Buster and the Christmas Ham

By DianaEJMly

19 0 0


Buster and the Christmas Ham

19 0 0
By DianaEJMly

Let me introduce you to Buster, He's my Mother's dog,

 He's very sweet and docile,  Not aggressive at all.

He came into her life, Last year on Christmas Eve,

He was left in a shelter, and very much in need.

Parts of his hair is white, some of his hair is brown,

One of his ears stand up, the other one flops down.

He's a mutt, by no other standers,

If you met him you'd see this is true,

one of his eyes is black, the other one is blue.

The dog believes that he's human,  My mom treats him as such,

It wasn't until Christmas Dinner, I didn't think as much.

 Mom was hosting a dinner,  ON Christmas,  for family and friends.

She had so much to do,  she asked me, to make the ham.

I arrived at her house, I came right from the store,

Buster was extra anxious, he met me at the door.

I sat the bags on the counter,  Buster sat in his favorite chair,

He, put one of his paws on the table,   and waived the other in the air.

His eyes had a strange twinkle,  when I pulled the ham from the bag,

 I plopped it on the table,  with fury his tail would wag.

I walked over to the sink,  to give the ham a rinse,

Buster raised his nose,  and tried to get a whiff,

I smiled and looked away, he raised his nose again,

I walked into the pantry, to grab a roasting pan,

He closed the door behind me,  then ran off with the ham.

I ran and got it back,   and washed it off again.

I season it, then dressed it ,   then put it in the pan.

Turned the oven on,   then went to wipe my hands.

When the ham was cooking,  it had a delightful smell,

Buster sat by the oven,  and continued to wag his tail.

While the other food was cooking,   my mother set the table,

She sat a place for Buster,   right next to my Aunt Mable.

When the ham was done,   I covered it,  so it could rest, 

Then I went upstairs,   to shower and then get dressed.

When the guess arrived,  We decided, to go out,

To look at Christmas lights,  at some of our neighbors house.

We arrived back at home,  And finally sat to eat.

Buster hid under the table,  he put his head on my feet.

My Mom went into the kitchen, to bring the dinner out,

then we heard her screech,  she cursed, and begun to shout.

We went into the kitchen,   To see what Buster's done,

It seems that her dear Dog,   had a little to much fun.

Buster Ate the Christmas Ham,  He even drank the punch,

He ate the apple scones Mom backed.  and the leftovers from my lunch.

He open his own presents,  pulled the tree down to the floor,

He ate Santa's cookies,  and pulled the wreath off of the door.

When we looked at Buster,   he sat and Bowed his head,

He looked up at us sadly,  barked and then played dead.

We all starting laughing, my mother clapped her hands,

she took the bow from Buster's present and then she took his tag,

 she tied it to the bone, that was left from the Christmas ham,

She handed it to Buster, then he licked her hand.

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