Truth Be Told

By ross_girl

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A young girl was brought into a family's life for she didn't really say she had a true family. They took her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 ***last chapter***

Chapter 11

330 14 1
By ross_girl

Angela P.O.V.

I walked into the house and just smiled as I slid down the door, leaned my head against it and closed my eyes. Ross walked over and sat down next to me.

"Did you have a fun night?" I kept my eyes closed as I nodded my head. "Are you tired?" I nodded my head. "You think you wanna go to your bed instead of on the door?" I held my arms up indicating that I wanted him to carry me. He rolled his eyes playfully before lifting me up bridal style. He walked up to my room and set me on the bed.

"Mmm....its so comfy. Thank you." I said snuggling in all the blankets.

"Haha, you're welcome. Don't forget, tomorrow we're taking that awesome bike of yours for a test drive."

"Mhm.....I'm driving."

He pretended that he was offended, "Why not me?"

"Cause its all mine and not yours so im the boss." I said acting like a 5 year old.

He put his hands up in surrender and started laughing, "Okay, okay. You win, good night."

I smiled, "Night."

He walked over to the door and turned off the lights, "Sweet dreams."

I woke up the next morning with my hair all over my face. I moved it and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and almost screamed. My hair was everywhere and my makeup was speared so much I looked like an evil witch. I quickly gathered all my things before getting in the shower. I washed all the makeup off and used as much shampoo and conditioner as possible to calm down my hair. I got out and wrapped a towel over me and went into my room. I put on ripped rockstar jeans and a spaghetti strap shirt along with the unzipped jacket that goes with it. I straightened my hair and put on mascara, eyeliner, and bright red lipstick. I grabbed my phone and headed to Ross' room.

I walked in to see Ross crawled into a ball all cuddled up in his yellow blanket with all the other covers thrown on the floor. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of it because it was just plain adorable the way it looked. After snapping the picture I went downstairs into the kitchen. Riker was in there making breakfast. Wow a guy cooking, Angel definitely picked good.

"Hey Riker." I said sitting on the island.

"Oh, hey Ang. You want some eggs and bacon?" He asked still turned around.

"Of course, like you have to ask!" I said really dramatic. He started laughing as he turned to me.

Then he froze with is mouth open a bit, "Uhh, wow Ang dont take this the wrong way but lipstick looks really great on you."

I smiled and giggled a bit, "Haha, thanks I'm just suiting in the whole biker girl wardrobe." He nodded his head before continuing to cook. He set a plate infront of me and I could've sworn they came from heaven. "Riker, I swear you should really open up a restaurant. The food you cook is delicious!"

He smirked, "Thanks. You know what, you are one of the few people I actually cooked for. No one else is ever here to actually try it. Well Angel also tried it and she practically said the same thing as you."

I took a bite of my bacon and I acted like it was the best thing I've ever eaten. "Well, she sure is one lucky girl to have you. You can cook, you have great talent, you care a lot about people, you have great fashion sense. Gosh,'re very special. There's barely any guys in the world like you. I'm glad I have you as a friend and a big brother." I said trying my best to keep myself from crying. Riker smiled before walking over to me. He wrapped his arms around and hugged me tightly. 

"And I'm happy to be your big brother." I hugged him back and fought the tears.

"Hey Riker, we need to find a way to wake Ross up. I promised him I'd take him out for a ride on the bike and he's sleeping like a bear in hibernation." Riker laughed before agreeing.

We walked up to Ross' room with a cup of cold water in our hands. We walked in the room and since I didnt want to get Ross' favorite blanket wet, I took it off of him. As if on cue, Riker dumped all the water onto Ross and we watched him shoot up and flop around for awhile. Me and Riker laughed our butts off before Ross gave us the death glare and we knew that we better start running. Ross took off after us and me and Riker took seperate ways. I ran out the front door when I saw a ladder on the side of the house. I ran over to it and climbed up it hoping that he wouldnt see me.

Ross P.O.V.

I ran mainly after Riker because he was up with Angela the whole morning. Who knew what could've happened? Usually I wouldnt be this upset but this is the first night that Riker knew about my crush on her. I saw a flash of blonde hair going towards the kitchen, so I headed there.

I ran in and cornered Riker, "Did you tell her anything?" I said looking at him in the eyes.

"What?? No I didn't tell her about that. Look Ross, you're my little brother. I wouldnt break a promise with you if someone gave me a thousand bucks. All we talked about is the breakfast I made and she said she was glad that she was in this family. And you know, we planned on pranking you in your sleep." He said defending himself.

"So you didn't tell her?" He shook his head. "Okay Riker I believe you. Now, lets go find Ang." I said turning to leave. Then I stopped when I heard something that sounded like a footstep above us.

Riker looked at me and smirked, "I think I know where she is." He ran for the door and took off outside. I followed close behind. He stopped at the ladder and looked at me. "How about you go up there and get some alone time. I'm taking Angel out today anyways." Riker said before heading to his car and waving a goodbye.

I climbed up to the roof to see Ang laying down looking at the sky. This was when I first noticed the biker look. I kinda laughed to myself remembering about the bike ride today. I layed beside her and looked at how beautiful she looked in the sunlight.

She looked over at me and smiled, "Hey Ross"

I smiled back, "Hey biker chick, what you doing up here?" 

"I was originally trying to hide from you after the whole water incident but.......I realized how peaceful it is up here. I have never been this so relaxed in my life. Thats kinda what I knew I would've felt when I got that bike. Coasting along the road with the wind blowing through your hair. It's just....feels like a dream and I dont wanna wake up." I knew how she felt. I always feared that I would wake up and she would just be a dream. A figure of my imagination. "Anyways, do you want to go on that bike ride or not?" She said snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded my head before getting up and helping her up. We walked over to the ladder and climbed down.

She headed over to the garage and brought out the awesome motorcycle that I still had trouble believing she got. We got on and rode up the coastline. She kept laughing at how much fun she was having. Her hair flowed in my face and I could smell the perfume she was wearing. It was perfect. We found a small beach somewhere and we stopped there. We played around in the sand for awhile. We decided to play in the water for a bit so we rolled up our jeans and splashed around in the water. We had a lot of laughs and we stayed there for a couple hours. Until Riker called telling us that we had to come home before it got too dark and got lost.

Angela P.O.V.

We got home and there were blankets all over the place. "I'm guessing we're having another movie night." I said looking at Ross. He nodded in agreement. We went up to my room for a while to talk alone. "Ross, I need to tell you about my date last night with Derek."

He looked at me with sincere eyes, "You can tell me anything. I'm right here."

I took a moment before saying, "It's mainly about Derek. I.......


CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!! what is she gonna say, what is Derek up to? Find these out in my next chapter:)

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