Our Life Together | Consumed

By JJGrim

2.1K 97 38

A story about Star battling her feelings and internal suffering. What happens when Things change? What happen... More

Table of Contents|Release Dates
Chapter One - Evolving Emotions
Chapter Two - True Colors
Chapter 3 - Times are Tough
Chapter 4 - Change the future
Chapter 6 - Gaining Control
Chapter 7 - Shooting Star
Chapter 8 - I Think I love You...
Chapter 9 - Life Goes On
Chapter 10 - Trust your Heart
Chapter 11 - Recovery
Chapter 12 - Unraveling History
Chapter 13 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 14 - Total Eclipse
Chapter 15 - Chasing Butterflies
Chapter 16 - Without the One you Love
Chapter 17 - Resurrection
Chapter 18 - A Shoulder to Lean on
Chapter 19 - Moving On
Chapter 20 - Try to Forget
Epilogue : Final Note
Quick Update!
Sequel Update : Release

Chapter 5 - Forget the Past

102 4 0
By JJGrim

Hey guys! Just quickly wanted to let you know that I'm going to be making some changes to the way I write my story! First, I will be stating the PoV when it changes. I started that in the first chapter, but quickly stopped. Along with that, I will try to add a bit more detail. I like the current length of 3000-3500 words, so that will stay the same. Also, I apologize that this is up a little late. Anyway, enjoy the Chapter!

Star's PoV

What have I done... What just happened... Marco, Jackie, Earth! I remembered it all, and I left. Now what do I do? I can't just go back, can I? I mean, he kissed me. Marco... Kissed me. I liked it, no, I loved it! But... Jackie... Why, how could he do that to her. Maybe... Maybe it meant nothing. No, no I don't think it did. He only kissed me to get my memory back... Right? Yea, yea it meant nothing. But I can't see him, not now. I don't want him knowing the kiss helped. In a few days, I'll go to Earth and tell him I remember. I'll say it just came back when I woke up. He'll believe that. Yea... Yea... Star was pacing back and forth while thinking to herself. She was nervous and confused. Suddenly, she stopped, and turned towards her right. She had a feeling someone was watching...

Marco's PoV

So that's it. Star is gone. My best friend, is gone. I... I can't believe I did that. Why did I do that? I mean, I like Jackie. Yea, I like Jackie. Star is my best friend, but that's it! Right? I... Can't like her... Can I? Is that even possible? Even if it was, it doesn't even matter anymore. At least now I can focus on Jackie. I can focus on everything we're gonna do together this summer. I can think about what me and Star were gonna do... No! C'mon Marco. Focus on Jackie... Jackie... Man, I just realized I have no one to go on adventures with. No one to hang out with at home. I mean, Jackie is nice, but she is no Star. Star knew how to be the best friend a guy could have. Me and Jakcie don't have the same relationship as me and Star. Maybe moving on is harder than I thought...

Marco gets off his bed, slouching over depressed. He goes downstairs and looks around the kitchen for something to eat. He looks around, seeing it's 2 in the morning. Has it really been that long since Star left?  Marco thought to himself. He couldn't find anything just grab and go back upstairs, and he wasn't in any mood to cook anything. Marco decided to go outside for a walk.

Marco couldn't help but think about Star. He could not believe that his best friend was really gone. Not only gone, but she couldn't even remember him. While Marco was walking, his eyes flashed purple, nothing new. However, Marco lifted off the ground a few inches. Marco couldn't control himself. He tried everything he could to try to get his feet back on the ground. The last thing he wanted was another vision.

Marco couldn't get himself under control, and ended up seeing the vision. Except, this wasn't like his other ones. Marco had full control of his body inside of this vision. He couldn't tell where he was, it was dark. Everywhere he looked was black. Marco didn't what to do, until he noticed a light in the distance. Marco was walking towards it until he heard a scream. "Marco!", he heard. He recognized that voice anywhere. "Star?!" Marco sprinted as fast he could towards the light, where her voice was coming from. "Marco! Help me! Please!" Star was yelling in distress. Marco was incredibly worried. He felt his heart pounding. Marco tripped while running, he was only a few yards away from the strange light. Before he walked into it, he heard another voice from behind him. This time, it was Jackie.

"Marco? Where are you going?" Jackie said worryingly.

"Star, she... She needs me." Marco said, looking at Jackie upset.

"But Marco... I need you..." Jackie said.

"Marco! Help!" Star said, her screams were fading. 

Marco turned and looked back at the light. Jackie grabbed his wrist. "If you do this, there is no turning back." Jackie said.

"I know." Marco said without looking at her. He walked through the light. He ended up... On Mewni? He saw Star Pacing back and forth in her room. What have I done... Marco was confused. She was talking, but he heard her voice. It was inside of his head. What just happened... Marco was shaking his head, trying to get her voice out of his head. "Why am I hearing this!" Marco screamed. "Who is doing this to me!" Marco had his eyes closed, puling his hair. Trying to get of this nightmare. Marco, Jackie, Earth! I remembered it all, and left. Marco slowly stopped struggling, and walked closer to Star. What do I do now? "Come back... Star! Come back to Earth! Come back to me! Marcos surrounding slowly faded to black again. The room slowly dissapeared, but he could still see Star. "Star, please! You need to come back! I need you! Marco saw Star stop, and look at him before she disappeared into the darkness like everything else. "That's not going to happen." Marco heard a stramge voice coming from his left. He turned, but saw no one. "Hello?" Marco said. "She doesn't need you anymore." He heard the same voice, but it was coming from behind him. "You can't let her go, she knows that. She also knows that she doesn't need you." The voice was jumping around, coming from all around him. "Who are you!" Marco was screaming now. "That's not important. What's important is your best friend, who you loved, left you. She left you and didn't think once about what you thought or how you felt." Marco glanced down, starting to listen to the voice he was hearing. "No, no that's not true! Your lying!" Marco was angry, looking all around the room for this voice. "Well, you can believe what you want, but I think it's pretty obvious. She lied to get rid of you. However, thats just what I think. But what do I know." The voice sounded evil and cold. "Well, I'll let you out of this nightmare like you wanted, I guess you don't want to stay to find the solution." The purple light began to fade from Marcos eyes and he was slowly returning to the ground. "Wait!" Marco yelled. "Help me find a solution..."

Stars PoV

Star was trying to sleep for hours, but she kept thinking about Marco. She wanted to kiss him again. She wanted to believe he felt the same way. Star didn't think he could because she knew he liked Jackie. Star was rethinking her decision. Maybe I should go talk to him. I just can't stand being away from him with everything going on right now. He is an important part of my life, and I don't how much longer it'll be before Toffee comes back. Star got up from her bed and took the scissors off her desk. She cut open a portal straight to Marcos room. Star was shocked when she entered and didn't find Marco in his room. She dropped her scissors. Star ran downstairs and looked in the kitchen. He wasn't there either. She was starting to get worried. She couldn't handle losing him. She knew it was already hard enough controlling her emotions and her magic lately. Losing Marco might push her over the edge. She quickly ran outside, and saw a purple light swirling around from the ground and shooting into the sky. Marco!? Star ran as fast as she could towards the light, and saw Marco lying on the ground with his eyes glowing bright purple. She dropped to her knees next to him and wrapped her arms around his head. "Marco! Please! Come back! Come back to me Marco!" Marcos eyes faded back to his normal brown eyes. "Marco!" Star said in a weepy tone. She hugged him as tight as she could. When Marco realized that Star was hugging him, he threw her off him. "Get away from me!" Marco yelled, standing up and running back home. "Marco..." Star said quietly, watching him run home.

Marcos PoV

Marco ran into his house and upstairs into his room. What did I just do? Why did I throw her off me? Marco thought about what the voice told him. He said "Keep her out of your life and mind, and you will reach your full potential." Is my full potential worth it's? Star is my best friend. Star is  everything to me... And Jackie of course. Ugh, ever since Star 'lost her memory', I've tried focusing more on Jackie. But every time I do, I think of a Star. Maybe I shouldn't be with Jackie... I need to find Star! Marco ran back out of his room to go find Star. He was stopped however when he saw Star on the stairs. "I just came to get my scissors and I'll go." She tried walking past him quickly. Marco grabbed her shoulder. "Star wait..." Star interrupted him. "Marco I came back to apologize for lying to you about not remembering you when we kissed. I mean, at first I though you liked me. I couldn't have been more wrong." Star ripped his arm off her shoulder. "Star, plea..." Marco tried to apologize but Star kept interrupting him. She turned toward hike before saying, "You know what Marco, I don't really want to hear what you have to say. I think you've done enough in one day." Marco was broken. Star saw this, and felt bad. "Star, why did you lie to me." Star knew what he was talking about, but she didn't know how to answer. "W-What do you mean?" Star put her hand on her arm. "About remembering me... You said that you did remember me after we kissed, so why did you run?" Star sighed and walked into Marcos room, sitting down his bed.

Marco followed Star into his room and sat on the bed next to her. It was silent for a while, until Marco broke it. "So, are you going to tell me?" Star looked at Marco, starting to cry. "S-Star?" She jumped on Marco. She wrapped her arms around his waist and didn't let him go. She rested her head on his chest. "I... I was afraid of remembering." Star said hesitantly. Marco was confused. "Afraid of wh..." Star cut him off. "I didn't want to remember you and Jackie. Marco, I can't keep lying to you anymore." Marco blushed. Star looked up at him. "Marco, I've been confused about my feelings for a while now, but I know what I'm feeling now. Marco, I have feelings for you, okay. A-and not just , ya know, feelings like, like best friend feelings. I mean... I mean like, I like you like you feelings." Star was talking faster than she could think. Marco was staring at her  confused, it was hard to understand everything she was saying. "So...?" Star said. Marco was zoning off, thinking about what he was hearing. "Star..." Marco said, but he didn't know what to says past that. Star laid her head down back on his chest. "That's alright Marco, I didn't expect you to say anything. I know I kind of just dropped a lot on you." Star was scared about would happen. "Marco nothing is gonna happen to us right?" Marco looked at her. "N- what do your mean?" Marco was scared what she was thinking. "I mean, things are going to change now, you know that, right." Macro smirked, he saw an oppurtunity. Marco knew he liked Star. After a minute of fully processing what Star had said, he knew that he had feelings for her too. "Why will things be different." Star sat up a bit, and looked downed at him. "Well, you know how I feel now, won't things get a little awkward." Marco smiled. "What?" Star said raising an eyebrow. "What's so funny?" Star said again, playfully punching his arm. "Well. I mean you said things would be awkward right?" Marco said to her. Star seemed a bit confused. "Yea? Won't they?" Marcos smiled didn't go away. "Well. Do you think things would be awkward if I liked you too." Star blushed when Marco said that. "Wait, you like me too? But what about everything that happened? What about your parents? Or Jackie?" Marco grabbed Stars shoulders. "Star, you need to forget about all of that, ok? That includes my parents. Just, forget about the past, focus on the right now. Focus on the present." Star smiled.

Stars PoV

Listening to Marco say all this stuff about how he feels about me, well I couldn't help but smile and blush. Marco was the boy of my dreams. I never thought I would ever be with him. Whenever he talked about a girl he liked it was Jackie. He was obsessed with her ever since we met, but now... Now he likes me! This is easily one of the bets days of my life. Marco helped me handle my evil intentions, and he doesn't even know it! He is by far the most important thing in my life, and that won't change, not for a long time. "Marco... I never thought I would hear any of this come from your mouth. Marco looked up at me, a little confused. "Is that a good or bad thing." I giggle a little bit. "Its a great thing." Marco sat up on the bed. "Star, aren't you supposed to stay on Mewni?" I scratched the back of her head. "Maybe..." Marco sighed. "Star you gotta go back before your mom finds out your gone." Star stood up. "Yea, you're right..." I walked over and grabbed her scissors. I smirked before looking back at Marco, saying "But that's doesn't mean you can't come with me..." Marco seemed a little shocked at first, but after a few seconds he smiled. I opened up a portal, grabbed Marcos hand, and we jumped through the portal together.

Marco took off his Jacket and threw it in the corner. "Wow Star, your room here is way more organized than your room on Earth ever was..." I walked over to my closet, picking out something to sleep in. I never changed out of my dress even though it was so late at night. I was distracted by Marco. Anyway, I was looking for something change into. I finally found some pajamas to throw on. "Marco, I've gotta change in here... Don't look." Marco blushed. "Yea, alright no problem." I laughed a little. I thought it was cute how nervous he was. It took me a minute to get undressed. I kept looking at Marco to make sure he wasn't peaking or anything. Once I finally got dressed, I slipped into bed. "C'mom Marco! I got a spot for you right her!" I patted next to be on bed where I wanted Marco to lay. "Star, you do know I can't stay all night right?" I looked st him a little confused. After a few moments, I smiled. "Wow Marco, thought things were gonna get a little hectic when we first got together?" It was hilarious watching Marco start to sweat and get even more nervous than before. "W-well I um- I..." I interrupted him with my laugh. "Marco, I'm just messing with you. Come, lay down. I want to snuggle up with you." Marco smiled, and climbed into bed. We layer in silence for a while, until we both ended up falling asleep.

Marcos PoV

Man... Me and Star... we both like each other. This is incredible. But I don't know if we are doing the right thing. I want to be with her, but I don't know what to say to Jackie. Not only that, but Star has to Stay in Mewni with her mom. Whatever, that's not what matters. None of that matters to me right now. All that matters is that I have Star in my arms right now, and I love it. I glance over to look at her, and I realize that she is fast asleep. I knew I should have left, but I really loved laying next to her. She had her head on my chest and her arms around my waist. I knew there was no way I was leaving without waking her. Well... She does look peaceful. It would be rude to wake her... I'll just sleep here... just this once though! Marco dozed off to sleep in no time.

Stars PoV

I woke up to see my arms around Marco. Somehow, I knew he would stay with me. I guess it is my fault. I fell asleep first... At least I'm pretty sure I did. Maybe I should wake him up. "Marco..." I whispered in his ear. He slowly came back to consciousness. "Star? Heh, I guess I stayed after all." Marco was talking in a low, raspy voice since he just woke up. "Yea, I knew you would." I couldn't help but giggle. "Marco, what are gonna do? I know we like each other, but there is a lot to take care of if we want to be together." Marco thought for a second before answering. "Well, I guess we have a lot to take care of." I smiled and let a small laugh out. I kissed Marco on his cheek. I still can't believe this is happening.

Unknown PoV

A rift watching Marco and Star lying in bed together closed. "The boy, what's his name." A mysterious voice was talking, the same voice influencing Marco in his vision. 

"I believe it is Marco." Another voice said. 

"Right, Marco. We need him." 

" What would you like me to do?" 

"I want you, to bring him to me. Alive." 

"But, what about Star?" 

"Do not worry about her, she will come looking, and when she does, so will all the butterflies."

"I like the way you think."

"Yea well, it is the only way to win the war."

"So, bring you Marco, anything else."

"That will be all for now. You bring me the boy, we will win this war."

"Hold on, you remember Stars actions when she was jealous?"

"What are you talking about? What actions? Was she using dark magic?"

"Yes, the boy seems to control her magic in a way."

"Well then, that changes everything. Bring him to me, but make sure Star knows he's in danger."

Hey Hey Hey! This chapter foreshadows a lot about the story, as well as hits a lot of major plot points. It was a tiny bit shorter than other chapters, but hey, this chapter like I said hit a lot of plot points. We are starting to get deeper into the story. I hope you guys are enjoying!

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