From the First Time I Saw You...

By anemotionalfangirl_

67.8K 1.7K 344

Chloe has a crush on Beca and she wants to tell her but she's scared of being rejected. Will Aubrey and the o... More

Chapter 1: "Coffee?"
Chapter 2: Distractions
Chapter 3: Deep Oceans and Vulnerability
Chapter 4: Talks, Games and Bella's
Chapter 5: Talks After Midnight
Chapter 6: "You Left and Didn't Come Back"
Chapter 7: Alarm Clocks, Text Messages, Missed Calls and Voicemails
Chapter 8: A Risk
Chapter 9: Tensions Rise and Fall
Chapter 11: Beca's Fear and Evil Games
Chapter 12: A Capella Party!
Chapter 13: Awake With Regrets
Chapter 14: Memories and Sleep
Chapter 15: I Can't Aca-Believe It!
Chapter 16: Two Hits!
Chapter 17: The Punishment
Chapter 18: Admitting Defeat
Chapter 19: "TITANIUM!"
Chapter 20: The Four Phone Calls
Chapter 21: Waiting
Chapter 22: Blinding Lights and A Single Text Message
Chapter 23: Visiting Hours
Chapter 24: Ice Cream with the Enemy
Chapter 25: Aubrey's Dilemma
Chapter 26: "The guys name is-"
Chapter 27: Beca's Return
Chapter 28: Aubrey and Jesse
Chapter 29: A Happy Ending

Chapter 10: Girls!

2.3K 70 11
By anemotionalfangirl_

A/N: Sorry this chapter isn't that long guys, enjoy!

-Bella living room-
The girls had all been sat in the living room for about ten minutes now and no one had brought up Chloe's strange behaviour. Aubrey eventually walked back in but didn't say anything, she just sat on the other side of the room occasionally sending death glares at the alt girl.

Chloe cleared her throat and spoke, "Girls, I just want to say that I'm sorry for how I was acting this morning. I wasn't myself but now I'm feeling better." She gave an innocent smile to the nine curious faces sat around her.

"Yeah, I'm sure you are." Fat Amy muttered under her breath and luckily Chloe didn't hear, however Beca did and she just gave the Australian a furious stare.

"I was thinking, because I was in such a rotten mood earlier that we could all go out and get some ice cream and then come back and hang out, sound good?" Chloe had felt incredibly guilty for shutting out the Bella's after all they were like family to her, especially Aubrey, and she wanted to make it up to them.

Mutter of agreement and partial excitement was passed throughout the group and they all got up and went to their rooms to start getting ready. As the girls dispersed Chloe walked into the kitchen and Beca followed her.

"Cynthia, look. Watch and learn my friend, watch and learn." Fat Amy whispered as she stayed hidden in the living room so she could still see the redhead and brunette.

Beca was just closing the door the fridge, pulling out some orange juice and pouring it into two glasses before passing a full glass to Chloe. "Thank you."

Beca's gaze was focused entirely on the rim of her glass and every so often she would take a slight sip. 'Why do you feel so awkward? This is Chloe remember. Come on Mitchell, say something' Beca cleared her throat and put her glass down on the counter top. "So, Chlo-" 'You're still being awkward. Seriously, pull yourself together!' At the mention of her name Chloe placed her glass alongside Beca's on the white marbled counter top.

The ginger's blue eyes were wide and full of colour. Her eyes always managed to distract Beca from what she was going to say, she just got lost in them. She couldn't help it. It was one of the things she's first noticed when she met the ginger a month ago outside at the Activities Fair. "Chlo-" Again she looked into the ginger's eyes and her words got lost on her lips, fading into the air before being able to make a sound.

"Are you okay, Beca?" The hesitation from Beca was making Chloe worry that she was going to freak.

"Hm, yes. Yeah, I am. I really am. Thanks to you." Beca's cheeks glowed a rosy red. 'God! How cheesy was that? Mitchell, what on earth do you think you're doing?' Beca was about to speak again but before she could Chloe leaned forward, placing her hands on Beca's waist. The sudden contact made Beca stiffen and she didn't know where to place her hands so she dropped them to the side. Chloe sensed Beca's anxiety so she looked into the brunette's eyes and leaned it, placing a soft gentle kiss on her lips.

As soon as their lips made contact Beca instantly relaxed, melting against Chloe. Beca's hand were about to cup Chloe's face when an "I knew it!" Was yelled making the pair jump apart. Now it was Chloe's turn to blush.

"Cynthia, you owe me $10" That was all that the girls heard as Fat Amy walked off, giggling and smiling to herself like a kid who had been let loose in a candy shop.

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