Fire and Ice

By Gothika_Studios

11K 480 83

Running from her life in the big city, Lexi get stranded in a small one horse town. Having an immediate attr... More

Fish and stuff
Real Lives, Real Feelings
Old flame
Show down
I will
Judgement Day
Starting New
Ever After -The final chapter


457 23 4
By Gothika_Studios

Lexi stood in the middle of the living room of their new house and was beside herself with excitement.  They had been packing and moving for the past two weeks and now the furniture was being delivered and Daryl, Merle and his friends were getting the last of the stuff from the old house.  They would be spending their first night in their new place and she had bought a new teddy and thong to celebrate the occasion with Daryl.  Heading back into the kitchen to empty the dishwasher after washing all the dishes they had brought over, Lexi stood back and admired her work.  Everything was neat and organized, this kitchen is a dream come true, she thought.  Hearing the screen door open and close, she smiled feeling a pair of strong muscular arms slide around her waist and a set of warm and soft lips kiss her neck.

"Hi" she smiled, putting the silverware away.

"Hi yourself" Daryl said huskily, pulling her against him.

"The rest of them on their way?" Lexi asked, disentangling herself from him to put more things away.

"They're grabbing a bite first" Daryl said staring at her.

Hearing him turn up the radio on the counter, Lexi smiled again hearing her favorite song and the line Daryl had used from it to propose.

"Dance with me" he whispered, holding out his hand.

Taking his hand as he held it to his chest and wrapped his other around her waist, Lexi looked into his eyes and felt her heart completely melt from all the love she could see in him.

"Are you happy?" Daryl asked, kissing her hand that was being held by his on his chest.

"Deliriously, although you didn't have to do all of this, I would be happy anywhere with you" Lexi said softly.

"I know, but I wanted this for us....for you, me and Luke" Daryl said, kissing her slowly.

Listening to the song and swaying to the music, Daryl and Lexi became completely lost in each other.  Kissing each other hungrily as Daryl pushed her against the counter as he began unbuttoning her jeans.

"Daryl wait" Lexi said breathlessly, pushing slightly on his chest. "Aren't people coming?"

"Later" Daryl said, sliding his hand between her legs "How about we cum right now?" he whispered gruffly in her ear.

Sitting her up on the kitchen counter, he smiled pulling her to him.

"Look at that, perfect height" he grinned pulling her against him.

"You measured before you bought this place, didn't you?" Lexi giggled, unbuttoning his shirt and kissing his collarbone.

"Maybe" Daryl whispered, sliding his hands down the back of her jeans, tugging them off.

Unbuttoning Daryl's jeans quickly, Lexi pulled at him desperately needing to feel him inside her.  Spreading her legs wide as he plunged himself inside her, Lexi tossed her head back and moaned from the sensations.  Wrapping her legs around his waist as he pumped hard into her, Lexi clung to his body as he hit that spot that nobody else had ever touched in her life. 

"Daryl" she moaned as she ran her fingers through his hair as he sucked on her taut nipples that ached for him.  Pushing himself even deeper inside her, Lexi cried out as her body began gripping his thick cock with her orgasm.  Kissing him desperately as he pushed even deeper releasing his seed, Lexi wrapped her arms around his shoulder and held onto him until they both floated back down from their lovemaking bliss.

"That was fun" Daryl grinned "I hope you know I plan on christening every room in this house...well except for Luke's room but you better get some rest because once we're settled in here, you're in for it"

"Promise?" Lexi smiled kissing him tenderly

"Promise" Daryl smiled, kissing her back.

Hearing vehicles coming down the drive, Daryl and Lexi giggled uncontrollably trying to find their clothes and get dressed.  Watching Daryl run out the screen door to meet their helpers, Lexi grabbed the bleach cleaner and began cleaning off the counter top, they're going to need to buy stock in this stuff, she giggled to herself.  Watching the men carry in the furniture, pointing to where she wanted everything, Lexi couldn't believe this was her life and how happy she was.  After everything was in, Daryl grabbed some beer and sat on the back deck and relaxed with everyone that had helped.  Making her and Daryl's bed and poking her head in to see how Jane was coming with Luke's, the two women chatted while Jane helped Lexi put things away.  Saying goodnight to everyone as their company left, Lexi and Daryl happily tucked Luke into his new bunk bed who was thrilled with everything in his life.  Sighing contently as Daryl wrapped his arms around her after hours of lovemaking, Lexi couldn't imagine anything better.


After a couple of months of settling in their new house, Lexi and Daryl fell into a comfortable routine.  Getting Luke on and off the bus for school, making dinner and running the house, Lexi finally felt like she belonged somewhere.  Watching the snow fall softly out the window, Lexi was beside herself with excitement knowing she would be giving Daryl and Luke their Christmas presents in two days. She had worked it out with Merle and one of his friends were keeping the four wheelers for her until Christmas eve.  After they were gone and at Daryl's parent's house for dinner, Merle's friend would deliver the vehicles and leave them in Daryl's work garage.  Not only that, she had another gift for Daryl and she really couldn't wait to give it to him.  Seeing the school bus rumble down the road, Lexi grabbed her coat and walked down the drive to wait for Luke.  Seeing him get off the bus with all smiles Lexi couldn't help but to smile back.

"Mom!  We had a Christmas party and I had cupcakes and fruit punch and M&M's..." Luke said excitedly

"Hmmm I can tell you're pretty sugared up" Lexi laughed "C'mon, lets get inside, I'm freezing!"

Running back to the house and running inside, Lexi got Luke his after school snack and a hot cup of cocoa.  Listening to how his day was, Lexi watched out the window and smiled seeing Daryl's truck pull in the drive.  Taking the lid off of her spaghetti sauce to stir it a bit, Lexi smiled at Daryl who had walked into the kitchen.

"Mmmmm spaghetti" Daryl said sniffing the pot, trying to stick his finger in for a taste but getting a smack from Lexi. "You're as bad as my mom" Daryl grumbled.

Finishing making dinner as Daryl sat and listened to Luke and his day, Lexi couldn't help but be antsy and distracted by everything she had planned for Christmas.

"Hello?" Daryl said, waving his hand in front of her face.

"Oh sorry" Lexi grinned "Just thinking about everything I need to get done before Christmas eve"

"Luke, will you run upstairs and grab me my slippers?" Daryl asked

"Sure dad" Luke said, pushing his plate back and heading for the stairs.

"I got the puppy" Daryl whispered as soon as Luke was out of earshot.  "The mom and dad were rescues and both are purebred yellow labs."

"Oh honey!" Lexi said gasping "He's going to lose his mind!"

"I know" Daryl grinned "I have to pick it up Christmas eve, I figure we can do that after we have dinner at my parents"

Lexi tried thinking if that would hurt her plans for her gifts for him at all.

"Hello?  Lexi, where do you keep going?" Daryl asked concerned.

"No place sweetheart, just thinking about making sure we have puppy food and a place for him to sleep" Lexi lied.

"They have all that stuff ready for us" Daryl said softly, not quite believing her.

"Oh okay" She smiled, giving him a quick kiss.

"Here dad" Luke said coming back in with the house shoes.  "Can I watch TV?" Luke asked

"Sure buddy" Daryl said softly but still staring at a very distracted Lexi.

Doing the dishes and cleaning up, Lexi walked into the family room and sat on the arm of the couch and began to rub Daryl's back.  Looking at him as he grabbed her hand and kissed it, they both turned and looked at each other, hearing someone knock.

"You expecting anyone?" Lexi asked

"No" Daryl said "It's probably just mom or dad or Merle"

Hearing him open the door and talk with soft voices, Lexi felt a little concern as Daryl yelled her name.  Walking into the foyer, looking at Daryl, her mouth went suddenly dry and her heart about pounded out of her chest as she looked at the person who had been knocking on their door.

"Hello Lexi" Trent said smugly.

"Trent" Lexi said, not being able to stop shaking. 

An uncomfortable silence hung around the three as they stared at each other.

"So I see you're engaged again" Trent said bitterly, pointing at ring "Be careful there, she tends to run"

"Trent, please" Lexi pleaded still not sure what to say.

"Lexi, I'm going to get Luke his bath while you" Daryl said quietly and excused himself.

Watching Daryl carry Luke up the stairs, Lexi turned and looked at Trent again.

"How did you find me Trent?" Lexi demanded

"You finally used your credit card" Trent said with a smirk.

"Are you serious?  You had my credit card use tracked?" Lexi said exasperated.

"Yes I'm serious!  Dammit Lexi, you were supposed to be my wife and you left, no note no sorry, no nothing!" Trent fumed.

"Trent, you and I both know it would have never worked.  You wanted me to be someone that I hated and it would have ended and probably badly.  I did both of us a favor by leaving" Lexi said trying to get him to see her side.

"I still love you Lexi and I want you to come back with me" Trent said staring into her eyes.

Lexi felt her heart hammer even faster in fear....he didn't want her, he just hated to lose.

"I'm sorry Trent, but I'm happy here.  I love Daryl and his son, we're to be married in the spring.  Just go back to New York Trent and find somebody else, move on with your life and find your own happiness" Lexi said softly, hoping he would see she spoke the truth.

"You're not happy here Lexi, I mean you are not the farm girl type.  One of these days you're going to wake up and realize what you threw away. I'm staying the night in some disgusting motel not far from here....think about what I said and if you change your mind, you'll know where I'll be" Trent said, grabbing the door handle.

"I won't Trent, I'm sorry" Lexi said and watched him walk out the door.

Locking the door behind him, Lexi covered her mouth with her hand as the tears slid down her cheeks.  Why now?  Why when everything was so great and she was about to have the best Christmas of her life?  Walking up the stairs slowly, stopping by Luke's room listening to Daryl tuck him in, Lexi walked to their room and sat down on their bed.  Staring at the floor while hearing Daryl walk in, she looked at him afraid of what she might see.

"You okay?" he asked softly, staring at her.

", I don't know.  I can't believe he tracked me down....I figured he had moved on by now" Lexi said softly.

"Is that why you've been so distracted lately?" Daryl asked accusingly.

"Huh?  No!  No Daryl, I had no idea he was here until right now." Lexi said "Actually I can't believe you would even think that I would go behind your back and see him" Lexi frowned.

"I didn't....I mean, oh hell I don't know what I mean" Daryl said, sitting down next to her.  "So what are you going to do?"

"Nothing" Lexi said softly "He said that if I change my mind and want to go back with him to meet him at the motel.  I told him I wouldn' life is here now, with you and Luke."

"I know sweetheart, it's just hard seeing a guy like that and then seeing you be with a guy like me" Daryl said quietly.

"Daryl...." Lexi started.

"Hey listen, it's okay....hopefully he'll go back to New York and we'll never have to worry about this again" Daryl said, kissing her softly.

"Okay" Lexi said softly, watching Daryl get ready for bed.

Laying there listening to Daryl's sleeping breaths after making love, Lexi couldn't help but worry.  His lovemaking was always fantastic but she could tell something was off tonight, he was almost reserved.  Maybe she was just reading too much into things, maybe Trent would leave and they would be fine.  She had thought of maybe giving Daryl one of his Christmas presents early to maybe make him happy but she wasn't sure even that would help.  Closing her eyes, and sighing deeply, she seriously hoped Trent would just disappear.


Daryl frowned trying not to think as he buried his head in the engine of the car he was working on.  It still really bothered him seeing the guy Lexi almost married.  He was classy and rich and everything he wasn't.  He knew Lexi didn't love the guy but it still kind of bothered him what she was giving up to stay with he and Luke.  Hearing someone come through the door, Daryl stopped working and pulled his head out of the car.

"Be right there" Daryl yelled, trying to wipe the grease off of his hands.

Walking into the front office, Daryl stopped frozen in his tracks.

"What kind I help you with?" Daryl asked, finally finding his voice.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to talk for a you mind?" Trent asked.

Daryl shook his head and leaned against his desk.

"Listen...Daryl is it?  I don't mean to barge in but this is a small town and it wasn't hard to find you....anyway, I just want to know if you honestly think you can make Lexi happy?" Trent asked.

"I don't know" Daryl said quietly "But I plan on trying every single day for the rest of my life"

"Don't be a fool, Daryl" Trent said bitterly "You can't make her happy...hell I'm not sure anyone can.  This life here isn't her.  She loves to travel, she loves art and classical music, she loves the theater.  Can she get any of that here in this hick town?  I hate to be the one to tell you but one of these days you're going to wake up and she's going to be gone.  That's what she does and honestly, good luck in her actually marrying you.  She'll put up a good front but come the day, she'll be long gone and you'll be looking like an idiot waiting for her at the alter"

Daryl stared at the floor and tried not to show Trent that he had hit upon his biggest fears.

"Listen, I'm pretty busy so I have to get back to work.  Thanks for stopping by" Daryl said, walking back into the garage throwing a wrench at the wall.

That was such a huge fear of his, that Lexi would wake up one day and realize she didn't want this small town life, that she missed the city and everything it offered.  Staring at the car he had been working on, he knew they had to talk but he wasn't quite sure how to do it.  Deciding to give her one of her Christmas presents early, Daryl grabbed his jacket and headed home.  Dropping Luke off at his parent's house and telling Lexi he had something to show her, Daryl pulled into the drive of the social club that sat by the lake.  It once was a pretty nice place that served great food but the owner had fallen on hard times and it had been closed for over a year.  Getting out of the truck as Lexi looked at him curiously as he unlocked the doors, they walked slowly inside and looked around.

"Wow, this place is's so sad it closed" Lexi said marveling at the beautiful tables and hanging chandeliers. 

"Yeah, it was sad" Daryl said gruffly.

"So why did you bring me here?" Lexi asked, still not sure what was going on.

"This was supposed to be one of your Christmas presents Lexi, I was going to buy this place for you so you could have your restaurant by the water...only now I'm not so sure.  Trent paid me a visit and he mentioned some things that kind of hit home with me.  Lexi I can't give you museums and art and the ballet.  I'm a small town guy and I just worry that one day you're going to wake up and realize what a dead end life this is" Daryl said, trying to keep his emotions in check. "So I guess this is my you want this place?  Can you see yourself working here for years and really staying with me?"

"No Daryl" Lexi said softly

"No?" Daryl said as his voice cracked.

"No, I don't want to work here for years, I've kind of grown out of wanting that life...I want my life with you and with Luke and to show you how serious I am about this, I'm going to give you one of your Christmas presents early....I'm pregnant Daryl, we're going to have a baby" Lexi whispered with tears in her eyes.

"What?" Daryl gasped

"I am" Lexi smiled as the tears spilled over her eyelids "I went to the doctor yesterday to make sure...I'm almost seven weeks so I'm due in July"

"Oh my God" Daryl whispered, picking her up and spinning her around hugging her tight.  "You should have told me you might be!"

"I wanted to be sure and not get your hopes up in case I wasn't but I am and we're going to have to get married a lot sooner because I will not be waddling down the isle at seven months" Lexi laughed.

"Lexi, are you sure about all of this?" Daryl asked, still in shock over her news.

"Daryl, I'm only going to say this once and I swear if you ever question it again you will get an earful.  I want this, I want my life with you and with Luke.  I thought I was happy before but I had no idea what happiness was until I met you.  Falling in the lake, laying in the mud, getting poison oak on my ass....I want all of it and I can't wait to see what more we will do through the years.  Please don't ever doubt again that I love you and I'm right where I'm supposed to be." Lexi said kissing him softly.

"I love you" Daryl choked, unable to contain his emotions anymore.

Holding each other while they stood in the dark room, they finally pulled apart and dried their tears.

"So can we tell mom and dad?" Daryl asked excited.

"Tomorrow, Christmas eve" Lexi smiled, so happy her life would continue exactly how she had hoped.

Sitting down to eat dinner with his family the next evening, Daryl was beside himself, ready to blurt their news.  Finally after dinner and gift opening, Daryl was able to tell them they were going to be grandparents, uncle and a big brother.  Hugging and laughing everyone was on cloud nine with the news.  Heading home and tucking Luke into bed, Lexi giggled as she drug Daryl out to his cold garage.

"What, you want to do it out here?" Daryl asked, shivering a little

"No you pervert, I wanted to give you another one of your Christmas presents, I won't be able to sleep until I do!" she laughed.

Turning on the lights, Daryl drew in a sharp breath.

"Are you serious?  You got us those four wheelers?" Daryl said shocked.

"Yeah, I figured they would be handy to have with all this land plus you two really looked like you wanted them" Lexi smiled.

"You are incredible you know that?  A baby and a four wheeler?  I'm the happiest man on the planet" Daryl grinned pulling her into his arms.

Holding each other and staring at the shiny red vehicles, Lexi sighed happily, there was no place on earth she would rather be.

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