Under The Midnight Sky

By Josiah_Moses

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Grace Harding had it bad on her eighteenth birthday. Her only best friend and long-time boyfriend committed t... More

Under The Midnight Sky Soundtrack
CHAPTER ONE: Princess Not, Her Rose Garden, and A Greek Tragedy
CHAPTER TWO: Love Lost, Bath Oil, and A Little Angst
CHAPTER THREE: Raccoons, Climbing Ivy and Hedge Diving
CHAPTER FOUR: Sharpie, Flying Cars, and Mystery
CHAPTER FIVE: Parachuting, Skylines, and We Gods of Men
CHAPTER SIX: Familial Ties, Basements and The Humuhumu
CHAPTER SEVEN: Felony, Douchebags, and T-Shirt Holes
CHAPTER EIGHT: Jab, Straight, and a Sexy Touch
CHAPTER NINE: Atlantis, Drenched Clothes, and Bared Souls
CHAPTER TEN: Caught, Compromised Position and an Unrelenting Passion
CHAPTER TWELVE: Gates, Green Goop, and Wizened Old Men
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Mahogany, Carrots and Cupcakes
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Nautical Symbols, Symbiotes, and Pasts
CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Sunrise, Endings, and Goodbyes
CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Dreams, Sacrifices and Uncertainty
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Digitized, Desentisized, and Denied
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Complication, Ruination, and Contemplation
CHAPTER TWENTY: Sand, Sun, and Sick For Home
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: Seas, Tidal Pools and the Breeze
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Inebriated, Indebted, and Indecent
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: Silence, Brooding and Pounding the Punching Bag
CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: Second Chances, Ice Bags, and Thanksgiving
EPILOGUE: One Year Later

CHAPTER ELEVEN: Struck, Fell Down, and Up Again

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By Josiah_Moses

Dad and Mom situated me inside my room.

Thankfully my party was over.

Grace, what you did back there is grounds for sanction. We should ground you. 

Mom signed. A serious look was on mom's face.

"I know, Mom. But please, Carter and I have an agreement to travel around the neighborhood and seek cheap thrills. Here, look at these." I signed and said. I brought out my polaroid shots.

The ones at the Mcdonalds, the shots at Space Needle, at the Seattle Aquarium.

This Carter guy is cute. 

Mom smiled as she signed. I blushed. Dad looked on disapprovingly.

"Are you okay with your break-up with John, Grace?" Dad asked as he signed. We always sign even if Mom was out of sight inside the house. That has been the custom so Mom can always join in the discussion.

"I... I don't know. I think so. Dad, can I have one more present tonight?" I asked. Dad looked skeptical, but nodded nonetheless.

"I want to finish my agreement with Carter." I said. I looked at the clock.


"I think that's-" Dad began to speak and sign. Mom held his hands and winced. My heart fell.

Go ahead Grace. Your Dad wishes you a happy a birthday. So do I. 

Mom smiled conspiratorially. I laughed and hugged them both.

"Bring Malcolm with you." Dad shouted as I bounded for the doors.

"I will!"

"I think it's around here." I pointed to a street. We were back to Denny Triangle finding Carter's home.

"You're rather... fond of this dude." Mr. Malcolm spoke with a grin. I rolled my eyes.

"No. I have a... crush on him, yes, but nope. I am not fond of him... yet." I smiled and blushed.

"I think he's a good guy. For someone to bring you home for dinner without ulterior motives..." He confirmed it to me with a raised brow.

"Yep. Just dinner. No ulterior motive." I chuckled.

"Then it's fine. I think we're here." Mr. Malcolm stopped and just like that, I saw his home.

"You knew. From the start you knew where his home is! You should've said so!" I slapped his arm as he chuckled.

"Yep. Won't let my Gracie out with a guy I can't hunt down. Seems a decent kid. No criminal record, good grades, decent neighborhood. His parents also volunteer with him at a deaf-mute kid activities at Denny Park." He smiled. Gosh. I sometimes forget that he's Special Ops before he was my bodyguard.

"You know more about him than I do." I said simply as I got down the Silver Volvo I like so much.

"Yeah. And Grace?" He called. I looked back.

"Please don't do that again. Disappear on me. If you want to vent off steam, at least let me know. I am not your parent but you are my daughter, yeah?" He smiled a watery smile and it almost looked like he's gonna cry.

"Thanks, Mr. Malcolm."

"One more thing."

"Huh?" I said distractedly, my mind worrying if Carter was really home or somewhere.

"He's there. And his bedroom window is by south-west side." He smiled. I laughed.

"Thanks. For everything."

I walked to the Hunt Residence. There's a kitchen light on but the whole house was dark.

When I think I saw Carter's window, I knocked. I can't see inside because of the curtain.

After a few seconds, I knocked again. This time, the curtain moved and a very...

Holy cow.

Carter's eyes were crinkly from sleep. His head was mussed-up in a perfectly sexy bedhead. He wore nothing waist up, and my eyes feasted on every detail of his naked torso. Despite my better judgement, my eyes traveled downward and...

I bit my lip.

He's wearing only boxer briefs.

"Uhm... Grace?" His eyes widened as he finally figured out I am outside. He opened his window.

"What are you doing here?" The elation in his voice made me jittery inside. Gosh.

The butterflies fluttered inside my stomach.

"Um... I came to get you. We still have a night ahead of us." I said. He smiled.

"Why don't you come in? I'll open the front door-Hey!" He moved away as I began entering his room via the window. I dropped inside.

"I... I should get dressed." He reluctantly walked to his dresser and entered his bathroom.

I opened his lamp and surveyed his room. It was a typical teenage room. Full of clutter. He didn't bring me here when he asked me for dinner. I don't mind actually, but now that I'm here, I am excited.

His bed was rumpled and I didn't stop myself from sniffing his pillow.

It smelled of his male shampoo that has the hint of citrus scents and cedars.


I sat on his bed and that's when I saw something that might've made me fall harder for this guy.

A vinyl record player, in pristine condition, sat beside the far wall. A collection of vinyl records sat beside it and I quickly went to it.

Synthpop. He likes synthpop very much. Most of his records were from the 80's and 90's until I saw something that caught my eye.

"Together in Electric Dreams." I read. I smiled. Definitely from the old times, because the cover art was old school, plus...

Giorgio Moroder and Philip Oakley?

Old guys, so yeah, definitely oldies.

I smiled, and smothered a chuckle. A brief montage of Carter dancing alone inside his room with this feel-good music made me... jittery.

And in my mind, a dancing Carter was a sexy Carter.

Shaking my head, I began to try to operate the record player.

Well, I think I saw people in the tv place the vinyl on top of here, and place the needle here... It's not working. Not rotating. Not playing.

I tried searching for an on button. I saw one, in the form of a toggle switch. I flicked it up. The opening notes began wafting in the air.

Catchy tune. I laid my hand on the table where the record player was, and bit my lip.

I'm stopping myself from dancing. I smiled.

My dancing was pretty much flailing my arms around, swaying my hips and... I tried watching myself dance in the mirror. I was horrified. I am so glad I only dance indoors where no one can see me.

I began swaying, because dance like no one's watching, right?

"Well, who would've thought you can dance?" My face flush-flooded when I heard-and remembered-that Carter was here. That this was his room.

I laughed nervously. I looked totally ugly, I bet. In my haste in turning off the record player, I almost tipped the table and ruined his collection by smashing it on the floor.

"Crap, careful, Grace!" Carter lunged and caught the player just in time before it plunged into its hundred dollar death.


"Oh jeez, I am so sorry." I said sheepishly. I would understand if he would be angry. I would be if he accidentally pruned my precious rosebuds.

"It's okay... It's just a record player. Are you okay?" Carter placed the player softly over the counter and looked me over.

My shame grew exponentially. Here I am, rousing him from his sleep, tinkering with his record player, tries to ruin it, and now, he's concerned with how I was?

"I... I am okay." I smiled nervously.

"Okay then, let's..." He trailed off as he opened a new vinyl record and placed it on the turntable and began to play it.


"Allie X, yes. I have an eclectic taste in music, but I do have a particular bias when it comes to synthpop. It's That's So Us." He smiled, ambled to me and offered his hand.

"Is it even dance music? I don't dance." I said shyly, because even John knew not to offer me his hand when he wanted to dance. And the man can dance.

"I don't either. Besides, dancing was for the dancer. Not the audience. Unless you're an entertainer or something." He shrugged and just like that, I want to dance with him.

He held both my hands and knew that he doesn't really know how to dance. We just sort of swayed to the upbeat tones. Smiling and laughing when I almost slipped on his carpet.

Very smooth, Grace.

We didn't know how long we were just dancing like that. We were smiling, goofy at each other. If this was John, he would've ruined the moment with a comment or three, but Carter... He just almost-danced with me, Allie X singing our theme song.

Theme song? Could you be more cliché, Grace?

"Penny for your thoughts?" Carter looked at me with something that resembled... I don't know. All I know was that it made me feel so happy. 



"Was just thinking how this became my favorite song." I buried my face on his neck. I heard him gasp. He didn't hug me quickly, because he respects space, because he respects me too much.

When his arms wrapped around mine, I smiled against his neck. I knew he can't see me smile, but he most assuredly knew I was smiling.

"Grace..." His whisper felt like smooth velvet to my ears. I looked up at him from my lashes and I watched in utter fascination as his eyes darkened and his pupils dilated. My proximity to him finally hit me and I felt my body hum with approval.

He called to me.

I knew, right then and there that he would kiss me. And I wanted him to.

"Carter." I whispered as his mouth occupied my thoughts. A shy tongue ran over his smooth, pink lips and I blushed. I can't help it. He's that hot.

Slowly, our lips began to close the distance. When we were a hairsbreadth away from each other, a voice drifted to my ears.

"Buenas noches." Romina said. My face probably looked like a tomato. He smiled softly and kissed me on the forehead.

On the forehead. Because he's a gentleman.

"Buenas noches. Why are you still awake, Romina?" Carter and I turned to her.

She wore a cute pair of pajamas and a Hello Kitty mask is moved over her head. I smiled. It's hard not to love this tiny devil.

"I heard some noise, probably music coming from your room." She rubbed at her eyes and smiled, then frowned when she saw me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked pointedly. If I didn't know better, I'll take it personally.

"Hanging-out. Dancing." Our near-kiss stained my cheeks red and as my eyes darted to Carter, I saw he's smothering a laugh.

Which looked too cute.

"No you were kissing. Mama said no sleep overs." Romina grumbled. I felt shy. To be reprimanded by a kid was a huge blow to my esteem.

"Buenas Noches." Sasha entered the room next.

Feisty little devils, these girls. I sat on Carter's bed.

"Buenas Noches." Carter and Romina spoke simultaneously. It made me smile to see that these family had good core values.

I would always be thankful for amazing parents.

"Hey, you played the recorder! You said it's for display!" Sasha exclaimed. I closed my eyes in fear of waking their Papa and Mama.

"No it wasn't." Carter said defensively. Sasha and Romina both turned to me, their expressions identically pissed. Their arms were crossed over their tiny chests in defiance.

"You played it to Grace, didn't you?" Romina didn't take her eyes off me as she addressed his brother.

I looked at Carter and he sat on a beanie chair looking... sexy.

"Yes." He said flatly. I knew he finds amusement in this but being murdered by two eight-year old girls was a bit too much for me.

"Are you willing to marry him, Grace?" Sasha asked. Carter produced a half-laugh, half-choking sound.

"I..." I am at a loss. Because how do you answer that?

"Just as we thought." Romina backed her sister and I knew they really have their brother's best interests in heart.

"Why don't I play a song for all the important girls in my life?" Carter stood and mounted another vinyl record. Romina looked on expectantly while Sasha sat beside me.

Romina saw the betrayal and stared daggers at her sister. Sasha shrugged. I smiled, because the shrugging apparently runs in the blood.

"Grace?" Sasha whispered as Romina glared at me. I have to work on how she'll like me better.

And I won't over-analyze why I needed the sisters' approval.

"Yep?" I asked, placing my full attention on her.

"My brother never played his records to anyone. He says it was sacred or something. Mama and Papa tried once and brother did not talk to them for a week in anger. He's very territorial with his stuff. Especially the basement. You got both. Please marry him." I coughed at Sasha's confession.

He didn't talk to his parents for a week?

I suddenly realized what I did. Not only did I tinker with his vinyls. I played one.

My thoughts were dispelled by the opening notes of a song I knew because I also have it in my playlist.

A resigned smile stretched his mouth. What... what just happened? He never played the recorder then I came along and he let me play it. We even almost-danced to it.

He sat on his beanie chair and held out his arms. Sasha and Romina ran to him and sat on his sides. I sat on the bed, a smile on my face.

Carter closed his eyes ans listened to the song.

It was Streetcats, sung by The End.

Another synthpop.

He really does love music.

My thoughts scrambled when Romina stood and did a pirouette. Carter clapped thrice. Pleased with herself, Romina began to dance. She was so graceful, I knew I would be watching her dance for crowds.

She was a great ballet dancer.

Sasha smiled at her sister and for once, they were not bickering.

I just enjoyed the moment and before I forgot, I took a picture of Romina.

"Hey!" She said, as the flash shone. I smiled. Then in the lamplight, I wrote the caption.

Romina's Elegance.

It was actually a good photo of her in another pirouette. I do have an eye for pictures.

"That was nice, Romina." A deep male voice said. I startled when I saw Mr. And Mrs.Hunt standing on the doorway, snuggled against each other.

"Papa, Mama, Buenas Noches." Carter looked a little flustered.

"Romina, Sasha, go to your room and sleep now." The girls whined at their mother but followed nonetheless. I stood up and prepared for confrontation.

"Grace, why are you here at night?" Mrs. Hunt asked in a weird tone. It wasn't disappointed, or angry, or pleased. Maybe tired?

"I..." Better come clean now, Grace.

"She was inviting me for the night, exploring the city." Carter turned off the record player.

"Okay. Will you, perhaps..." His Papa just agreed. Mrs. Hunt stared daggers at her husband.

"Fine. You can go, and only because your Papa knows the security guy outside waiting for Grace." His Mama huffed. I smiled. A victory was still a victory.

"You knew Mr. Malcolm?" I asked Mr. Hunt. He nodded.

"My brother Hans was also Special Ops. He worked with Malcolm." A wistful expression crossed his face.

"Where's he now?" The moment I voiced the question, a painful expression crossed Mr. Hunt's face.

"He's gone."

"Oh. I... am sorry." I looked down and Mrs. Hunt tsked.

"Go now, the both of you. Be responsible." Mrs. Hunt went to carter and kissed his cheek. She went to me next and gave me a hug.

"So, where to?" Carter asked as we exited his home. I did a once-over of him.

He wore a tight white shirt and a pair of well-worn black jeans, and not surprisingly, a beanie, this time, a red one, over his head.

"You decide." I smiled. My heart did its flip-flop thing. He smiled and I hope he feels the same way because I really do want to pursue this. Whatever this was.

"Well, do you eat ice cream?" He asked?

"I'll pretend you didn't just ask me that." We walked to the Silver Volvo and I smothered a chuckle as Carter's eyes appraised my vehicle with what can be described as lust.

"Wow. A Volvo." He approached it, but before he made it, Mr. Malcolm was there, in front of him.

"Oh." He startled, and looked up, then took a step back since Mr. Malcolm can be intimidating when he wants to be.

"Mr. Malcolm Grant, this is Carter Hunt." I introduced them. Mr. Malcolm just kept on posturing, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Umm... Hi." Carter bounced from foot to foot. I laughed, and they both looked at me. Carter with a look that can only be described as irritated and Mr. Malcolm with an expression of amusement.

"Stop that. Carter is a good boy." I said simply as I entered the Volvo. Mr. Malcolm went to the driver's seat and started the engine.

The car purred softly under me and I smiled. I am not a car head but I love my Volvo. Speed and stability was just what I need from a car.

"I am not a boy. I am a man." Carter growled as he sat beside me.

"Where to?" Mr. Malcolm tried his gruff voice and in the process, he coughed.

"Mr. Malcolm, stop it." A silence descended, then we all burst into laughter.

"Sorry, Carter." Mr. Malcolm said plainly.

"Sir, I know an ice cream place named as 1989. It's just along Blanchard street." Carter gestured.

I looked at the time on the dashboard.


I just sat and closed my eyes, my nostrils celebrating in the scent of Carter and the car freshener I have associated with safety.

"You okay, Grace?" Mr. Malcolm looked at me from the rearview. I know that tone. He uses it to subtly tell me if I wanted this whole thing to shut down.

Once, I felt so awkward seeing Michelle with a lot of her female friends. I was a teensy bit possessive since she's my only girl friend and that caused friction between me and the others.

Mr. Malcolm came to the rescue. A curfew suddenly took effect and he brought me home. Good thing he did, because I would've used Muay Thai on the posse of posers.

I smiled at him and nodded. Involuntarily, I reached out to Carter and shocked myself when I caught his hand.

My head snapped to his and I tried to let it go, but he caught my hand and smiled that eye-crinkling smile of his.



"Here we are." Mr. Malcolm said. I looked outside and saw an establishment made to look old, but in fact was new.

And not surprisingly, it's closed.

"It's..." I looked at Carter because if he brought us here, he must have a plan.

"It will be open. Please wait here?" He smiled then got my hand and kissed it swiftly before sliding off the car chair and went into an alley right beside the ice cream parlor.

"That guy's pretty smitten with you, Grace. Compared to John on the first year of your relationship." Mr. Malcolm spoke softly while I stared at the alley Carter disappeared to.

"Huh?" I gave him my full attention.


"You were more into John when you started the relationship. But now, I see that the new kid's more into you than you are with him." He looked at me at the rearview mirror.

"You think?" I asked, because do you actually see it? If someone likes you more? Is it visual cues? Body language? Little gestures?

"Yep. John was reserved on your first year. That guy, well, he's wearing his heart on his sleeve, that one. It's easy to know if he's hurt, mad, or jealous. Or in love." The last few words were thrown in like it was thought-of last second.

Is it even possible to fall for a person in one night?

I was-is attracted to him, and with each passing hour, I see things I like in him. Things that John didn't have.

Not that John was all bad. He was romantic, and he really did listen to me when he has the heart to. There really was times, however, that he's a tad insensitive.

Says things, does things he didn't know might hurt me, humiliate or embarrass.

Carter was a sensitive man.

For the rest of the night, he never forgot to ask me how I feel. Always cares what I think on things.

I smiled, because well...

Carter was awesome.

Speaking of...

Carter knocked on the glass.

His smile makes me smile because he's generous with his smiles.

"I got Abuelo Zed to open the shop. He's little pissed at me for pulling in the favor now but I think he'll be fine once we're inside." Carter opened the car door and helped me down like a real gentleman.

Mr.Malcolm turned off the engine and joined us.

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