Mystery Cry

By QuincyBear69

151 1 2

Cry is my protector More

I Will Not Lie. I'm In Love With Cry

Meeting The Masked Man

26 1 1
By QuincyBear69

I was walking around town listening to music and stuff. I stopped for moment to switch songs. I was knocked aside my something tall walking backwards. I lost my balance. I started to fall, but the thing no, man caught me. "Whoa! I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I looked up. My eyes widen at his face... No... Mask. It was a mask. A mask with no expression. The man was wearing the mask along with a dark green hoodie and jeans. I regained my balance. "Yeah I'm fine. Why were you walking backwards?" I ask the man "oh. I always do. Well every Thursday at least." I nodded and said bye and started walking. He caught up with me and started taking. "Oh by the way I'm Ryan. But call me Cry." He said to me as I stopped. "Oh... Well Cry. I'm Em." He smiled. "Em. Pretty name." I blushed a little and kept walking. He followed but I didn't notice.

When I did I turned around to see him at the front door of a house. He looked at me and waved. I waved back and turned around. I started to change the song but was hit again. Two men in black with baseball bats pushed me aside. I watched them as the went up to a house... Cry's house!!! The men knocked and Cry opened the door. They pulled him out and started hitting him with the bats. He, being all muscular and all (if I didn't mention it, well he is) just kicked them down and looked around for any more danger. When he saw me he ran to me. "Em we gotta leave right now!" He said quickly. "Why?" I asked in reply. Before he responded a shot was fired from a gun and flew right in between mine and Cry's face. Hitting the ground. He looked at where it came. His reflexes were weird. He picked me up told me to hold on. I did and he ran. It was faster than normal speed, but I also was as fast as normal speed.

We went into an empty street and he set me down.he checked the corners. He mumbled to himself while doing so. "Keep her safe. Keep her safe. She is the chosen one. Must keep safe." He keep on for 3 minutes. "Cry. What are you talking about?" I asked him. He came over to me and put something in my hand. I looked down to see a letter. It said 'dear Em' I opened it and read it,

Dear Em, my name is Felix. I'm part of a secret society called the S.G.A. (Secret Gamer Agents). Me and others prevent the anti gamers called. Fiction Fuckers. They want to ride this world of all games. Anyone who knows something, even a partial, must either become a member of the S.G.A. Or be brain washed. Only few take that option. This letters main purpose is to ask you to become a member. Our finest agent Cryaotic will be your guid and protector. See you in three days. Or otherwise the FF with raze. Sincerely, PewDiePie.

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