Styles Grace

By aurorascarzone

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Author's Note
All About Me: An Introduction
Chapter 1: When It Really Hit
Chapter 2: Finding Her Treasure
Chapter 4: Living On My Own
Chapter 5: My Home Town From The Beginning
Chapter 6: I'm Thankful For Him
Chapter 7: I Got To See My Family One Last Time
Chapter 8: Hanging Out With Friends
Chapter 9: Moving To London?
Chapter 10: It's Official!
Chapter 11: Living The Life In London
Chapter 12: Working For Harry Styles
Chapter 13: Visiting My Old Town
Chapter 14: He's Been Attentive Lately
Chapter 15: Planning Everything Out
Chapter 16: Confessing My Love
Chapter 17: Moving Back To Florida?
Chapter 18: He's Been Acting Strange
Chapter 19: The Unexpected

Chapter 3: Returning Her Prized Possession

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By aurorascarzone

Harry's POV

Ever since I found the locket, I've been determined to find who it belongs to. I began my search with walking along the streets and asking everyone if they knew who the girl in the picture was, or if they knew the locket belonged to. It took me 3 whole hours to finally find someone who knew the girl in the picture inside the locket. "Excuse me, if you don't mind me asking, do you know this girl is? I find this locket in the sand on the beach, and I think it belongs to her." I said to the lady. The lady took a minute to look at the picture, and it looked like she recognized the girl in the picture. "Wait a second, I think I know her. Wait no, I do know her!" She said. "Really? Do you know where I could find her? I want to return this locket to her." I said with excitement. "To be honest, I don't know where she could've gone, but, I just saw her walk in that direction a few minutes ago." She said. "Do you happen to know her name, by any chance?" I asked. "I believe her name is Hannah." She replied. "Ok, thank you so much. I'll go ahead and find her from here." I smiled as I thanked the lady and started to find her.

I walked a few blocks around the surrounding neighborhoods to see if I could find this girl named Hannah. But it wasn't until I reached 3rd Street, when I saw a girl sitting in the curb, crying into the sleeves. I slowly approached her and started whispering quietly. "Umm, ma'am, I believe this is your locket." I talked quietly. The girl slowly lifted her head up and looked at me. "Wait a second, aren't you, Harry Styles?" She said. "Well, I believe I am." I smiled as I handed her the locket she lost. "How did you find my locket?" She asked as she made sure it was her locket. "I just happened to come here from London to check out the disaster and its remains, and I happened to walk along the beach and saw this shining in the sand." I replied. "Seriously Mr. Styles, you're a lifesaver. Thank you for finding my locket. This is the only memory I have left of my parents." I started crying. I pulled my handkerchief out of my pocket and handed it to her. "Please, call me Harry." I smiled as I handed her my handkerchief. She grabbed it and wiped her tears away. "Do you have anywhere to stay?" I asked kindly. "Unfortunately, I don't. I lost everything in this disaster." She replied. "Well, I have an extra room at my place that I'm staying in for you to live. I wouldn't want you to sleep in the streets tonight." I smiled. "Really, you would let me live at your place?" Hannah asked. "Yes, it's my pleasure. I'll let you live there and everything, free of charge." I smiled.

"Oh my gosh Mr. Styles, thank you so much. This really means a lot to me." She stood up quickly and gave me a hug. "Again, just call me Harry." I smiled as I lead her to my car and drove to my place. When we arrived at the condo I was staying at, I assisted Hannah out of my car and we walked up to my room. When I opened the door, she was mesmerized. "Wow, this place you're staying at is amazing!" She said with shock. "Thanks. I won't be staying here for much longer because I have to fly back to London soon." I said. "Then what's going to happen when you leave? Didn't you mention that you already bought this place?" Hannah asked. "Well, I have decided that the first person I find, I will officially purchase this place, and it will be fully paid off, and owned by that person I find." I said. "Wait... so does that mean you're giving this place, to me?" Hannah said with shock in her face. "Well, the place you're standing in right now, and everything you see here, is all yours." I smiled. "No, this can't be. I can't own all of this." She said with shock. "Hannah, believe me. This whole place belongs to you now." I smiled. "Seriously Harry, thank you. You don't know how relieved you just made me." She smiled as she gave me a tight hug.

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