Icy Heart #wattys2017

By siriuslyfuckoff

181K 5.5K 1.7K

"Only the guilty ones go mad, Mr. Black..." In which a little girl, who's also an infamous murderer, digs int... More

Crumbling Walls
The Escape
The Trail Home
Accio and Attack
Quidditch Disaster
Butterbeer and Blasted News
Buckbeak's Brawl
Meetings at Midnight
The Truth Always Comes Out
The Minister's Choice
Brave to Grave.

Evil Icy

9.4K 307 234
By siriuslyfuckoff

"How did you escape, Miss Peverell?"

"Did Sirius Black threaten-"

"No more questions!" shouted Icy. "Sirius is my friend. He's done nothing wrong. Azkaban security is fine, and the Minister has improved it with my help. Now I am here to get my supplies for school, so you lot better clear out before I'm put back in that wretched hellhole, for murdering you!" Icy spat, and the audience of reporters cleared off.

"Miss Peverell, Sirius is guilty," said Remus Lupin, the professor who'd escorted her to Hogwarts. "I wouldn't think it, he was my best friend at Hogwarts, but-"

"I'm working on proving his innocence, Lupin. He would be horrified if he heard you talking so badly about him like this, he always speaks so highly of you," Icy decided that she didn't much like Professor Lupin, "How can one truly believe that their best friend is a murderer?"

Lupin stayed quite, and the two entered Ollivander's wand shop. She examined the walls, and Ollivander appeared in front of her. "Miss Peverell! I've been waiting for you to come in here since I read the article-"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ollivander. I love wands, and I've been told that even you yourself would take me on as an apprentice with my skill in crafting them to perfectly fit the user- look..." Icy searched the room, continuing up the staircase before she found a certain box, that looked exactly like all of the others. She pulled out the wand, a handsome 13 inch wand, which was a blend of hornbeam and silver lime wood, with a thestral tail hair core.

"This is the perfect wand for me," she said, flicking it at a pot of dead flowers and having them blossom beautifully.

"Well whoever told you that I would take you as an apprentice was completely correct, Miss Peverell," remarked Ollivander, slightly flabbergasted. "That will be eight galleons."

Lupin held her pouch of money, and he took out a handful of golden galleons. The Peverells had been a rich family, and being the last alive, Icy had been left with an abundance of gold.

The pair left the shop, and Icy said, "Do you think I'll be sorted into Gryffindor? Sirius said all these wonderful things about Gryffindor... Oh I miss him so much..."

Remus didn't know how to comfort her, and he patted her on the back awkwardly.

Icy felt a tear slip down her cheek. "He was really the only father-figure in my life. And now I'll constantly have a guard of sorts, so I can't see him!"

"It's okay, Miss Peverell," said Remus, leading her towards The Leaky Cauldron, where they could Floo back to Hogwarts. "If he really is innocent, it'll be proven. The truth always has a way of getting out."

Icy breathed in deeply. "I like that," she said. "The truth always has a way of getting out. Oh, Dumbledore told you that. In your- Sirius did that! To Professor Snape? I'm so proud-"

"What are you doing?"

"Reading your thoughts," she smiled. "You're interesting, Lupin. I'll give you that."

"And to begin dinner tonight, we will have the sorting of our newest- innocent- student. Icy Peverell!"

"Please, please, please put me in Gryffindor!" prayed Icy as the sorting hat was slipped onto her head. It began to read her thoughts, and she began to read it's.

"Sirius was almost a Hufflepuff? Wow," Icy murmured, and she was jolted out of it's mind.

"Icy Peverell... Slytherin would do you well, you have pure ambition, proving the innocence of Mr. Black."

"Put me in Slytherin and I will burn you, damn hat!" The hall burst into laughter.

"Hufflepuff is a viable option... You are incredibly loyal, a hardworker-"

"Gryffindor. Come on. Please!"

"But alas, the house that would suit your potential the best... It will come out in the war, you may even die fighting... How brave..."

"Yes!" Icy urged the hat, and it shouted,


The Gryffindor table applauded quietly, and Icy practically bounced over, plopping herself in between Harry and Hermione. Remus offered her a smile from the Professor's table, and she grinned back at him.

"That dratted thing nearly placed me in Slytherin, imagine that?"

"I certainly can..." muttered Ron, as Hermione scooted away from the girl.

"What was that?"

"What electives are you taking, Icy?" asked Harry, glaring at his friends.

"Divination and Care of Magical Creatures, what about you?" Icy ignored Ron's comment, hoping Harry and his friends would talk to her like a normal human being and not a murderer, when they saw that she was just that. Human. Flawed, but not that flawed.

"Hermione's taking everything. Ron and I are taking the same courses as you," Harry answered.

"Why'd you tell her that!" whispered Ron to Harry, and Icy felt her heart sink. "Now she knows where we are at all times, she could murder us whenever!"

"Learn how to whisper, Weasley," said Icy coldly, and she left the table, not touching her food. As she reached the exit to the Great Hall, a small security troll sprinted after her. Tears slipped down her cheeks as it reached her. "I get it. I'm still a murderer in everyone's eyes. Icy Peverell, new student, beware, she may disembowel you!"

The troll just grunted, and she couldn't control herself. She screamed loudly and ran up the staircase, wishing she were with Sirius. She reached the Gryffindor tower, and slid down against a wall, bawling freely.

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