Wishful Dreams (Kamen Rider E...

By Paranilla

12.7K 316 728

**Credit to Rufus147 for the beautiful cover** Elkie Winters is asked by one of her friends about what world... More

-80- **Read Note at the end please**


1.4K 14 15
By Paranilla


**Important: Novelhd has stolen and posted chapters of my stories on their website. I do not post on anything but Wattpad when it comes to stories these days. Do not engage with them and please keep enjoying these stories on Wattpad)

"It is your turn, Elkie."

"Huh?" I look at my friend, Walter Welsh, questioningly. I'm not paying attention to anything going on right now. I was busy daydreaming honestly.

Walter rolls his brown eyes, letting out a sigh. "I was asking you a question. It is an important question, Elkie. Can't you stop daydreaming for once?"

"I'm sorry for daydreaming." I look away, pouting a bit. I can't help but imagine if my life was in this one show I love to watch every weekend.

"When don't you daydream though?" Walter asks, chuckling deeply. "I guess I'll go ahead and finally get an answer to my question. Elkie, if you could be in anything what world would you be in? It has to be out of anime, games, movies, or TV Shows."

"Hm...I know!" I exclaim. "I would be in Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. It is my dream to live in a world like that. I wake up each and every single day wishing to be a part of that universe. I can't imagine how exciting life would be if I could be in that world."

"What if you couldn't be a Kamen Rider? Would you still want to be in it?" Walter asks, bringing up a valid point. That is true. It would be hard living in a world like that without any powers.

I nod my head slowly. "Yeah, I would be fine with that. I wouldn't care if I'm a Rider or not. I just want to be in that kind of universe. I'm thinking about all the fun I could have right now. I could do a lot there. It'll be fun watching all the fights."

"Elkie, that is like suicide!" My other friend, Jennie, shouts.

"I agree with Jennie, Elkie. That is like suicide." Walter leans back a bit. "I wouldn't want to be in that kind of world without any powers."

Honestly, it chills me to the bone at the thought of being in the world of Ex-Aid. I want to experience that fights between Bugsters and Humans. I want to punch the licenseless doctor, Taiga Hanaya, in the face. He is such a jerk but he'll probably be able to stop me. He is pretty strong outside of his Rider form.

Walter laughs. "Elkie, you're insane if you want to be in that world like that! You would probably be in a lot of danger. Just picture it."

"I know but that is why I want to be there. That is living life to the fullest. Besides, you all love me for it!" I laugh, tilting my head a bit to the side as I stare at my two beautiful friends.

"We will always love you," Jennie replies. "I can't imagine anyone surviving in that show if it was real. Imagine it in reality. This world would be screwed. The only good thing that would come out of it is the hot guys from the show. I remember the pictures you showed me."

I want to team up with Hiiro Kagami, the sexiest surgeon in that world. Oh, and Emu! He's not bad looking but he is too dorky for me. I want to fight Kamen Rider Genm, aka Kuroto Dan. He is the CEO of Genm Corporation. Then there is Parad, the Bugster. The Bugsters are viruses that want to eliminate the Human race. Graphite...well I don't have to worry about him anymore.

"I understand you on that."

"That Bugsters are dangerous."

"That they are."

"They kill people."

She's right on that. The Bugsters want to kill every single Human they come across so I would just be a walking target. Kuroto Dan is just rotten and he is teaming with them for whatever reason. I can imagine life being short if I ever found those two.

"It would be fun though despite all the risks," I state. "I wouldn't want to get a Game Over or anything like Kiriya Kujo. You know, he was the hot medical examiner with the cat like face." At least he looks like a cat to me.

"How would any of that be fun? He got brutally killed!"

"Yes, how?" Walter asks.

I smile. "Because life would be so exciting! Don't you guys want to live like that? You don't know if you're going to be able to survive or not. I wouldn't be bored anymore and I would be happy there. It'll be busy at all times. It is a crazy universe."

"Wait...isn't the CEO evil in there?"

"Yeah, he is. So?" I look at Walter harshly.

"Why would you want to be in the same universe as him? He's crazy!"

"I would avoid him probably. I would only stare at him from afar. He's really good looking despite how crazy he is."

Kuroto Dan is the craziest person in all of Kamen Rider Ex-Aid so far from what I have seen. He was tricking the CR for the longest time over just to stick to his plan. I don't know what his plan exactly is though. I just know he wants to make the ultimate game and his ally is Parad.

"What if he approached you? Would you trust him enough to talk to him?"

"Heck no! He isn't trustworthy! That guy is trouble!"

"You're really insane though! You're just wanting trouble, Elkie!"

I laugh, nodding my head up and down in agreement. "Yeah, danger is what I want! It would be a lot of trouble for me and that would be fun and super exciting."

"And what if you die in that world?"

"I would hope I don't."

"Walter, stop making this depressing!" Jennie smacks Walter on the arm. "Anyways, let us have some girl talk now. So, Elkie, who would you want to date in there? It can be anyone there. Pick one. We all know who I would date. He is that cutie pie Intern!"

"Emu? Yeah, you can date him. I honestly wouldn't want to date him," I reply. "Well, I would date Parad. Even though his evil and a Bugster, I would date him. He is fun and he is really good looking so it is plus. I want someone like that in reality. Just minus the evil part of him."

"That Bugster? Ew!" Jennie makes a grossed out face. "Why would you want to date him? He's pretty much a virus! Gross! Boo!"

Walter sighs heavily. "I guess I have no choice but to join in. I'll date Poppy."

"Jennie, boy is hot! And Walter, wouldn't you rather date her Human like side? Asuna is more of your type." I lean forward a bit.

"I would have to be with both of them I assume."

"Ha-ha! All of us got dates now!" Jennie exclaims, clapping. "I would have dated that dead medical examiner but I don't want to date a dead body. That is a huge turnoff for me and I can't imagine what we would do. Besides, didn't he turn into data?"

"Yeah, he turned into data," I answer.

I lean back and look up at the sky. Gosh, it is so beautiful out today! I can't believe how lovely the weather is! It has been so nice around here lately.

"It such a shame that he did turn into data. He was really good looking," Jennie says, sounding sad. "I wonder if I could meet his actor. He is pretty hot in person, right? I really have a thing for that red jacket he wears in the show. I love guys like that."

"Maybe we can go to Japan one day and meet the actors." I would love that. I would honestly enjoy that because they all seem pretty cool.

"We are too poor to do that. We have to work our minimum wage jobs for the rest of our lives pretty much," Walter says. Sadly, that is true.

"I know right?"

We all work together. I work at a store as a cashier with Jennie and Walter is up at the service desk. He is very good at his job and he has an ex that works there. She's snobby and hates me for no reason. I haven't even done anything to her. It is probably because she thinks I'm going to try dating Walter.

"I would just want to meet the guy who plays Parad. I would try saying his name but I have a feeling I would botch it," I say, laughing a bit. "I would botch it because I am too into his acting and I'm so shy when I meet new people. I wonder how I survive at work."

"You just put on a fake smile and act like a normal person," Walter tells me, laughing. "You're like the fakest person at work. I wonder how people fall for the sweet girl act."

"I really don't care for anyone there. I don't want to deal with anyone's crap. The second someone is rude to me, I just act like I'm so friendly and wish them a good day. I don't give a crap what kind of day they're going to have. I hope karma smacks them up their stupid little faces."

"Oh, she has snapped! Way to go Walter!"

"Jennie, we're all fake there. We can honestly care less about the customers there. I hate it when they look up at the sky for us. It is like they think we're going to be angels and fly on down just to serve them. They're annoying pricks," Walter replies, sounding pissed off. "I deal with some of the nastiest people at the desk. They are so stupid and cause their own problems. Why should I help those idiots?"

"I know. Why should we help them?" I sigh. "I dislike people who think they are entitled to every little thing. They treat us like we're servants. I'm not there to do that. I am only there to make my paycheck and go."

"Everyone is."

"I hope robots are placed in our spots so we can get away and find a new job. I don't like how they treat me," Jennie says. "Guys always hit on me. You're lucky no one is hitting on you, Elkie."

"That is because I look like I want to kill everyone."

"A killer vampire," Walter states. "That is what you are."

I laugh. "Really?"

"Yeah, really."

"Oh...why is it suddenly getting dark out?" Jennie asks and I look over at the sky in her area. It is getting dark! What in the world?

"Huh?" Walter sounds confused.

"It is dark out!" Jennie exclaims.

I stand up and stare at the sky. "Those clouds...they're really dark," I mutter out. "What in the world?"

"I don't know what is going on. This is freaky! Let's get inside!" Jennie shouts, ordering us around. She sounds so scared right now.

The wind blows as a loud boom fires off. Is it going to rain now? I don't remember rain being in the forecast for today. Are we going to get a surprise tornado?

"Watch out!" Jennie shouts and I move, dodging a lightning bolt. Wait...that didn't look like one. That looked like...data!

"How did you dodge that?" Walter asks me.

I shrug. "I have no clue! Was that even real lightning?"

I look over at Walter as my vision starts blurring. What in the world? I have perfect vision. Am I losing my mind? Am I dreaming right now?

"Elkie!" Jennie screams as I feel something latch onto me.

I look down, seeing nothing. I can't move! What in the world is going on? I'm freaking out right now! Someone please help me!


"Ah!" I gasp as I get lifted into the air. Everything is so dark! I can't see.

I close my eyes as my ears start ringing. Ouch! That is so loud! My head is now aching because of that ringing! Who is making that noise anyways? Is someone pranking me? I'm going to have a major headache now!

I open my eyes and look around as pixels surround me, building some sort of world around me. Huh? What is this? Did I faint or something? Maybe some lightning hit me and killed me.

"Ugh!" Is that a grunt from someone? It is a man's voice!


I look around as the pixels stop and the world comes into view. This is the sky! I'm not too high up am I?

Everything stops and I land on the ground, landing on my feet. I collapse to my knees and fall over. I look up as I push myself off the ground. Is that...a sword in front of my face?

"What the...?"

"Ah!" I scream as I close my eyes.

Everything is becoming so dark. I feel like sleeping now. Maybe I'm dying and this is what I'm seeing. Yeah, that is what it is. None of this is real.

"Hey, are you okay?" Someone asks.

"Intern, shut up! Call for help!"

"Who do I call for this?"

"Just get help!"

Everything sounds so far away.

 A/n: This is not my first Kamen Rider fanfic, the other one isn't posted yet. I want to finish it up before I post that one. Also, the main character probably won't be everyone's favorite. So, I decided to post this one first since it'll be a bit off from the show. 

I came up with this idea after my friend asked me about what anime or show I would like to be in. So, I picked Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. I would honestly love to be in it and I would enjoy every second of it. Also, the language will be automatically known to the main character (you can say that whatever pulled her in made her have knowledge of it). It is just one of those things you go with you know? Or you can pretend she has Japanese subs on her whenever she speaks.

Anyways, enjoy! Elkie is better than the character for my other story for Ex-Aid. You will hate the other character trust me. I apologize for errors but I typed this up in a hurry so I probably made a ton of mistakes. Enjoy! I love Ex-Aid. Who is your favorite? Mine is Parad.

Oh, I am aware of Parad/Parado/Pallad. I go with Parad. It is my preferred spelling of his name just because I feel weird putting Parado or Pallad. Sorry :) I haven't wrote Kamen Rider Fanfics before (minus the drafts of the other stories and the other stuff not posted) so don't be too harsh. I'll work harder on this. Thank you!

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