Promise Me No Promises | Cade

By LockedInBecksRV

2.1K 57 21

Beck and Jade have been together for long, perhaps too long and after 3 years, Jade is starting to get tired... More

Making Her Happy
Til Dawn

The Same Day

983 19 1
By LockedInBecksRV

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious.


Jade walked out of the RV by herself. She didn't bother to check if Beck was following her outside, she didn't care one bit. She walked towards the entrance of Beck's parents' house, where his car was located. She wished it was opened so she didn't have to wait for him or even speak to him. But since it obviously wasn't, she had to be patient and not complain for once. Beck, who was still at the RV by the time she was out, took his time. He knew that if Jade had to wait for something more than a couple of minutes, she could go crazy and maybe she'd talk to him then. That method worked before in between them but he was not 100% sure about this time, though. Jade seemed very bitter this morning specially, but if he had learned something in their 3-year long relationship, was to not to disturb Jade on a school morning, or on any other regular morning.

Beck finally got to the car and let her in. He started the car as soon as possible. He already knew what was coming so he only wanted to make the awkward silent moment less long for the both of them. Jade, who was sat next to him, didn't say a word in the whole ride to school. That was nothing out of usual but Beck still felt like something wasn't right. Maybe it wasn't her, maybe it was himself. Maybe he had done something wrong last night, or this morning? Beck was confused and really wanted to ask her what was wrong but upon anything, he wanted to show Jade that she could tell him anything that worries her. So he decided it'd be better to just wait and surprise her with some roses and a fancy dinner that night. He'll skip a few periods and prepare a romantic night with his girlfriend. He was hoping she'll like this and that he could repair anything wrong he'd done, and if everything was ok at last, just spend a lovely night with her. This will surely make it all up between them!

But in Jade's mind, everything was so different. She was starting to get tired of being with Beck all the time. She felt like their relationship was just lost and helpless. Everyday was the same and even though that's what the Canadian boy liked, she was expecting something different, something more. The conversations between them got boring and Jade found herself in a situation where she didn't know what to talk about with her own boyfriend. She wanted that to change but she felt like she was the only one noticing that something needed to be done, and she wanted Beck to put on some of his own efforts and to do something for change. Was she asking too much?


As soon as they got into the HA parking lot, Jade got out of the car without crossing any word to Beck and walked straight to her first class as she knew Beck would expect to see her at her locker before class and would want to ask her about her behavior this morning.

Sikowitz's class was empty by the time Jade opened the door. She looked around and picked one seat in the front row. She closed her eyes for a while, took a deep breath and tried to relax. The same boring day as every day, Jade. But that calmed moment was soon interrupted by her phone's ringtone. She pulled it out after one or two more minutes of her relaxing moment. No one was up to disturb her while trying to relax, she needed that extra energy to get through mornings.

Beck: Where r you?

Jade groaned at that. Leave me alone. She couldn't cope with the fact of someone trying to pull her closer to them when she only wanted space. She wasn't mad, nor depressed. But she really appreciated her times with herself. Sometimes she felt like herself was the only one who couldn't disappoint her.

Another beep

Beck: ❤️

Jade was now starting to get annoyed. She hated hearts and was one of the people who felt like they could only be used in extremely important situations, and that one wasn't one of those.

Jade was typing some random text for Beck to make him stop texting her when Sikowizt opened the door noisily.

"Good morning, kids!"

Sikowizt is always in the best of the moods and that made Jade be upset sometimes. She couldn't understand why someone would be that happy, and especially when being in school.

"Today we'll learn about giving information and how our facial expression and tone of voice can make it sound completely different... But before we begin... Jade?"

Jade looked up to Sikowizt and she felt all eyes on her. Mind your own business, yo people!


"Phones are not allowed in class."


"So you have two options: A) you give me your phone. B) you tell us all what you were doing in it."

"Fine..." Jade looked down to her phone one more time before answering. "I was checking the hour."

"Why?" On that moment, Sikowizt realized he shouldn't have asked that but it was too late already.

"Because I wanted to know how much time left of torture I have."

Some people laughed and Sikowizt wasn't going to let no one get in his good mood, not today.

"None," Jade was surprised at his very serious and cold tone. That's when she knew she had fucked it up... "to detention, Jade" Jade got up of her chair and left the room rolling her eyes, Sikowizt explaining voice at the background. She was annoyed that she didn't get to kill his good mood and frowned stepping in the hall. She approached her black scissored locker and opened it. Her intention was to leave her bag inside and to get her next class' book as always, but something fell onto her before doing so. A small white note and a red rose. What the junk? Jade picked them both off the floor carefully. She had no idea what was that about but something was new for change and she wasn't sure if she wanted to let that moment go to find it out. But well, you could say the curiosity killed the cat... and Jade West.

She looked around to make sure no one was there to see her smiling in excitement, –she had a reputation to keep after all– and opened the small note that had written Jade at the top and read:

Red, red of your lips, red of my cheeks every time I see you looking my way. Red of all the flowers that grow up in my garden and of every love song I want to dedicate you when you're asleep. Red of blood and your favorite boots. Red, red is my love for you.

Jade was already in the clouds at the first word. She didn't care how corny it was and that she should be throwing up by now. She liked it. Someone took their time to do this for her and leave it in her locker without her to know it just to make her happy. That truly said a lot about that person. But who was it? Jade examined the note: the handwriting, the paper... There was nothing that would give her a single hint of who left that in her locker.

Would this be Beck or somebody else? It ought to be Beck because of the when you're asleep verse... right? He is the sweetest, I can't believe what a cute surprise this was...

Convinced that was Beck the one who did it, Jade pulled out her phone and texted him with a smile on her face as she walked to her next class. The bell had ringed and tons of people were walking to their lockers, chatting with their friends or walking to their next class, were all around Jade and she began to hear some speculations about the cause of her happiness. But she didn't care, she was happy and excited, and it was all due to Beck... no?

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