Monster (Twilight X Reader)

By jxckson-wxng

715K 23.7K 16.6K

After a night (Y/N) (L/N) was attacked by a monster of some sort, things were never going to be the same. In... More

Chapter 1: Newborn
Chapter 3: Jasper
Chapter 4: The Cullens
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Jacob
Chapter 7: La Push
Chapter 8: Alliances
Chapter 9: Reasons
Chapter 10: Guilt
Chapter 11: Victoria
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: Truth
Chapter 14: Distance
Chapter 15: Bloodsucker
Chapter 16: Jealousy
Chapter 17: Pretend
Chapter 18: Desire
A/N!! (Important)
Chapter 19: Soulmates

Chapter 2: Forks

47.7K 1.5K 1K
By jxckson-wxng

Normal P.O.V

You wasted no time in jumping in your family car. It was nice and slick black with shiny rims and clear glass. It was worth quite a bit of money and your mom used it on a daily basis to get to and from work, while your father took the subway. Your mom worked farther out of the city, so she needed a car for means of transportation.

You sat behind in the drivers seat and gripped the wheel tightly until you realized you were leaving indents from your strength. You took a deep breath before taking one final glance at the stairway leading to your apartment, a place you knew you'd never return to.

You didn't take a single thing from your home, something you'd soon wish you did. Yet as regret began to consume you, you pressed the button to start the engine and drove out of the parking garage. You couldn't return there. You needed to think this through.

For starters, you had just committed murder to fill your thirst. Pain was filling your body each minute, and as a bystander passed your vision, you wanted nothing more than to prance on them and drink them dry. You couldn't prevent the finger indents in your steering wheel at this point, it was useless.

You knew you had to make a scene as believable as possible. When police would eventually find your murdered parents, they needed something to go off. So you played the kidnapped daughter role.

You had a baseball cap on your head, one you found on the floor of your mom's rather clean car. You knew it belonged to your dad, he always forgot things in random places.

The busy streets of New York City were driving you crazy. There were people in every direction, but your conscience prevented you from making a move.

Once your car was stopped on a backed up road leading away from the city, your mind started to blur. The conscience that led you to not devour New York City was slipping away and a new demon was taking place.

Feed. Just do it, you know you're hungry. Who cares if a few people get hurt? You'll be happy. You'll be full.

You fought the voice in your head, the voice you recognized to be yourself. You looked in the rear view mirror, your eyes a piercing black color.

The sun was high in the sky, but you had long sleeves on, gloves, and a cap. You always read stories of vampires burning in the sun, you didn't want to take any chances. As you put your car in park to wait for the long line of cars to move, you rolled down your window. The sunlight poured into your car and slowly, you slipped the glove off your left hand.

To your dismay, you didn't burn. In fact, something beautiful happened. You felt nothing, not even the heat of the sun rays covering your ice cold skin. Although, as your skin was grazed with light, you sparkled like a diamond reflecting the rays. As every inch of skin entered the sunlight, more of the beautiful shine covered your body.

For a monster, you sure are a beautiful one.

Your eyes twitched to the side as the car next to yours rolled their windows down to escape the rather warm day. A child reached her hand out the window to feel the air with a smile across her face. You licked your lips as your black, hunger-filled eyes scanned the child's skin.

The smell of pure blood filled your nostrils. You could see the veins pumping blood through the innocent girl's body, you could hear the familiar sound of a heart beat.

Your arms moved on their own as you ripped the seat belt from your body and kicked the driver's open. The kid looked at you with big eyes as you stood with your cap low and fixed your gloves. She looked into your eyes and her mouth fell open.

"Mommy, why does the lady have black eyes?" She pointed.

Her mother ignored the child, causing rage to build in chest. Until this morning, you were a calm person, and didn't overreact about careless matters. Today, you wanted to hurt anyone that did even a single annoying thing.

The little girl looked at you and for a split second, you gained control. You pushed your body through the crowded cars at a superhuman speed without looking back, and without stopping. The second you rushed away from your car, your cap flew from your head and grazed the road miles away.

You have officially lost everything that reminded you of your parents. The only thing you had left in your possession was your phone, with a bare minimum of pictures you shared with your family.

You made it halfway to your destination in the first 24 hours of your traveling.

You stopped in a small town that was relatively off the radar. You looked around and saw a clothing shop. Without a second thought, your body pushed itself into the shop, slaughtering any moving, living creature in sight. They didn't have a chance to call for help, say goodbye, or attempt to run for their lives.

Your eyes glanced around at the blood stained floors and felt your eyes shift back to their crimson shade. You pulled a good sized backpack from the wall and stuffed it with clothing, shoes, and accessories of your size and style. You put on a new black cap and changed out of your blood stained clothes into a sweater and leggings. Since it was May, there were no gloves on sale, so you kept your blood stained ones to hide from the sun in case a pedestrian saw you.

You walked behind the counter and attempted to open the cash register. Soon enough, frustration got the best of you. You ripped the machine drawer out and dumped the cash into the front pocket of your backpack, also stuffing your phone in the same place.

You didn't take a second to dwell on your actions, you did what you did and left to continue for Forks, promising not to feed until you got there.

Not even a minute later did you break your promise when you ripped a young man from his car, fed on his body, and stole his car in the process. Luckily the town was just dead enough for nobody to see what happened, or at least for nobody to care.

Tossing the backpack into the passenger's seat, you drove away in your new black jeep, that was nowhere near new.

You stopped to get gas a few times, but by the third time you started craving to feed off weak humans. You had no choice but to force yourself to travel by foot the rest of the way, not that you weren't much faster anyways. It saved time by traveling on foot, and didn't wear you out in any sort of way.

For someone who dreaded P.E. classes, you were able to run nonstop without breaking a sweat. Then the thought occurred to you, vampires don't cry so they probably don't sweat.

You passed by the 'Forks, Washington' sign without stopping, but craving the blood of anything. You hated the idea of feeding on humans, so you turned yourself into the forest to look for meat.

Your eyes landed on a harmless deer that grazed the grass for a vegetarian meal. The wind blew around you slowly, filling your senses with a scent that by far surpassed animal blood. There was a human nearby.

Jasper's P.O.V

A gasp released from the lips of the love of my life. "Alice, what did you see? Victoria again?" I asked holding her shoulders, caressing them carefully.

She shook her head and looked at me with big eyes. "No, not Victoria. Someone just crossed the border. A vampire's entering our territory."

I knew Alice was having a lot to deal with at the moment, "I'll go check it out, okay?" She smiled at me and nodded. She needed to focus on the current issue. Victoria crossed the boundary line yesterday, I'm sure whoever did today is just another one of her pawns.

I sped into the forest outside of our house and searched for the creature.

My body stopped when I saw a girl looking at a deer, about to prance. Her hair was (H/C) and eyes were crimson. I assumed she was a Newborn, just by the look of her eyes. There was most likely still human blood running through her veins.

The wind pushed the locks away from her face, her porcelain skin was flawless, like all vampires, and beautiful. As the wind strung around us, I smelt a familiar scent. The scent of human blood. Immediately she froze, her eyes went wide as she looked around. I listened carefully into the forest and heard the heartbeats of a nearby person resting their eyes near the edge of the cliff, fresh blood coursing through their body.

Within the blink of a second, the mystery girl was gone.

I immediately snapped out it and ran to the smell of human. I saw that same vampire looking in the same direction as me. She looked as though she was trying to resist, she had no control over herself. I could feel her emotions, she was nervous.

I tried to calm her down and change her emotions, but I could still sense them. Although the nervousness disappeared for a split second, she did exactly what I hoped she wouldn't. She ran at the defenseless girl, who wanted nothing more than to take a nap.

I used my abilities to keep the bystander calm so she wouldn't wake to any noise and rushed out towards the Newborn. She was faster than me, and most likely stronger than me at the time, yet I still managed to reach out and tackle the vampire, pulling her with me as we tumbled towards the water and off the cliff.

Our bodies plummeted towards the harsh waters in sync, she struggled out of my grasp but I wouldn't let go. Something in the back of my mind was telling me to kill her, end her life, and finish her off.

But when I looked at her, I couldn't. There was something about her that made me resist the urge to end a pawn of Victoria's. I wanted to know more about this girl for the monster she was.

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