all i want.

By d4nniedarko

163K 4.3K 6K

A beautiful fucking love story. [ COMPLETED ] More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chatper 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.5
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.5
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.5
Chapter 45.
all i want sequel

Chapter 27.

2.8K 80 310
By d4nniedarko

David's POV.

Mr. Jacobsen pulled me aside one morning.

"Everybody, go in! I'll be in right now!" He shouted at the rest of the class.

Along with everyone, I walked in. But not all the way. Before I could go any further in the door frame, Jacobsen got ahold of my backpack and pulled me towards him.

He shut the classroom door and looked at me, "Hey, bud."

"Hey, Jacobsen." I replied back, staring up at him.

"I've noticed you haven't really been here." He said.

I raised my eyebrow, in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You're here, but you're not really here." He clarified. "Everything okay?"

I nodded my head.

"Everything okay at home? Family? You're not getting bullied, are you?" He asked, not bothering to wait for my response for each question.

"No, everything's okay. I'm fine." I said, softly smiling.

I loved Mr. Jacobsen for that. He always, always checked up on me like that. It's special because not most teachers do that. Not most teachers care.

I looked away from him, seeing someone approaching us on the corner of my eye.

It was Liza.

I sighed, as I immediately looked away. I stared down at my feet, not wanting to make any eye contact with her.

She approached Jacobsen and I. Mostly Jacobsen.

"Here's my application for Franklin," She said, handing him a piece of paper.

"Thank you, Elizabeth." Jacobsen said to her, taking the piece of paper.

I looked up just a bit to see her. She caught me when I did. She looked at me, and walked off.

I looked back at Jacobsen, who was looking down at the application paper.

I remember Liza mentioning Franklin High to me a few months back. It was the night I helped her with the class. The night she made fun of me for thinking Ms. Powers was hot. The night I got to knew her. I remember she mentioned her love for acting and anything with the arts. She wanted to get into Franklin, and she's one step closer to doing so. That makes me happy.

"Have you found a college you're interested?" He asked, still analyzing the paper.

"No," I simply said, shaking my head.

"There's not much time, David. I recommend you find one quick," He said, finally looking up at me, "You can come to me or Hurwitz. We'll be happy to help you."

I nodded, as I held on to my backpack straps.

In all honesty, I doubt I'm even gonna' find a college I wanna' apply to. There's so many of them, they all focus on one thing. I felt bad that everyone around me seemed to know where they're going, who they are. And I'm barely, not even close to that.

I walked into the classroom, Jacobsen followed behind. I headed to my seat and didn't say anything to anyone. Not because I was upset I couldn't find myself, but because I wasn't in the mood. I'm not that dramatic.

I jotted down notes, it distracted me from everything. And I did that for the entire class period, while everyone else talked and messed around.

Every class went by ridiculously slow. Maybe because I wasn't saying a word to anyone. During every period change, I saw Liza. I'd smile at her, hoping every time she'd smile back. I wish Zane was here to tell me how stupid I was for thinking she would.

I was on my way to lunch when Cynthia came up beside me.

"Oh. Hey, Cynthia." I said, turning to look at her as I walked.

"Hey, David!" She enthusiastically said back. She's known for being a little over the top.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Did you hear about the party?" She asked me.

"No?" I said, as I slowly shook my head.

"There's one Friday night. At Jessica's," She nudged me, "You should come."

I nodded, acting like I was considering it.

"Seriously, David." She said as she stopped me. "Everyone can see that you're hurting. Over someone. Coming to this party will get your mind off things."

I sighed, as I nodded again. "Fine, I guess." I did wanna' get my mind off Liza. It's exhausting. "What time?"

"12:00." She responded, "Am." She added.

I nodded, as I smiled, "I'll be there."


Friday night.

I stared at myself in the mirror, I was wearing black jeans, black Vans, and a black t-shirt. This is what I wear literally almost everyday, I don't know why I was staring at myself for so long.

I sprayed some cologne on, grabbed my car keys and headed out.

I got into my car, started it up and sat there for a few minutes before officially leaving.

In a matter of fifteen minutes, I pulled up to Jessica's house. I parked across the street, and stared at her house. "I'm gonna' have a good time." I said to myself. I was tired of being heartbroken and soft.

I got out my car, and walked towards the front door. I knocked, and looked around, it was pretty dead for a "party."

Jessica opened up the door, the sound of the door bringing my attention back.

"Hey, David!" She said.

"Hey, Jessica." I said back.

"You look nice." She told me, as her eyes wandered down my body.

"Heh, thanks," I looked down at my outfit, "Even though it's what I wear everyday."

"Maybe it's you without a hat that's making you look good; better than usual." She added.

Minutes flew by, of her just staring down at my body.

"Uh," I started, shoving my hands into my pockets, breaking the awkward silence and her staring at me, "Cynthia said there's a party tonight?.."

"Yeah," She hummed, "At 12." She pulled out her phone and looked down to check the time, "It's 7, right now."

That's why it seemed so dead.

"Oh," I said, "Well, I'll come back later. Later, later." I told her.

I turned myself around and was about to walk back to my car until Jessica got ahold of me.

"You can stay." She said softly, "You can help us prepare, if you want."

I sighed quietly and turned back around, "Alright." I mumbled.

Jessica held onto my arm, as she guided me into her home. She shut the door, and that's when she finally let go.

She headed into the kitchen, and I followed her.

She grabbed about four bags of chips, "Here," She said, as she shoved them all into my arms, "Put these in the bowls."

I looked down at them, then looked at the bowls, then looked at her, "You want them separately or do you want them mixed?.." I asked.

"Use your mind, Dobrik." She answered before walking off.

I turned around to walk to the bowls, I decided to leave one bowl with one type of chip and the others mixed.

Preparing didn't last very long; it's a high school party. Why would it?

For the last two hours, Jessica and I hung out outside by the pool area.

We talked, talked and talked. About nothing specific. We talked about school, about her 'boyfriend', about Liza, unfortunately. She's definitely not 'annoying' as everyone makes her to be.


People started arriving, it was only 11:45.

I saw Alex, Heath, Scotty, Zane & Toddy. I approached them all, actually happy to see them here. Weird, because I was happy to see Todd, too.

Lots of people from school came. People I didn't know, to people I barely knew.

Even Liza came. Of course with her boyfriend.

I didn't care, though. Not anymore. I think.

I forced myself to not look in her direction. Every time my mind roamed to her, I would drink it away little by little. Feeling the burning alcohol in my throat was way better than feeling her name on my lips.

"I'm surprised to see you here, David." Toddy said to me, as he grabbed himself a beer.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're not the party type guy. I'm surprised you're not in some room, on your phone, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." He said.

I laughed, "I've done that before." The huge grin on my face soon changed, after realizing it was Toddy I was talking to.

He laughed along with me, "It's okay, Dobrik." He whispered into my ear, "I like this David way better." He winked at me, before walking off to Heath.

I didn't let Toddy and his obnoxious ways get to me. Like I told myself earlier at 7; I'm gonna have a good time.

And that I did.

Liza and her boyfriend were on the couch, laughing, drinking, making out. My eyes did roam to her a few times, and when they did, I didn't bother to move them. Sometimes.

I looked around, and saw Jessica walking past me. I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me, "Where are you going?" I asked, as a weak grin appeared on my face.

"Woah, David. Keep your hands to yourself." She said, giggling as she pushed my hands away. "Someone had too much beer."

"I don't drink beer," I said, obviously lying. I got ahold of her again, and pulled her back to me, "Come here." I mumbled.

I took her hand and guided Jessica to the couch, where Liza and her boyfriend were at.

I sat us down on the couch across from them. I pulled Jessica down on to my lap, as I cupped her face to bring her face close to mine.

She giggled during it all, her cheeks turning to a light shade of pink. "You definitely drink. Look at you." She said, as she looked down at me.

"Shut up," I told her, as I crashed my lips onto hers.

From there, we just aggressively made out. To the point where it was too obnoxious to be in public.

My hands roamed around her waist, our lips red and swollen. I looked over at Liza who was across from us. I smirked against Jessica's lips, knowing this was getting to her. That was my goal.

I didn't bother to stop the kiss, I was liking it myself. Jessica's hands ran down my chest, that reminding me of my dream I had of Liza; she did the same thing.

I kept roughly kissing Jessica, though. Cute thoughts and passionate memories of Liza and me not getting in the way.

I would occasionally look back at Liza, making sure she was looking at us every time I checked.

"Can you get me a beer?" I heard Liza ask her boyfriend.

I watched him get up and leave. I watched Liza angrily watch us.

She stood up and came over to us, "David, can I talk to you?"

"I'm in the middle of something," I mumbled, looking up at her, with my eyebrows raised.

She pulled Jessica off from me, and grabbed me aggressively. Liza took me outside, in the front.

"What the hell, David?" She angrily expressed.

"Now you're talking to me." I said, wiping my lips.

"Why are you kissing Jessica?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Why do you care?" I asked right back, in a more calmer tone.

Liza just glared at me. I found it pathetic that I had to do something just to get her attention.

She didn't say anything after that. And neither did I. It stayed silent until:

"Why'd you leave me?" I asked her, going back to the day I saw her kissing him in the rain.

She still didn't say anything.

I kept looking at her, with my head tilt. "I'm expecting an answer, Liza." I told her.

"I don't know why." Was all she said.

I kept staring at her, as I shook my head. "That's not an answer." I softly told her, "Why did you leave?" I repeated.

"Because," She started, it taking five minutes for her to finish, "I knew if I stayed with you, I'd be waiting for something that wasn't going to happen."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean."

Awkward silences would interrupt us almost every time we didn't know what to say.

"I miss you." I told her.

"I miss you, too." She said back.

"Then why don't you act like it?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"Why is it that every time you have a boyfriend, you can't talk to me?" I added, "Or anyone."

She shrugged again. She turned around and was about to walk back in, until I got ahold of her.

I pulled her back to me, "You can't run away from things." I told her. "Please, talk to me."

"I don't know, David. I don't know."

Her boyfriend walked outside, "There you are." He said, as he grabbed her hand. He looked over at me, then back at Liza, "Who's this?"

"I don't know. Someone." She said, as she walked inside with him.


I walked in afterwards, the word "someone" going through my head. How could she act like that after everything?

At this point, I was pretty angry with Liza. Angry to the point where all I wanted to do was make out with Jessica. Angry to the point where I wanted to yell at Liza, herself. Even though I know I could never, ever shout at such a precious human being. Angry to the point where I wanted to hit her boyfriend. After all, he is the reason why Liza and I are strangers now.

I bumped into Toddy, not realizing I did until he acknowledged it.

"Watch it, Dobrik." He shouted as he watched me walk off.

I ignored him. I walked out to the pool, where and Heath and Zane were at.

I sat down with my back against the wall; I was still angry.

Zane and Heath walked up to me, "Hey, baby!" They both said.

"Everything okay?" Zane asked.

"Yeah." I said, looking up at the two.

"You sure?" Heath asked.

"Yeah." I repeated.

"Get him a beer." Zane whispered to Heath.

Zane plopped himself down next to me, as he rested his hand on my knee, "Real talk, bud. What's wrong?"

I was never the type to easily open up to people. Mainly because whenever anyone would ask what was wrong, they'd only either ask for the pure sake of gossip, or to get an excuse to make fun of me. Like I mentioned before. But that moment, I completely broke down.

With tears rolling down my cheeks, I struggled with getting my thoughts out.

Heath had walked out, saw that I was crying and immediately came over to sit on the other side of me.

"Stop crying, you pussy ass bitch." Heath said to me, as he handed me my beer. "Look at you."

"You deserve better." Zane said to me, rubbing my back.

"Maybe. But what if I don't want better?" I asked, wiping my eyes with my shirt, "What if I only want Liza."

Zane kept comforting me, while Heath yelled at me for being soft.

"If Liza is the only one you want, why don't you go get her then, bitch?" Heath sternly said.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Heath interrupted before I even could.

"Who the fuck cares if she has a boyfriend? What if she wants you too but isn't allowed to? Get go your girl and stop crying like a little bitch." Heath yelled.

Zane kept rubbing my back through it all, "I agree, baby. If she's who you really want; go get her. Before it's too late."

Before it's too late.

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