
By shiirosama

12.6K 599 205

One night, when Jimin can't sleep and finds a empty space next to him things change (official cover will come... More

not an update but a question


2.4K 119 30
By shiirosama

After breakfast Jimin and the rest on bangtan took Taehyung outside. Jin had quickly asked their manager to buy some todler clothes so Taehyung wouldn't catch a cold while outside.

He looked absoluletly adorable with the red beanie on his raven hair and a matching red coat. His sneakers making squicky noices while he walked.

Their manager Sejin brought them to Big Hit entertaiment, while inside they achieved alot of attaention with the todler in Jin's arms. Taehyung had fallen asleep in the van so he was now cuddled against Jin's chest, his head snug under Jin's chin and his small hands balled into fists in Jin's shirt.

Even tho their manager had bough clothes for Tae, Jimin still couldn't help but worry that he still would catch a cold, being his best friend and fellow bandmate Jimin knew Taehyung rarely got sick but when he did, god it was bad.

He would be all sweaty and would trow up alot, it really wasn't a pretty sight. His eyes would be all red and puffy from all the crying and sneezing and he would be too tired to eat or move out of bed to wash. Jimin could only pray that Tae wouldn't get sick this time.

Jimin and the rest of bangtan minus Namjoon stood outside of Bang PD's offcice, Namjoon, being the leader, had told them it would have been for the best to tell bang PD alone so if things would get wrong that Taehyung wouldn't be in the middle of it.

Taehyung now was awake, he sat on Hoseok's lap who sat on the ground, playing on his phone and taking selfies with cute filters on snow app.

''Guys, bang PD wants us inside.'' Namjoon spoke, Jimin didn't realise he had stepped out of the room untill he had heard their leaders voice. Taehyung looked up from the phone in Hoseok's hands and jumped up, he reached for Namjoon's hand and held it between his own two hands.

''Joonie, can I come too?'' He asked and tugged at Namjoon's coat.

''Mhmh, Bang PD wants to see you most of all of us.'' Namjoon spoke and with that the little kid skipped into the room, greeting the older man with an exited squeel.

When everyone stepped inside the smiled at the sight of their 'boss' croughed infront of Taehyun, running his fingers through the young boy's hair.

''God Taehyung-ah, I knew you where a troublemaker but this? Again?'' He spoke with soft eyes making said boy giggle.

''I'm sorry bang PD..''

''Wait what? Again? This happened before?'' Yoongi asked.

The man nodded his head as he picked the child up and handed him to Jin, asking them to leave the room for a bit.

''Yes. I don't know if you remember but Taehyung always used to go back home during this time of the year. It's something that doesn't happen often but when it did we where there on time, this time you just happened to be there.'' He spoke and walked back to his desk.

''Listen, as much as I would like to do otherwise, i really need you to take care of Taehyung untill I can contact his parents to take care of him untill he turns back to normal.''

''It's not a problem. We don't mind taking care of him.'' Hoseok spoke, smiling softly at the man to ensure he really was fine with it, the others in the room doing just the same.

Bang PD smiled and sat down in his chair. ''I know. Just.. be sure to take good care of him. We really don't want anything to happen with him when he's like this. It's too risky, he can go outside and you're aloud to do fun things just please. For the love of god, be carefull.''

Taehyung was walking hand in hand with both Jimin and Yoongi, telling stories about Kanji and Soonshim with a big grin. Also asking if they could buy the muffin the kind lady was selling but Jin said no (meanie)

Jimin had trouble understanding him sometimes, since Tae was young now it was harder for him to talk in his seoul dialect now only talking Satoori. Luckily Yoongi was so kind to explain things to the other members, always asking Tae i he explained it right.

Just when Taehyung was about to tell another stody he stopped walking, almost cousing Jungkook, who was walking closely behind, to walk into him.

''Yoogi Yoogi let's go there!'' Taehyung squeeled, letting go of Jimin's hand to pull at Yoongi's coat and hand, already dragging him towards the big playground.

When no other member of the group made a hint to move Taehyung stopped dragging Yoongi over to the playground to look at them, he raised his eyebrows and run over to them, almost slipping duo the slippery ground (also giving Jin a heart attack thank you very much Taehyung) And grabbed the two people closest to him their hands, being Namjoon and Hoseok.

''Come.'' The boy pouted, squeezing their hands.

Namjoon smirked and bend down to be at eye level with the kid.

''We too? Sorry Taetae we thought you only wanted to play with Yoongi hyung.'' The leader spoke. Taehyung raised his eyebrowns and placed his hands firmly on Namjoon's chest.

''Silly.'' Was all he said before running past Yoongi to play on the monkey bars, yelling for them to hurry up and play too.

Two hours later and Jimin was beat up, even tho Taehyung was small he had the stamina of a his normal self, not once stopping from running around and playing on the monkey bars. That thing scared the shit out of him and he actually wanted to tell Taehyung to stop playing on it, he remembered he once fell off of it when he was younger and broke his wrist, he would die if he saw his baby in that pain.

Just as he was about to share his concerns with Jin the thing he feared for happened.

Loud wailing is heard from where Taehyung was playing with Jungkook on the monkeybars. He saw Taehyung, on his side holding his arm protectivly against himself crying his eyes out. Jungkook was quick to jump down the monkey bars to go to the smal boy but Jin beat him to it.

''Tae baby, please let me see.'' he whispers. He bends down to pick him up, rocking him slowly to try and calm him down. It works almost immediately, but he keeps rocking him, gently rubbing his back and stroking his hair until he hears his breathing even out.

Everyone is standing beside within seconds, all looking with wide eyes down at the two.

Taehyung whimpers when Jin gently turns his injured arm and begins crying louder, more because of the shock then the actual pain.

''H-Hurt Jinnie..'' He cries once Jin let's go of his arm and pulls him against his chest again, his hands stroking his hair.

''I know baby but you're a big boy right? You will just be fine in a few minutes don't worry Taehyungie.'' Jin speaks and it seemd to help, they hear Taehyung sniff as he gebtly pulls Jin away with his good arm.

''Right?'' Jin asks again, a soft smile on his face as he cards his fingers through the boy's hair. Taehyung nods and whipes his nose with the back of his hand. Jin smiles and kisses his cheek, letting him cry a little more (and watching how the other members dot over him a little more)

(They still play some more on the playground, Taehyung makes sure to hold his Hyung's hands so they won't fall and injure themselfs eather. He knows they don't have enough dino bandage for that back at home)

All was just fun and gamez after the incident, it really was just that, untill they just turned their back a minute a minute on Taehyung and he was gone

(it really wasn't their fault they where playinh hyde and sweek) and they shouldn't worry this much it was just that Taehyung had been gone for awhile now, and it was getting dark and colder, the clothes they dressed Taehyung with not that good for cold night weather in seoul.

They had all split up to search for the child, calling his name and prayinh he would run over to them, squeeling that he had won and wanted a reward


That haden't happened.

Yoongi had been looking for almost half and hour since they split up and he had really started to worry. He was aware that Taehyung knew the way back home, they had told him if he remembered and he did. But he also knew Taehyung, no matter smal or big, would just go home without telling them, him, about it!

Yoongi gabbed his phone and dialed Hoseok's number.

''Heard anything yet?''

''No, i just called Kookie and he hasen't seen him yet eather.. i'm really beginning to worry Yoongi maybe we should call the so--''

''We can't! As much as I would want to how are we going to explain that one of the members of BTS has turned into a kid!'' Yoongi didn't mean to yell, he really didn't, he just was so scared something happened to Taehyung. He was already crying his eyes out when he fell from the monkey barrs so what would he look like now?

''...I know'' Hoseok spoke, tone soft.

''Hobi i'm sorry I didn't mean to snap it's just.. I'm worried as fuck.''

''I know but we will find him.''

''I know we will bu--''

When he arrives at the playground they had played with Taehyung earlyer he almost crumbled to the ground in relief.  It's his Taehyung sitting there. His face is in his hands and his shoulders shuddering with every breath.

He can hear the faint voice of Hoseok, asking what's wrong but before he can answer he stuffs his phone in his pocket, not bothering that he had just suddenly hung up.

yoongi calls Taehyung's name and the boy looks up with teary eyes. taehyung runs into his arms and cries.

"i'm sorry!"

All Yoongi can do is let out a breath of relieve as he strokes Taehyung's soft hair and hold him close to his chest.

When he has texted the rest of the band where he was Taehyung and Yoongi are seated on a bensh, Taehyung had calmed down a bit but was still shaky.

"i'm sorry Yoogie.."

maybe he should be like his own parents, be more strict and maybe evn be mad at Taehyung for worrying them like that. But he is not Taehyung's parent, he is his friend and fellow band mate. He also had a really soft spot for the kid, eather young or his normal age he is whipped. he just can't swing it because he knows, whatever happened, isn't taehyung's fault. "It's okey Taehyungie. You just have to tell me—"

"what happened?" another voice chimes in, someone runnig over to them and kneeling in front of the two, Yoongi reconized the voice as Jin's. Jin's hands immadiatly grip Taehyung's shoulders. Taehyung looks up with big eyes and immadiatly starts sobbing again.

"Jin are you an idiot!? H just calmed down and you just start yelling at him again you oaf!" Yoongi leans forward. 

Jin bit his lip and looked down at Taehyung again, he had his face turned away, his lips pressed together as his hands where balled into fists. ''Do you know what happened? Where he was?" Jin asked and Yoongi shook his head.

''I don't even know the specifics of it quite yet. I don't want him to feel pressured having to explain it over and over again so we just wanted for you guys to get here."

he smiles at taehyung when the rest of bangtan comes running over, all asking the same question as Jin and Yoongi had just done befrore. ''Tae.'' Jimin spoke softly, placing his hand on the boy's knee, Taehyung looked up. ''Can you explain what happened? taehyung?"

Taehyung looked unsure and nibbled at his lip again. Yoongi massages circles onto Taehyung's back before wrapping his arms around him. ''It's okay, tell us what happened.''

taehyung sniffles. ''I wanted to buy something for the Hyungs and Kookie to thank them.''


''So I went ot the cupcake lady and bought one for us to share later. And we were going to eat it but some other boy wanted it. I told him I wa sorry but that the snack was for me and my hyungs and kookie and that he could buy another one but he said he wanted that one so he took it. i didn't mean to hit him, i was just trying to get the cupcake back because I bought it for us he shouldn't have taken it.'' Taehyung spoke and whiped his eyes with his sleeves. ''He got really mad and I got scared so I run away.'' 

Taehyung swollowed and nervously wriggled on the banch. ''I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to make anyone upset. I'm sorry for the cupcake too.. I dropped it when I run away.''

  When taehyung tears up, Jimin takes that as his cue. Pulling up taehyung into his arms, he turns to the rest and smiles ''Let's home now, we know what happened and we found Taetae again.'' Jimin spoke and could feel Taehyung gripping the hood of his coat between his smal chubby fingers. They started to walk back to their apartment.

Taehyung burrows into Jimin's neck, his tears cold against his skin. "Are you mad at me?"

''Of course not, i'm proud of you.''


Jimin nods and kisses Taehyung's hair before answering. ''You stood up for yourself, for the right thing. no matter the conditions, i'll always be proud of you for doing that.''

Taehyung kisses his neck in response. ''I love you Minnie.''

''I love you too Taetae, but please don't keep scaring me like that.''


Iconic lines of Jimin 2k17

Idk if this all makes sence i'm lowkey proud of it and I hope you'll like it too!

Also could you please tell me who Tae needs to have more interications with? i know i have alot of Taegi and Vmin but that's cause Jimin is Taehyung's best friend (cough* soulmate) and Yoongi is from Daegu aswell and smitten for him (irl too)

And I will forever worship my vmin and taegi babies cause they need more love ahem tyvm


Also I'm really thankfull for all the lovely reactins thank you so much!!!

I'll try to update as soon as possible

Much love!

(also who is screaming with me cause of 4'oclock?? Like damn)

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