetheart?"

He glares and flips up to his feet. "Okay, I wont go so easy on you this time." He takes his stance.

"I guess I'll use my hands this time." I smile and wait for his next move. I analyze which leg steps first. Left. Right hand swings first. He's a righty. I smile, dodging his swing and grasp his arm. I pin it behind him and he grunts.

He twists and somehow manages not to dislocate his arm as he breaks free of my grasp. He twists my body and pulls my back against him, pinning my arms to my chest in front of me. I brace them and shove them downwards to release them from his grasp. He kicks my leg from behind and I fall. He laughs and bends down. "There's my confidence, princess."

I regain myself and we go back and forth with taking each other down, for what seems like forever. So far I'm in the lead by 2 more than him. He's exceptionally skilled, very good, I give him that. It makes me curious where he's learned to fight.

I pin him on the ground on his stomach with his arms behind his back. "I think I just made you my bitch." I laugh and hold him there.

"That's all I need to see." The director claps and I release him. We both get to our feet and turn towards the director. "You're in. If anyone has a problem with it, shove your issues up your ass. You're very good Miss Katrina, we're glad to have you." I nod a thank you and he leaves. The men around us cheer and clap, giving nods of respect.

I look over at Carter. "Nice moves."

He glares. "This isn't over." He grumbles before walking off.

Sore loser I guess.

I look around and talk to the other soldiers for a bit.

"Where'd you learn to fight??" Their prying is getting a bit annoying.

"My father was Special Ops in Italy. I learned a lot from him and started as soon as I could walk. Then after the world went to shit, I kept training with other survival camps." Although my parents never want me to be a fighter, my father taught me so I could defend myself if ever needed. He never would have imagined the possibility of what I really needed it for.

I finish up talking and head back to the directors office. The door is cracked and I hear shouting coming from inside, the familiar voice belonging to Carter.

"She can't just walk in here and join! She has to earn it! She's not even that great." His frustration hits me like a brick wall.

Leaning on the door frame, I clear my throat to let them know I'm here. I cross my arms over my chest. "Good enough to beat you, sweetheart."

He groans and turns to leave. I grab my bags I left in the office and the director calls Carter back. "Carter, stop being a sore loser. Take Miss Katrina to her room and give her a tour so she can get familiar with the place. She'll be staying in room 24B, on the 9th floor. Go ahead and help her get settled. That's an order." He tosses the key to my apartment and Carter catches them.

"You've got to be kidding me! And why does her room have to be beside mine?!" He groans and I smile smugly at him.

"Ready when you are."

He turns on his heel and starts heading to the elevators. His back is rigid with aggrevation and his muscles are flexed beneath his shirt. My eyes linger for a moment, relishing it in before shaking off the thought. He hates me after all, and honestly I'm not very fond of him at the moment either.

The elevator doors open and two nurses step out. We walk in and the doors close. The silence builds up lots of awkward tension and I stare at the doors. "Sooo.."

"Don't talk to me."

"What the hell is your problem? So what if a girl beat you, you'll survive." I roll my eyes at gis attitude and adjust my bag on my shoulder. The strap digs in my skin causing a pain in the area but I keep my casual composure.

"Its not the fact that you're a girl. Its the fact that I've never been beaten before."

"Well there's a first for everything. Take that stick out of your ass and perk up."

His jaw drops before clamping shut and his lips form a thin line. He glares before turning his attention to the doors as they open.

Adjusting the strap again, I exit off and carry my other bags in my hands.

"Those look heavy." He glances at the bag.

"They are." A spark of hope fills my chest that he might be nice now and help with the bags.

"Sucks for you." Annnd, there goes the hope.

Rolling my eyes, I follow him to my room and he unlocks it. I walk in and set my bags down, glancing around the apartment. The kitchen connects to the living room and then a hallway leads to the bedroom and what I assume bathroom as well. There's a windowseat overlooking what was once a beautiful city, now left in ruins.

Carter tosses me my keys and I look at them before setting them on the table beside the door. "Don't lose them, we don't have spares."

He leaves and I turn to run after him. "Wait! Where do I, like, get food and stuff??"

"Figure it out yourself." He keeps walking and I run up after him, closing the door behind me.

"You were told to show me around!"

"I was told to take you to your room to get settled. I don't recall anything else."

I run up and jump in front of him, stopping him abruptly. He stairs impassively down at me. "You must be a terrible soldier if you can't bother to get over your stupid pride and help someone."

He lets out a groan and stares up at the ceiling, shaking his head before looking back down at me. He's got a good half foot or more on me, since I'm only 5'7 barely. "Fine! Cafeteria is on the first floor, on your first right when you get off the elevator. The infirmary/OR, is on the 2nd and 3rd floor. You already know where the training room is, the office, and your room. Nothing else I really need to show you." He brushes past me and keeps walking.

"Asshole." I walk away to the elevator and push the button for the first floor. A hunger pain hits my stomach and I clutch it. I haven't eaten in days, nor have I slept. I've been driving and trying to stock up on whatever supplies I could find.

My first stop is the cafeteria, then I give myself a litte tour of the place.


Its the evening by the time I get back to my room. I twist the door but its locked. "Shit!" I was in such a rush to run after him I forgot to grab the keys. I look around frantically but the halls empty. I sigh, sitting on the floor leaned against the door. Hopefully someone comes by soon and can help.

"What the hell are you doing?" A kick of my leg wakes me up. I look around frantically before my eyes land on Carter. Of all people.. of course.

I glance at my watch, I've been waiting for almost 4 hours. After the first 2 hours of just sitting here, I must've finally drifted off.

"I was in such a hurry to catch up with you earlier I left my keys. I'm locked out. For the last 4 hours, waiting for someone to help me break in. I don't have anything to use for it."

He shakes his head. "Goodluck with that." He unlocks his door to his room beside mine.

"You're not gonna.. Of course your not," rolling my eyes, I shake my head at the stupid thought that he might actually help. The door to his room closes behind him and I smack my head back against the door in frustration. "Ow.." I rub my head before letting it drop back down like it was before. I have no hope left of this new place. The first day has been so shitty, I don't even want to think of whats to come.

Carter's door swings open and he takes out a card, shaking his head. I look up at him and quickly rise to my feet.

"What are you--"

"What does it look like?" He snaps and uses the card to break into the room. He turns the handle and pushes the door open.

I start to smile when I look at him. "Thank you.."

"Don't mention it. Really, don't." He turns on his heel and goes back into his room.

Shaking my head, I walk into my room and close the door.

It feels like forever before I settle in and finish unpacking. I take a long, hot shower, relishing in the heavenly feeling and wash off the events of the day.

Drying off, I slip on a thong and sports bra and then pull a oversized t-shirt on. The bathroom connects to my bedroom and the bed lays against the wall. I look around the room, taking in what my new home looks like. My eyes land on the balcony connected to my room by sliding glass doors. Overlooking the wall, you can see the Times Square, or once was Times Square, but now in ruins. The apartment is very nice, maybe a little old but too nice to be in such a disaster of a world we now live in.

Thuds of something dropping on a bed pulls my attention away from outside. It came from the other side of the wall in Carter's room. His bed must be on the otherside, in the same place against the wall as mine from what I could tell from where the sound came from. I go over to an old stereo and test it out if it still works. It does thankfully.

Even in the apocalypse, we manage to have kept power and phone lines running. Although, its not the same as before, its a gift to still have in this world.

I hook my phone up and music plays through the speakers. One of my favorite songs from before, Powerful by Major Lazer ft. Ellie Goulding. Its a song that's always put a smile on my face.

Sliding the glass door open, I step onto the balcony and lean on the rail. Sounds echo from the other side of the wall, bumps in the night, growls and animalistic sounds. I choose to focus on the music instead of the actual horrors of the outside.

"Will you turn that off." Carter's voice snaps my attention to the belcony next to mine.

"Bite me."

"Don't tempt me. Turn it off, some of us are trying to sleep." He slides the door closed behind him and I roll my eyes. I walk in, turning it off and closing the door.

Laying on the bed, I stare at the ceiling above. My body begs for sleep but my mind wont give in. I don't want to give into the nightmares again. But eventually, my body finally takes over and my mind loses the battle.

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