The Mistakes That Made Us (Be...

By NutellahQueen

1.3M 24.4K 4.2K

Katherine Kyles is a wolf. But not a happy one. Beaten, abused, made fun of, neglected and a horrible family... More

Must Read Before Commencing Novel
*Chapter 1- The Root of Pain*
*Chapter 2- Good Riddance*
*Chapter 3-Moving Forward*
*Chapter 4- Visitors*
*Chapter 6- Total Recap*
*Chapter 7-When in Rome...*
*Chapter 8- Tension*
*Chapter 9-Innocence*
The 2nd day
Meeting the sisters
Our Parents are here
The devil's servant
We are leaving...For a Castle.
Drake's secret
Finally at the castle
Brock met is mate
The training
The surprises
The mate's and a song
The coranation
Relaxation...then devistation
Anger, confusion and faith
The attack and the letter
Dainala and Angel
The question
This asshole finally revealed himself
Delete or not?

*Chapter 5- We are not a Pack*

61.9K 1.4K 321
By NutellahQueen

Zayne's Pov.

When I got home, I huffed in exhaustion. Most of you people think that rejecting your mate is as easy as one two three. Well, it's not. Rejecting your mate has its consequences. Like for example, getting weak. It's dangerous for me to be weak, since I'm Alpha, I have a pack to run. But since I'm just that, and Alpha, I heal faster. The rejecter gets weak because his/her heart breaks in half. And in order to survive and move one, our bodies pulls out strength and healing abilities to mend that heart back together. Us rejecter's have it bad, but the rejected, have it worse. In some cases, it means death. But those are only rare cases. They can still happen, but they are rare.

That's why my body feels tired. But I'll get my energy back by eating and sleeping. This will possibly last 1 or 2 days. The rejected though? That's a whole different story. Kathrine will most likely be feeling like shit all over. They suffer symptoms from a plague or a high fever. Some survive, some don't. But I'm betting my money that Katherine will survive. I mean, she's lived this long hasn't she? She's toughened up. But quite honestly, I don't care whether she lives or dies. Who the fuck would want a weak ass luna? Nobody. I'll lose my respect, the control over my pack members. I'm not oblivious to how the people here treat her. They'll run over her once they realise she's Luna. And I can't be up her ass 24/7 protecting her when I should be running the place.

I need a strong Luna. One that knows how to order her pack, to gain respect. One that doesn't cower away in fear of a fucking fly. Or isn't afraid to take a punch, or give it. I need someone strong enough to handle my pack. They need strong leaders, and Katherine is not strong. She's weak. Too weak. Fragile. She could pass as a human!

Come to think of it, I'm doing her a favor. She won't get hurt or trampled over by pack members. She won't be disrespected. This is her place in the pack. The omega. Hell, she should be grateful to be in a pack!

I am so humble. I deserve a huge ass thank you from this ungrateful bitch. If she decides to not continue in my pack and be ungrateful, by all means, leave. We don't need her. Hell, I don't need her! She could be dying on a cliff for all I care. I did my part of being an Alpha, and I'm pretty damn convinced that I did the right thing.

Besides, I can easily replace her with someone else. Who? I still don't know yet. But her sister is hot. And fierce. Not to mention a freak in bed. Or her cousin. Her cousin gives awesome head. All in all, a mate is not important. Especially mine. I need a strong female that would make the whole pack cower and bow down on their knees. Not kneel over from laughter at her. I can't have a weak pup trying to fit the roles of a powerful woman. She's just wasting space. In the position and in my pack.

I would of rejected her a long time ago if I'd had known the outcome.

But my wolf thinks differently. He wanted to keep her and love her and cherish her. To make love to her multiple times a night every night. To comfort her in her time of need. To be the person she could rely on whenever she felt down or stressed. After all, that was the job of a true alpha. To protect his pack and mate. To love his pack and mate. To honor and cherish his pack, and mate.

I shuddered in disgust.

Urgh. I know right? Angel's a bit bonkers so I have been taking him to the psyche ward. I honestly don't see the appeal to her. She looks like a fat cow. And I don't know who I'm insulting, her or the cows.

'You immature brat! Not once have you made a valid reason for rejecting her! Or pointed out her real faults! Why? Because she doesn't have them! If you would just train her, she would be ready to go in no time. And as for your childish remarks about my love, she is not a fat cow, asshole! If you looked closely at her, you'd see she has bones sticking out and bruises because of the beatings! She needed us then and she needs us now!' Angel, my wolf yelled, making echo's flow around my mind.

'Then why didn't she report it? She's just a coward that can't run a pack. I need a real woman. Not a pathetic bitch.' I snapped.

'Fine. Have your bitches. Reject our mate. You will never know what true happiness is like. So don't come crawling back to me when you realize your mistake. With so many unforgivable things you have done, I don't think I can forgive you for this one... I won't.' With that he left.

As quickly as he left, I growled at him and scowled. Who does he think he is? I'll miss her? I can't even stand her. Most of the times I've seen her, she was always in pain or bitching about something that bothered her. Everything bothered her! She unhappy? Then leave my pack!

And with that thought I huffed.




I let out a sigh.

It's stupid. This is stupid. I'm stupid.

I'm a liar. A cheat. Ungrateful. Moronic. And the list can go on.

Oh fuck. God, look at her! She's so gorgeous. The way she speaks, the way she moves. She's like my very own personal goddess.

I mean, it's pretty clear she's not fat. At all. Sure, she miraculously still has chubby cheeks, but that's no reason to be fat. She's malnourished. She needs food in her body, ASAP.

Everytime I see her do her work-no, our work- she goes all out to make it good and perfect. Yeah, not because she likes us, but to survive. I'm the biggest hypocrite there is. If she ever had a problem, I never listened. But when the person that caused her pain had an issue, I'd be in Alpha mode.

Every bruise she beared was horrible to see. I could be the one inflicting it, and I felt like utter shit. And I'm not gonna say that even while hurt she looked good, cause it would be a lie. She looked hurt, in pain, and a real soar for the eyes. Don't get me wrong! She's not ugly. Far from it. Any blind man can see it as clear as day. She's so gorgeous, that every male is tempted to go and get some with her, but are too afraid of what they would be told if the pack found out they slept with the 'trash'. She's impossibly gorgeous.

I first noticed her when her mother dragged her wet and naked body out in the meadow we were training in. She must of been in her early teens. She was receiving one of her brutal punishments. Everybody saw her wounds and the ill way her body looked. We all heard her pleas for help and her cries for a second chance for something she didn't do. We were all entranced with her. Or at least I was, I couldn't get enough of her face. Her hurt, bruised and anguished face. All I remember was having to have her. The need to kiss her and make her mine was there.

Now that I think of it, I guess I always knew she was my mate. Since day one. I was just too stupid to look into it. To embarrassed. To ashamed. Prideful. I cared too much of what people would say if I had her as a luna.

Guess I can't take anything back now. What's done is done. And I need something to distract me and get me by.

I went to the pantry and opened the door next to the supply closet. I twisted in the lock combination and opened it. I took out a bottle of jalapeno pepper infused whiskey and drank until the bottle was gone.

As I put the bottle in the trash and clumsily closed and locked the door, I felt myself starting to grow a bit tipsy.

But that was enough for me.

And off I was, seeking out my next conquest.

It's now 2:00 am and I am done with life. Honestly. I keep getting killed in my video game! Half an hour ago, I kicked a girl out of my room. She was smoking hot. Like, literally, a true babe. But she didn't even give me a boner! I didn't feel the motivation to have her in my bed. So I gave her a lame excuse on how it was late and how patrols would be coming soon. That she should leave.

And she completely bought it. Now, I'm just sitting down with my frustrations and getting killed, trying to let the need to fuck dissipate, when a knock on my door caught my attention.

I walked up towards it to see Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley and Mr. and Mrs. Furtrado.

"May I help you?" I said.

You can tell that they didn't even decipher the hint of annoyance that skipped my lips. Honestly, who wakes up at 2:12 am? These people are always annoying me. If it weren't for the fact that I respect two of them, I would've growled at them to get lost.

"Our kids have gone missing!" Mrs. Furtrado said as she held a crying Mrs. Kingsley.

"I'll get my Beta and my Dad. Come in."

Alpha mode on. All signs of being annoyed, tipsey or "just got laid" vibes are out.

15 passed and we were having a private pack meeting in my office.

Mom and Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley, Mr. and Mrs. Furtrado, my beta and his family, the Kyles. All except for Katherine. Even though I rejected her today, and know the reason why she's absent, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Well that's a load of bullshit. I mentally shook my head and removed her from my thoughts.

I'm back to my Alpha self. Once I was done inspecting the members, I caught Carmen looking at me with "the look".

I smirked.

And just in time too. I needed something to help clear my mind. Besides, I don't blame the girl for staring. I know I'm irresistible.

"Your kids are missing?" Dad asked in a pretended worried voice.

Oh Yeah, I forgot he hates meetings. Plus, he doesn't like getting up this early, so he won't be much help.

"Yes I followed their scents to the woods and saw it was mixed with their friends scent and another scent." Mr. Furtado said. Not to mention, very fake like. Guess he doesn't care. But if he doesn't even care, why bother?

"We traced our son's scents to the woods as well and it was mixed with their friends scent also. And a scent we can't recognize." Mrs. Kingsley said as she wiped her eyes.

"And we can't find that bitch, Katherine." Brock said annoyed.

All the arrogant vibes I had were lived short. I felt my heart go drop all the way to my ass. And I felt like I wanted to rip his head off.

"We found her scent and it led to the woods. With your kids. That was Katherine." Brock said in total disgust. And most of the people might of believed it too. If it wasn't for the fact that he's one of my closest friends, and I'm Alpha. I know when people lie. And right now, he isn't feeling disgust. He's having a full blown panic attack by the way his eyes are dilated and looking around the floor. Plus the bit of almost non existent shaky hands. Plus the sweat on his brows.

My heart started racing.

"This indicates that they ran away, or they were kidnapped by Katherine." Mom said.

"Wait, what?" I asked shocked.

"She ran away." Carmen said slowly,not hiding the excitement of not having her sister around..

"Then let's look for her!" I shouted.

All of a sudden, there were guards everywhere. I sent orders for them to look for everyone, especially Katherine.

'Look who doesn't care.' Angel remarked sarcastically. With a huge drop of coldness.

'Shut up! I messed up! Screwed up and was way over my head! I get it, you're right! I shouldn't of rejected her! But don't underestimate me. I will find her!' I snapped.

Little did I know, that was the last time I'd hear of him.

I ran out and shifted into my black wolf. I ran like hell. I found her white ginger scent and followed it. I could also smell the other wolves. It was all around the place! In her neighbourhood, the school, the other houses, and the forest. But that's where it's most recent, the forest!

I kept tracking her scent with 2 of my men when we realised that the scent led out of pack territory








She ran away!

I slowed down my running and came to a halt on a tree branch as the 2 trackers I braught went to tell the rest about our new findings.

......My mate ran away from me.....

What have I done?...

My whole world seemed to go black. For a second, my vision clouded over. My breathing was coming in short pants and it was getting harder to breath. I felt my heart drop and reach my ass with such force that I stumbled a bit. Little whimpers were leaving my snout.

I can't think straight.

I feel like utter shit!

I don't think that's the word. I know that's not how I feel. Because right now, I'm too numb to process any feelings. All but one.

I have never felt so... heart broken?

Yeah, that's it. Heart break. I also feel...weak... vulnerable, sad, depressed, terrible, lost. I feel so much... pain!

All of a sudden, a wave of emotions hit me harder than a tsunami.

All of a sudden, I'm crying. My whimpers come out as howls. My wolf side is mourning while my human side is whaling in my mind.

In that precise moment, my mind decides to fuck with me. Every moment that I have spent with Katherine shows up. Every cruel comment I've made is echoed in an ultra sound like volume, leaving me deaf momentarily.

I growl lowly and claw at the floor.

At this point, I don't care who sees me lash out.

I start biting the ground and trees, destroying everything. Trying to remove my pain, trying to make it go away. But I can't. Nothing can help me. Only Kat. But she can't because she's gone...

I pushed her away! I made my mate run away from me! I went against the laws of nature and the Moon Goddess! Why?! What did I gain?! I just... lost.

After exhausting myself in wolf form, I went home with those depressing thoughts in my head.

Jabbing away at me, eating me alive.

How could I have let my ego get the best of me and let me push the one that is meant for me away? How could I have hurt a pack member? It took me her disappearance to realize I am a... a monster.

A blurry flash of me hitting her crosses my mind. She's sad. Completely anguish and hurt. It looks as if the fight in her is gone. Even the little hope she used to carry around.

I don't deserve a mate as strong as her! I don't deserve a mate at all with the tyrant things I've done. That's why she's been taken away from me. Why she's gone.

She put up with us! For so long. Us, her pack, her mate, her Alpha. Her family. She's been through so much hell... It's not even logical.

That's when a thought crossed my mind.

I can be a better Alpha. I have to make things right. We don't deserve to be called the best. We don't deserve to be called a pack!

When I am made Alpha, I amgonna change things here. Punish us for how we've treated one of our own. It's thanks to all of us that she's gone.

I still remember her face when I last saw her. The pain, humiliation, betrayal, hurt, everything! All because of me...

I can't believe I fucked up this big. And as a consequence, I have to live in depression and worry if my mate is safe.

"AAAAHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I punched my wall, ignoring the searing pain in my knuckles.

Fuck my life!

I am so sorry Katherine...

Tears were leaking out of my eyes. Soon it turned into massive sobs racking away at my body.

And with that, I cried for the rest of the night and day, blowing off school, ignoring the guys, girls, pack. Hell, ignoring everybody! Just crying like the big baby I am.

I kept trying to fool myself into thinking that she's coming back. She found enough goodness in her heart to forgive us. To forgive me. But who am I kidding? She's gone. For good.

The quote 'You never miss a good thing till it's gone,' comes to mind. I chuckle darkly without humor. It's fucking true.


Please come back...


Brocks pov.

The slave is gone.

How can I even say that?

Has the name stuck so much that I actually started to believe it?


My sister is gone! My baby sister!

I can't believe we were so horrible, so fucking cruel and heartless, that we drove her away. It was her first shift for fucks sake!

'That's what you get for letting your ego get the best of you. You let popularity seem more important than family. Now you fucked up and drove our sister away!' Alec, my wolf snapped. He was always warning me and trying to talk me out of things. He's the more sympathetic one.

'I know and I'm sorry. You were right. I should've listened to you! I promise I'll get her back.' I said.

'You better. I want my sister.' He retorted.

'Fine, we'll go look for her now.' I said as I started looking for her.

2 Weeks Later

Another day without Kat.

We still haven't found her. I feel so horrible about it, that I've decided not to feel anymore. I've become numb. And my wolf is suffering greatly. Howling in loss for his sibling.

Carmen thinks it's a miracle. She just scoffs at me when I go out to look for her. The bitch never knows when to quit and give up. She always speaks up about how we are making more space for people. But once she speaks in front of the crowd of people she hangs with, it gets gruesome. She gives no fucks in her sister's disappearance.

Mom has absolutely lost it and sleeps more with men. She doesn't really talk about her daughter's lack of presence in the house. She doesn't even react. She just doesn't care.

But Dad, he is fucked up. He realized his mistake. And he took it hard. As in 'I'm not worth shit anymore' hard. He comes home drunk when we don't find her, ignores mom completely, stays locked up in his room. I think he even filed for divorce, but I'm not sure. What I do know is that when Carmen talked smack of Kat in front of him, he smacked the living daylights out of her and left her with a bruised lip. Carmen doesn't speak in front of him. It's gotten so bad, that he even attempted suicide. Luckily, I got there in time and stopped him. Saying that Kat wouldn't want this, that he wasnt solving anything, and that Kat needs him for when she comes back. He is taking this awefully.

But Zayne... he's the worse of the bunch. He's completely lost his mind. And I can't even imagine how the guilt must be eating at him. I mean, he rejected my sister in front of the school! Laughed at her and destroyed her.

And I wasn't there to help and defend her. I just laughed in her face. Just like I always did.

I messed up big and I can't take anything back. I can't do anything about it. Just hope and pray that she comes back in one piece.

I don't deserve to be Beta.

I don't deserve to be called her brother.

I just know that when Zayne gets the position as Alpha, he's gonna punish us big time. Even himself.

I messed up... horribly. And this is the worse feeling ever. And I have to live with it for the rest of my life. And it's only been two weeks.

I walked up in the pack house, pass my mourning father, pass my sister getting it on with some dude, and not even noticing I haven't seen mom in 2 days. I finally reach my room and close the door. I press my back and slide down to the floor.

I am so sorry Katherine.

Please come back...

As I finished that thought, I let the dam of tears burst.

Katherine's pov.

3 years later

Kat's pov.

After everything that I've been through, I never thought I'd be living a life so blessed. Dreams fulfilled. Goals met. And so much more...


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