Done- Camp Rock Fanfiction

By brallie2017

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Michie didn't come back the second year .the campers tess caitlyn and peggy where scared . when Shane came w... More

chaper one - new start
chaper three - I'm getting married

chaper two - baby appointment

965 5 1
By brallie2017

Michie bedroom : Michie woke up happey this morning . She got dressed .  she looked her  baby bumb u can see it little bit.

Michie outfit : white tank top . Snake skin shorts: white sandals

Michie- I can't believe I get to see u on ultrasound

Connie walked up stairs knock Michie bedroom door

Michie. Come in .

Connie - hey honey ur up early

Michie- yea morning sickness.  U like my outfit

Connie- OK honey . It cute u better get downstairs for breakfast.

Michie - be there 2 min

Connie- OK

Michie walked down stairs went to the kitchen.  She saw her best friend Katie there

Katie - hi bestie so u mom told me ur pregnant .

Mitchie started to cry Katie walked over hug her

Katie - it ok i will help  u.

Michie- it's Bradley's

katie- yea I know so today ur mom working so I take u to ur appointment . I know Bradley don't know . I won't tell him to ur ready.  I'll  be there for just when u do and ur mom .

Michie- I know.  Thank u let me  eat then we will go

Katie - ok

Michie ate 3 pancakes and 2 cups orange juice.  Katie cuckeld

Michie- what it's the baby.  Realize now it dinner for two

Katie- OK ready to go

Michie - yea one sec let me say bye to my mom .

Katie - ok

Michie yelled bye mom she yelled back bye

Katie - OK let's go before where late.

Michie walked out locked the the door .

Katie- where driving my car .

Mitchie- ok.

Katie- do u know how many weeks u are.

Michie- no I might be 15 weeks I can found a out the gender .

Katie- ok sound fun can't wait to know baby gender. So we can pick a girl or a boy name. 

Mitchie - I know me either. 

katie- where here.

Katie pulled in a  driving spot got out walked tho the doors to the center for pregnant  girls

Counter lady . OK what ur name

Michie- Michie.

Counter lady- ok honey I'd this u first time here ?

Mitchie- yes

Counter lady - OK we need u to fill out some paperwork? Is that ok?

Mitchie- yes that fine .

She took a clipboard of papers starting filling them out simple question. Katie on her   insgram likening people photo's. She came across shanes picture with his new girlfriend.

Katie- look Shane gray new girlfriend Jessica

Michie. Shane gray yea I know . He my ex.

Katie- I know . I thought ur going back at camp rock .what happen ?

Michie- that the day I told my mom I was pregnant.

Katie yea . how did that go ?

mitchie - not that bad . Be right back I need to give the counter lady .

Katie- ok

michie walked over to the counter lady gave her the paperwork.walk back sat down on a chair start reading a baby book that was there

nurse- Michie Torres

mitchie put the book back stand up walked with the nurse to room 12 and Katie did to .

Nurse - room 12 miss Torres

mitchie Katie - thank u

nurse- ur welcome . Doctor be right there in a min .

Michie- ok

mitchie Katie walked down sat in a chair .

Michie- wow can't wait to see my baby

Katie- me either do u think it will be a boy or a girl ?

mitchie- boy

Katie- yea no.  hopeley not.

we heard a knock on the door . We both said come in .

Mrs kinfolk - hi I Mrs kinfolk be ur baby doctor till he or she is be born

Michie- hi I'm mitchie Torres

Mrs kinfolk- oh hi who this other girl.

Katie.  hi I'm Katie mitchie best friend. 

Mrs kinfolk - ok lay down let me put a gel on u . It will be cold

Michie- ok

Katie took a photo posted it on insgram saying seeing my bestie baby can't he or she is born .

Mrs kinfolk- u want me to tell the gender

mitchie - umm. Yes please

Mrs kinfolk - ok ur having... twins boy and a girl

mitchie - Omg I'm crying

Katie- yay i get babysit two  babies. .

Mrs kinfolk - congratulations Michie I be right back with photos ok

Michie  - ok

Katie-  I can't believe  this . call u mom right now we need to tell her

michie- yea  .

Katie posted a photo of Michie saying ur have two little cuties  girls and a boy .
Michie pick the phone her mom calling her

Michie- hey mom we know the gender

connie - ok please tell me

mitchie - quess

Connie- boy

Michie- no . Boy and a girl


mitchie - I know

connie- I need to go but ill see u when u get home .

Michie- ok mom bye

Michie hung up smiling ear to ear . She thinking baby names .

Katie- be right back .  I need to go to the bathroom

Michie- ok hurry up she be back any second. 

Katie- ok

She waited two minutes the doctor knocked she said come in .she gave her the photos of the  twins she left . She walked out when the to thw counter lady schedule the next appointment for the twins . She waiting in waiting room because of Katie Katie came out .

Katie- ur ready

Michie- yea I already scheduled the next appointment.  Here the photos that they took of the twins. 

Michie gave the photos to Katie .

Katie - awwww so cute

Michie- yea I'm going to call Bradley wait in the car ok.

Katie- are u sure.  ok  be in the car .

Michie diald Bradley  number stared ringing. 

Bradley- hey babe.

Michie- hey babe can u met me and Katie at green cafe in 2 min?

Bradley- yea

Michie walked out of the center told Katie that Bradley meet us green cafe in 2 min
Katie drived to the cafe parked went in saw Bradley so we walked I sat beside him she sat ofront of him .

Bradley- hey babe.  Hey Katie

Katie- hi

Michie - here

Bradley  looked shock at first then happy. 

Bradley-  I'm going to be  parents to two babies

Katie mitchie- yep

Michie- wanna the genders

Bradley- yes

Michie -  boy and  girl.

Bradley- I need to go but babe I can't wait. 

Katie- that was easy .

Michie- I know I need him home ok

Katie drop of Michie at her house .  mom was already there .

Michie - I'm home

connie gave a Michie hug they ate dinner they went to sleep happy knowing that  connie be a grandparent.  Michie will  be a mom Bradley knows Michie told her mom Bradley she was happy he want keep it .


Catlin and the others girls woke up happy.  Because it was a sunny day they got dressed went to breakfast.

Shane Jason Jessica nate tess paddy ells where already there .talking

Catlin- hey guys can I sit

group - yea

Ella-  has anyone heard from Michie yet ?

tess- guys I need to tell u something about Michie. 


when tess about to tell she got in intrude by Mr brown.

brown- hey guys can i sit with u guys.

Group- sure

Peggy - brown do u know have u heard from mitchie mom we miss where is she.

brown- no

Tess- I know something .

brown - tell us.

Tess sighs

Tess- she pregnant

Group - WHAT !!!!!

tess- I know I sall a picture of Michie friend with a a doctor appointment that says
Michie pregnant with girl and a boy can't wait baby two babies

Shane- no way by who tho

tess- I don't know it didn't say .

Brown- guys calm down I call Connie see if  we can visit her.

Shane - I can't  believe it .

Jason nate- that a shock

Catlin- yea u think I'm her bestie why would she tell me I quess Katie is more of her friends then me I have to go .


Camp Rock stayed in there Cabins .  too difficult to come out . But Shane gray sat by the lake singmg the song he sang to Michie

Gotta find u

Joe Jonas
Every time I think I'm closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I've finally found a better place to start
But no one ever seems to understand
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you're not that far
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah

Jessica- hey babe

Shane- Jessica u scared me

Jessica- sorry who Michie the girls so sad .

Shane- she my ex and the girls best friend she was here last year  started  date her   then I broke up with her . The song that I was singing was  our soung  reminds me of her that I never sing it.

Jessica- ok we better get to bed.

Shane- ok yea we sould .

They walked kiss each  other saying good night they went cabins went to sleep  .


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