And Then I Found You

By englishrose19

118K 5.1K 6.5K

Helena Bonham Carter one of the worlds most famous British actress, finds out yet again her also very famous... More

The Phone Call
A little too much
The Hotel Room
"I'm fine"
A Date?
Take me back
Wrong move
Over again
Let's make it a third
Black & Blue
The Dinner
So Damn Perfect
Not Just Yet
They know
The news
Goodbyes are never easy
Just a case of waiting
Two suprises
The Ring
Good & Bad
Grief of what once was perfect
What could have been
Who told you?
Through strangers eyes
One thing after another
Leave us alone
The Need
Talk to me
Familiar Times
Too much to handle
Our little girl
Moving in
Looking after you
You again
'I love you'
The Plan
No one said it was going to be easy
Geography Project
The Ivy
All a lie
Two parties under one roof
A pigeon amongst the doves
Kiss and make up?
Rose Petals
A kidnapping to remember
Here's my ring
My End of the deal
You don't have to like me
One and Only
I've got you
Never again
Burton and Taylor
Lovers in the backseat
Eyes that burn
If I only knew
Works every time
Never ending circles
Two little life lines
Just for Now
Self Control
The plague of Love
Treacherous thoughts
Hate Desire
Fuel for the flames
The Interview
Bloody wonder
The Pictures
Daddy's Girl
The wind up
The Final Chapter

Broken Heart

917 44 106
By englishrose19

2 days later....

Her breathing was soft and calm as she laid fast asleep on the hospital bed. The soft beeping of the heart monitor still filled the silence that fell on the room. Nanny Anne was now the only one by her side as she lay so peacefully now unlike when they had first brought her in. She was returning back from her little holiday break when her phone suddenly rang hearing Billy in a state of panic as he cried into the receiver. She had told him to ring an ambulance and so as the good boy he was he did exactly what he was told.

They had operated on her immediately, she had suffered with another heart failure very much like a heart attack but not as strong but still as dangerous. She had spent a good few hours being operated on until they had laid her still unconscious body on this very hospital bed she was in now. Nanny Anne had stuck by her side this whole time even through the traumatic moment when she woke up before her operation and broke down into floods of painful tears. Anne had told her she would ring for Johnny but was surprised when Helena screamed at her to not touch her phone, she was shocked to hear she didn't want him here with her.

The pain and anger still lingered in her eyes and she could only ask why she shouldn't ring for her husband, he had to know! Helena hadn't the energy to explain and just cried and yelled bloody murder for her not to call him. As much as it hurt Anne to see her in such an awful state her mind told her it was wrong to keep Johnny out of the loop. She couldn't understand just what had happened since she had been away. But now remembering how desperate Helena was for her not to call him she could only obey her wishes and just not get involved.

Sitting here now seeing her sleeping so peacefully Nanny Anne could only hold her hand and wish for her to get better. Both Billy and Nell had been in floods of tears when she had arrived. Johnny wasn't with them and it left them to take care of their mother and little Rose who cried her little heart out at all the drama going on she just didn't understand. Anne had let them stay with Helena for the night at the hospital, still unconscious mind you but at least they were able to be with her. As hard as it was Nanny Anne she had thought it best to send them to school while she took care of Rose and Helena on her own. She only wished she was allowed to ring Johnny, she had thought about doing it even without Helena's consent but seeing her in the mess she was when she woke she thought it best not to add to her misery, if that's what Johnny was to her now? she just didn't know.

Lifting Rose out of her pram that was sat just beside her Nanny Anne pulled the baby into her embrace while kissing her little forehead. "She's going to be ok" she murmured as Rose began to fight in her arms her big brown eyes misty with tears, it was as if she knew what was happening.

"Mmmm" a small groan left Helena's dry lips and that immediately got Anne's eyes widening in surprise now it seemed she was waking up from hours and hours on the operating bed.

"Helena...." she pushed softly balancing Rose in one arm as she reached her other out to her. She noticed now her eyes beginning to flicker open and could only smile now she seemed to be awake. Gulping a little Anne placed her hand softly on Helenas shoulder which made her slowly tilt her head in the direction of her nanny and her baby. "Hello dear"

Frowning a little Helena blinked in response as she came accustomed to where exactly she was right now. "Is it over?" she crooked coughing slightly as she tried to clear her dry throat.

"Yes love, it's all over now" Anne watched as Helena looked back at her with the black pit of emptiness in her eyes. She watched her gaze as it fell onto Rose in her arms and for a brief second she saw Helena smile now she noticed her child. "Look at her" she whispered her eyes filling up with so much love for her beautiful little girl.

"She's been ever so good" Anne smiled looking at Rose as she began to giggle now her mummy was awake.

"Can I hold her?"

Anne simply smiled sweetly at her before handing Rose over to rest on her arm and shoulder so her weak arms would be able to support her now she was getting so big. Helena smiled widely now as she held her daughter as close as she could to her side while kissing her plumb cheeks. Rose giggled and wrapped her chubby fingers round her mothers hospital robe she was wearing. The image in front of Anne's eyes was so sweet and yet so heartbreaking, she desperately wanted to call Johnny. He had a right to know what had happened to her. What Anne couldn't understand was how he hadn't worked it out for himself yet? had he not been home these last few days?

"You've been a good girl have you?" Helena smiled brightly at her daughter as Rose gazed up wide eyed at her mother as if taking in each detail of her face. Adjusting the nasal cannula around her little rose Helena smiled when Rose began to fidget as it tickled her. "Sit still little madam" she smirked trying to make it a little more comfortable for her daughter as it had ridden up when she was placed in her arms.

Anne smiled at the pair of them but even she couldn't deny there was still sadness behind her smile. There was so much to be explained and obviously so much that had happened she just needed to know, she had to find out why Johnny wasn't here.


"Humm?" her eyes didn't leave Rose's as she continued to smile at her daughter.

Anne didn't quiet know how to start she didn't want to upset her, but this was all so wrong. "Will you let me ring Johnny now, he needs to know where you are" she could see right away that her employers smile dropped with in an instant at what she had just said and for that she could only wonder why.

"No" was her simple response.

"Helena, he'd want to know where you are" she tried only this time to see Helena shut her eyes painfully as the tears dared to sing to her eyes.

"He wouldn't want to know, he doesn't care" she whispered before re-opening her eyes to look at their nanny who's face screamed so many questions as to why. "He wanted to get away from the drama, told me he wanted a break therefore I'm giving him what he asked, this would just make it harder for him" the frown on nanny Anne's face deepened. "Harder for him? what do you mean? He'd be scared out of his mind knowing you collapsed again"

"And drama? w-what drama?" she continued to ask utterly confused as to what had been going on, had she really been gone for that long, that for everything to just go spinning out of control. what the hell was happening?

Sighing Helena shook her head softly "I don't want to bring it up now, please just take my word for it, it's better this way...besides I don't want him here, not after he left me" she finished with a whisper as her tears brimmed in her misty eyes. Anne could only look at her with so much sympathy, she looked so alone, so lost and it killed her to see Helena this way. She hadn't been like this in so long now.

Left her? what was that supposed to mean? 

"I'm sorry that I cant explain this now but just believe me that if he was here it would hurt me even more, I'm just giving him what he asked for" Anne gave a small nod at this but still she couldn't fight the fact that this all seemed so wrong. Johnny would want to know. She was sure of that she just couldn't betray Helena and ring him therefore it would mean he would have to find out the hard way.

A/N: I know it's short please don't kill me! ahah I've been rather busy today and wanted to get an update in before I go back to work, I have 8 straight days working up ahead meaning I won't be able to write for that time period so I thought i'd try and fit a little something in for you now so that your wait for the next update isn't too long. Anyways, let me now what you think and how do you think Johnny will find out about Helena? what's the hard way nanny Anne is referring to here (and don't say Dominic as she knows nothing about that yet) haha, let me know your thoughts <3<3

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