Crazy Feelings

By Little_Apple05

97K 1.7K 584

Bella Castillo. Your average girl with a beautiful voice. Shawn Mendes. Every girls dream guy. Successful, cu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
*Please Read*
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Six

4.5K 79 44
By Little_Apple05

Oh my goodness the lip bite! ^ Is anyone else weak in the knees right now? Alright here's chapter six!


So many emotions are stirring up inside of me right now. I want to cry and laugh at the same time.

"How did you know my mom?" I ask while trying not to freak out.

"Well we were very good friends with your parents. Me and your mother were very close. You and Shawn were actually friends as children. You were to small to remember though." She says.

"wow. " that's all I could manage to get out.

"Hold on I'll be right back." Mrs.Mendes says and gets up a leaves for a few minuets.

"Are you okay Bella?" Shawn says and grabs my hand. When he touches my hand it sends a weird feeling to my stomach.

I look at him and nod. Honestly I don't know if I'm okay or not. 

A few minutes later Mrs.Mendes comes back with a small box.

"Here. I have some pictures of your mother if you'd like to look at them." She says. I take a deep breath and then start going through the pictures. The first one I pick up is a picture of her standing in front of a lake as the sun is setting.

"She was beautiful." I say but it comes out as more of a whisper. 

"Well you look exactly like her." Mr.Mendes said I looked up and smiled at them. 

"You can keep that if you'd like." Mrs.Mendes said and I nodded. We started going through the pictures and I got to see my parents high school pictures. 

"What's this?" I ask and take out a photo album. I open it up and see a bunch of baby pictures.

"That was a baby photo album I had started making of you and Shawn." She says and smiles. I look at Shawn and smile. 

I went through the pictures and they were so cute. Baby Shawn was adorable!

"! Shawn!" I saw as we come to a picture of him as a baby laying in his stomach and his little baby butt is showing.

"Oh my God Mother." He says and puts his face in his hand. We all laugh for a second and then I realize that if they were friends with my parents, then they must know how she died.

"So do you know no my mom died?" I asked and then things got really serious. 

Aaliah came into the room with no clue as to what is going on. She looks at everyone and I guess she could feel the heaviness of the mood.

She sat on the couch next to her mom and just sat there silently.

"Well. Your mother never really liked to have a conversation with people when she was angry. So she would take a drive around town to cool off. Well one day you were here with us because I was babysitting you. Well it was already late at night. Your parents were going out on a date. Your father and your mother got into an argument and so your mother left to take a drive and cool off. While she was driving she..." Mrs.Mendes trailed off and her eyes became watery.

My heart is beat so freakin hard right now. I think it might come out of my chest. 

"What happened?" I asked trying to holdback my own tears.

"She was hit by a drunk driver. She died almost immediately. Your father had you stay with us while he planned the funeral. A few weeks after the funeral he came and got you and said he was leaving. He didn't tell anyone where. He just left with you. We tried looking for you guys, but we could never find you." She said and tears started rolling down my face. 

I sit here silent. Not knowing how to react. Suddenly it feels as if the walls are closing in on me. 

"Bella are you alright?" Shawn asks with a  extremely concerned expression.

"I-I just need some air." I say and get up and walk out the front door. I start to walk down the sidewalk. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn and its Shawn.

I'm breathing heavily and tears are just flowing down my face. 

Shawn doesn't say anything, he just comes  new and pulls me in to his very well built body. I burried my face in his chest and cried. I cried more than I ever have before.

Everything that has been happening is crazy! It's a lot to take in, and to top it all off I meet my moms old bestfriends and find out how she died!

"It's okay. I know this is a lot to take in." Shawn says and rubs my back. It's like he read my freakin mind!

"Why wouldn't my dad ever tell me about her?" I say into his chest.

"I don't know. Maybe he felt like it was his fault. Or like it would hurt you to much to know." He said and I guess he was right. I pulled away and wiped up my tears. 

Thank God for water proof makeup! 

"Well I'm glad that I know more about my mom now." I say and smile. Shawn smiles back and I stare at him for a few seconds. 

I never really noticed just how good looking he really was until now. I mean I knew he wasn't ugly, but I've never really looked at his face.

"Thank you again. It seems like I'm always crying around you." I say and laugh.

"It's okay because then I get to make you smile." Shawn said and I just looked at him and smiled. I linked arms with Shawn and we walked back to the house.

"Oh there you two are! Are you okay sweet heart?" Mrs.Mendes says and I nod and smile.

We all go into the dining room where she has already set up and served everyone. She made some type of chicken with vegetables. It looks and smells delicious.

"So what was my mom like?" I ask and Mrs.Mendes smiles.

"Well for starters she was such an honest and humble person. She always loved to help people. She was fearless. Her and I were always doing crazy things together. She was compassionate and loving. And just like you she always had a love for music. She was also brave, courageous, and just amazing." She said and a huge smile grew on my face.

"Sounds a lot like you." Shawn said and looked at me. I smiled and then Aaliah started asking me questions about how the auditions and everything went.

They found the story about Lily signing me up secretly very amusing. It's funny now, but it wasn't in the moment. I'm glad she did what she did though. 

After dinner we said our goodbyes.

"Thank you so much for having me over Mr. And Mrs. Mendes." I say politely.

"Oh please call me Karen and call him Manny. You are like part of this family." She said and hugged me. 

We went and got in the car and Shawn opened my door for me. The drive home was filled with random conversations and music. 

We arrived at the house and Shawn pulled into the garage. 

We went inside and I took off my shoes. 

"So what do you want to do?" Shawn asks me and sets his keys on the counter.

"Well right now I want to go change. I'll be right back." I say and run upstairs to my room. I shut the door behind me and then grab some clothes.

I throw on my old gray pullover that says 'Mrs.Whateveryourlastnameis' and then put on some old cheer shorts that I had. 

Yes I was a cheerleader. I was actually cheer captain. I loved it,  it was so much fun. I was the cheerleader and Lily was the baton twirler. She was captain of the drill team. 

I put on some socks and then go downstairs. Shawn is leaned in the counter on his phone.

He is now wearing a gray Hogwarts shirt and some basketball shorts.

"Alright so what now?" I say and clap my hands together.

"I don't know, let's do something fun." He says and I look around the house.

I see that there are speakers in the corner of each wall around the house.

"How do I connect my music to those speakers?" I ask and point to them.

"Oh here you just connect your Bluetooth tooth to this thing and it'll play the music through the speakers." Shawn says showing me and little screen in the wall. 

It looks so fancy. I connect my Bluetooth and then put on some music. I'm Hispanic so the first song that came on was 'Como La Flor' by Selena. 

I gave Shawn a goofy look and then put out my hands for him to dance with me.

"Oh I don't  know to dance." He says and laughs.

"Oh yes you do! I've seen it!" I say and he looks a little confused.

"You have? When?" 

"Twice actually. First was that little routine you did in the 'Something Big' video." I say and he laughs.

"And the other time?" 

"That little salsa dance you do. Don't think I haven't seen it!" I say and take him by the hands. I start dancing and moving my hips to the rhythm of the music.

Shawn starts to try to dance like I am and he looks so adorably funny! The song ended and then the song 'Barcelona' by Ed Sheeran came on.

"I love this song!! MAKING ME FEEL LIKE THE BEAT AND THE BASE LINE!" I sing loudly and Shawn joins along.

We are singing and dancing like idiots. When the song is over we bust out laughing. Then the song 'A thousand years' by Christina Perry comes on. I forgot I had this song on my playlist.

"Here I'll change the song." I say and walk over to my phone that's on the counter. Just as walked away Shawn grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him.

"No let's dance to this." He says and looks into my eyes. I gulp and I feel my heart beat speed up. 

"What?" I say and look at him.

"Yeah. Come on." He says and so I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my waist. 

We stand there slow dancing and at first it felt a little bit awkward. Then it just felt right. 

"You have have really pretty eyes you know that right?" Shawn says and it makes me blush. 

I look up into his big hazel eyes and his eyes connect with mine. We stand there just looking at each other and it didn't feel weird at all. 

I realize that Shawn is slowly leaning in and then I find that I am too. Just as our lips were about to touch my phone rings and it comes on the speakers, making the music stop.

I pull away and I feel so awkward right now. 

"I uh... Let me see who that is." I say and quickly go over to my phone. Who the heck is calling me at 11 at night?! 

"Y-yeah you should probably get that." Shawn says and then grabs the back of his neck.

Man I wanted to kiss Shawn. I really did. I don't know when these feelings started evolving, but I don't know what to do about them. 

I look at my phone and see that it's Mason. I don't answer it, instead I send it to voice mail.

"Who was it?" Shawn asked and then the phone started ringing again. Shawn looked and saw Mason's name. "You should probably answer that." He says and so I grab the phone and I answer it.

"What do you want?" I say bluntly. I'm really not in the mood to talk to him right now.

"Bella I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said to you. Can you please forgive me?" Mason said and I could tell he was really sorry. I want to be able to just go back to him, but I can't. It wouldn't work. 

I'm here and he's there. I think we would have broken up eventually anyways. I forgive him though for what he said to me.

"Mason I forgive you. But that doesn't mean we are getting back together." I say and Shawn looks up from his phone at me when I say that.

I walk upstairs so I can talk without Shawn being nosy. He's cute when he's being nosy though.

"Bella please...." He says and then I hear a door slam shut on his end.

"Who are you talking to?" A hear a girls voice say. It's definitely not his mom, I know what she sounds like.

"No one. Don't worry about it." Mason says and now I'm upset because n exalted me no one. He freakin has a girl over and he's trying to get back together with me? It's literally been two days!

"Mason who the heck is that?" I say and then I hear silence for a while.

"Hello who is this?" I hear the girls voice say sounding very rude.

"This is Bella Mason's Ex." I say rudely. If she wants to be rude then I'm gonna be rude right back.

"Why are you calling my boyfriend?" She says and I feel anger boiling up inside of my chest. 

"What do you mean your boyfriend? Exactly how long have you two been dating?" I ask trying not to reach through the phone and punch the crap out of her. I know that's impossible, but I really want to do it right now.

"Three months now. So I would appreciate if you'd stop calling." She says and hangs up the phone. 

I stand there in my room in shock. Mason was cheating on me for the last three months. Wow. 

I sit on my bed not knowing what to do or even now to feel anymore. I'm angry, but I don't feel like crying. I'm very shocked. I sit there in silence until Shawn comes up and sits next to me in the bed.

"What happened?" He asks me and I don't say anything for a few seconds.

"Mason has been cheating on me for the last three months. I was clueless. Wow." I say. I'm still not crying, I'm just sitting there staring at the wall.

"Oh Bella I'm so sorry."  Shawn says and looks at me. "Wait are you upset or not? I can't tell." He says and I look at him.

"I don't know. I think I might be. I should be. It doesn't really matter anymore now though." I say and he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I really don't understand girls." Shawn says and I laugh a little.

I lay back on the bed and stare at the ceiling. I take a deep breath and then let it out.

Shawn lays next to me and stares at the ceiling for a few seconds and then looks at me.

"What's going on inside your head right now?" He asks. 

"That's a good question. I guess I'm just thinking about how much things have changed over these past couple of weeks. All of the crazy stuff that's happened." I say and look at him.

I get up off of the bed and I go and put my phone to charge. I look out my window and it looks beautiful outside. Especially at night.

"What do you think you'd be doing right now if you weren't famous?" I ask and he gets up and walks over to me.

"I think I'd probably be at my parents house, in my room on Instagram. I would be standing next to a beautiful girl." He says and I turn and look at him and smile. 

I look from his eyes to his lips a few times and thought about kissing him. I don't think now is the right time. Instead of kissing his lips like I wanted to so badly, I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Good night Shawn." I say and he smiles.

"Good night Bella." He says and then I watch him walk out of the room. I hate to see him leave, but I love to watch him go. He really isn't like I thought he'd be.

He's funny, dorky, nice, caring, romantic, super cute, and so much more. He's every girls dream guy. 

I lay in my bed and I just stare at the ceiling smiling. Man am I glad that I'm here. I wonder what other crazy stuff is in store for me.

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