Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

By niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 13

42.2K 746 185
By niallsbabe_xx

I hurried down the narrow halls, making my way into the bland stairway. It was like one that you would find on an old ship or something. A pale yellow tint to the peeling paint on the rusted metal. The room was hollow and bare as I made my way down the spiral steps, griping tightly onto the old railing so that way I didn't fall from rushing.

  I was so glad to get out of the dorm. That was the most embarrassing thing I have ever witnessed! Especially because it was Niall!  Why was he sleeping with a girl in Liam's dorm anyway?

  I'm just glad I didn't walk in a second later. I would not have liked to see the actual action going on, although I seem some, seeming how Niall was practically groping the girl's chest....

  I felt suffocated not only by my thoughts as the images of the scene played around in my head but also from this never-ending staircase. He's only on the third floor, but it felt a lot higher.

  A flood of relief washed over me as I pushed the heavy double doors open, finally making my way into the cool August air. The sky was dark now as evening set in place. A small breeze blew into my face, causing me to pull my jacket tighter around my body.

  My mind was boggling with the events that have occurred today. Honestly, one of my busiest days!

  First I find out Louis is in my first class.

Then Niall is in my second and fourth class with me. 

Gemma's bothered by something to do with Liam. 

Niall was suspended, and on top of all that, I walk in to find Niall getting it on with a girl! 

What else could happen before seven thirty tonight?

  I sighed, pushing past people who were walking aimlessly, wondering and talking to their friends.

  My buzzing phone caught my attention as I pulled it out of my pocket.


  Get your phone?

To: Gem

  Yes! hahah you're not going to believe what I just witnessed! lmao


  k, just come back to the dorm. I have your bag! Can't wait;) haha

I laughed and took the next street back to the girl's dorms. So thankful that everything in this campus is only a block away from each other.


  "Gemma! I feel so humiliated! " I sighed, chuckling as I clutched my hand to my mouth, my jaw hanging ajar in embarrassment and shock.

  "Khloe!", she laughed again, which caused me to groan in agony. "Trust me, he doesn't care."

  After a very late dinner, I had told her the whole story, recalling the faint memory that happened only a little shy of an hour ago. I could feel my face burn as the images and feelings flooded back through me with each sentence. She bellowed in laughter which only caused me to laugh harder.

  I wanted to laugh so hard when Niall had walked out into the room and she followed. The nerves getting the best of me, however, I had to contain that.

  When I first walked into the room, I was in pure shock that I couldn't even think. I couldn't even place my feelings. I was just flat out embarrassed and humiliated. More for him than I was myself. I just wanted to die in laughter from nervousness right then and there. I was expecting to find a sleepy Liam, not a horny Niall!

  "But Gemma!", I laughed again and began pacing, throwing my head back. "S-She was so.... so ugh! And he was...ugh! and I was just... UGH!" I groaned, knowing that I was making absolutely no sense, what so ever.

  Gemma laughed at me, sitting on her bed. If only she was there.

  The subject seemed to have died out as I walked over to my dresser, pulling out a pair of pink sweatpants and a white tank top.

  Once I was in the bathroom, I slipped into my pajamas and brushed my teeth before heading back into the room and laying on my bed. Gemma had turned out the lights, making the room fall into a pitch black. I checked my phone for the last time, noticing that it was already eleven. I quickly set my alarm, making sure that the volume was up before I placed my phone under my pillow.

  Silence surrounded the room, filling in the empty holes. So much for this starting out a good week.

  My first week was boring and complete shit as everyone rushed around and switched classes. I was hoping that this would be the week that I could finally get set in, but I can already tell that that will have to be saved for another time.

  My body jumped from my phone buzzing- slicing the silence- as a text came through from an unknown number. I groaned and slid my finger across the box of the black iPhone.

  (484)665-7126 -

    Hey babe. Sorry about today. Coulda been you ! ;) Xxx

   Okay, what the actual fucking hell! This can only be one person. I mean how the hell does he have my number!? Although I did leave it at the dorm without a password...  I quickly went to my setting, creating one without a second thought. I really don't want this to happen again, but then again, Niall already has my number...

  I groaned a little louder than I was planning but quickly turned my frown to a smirk as Gemma scolded me.

 To: (484)655-7126-

  Don't text me.

I locked my phone, stuffing it back under my pillow. The last thing I need is some ignorant asshole texting me.
  I closed my eyes, silently praying that he would just leave me alone.

  "Khloe!"  I searched for the voice, glancing everywhere, but not seeing anyone. The depth of the woods surrounded me. Trees lined in a circle around me, leaving me no space to even squeeze out.

  How did I manage to get here in the first place? The last thing I remember was sitting on Fayth's floor, playing truth or dare with her friends.

  There was a guy. I remember the green of his eyes. How they became more sparkled, like diamonds in the light, with each drink of his vodka. I watched as he added a small tablet to it, memorized by the tiny bubbles it created as it fizzed and dissolved.

  "Khloe! Come on, you're going to get us caught!"

  "Khlo! Come on...."

  "Are you even listening to us?!"

  The voices kept coming but still, I could see nothing but blurry images of trees surrounding me.

  I felt the tears stream slowly down my cheeks, leaving behind the burning sensation of fire. Kind of how I felt the burn of the alcohol as it slid down the back of my throat.

  The sky was dark and the trees just kept closing me into the circle more. My head grew dizzy as I watched the forest spin around me, sucking each breath out of my body that I had left. All of it gone.

  I let out a gasp and a small huff of air before I was completely surrounded by pitch black. Blacker than black. It was nothingness. The feeling of being numb and helpless. The feeling of being alone. The feeling of just simply not knowing where you belong in the world.

  It was my first and only drink. How did it turn into this?

My lifeless and numb body shot up in the bed, a loud gasp suddenly leaving my mouth. My heart pounded, bursting from my rib cage, lungs expanding and descending rapidly as I tried to catch my breath.

  I sat in a pile of sweat, strands of my dirty blonde hair clinging to my forehead. I pushed it back, holding my chest with my other hand as I quickly looked around, taking in my surroundings.

  How was it so real? I felt like I was back there. Back in Miami. Back in the heat. Back in that house. Back in my sophomore year of high school. It had been three years ago, but it still haunted me; traumatizing my every move I made around parties and alcohol.

  My first drinking experience. The incident that made me forget about alcohol altogether.

  That next morning I had woken in the hospital. Wires and tubes connected to my frail skin. My face was pale and bones weak. You would have thought that'd I'd been doing drugs for years, when really all it was, was a slip of something into the drink. My first drink at that.

  I remember my parents yelling at me, telling me that I better get my shit together. That they'd have me put in boarding school. My mom and dad ending up getting in an argument over me which lasted about three months. None of us speaking to each other- only on short terms or when necessary.

  My dad wrote a lot more, finding it to be his way of distraction so that way he wouldn't have to come home until we were all sleeping, then he'd leave before we got up.

  My mom would often cry herself to sleep at night, whispers being heard of her asking herself how she'd become a 'fuck up' of a parent. Asking where she went wrong.

  We all became distant that year. We started to have small conversations, but nothing extreme. By December, my father had a full book published, and my mom was going to counseling. Me on the other hand had stepped away from all my friends. I'd stopped going to school functions and dances. I started playing volleyball and track that year. Wanting my parents to be proud of me again. Waiting to show them that I wasn't a screwed up child. That they could still be proud of me. That we could go back to how things were before that late May evening.
  I tossed the blankets off my lap, slowly and quietly walking into the bathroom.  It was no more than 2 am. It had to be. It was still dark out and Gemma was still sleeping.

  As quiet as possible, I shut the door and turned on the lights so I could see. I glanced in the mirror after I started the warm, running water in the bathtub.

  You could faintly see the black mascara that I didn't remove, layering around the rim of my eyes. My hair was a tangled and matted mess. And the sick feeling in my stomach would explain my pale face. I looked like I had been through hell and back.

  I strip out of my sticky clothes and carefully set my limp body into the tub, lowing myself into the hot water.

  Taking hot baths after a nightmare had always been something I've done since I've been little. It helps calm me and soothe my nerves. Helps me sleep better too.

  I slowly moved the water, cupping it in my hands and streaming it over my shoulders. I decided to just sit and relax for a little while. Taking in the silence, all but the little water pours that I was creating as I dumped it over me, and clearing my head of my crazy sixteen-year-old antics.

  The experience has scared me ever since. To the point where I don't drink around other people, and when I do drink, I'm by myself and it's something easy like a half of pint of beer. Just a small reliever. Nothing major. Ever.

  By the time I was done, my hair was shampooed, body washed, legs and underarms clean of stubble, mind cleared and my fingers were prunes.

  I slowly stood up, letting the water drain through the bottom. I wrapped my towel tightly around me and headed back out into the main room. I grabbed a pair of underwear, old, worn out blue plaid shorts and a white t-shirt. I slipped it all on and lazily ran a brush through my hair.

  I sat on my bed and glanced into the small kitchen watching as the clock on the microwave changed from 3:12 to 3:13 am. I sighed and placed the brush onto the nightstand beside the bed while I laid back and pulled the covers back over me.

  I huffed as I felt the water from my hair seep through my shirt. I hate that. There's nothing more annoying! ..Okay, well there is, but not at the moment. I gathered my hair to one side, pushing it up to rest on my pillow instead.

   I finally stopped fidgeting and closed my eyes only to realize that I was no longer tired. Instead, I was wide awake.

  I sat there for the next few hours, straining my eyes into the depth of the darkness above me. I stared at the ceiling, lost in thoughts.

  Thoughts of my parents. Thoughts of my old friends, my new friends, my life. Thoughts of the past and of the future. Thoughts of how much my life has changed. Thoughts of how my life would be different right now if we had still been in London.

  Would I have ever met Gemma and Harry along the way? Would I be the same person I am today? Who would be my friends and what would they look like?
  I couldn't help but just let my mind and imagination get the best of me, running freely and mixing together to create this whole new world outside of reality. A little escape for a few hours in this complete blackness. 

  I even couldn't help but think of Niall. The biggest question I have when it comes to Niall is, why? Why is he here if he's originally from Ireland? Why is he in Georgia? Why did he get suspended last year? Why did he have to go somewhere to get his father to pay for him to come back? Why couldn't he have transferred schools? Why does he pick random girls to sleep with? Why doesn't he stick with just one? Why does he want me so badly out of all people? There were so many questions I had about him, but the biggest was why?

  I sighed and tossed a bit, rolling over to my side. My eyes felt droopy, but no matter what, I just couldn't sleep.

  I glanced out the window, noticing the sun starting to peek through the gapes in the shades. Great. Just great. School starts in about an hour, and I haven't slept since 2 am. Wonderful.

  I groaned as Gemma's alarm clock rang throughout the small room. Gemma rolled over and rubbed her eyes, shutting the annoying and pestering sound off. So much for sleep.

  "Khlo." I ignored her, keeping my eyes clamped shut. "Khloe..." she dragged out the 'E', adding in a slight yawn. I yawned too, shutting off my alarm on my phone before, it too started to blare.

  "I'm not going today. Didn't sleep too well.", I replied and curled back under the blankets, burying my head under.

  I heard her speak something inaudible, before standing up and walking into the bathroom.

  When is this shit going be over? I haven't even been able to enjoy college yet, and we're almost two weeks under the belt.

  I try not to do a lot of authors notes, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.6K READS and 100+ votes!

  I hope you guys are liking it?! please vote if you are? :) Xx


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