Her Arrogant Husband

By im_sana

41K 1.9K 158

Previously know as "Marriage A sacred bond" ******* " We two are different people, marriage isn't an option f... More

First Encounter
Bad feeling
Scary Dream
Face to Face
Unknown Call
Meet Me?
Convincing Him
I Wish
Awkward Birthday
His Parents And Engagement
How Dare He?
Contract And Advise
You are nothing to me!
Breakfast victory
Safe distance
Glimpse of emotion
Like husband Like wife
Reception part 1
Reception part 2
Only for the world
Breakfast Bickering and His Accusation
Challenge Accepted (1)

Trying to talk

1.2K 62 21
By im_sana


"Oh Allah what should I do in this big house" I muttered after roaming around touring every room in this house. I was surprised to see adequately everything is managed, not that my home was improperly managed. It just my house was compared to this one was small. No matter how small your house is you will find peace here in the end of the day

Speaking  about house, I am missing my parents and my two annoying brother. Its not been 24 hours completely and I already missing them as if not seen in century. I don't know how will I survive two years of separation.

I entered living race on and spotted a girl sweeping the floor, the girl looked very young. She seemed to notice my presence and greeted me with a smile

" Zohra introduced me to all maids, you weren't there" I asked curiously

"Zohar is my mother and yes I had my exams going on" she replied politely

I was amazed she was studying, I am already against children working at his age but what surprised me her strength like after giving she was doing her chores

"And you are still working, well I didn't got your name" I said

"I am Zehrah and chote Saab said I am eighteen I should work as well as I am adult. As now I will contributing my half pay in my education though he will also help" she explained

"Shayaan took the responsibility of your education" I asked surprised by the fact

He could do generous thing

She chuckled "Yes chote Saab and his family did many favours on us for years"

"Wait I don't understand, many years means"

"My family has been serving to this family from years, I guess since the twenty years I believe, though they shifted to London but they didn't abandon us to starve they made us care taker of this house which is of chote saab's Dada jaan." She explained. I listened her  carefully.

"Zehrah" someone called her from kitchen

" ayi (coming)" she said and asked me if I wanted something, I replied no so she left

I have seen cold, ruthless, arrogant Shayaan Ahmed, I don't know if I ever meet the generous Shayaan Ahmed she explained me



"Where is the report I asked you to submit me yesterday" I inquired of finance report

"Here you go sir anything else" my pa asked

"Set the meeting in lunch with Mr Ali" I commanded while reading the report

"But..." I raised my brow and he stopped "...um.. On this short notice" he completed

"Inform him if he can come for meeting for today or forget the deal." He nodded and left.

I sigh and put the report on the side. I leaned on my chair and closed my eyes. The scene from morning flashed in my mind, her painful face and her words rang in my ears. She f**king dare to say me scared.

Just then my phone rang taking me out from my reverie

"Yes" I said without seeing the caller name

"Oh grumpy I see did I disturb you shay" I heard the only person who annoys me like hell but is my only best friend

" yes you did I was reading report" I said nonchalantly

"What The Hell Is Wrong With You" he screamed on phone

"Spare my ears you dumb ass and besides there's nothing to scream Ahmer" I said calmly

"Really you left your newly wedded wife on the very first day of the marriage, people wouldn't see work for next fifteen days max when they are married. At least I wouldn't go work for whole two month once I am married" I rolled my eyes, I could see his dream eyes

"First my wife know my work is important, second dad sent me to handle this business, once it is set. Only then I could return London for good" I explained

"I pity my bhabhi, she would want to spent time with her newly wed husband" he said sadly

"I doubt that" I muttered

It is true after our heated argument, we didn't want to see each other. I don't know but her painful face comes in my work when I am working, it isn't fully 24 hours and she has already occupied my mind. I need to keep my distance

"I thought this marriage will change you , help you come out of your imaginary cave in which you are stuck" he said

He has watched Disney cartoon too much thank God he didn't say a true kiss will release me in whatever he thinks I m in.

"It's just a marriage of benefit no feelings attached" words got slipped from my tongue

"What do you mean?" He asked curiously. I can say he is narrowing his eyes

"Shayaan tell it's not what I am thinking, say it, its not like, you didn't make a marriage deal with someone, damn it say it's not like that and you did with your heart" he pleaded

"I am afraid but it is true" I said, I could feel he is getting angry. I told him everything

"Shayaan Ahmed do you have a f**king idea what have done, you destroyed a girl's life just for your selfish motive" he roared

"Woah! Hang on she also stepped in for saving her family, she also got the motive besides mom and dad won't back off from their agenda of seeing me married" I explained

"Really what if tomorrow they demand a grand child what will you both do" he asked

"How does giving a grand child is a problem if you are thinking of love then let me tell it doesn't have to do with that" I said calmly

"You are ridiculous" he spat in anger

"I will pray you fell in love with her first" he said making me chuckle

"Like it will happen, dude I dont do love, it doesn't exist for me" I said frimly

"Dude you will fall in love that to with your wife without even realizing" he said in the same tone that made me frown

"We will see" with that I ended up the call when my p.a announced meeting is ready

I attended two meetings and did some paperwork before heading home. It was my usual timing that I arrived home but what surprised me was my wife whom I had argument was dressed nicely standing with a fake smile I suppose that made me frown in her direction.

Something is really not seems okay

I mean she is standing as if nothing happened

"Assalm o Alaiqum get fresh I will heat the dinner for us" with that she disappeared in kitchen

No one tells me what to do, but still she casually ordered me. My stomach growled in hunger, I got changed and came to dinning table where she was putting plates for me which is odd for me. I mean no one did that for me, I always saw mom doing that stuff for dad like waiting for him to come and dine no matter how tired or hungry she is

"You could have eaten by now it 10:30" I said not taking this silence anymore

"Then you should have told me you will get late and I don't have a habit of eating alone" she reasoned

She served the dinner which was a Pakistani dish Briyani I believe. I stared the food for a long time

"I haven't prepared dinner just for you to know" I relaxed and dig in, I glanced at her who silently eating her food. I stared​ at her dress, she was wearing yellow frock with some embroidery with white tides

You will fall in love that to with your wife
Ahmer's word rang in my ears

Never I won't let that happen



I got a call from my mother in law in evening

"Assalm o Alaiqum mom" I greeted her

"Walaiqum Assalm so how my son and daughter" she asked

"Mom we talked like 12 hour ago" I rolled my eyes hearing her laugh

"Oh sweetie am I disturbing you both" mom aksed

"Mom you aren't and besides I was just sitting alone getting bored thanks for calling and mom you can call at anytime. Don't say that ever again" I said

"Why are you sitting alone where is Shayaan" she asked. I gulped to what should I say, if we are pretending then he shouldn't go office to the very first day of marriage

I hate you, you always put me in dangerous situation I mentally cured him

"Umm.. office"

"What should I do with this boy and Zenish how come you let him go. Its you starting days of your marriage for crying aloud. You both spending time with each other"

"Mom he was with me but in afternoon there were some important issues which needed his attention. It just matter of some hour he promised me to come early" I feel horrible to lie to this wonderful woman

"This time you saved him but let me warn you husband is one of those workaholic to which work is important. Someone who will run from his own funeral just to attend the damn meeting" she joked the last part which made me chuckle

"Thank you mom I will keep that in my mind"

"Okay now tell me what you are wearing I want to see my daughter dressed up not like I saw you at breakfast" she said excitedly. I looked down at my dress which was plain. I open camera for her to see

"Oh Allah give my children some wisdom. Zenish what are you wearing, leave that when aren't ready"she asked

"Ready for what mom"

"You realized you married yesterday" I nodded "You are newly wedded woman" I nodded again, not understanding what she wants to say

"Then why are you wearing such plain suit, newly wed dress up, wearing jewelry for her husband, now com'on  girl go get ready for your husband as he will be returning" she ordered me

I doubt he will even notice my dress I thought

I got ready wearing yellow anarkali suit,  some Bangles and locket. I took a selfie and sent to Mom

Zenish outfit

Now you looking newly wedded​, looking beautiful Mashallah,😍😍
Mom sent me text which made me blush

It was seven in evening, I guess he must be coming, it's not like I am waiting for him no way. I chatted with Zehrah whom I found jolly and full of life. I liked her company

Soon it was eight then eight thirty, nine and finally clock strike ten. My stomach growled in hunger

"You little think don't have patience, I guess he will be late so let give you what you are asking" I patted my belly

You guys are thinking that something is wrong with me well let just say you waiting for someone and don't have a company can make you talk like this

That's when I heard horn announcing the majesty finally decided to brace with his presence. I saw him entering

"Assalm o Alaiqum get fresh I will heat

he dinner for us" I saw his blank face changing to surprised one. I quickly left to kitchen

After a while he came to dinning room, wearing his casual

"You could have eaten by now it 10:30" he said

"Then you should have told me you will get late and I don't have a habit of eating alone" was my quick reply

I saw him staring food for so long so I said "I haven't prepared dinner just for you to know" he stared me and then started eating. I too starting but then I felt his gaze on but food was way to important, so eat without caring to look up

We finished our dinners and I put the plates to kitchen. I washed utensils as all maids had left. After a while i was getting bored, I looked around to find something can make me busy but found none instead I came across a figure typing something on laptop. Now guess who might it be of course my only arrogant husband. I so needed to talk somene, you see a talkative person like can't sit silent, there is only one person who I don't want to talk but I will be spending my whole life with him at least I do have right to get to know him

"So how as your work, hectic?" His hand stopped in an instant, I could feel my question startled me

"It was usual" he answered

At least he answered properly

"Mom called in evening" I talked more


"She was asking about you" as I said his eyes finally looked up and met mine

"What did you say" he asked narrowing his eyes

"That you had an important you had to go work" his facial expressions relaxed and got busy with what he was typing

"And you...." He cut me off "Listen I don't like to be disturbed when I am working, unlike you I have important things on plate" he said rudely. I felt heat on my cheeks and I know I am red with embarrassment and humiliation.

"Neither do I want to talk to you, it just that I am trying to be normal. We have to live our life with each, I know we don't like each other probably hate, but if we want this pretending game, the least we could do is to behave civil with each other but I guess you always wants to be alone nd lonely. Accompany your work Mr. Loner" I yelled

"Lower down your voice, I already told I don't tolerate this kind of behavior or" he stood and warned me

"Or what give me the old threat of ruining my family, be a man face it urself, only coward gives threat" I challenged him

He marched dangerously towards me, I took a step back as he step forward. This continue to till my back touched the wall, he was way to close for my liking. 

"Don't you dare ever call me a coward or you won't like the consequences"

"I won't stop saying truth Mr. Ahmed coward is that you are...." I was cut when I felt his lips on mine

I could feel his anger, frustration in the kiss, he nibbled my lower lip and then bit harshly that made winced in pain. I tried to push him but he didn't budge, I felt my cheeks wet which wasn't gone unnoticed by him. He closed his eyes and kissed me but this time softly. I felt many emotion at that very moment, his arms cage me and pulled me to him till we both were out of breath. I was breathless so was he. He came near to ears

"Don't ever dare to say me that again or consequence will be hard" with that he left me. I stared his retreating back until it disappeared

I can't believe I had my first kiss that contain harshness with soft touch


Oh my gosh 😆😆

Here you go especially those waiting for Zenish and Shayaan

I personally love them but I can't leave Saad and Anum as well they are also cuties of the story guys

So tell me how did you like the chapter
Waiting for your response😊😊
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