Trolls Fanfiction: Iris

By TrollsObsessed

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Characters belong to DreamWorks, plot belongs to me. (Well, Iris, Titian, and Blossom are my characters but y... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Another book?

Chapter 31

701 26 9
By TrollsObsessed

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀< Iris' POV >

Iris' eyes settled on the pod Creek stayed in, her heart pounding nervously against her rib cage. She took a deep breath, trying to relax herself. You can do this, she thought. If anything happens, you know how to fight back. Just go.

She forced her feet to move, to carry her towards the fluffy pod. Her wounds from the glass were still stinging like crazy, the biggest one—on her leg—was causing her to limp slightly. But she had to trust that everything would be okay. You're a Troll, for crying out loud! she reminded herself. You're supposed to be all positive and happy! But she knew of the dangers in the world. Her parents had explained the whole situations with the Bergens and Trolls, how the Bergens used to eat them to gain the happiness they never had. But now they were all friends and had made peace with the much bigger creatures who lived just outside their tree. I hardly ever see the Bergens, she thought. She'd met Queen Bridget once or twice but it had not been any time recently. I hope she's doing okay. But for now, she had to fling those thoughts away. Creek was her main focus right now.

She slowly approached the front of the pod, preparing herself, and knocking on the door. She drew herself back slightly so Creek didn't hit her when he opened it. She didn't know what to think other than this might end badly. Her palms were sweating, cold dread trickling through her veins, and her heart feeling as if it would burst right from her arteries.

Her breath caught in her throat as the door slowly crept open, the two violet eyes of the one Troll she was here for appearing in front of her. Creek seemed a little surprised at the sight of her, but opened the door all the way. A rather evil grin stretched across his face. "Iris, Iris, I see you've returned," he purred. "Finally." He chuckled and moved closer to her, grabbing her hand and gazing deeply into her eyes. She forced herself not to pull back. She had to pull this trick off or their plan would fail. "Why don't we bring you inside?" Creek continued on.

Iris forced herself to smile at him. "S-sure," she agreed. Crap! I stuttered! Don't let him think I'm scared...please. She let him lead her inside the pod, feeling her skin crawling uncomfortably as she gazed around. She tried to ignore her unease by telling herself this would benefit every Troll in Troll Tree.

"What brings you back here?" Creek asked all of a sudden.

The Princess felt her heart jolt with panic. "Uh...well, you see, Creek...I...missed you," she explained the best she could, trying to swallow down her disgust with herself.

The purple Troll's eyes gleamed. "Is that so?" he asked.

Iris nodded, feeling a little more confident now. He's falling for it! she thought triumphantly. "Of course," she replied. "You've been so kind to me. I'm sorry for running away. I must've been...having a nightmare and thought you were something else."

Creek nodded in understanding. "I get it, sweetie," he cooed, stepping forward and grabbing her hand.

She had to refrain from cringing. Hearing him call her "sweetie" was not enjoyable. In fact, it was sickening. "Th-then you'll allow me to stay, right?" she asked hopefully.

Creek examined her body, one end of his mouth curved up in a half-smile. "I suppose I should," he told her. "You've come all this way. And the prisoners are still in their cage, correct?"

Iris almost gasped out loud, but she stopped herself just in time. I didn't think about him asking that! she thought, flexing her toes out of frustration. "Uh...c-correct. Yes, that's right. They're all locked up. No way they're getting out."

She didn't want to meet the restrained male's gaze as he stared intensely at her. She was too afraid of cracking. "Can I trust you, Iris?" he asked in a soft voice.

Iris blinked at him, wondering why he would ask that. "Yes," she answered.

"You'd never lie to me?" He cocked an eyebrow, his eyes glistening with question.

She snapped her gaze from those dark purple optics, forcing herself to speak and wondering why he was asking these things. He never did that when I was staying with him, she thought. "Of course not," she told him, happy her voice had been even this time.

He let out a gentle snicker, amusement filling his expression.

"What...?" Iris didn't understand. His strange actions and questions were making her ten times more uncomfortable than she already had been. Why is he laughing? she wondered.

"You know, I'd think the daughter of Branch would be smart enough to know that I realize when my victims have awoken from their spell," Creek growled in a low voice. "You were sent to say all of this, weren't you?"

Cold dread seared through the Princess' body and she had to tense her muscles to keep from jerking back. Shoot! she thought fearfully. "What do you mean?" she asked, deciding she'd play the Dumb Game.

Creek shook his head. "Now don't start with that," the mediator snarled. "You're going to face the consequences."

Before Iris could move, the purple Troll snatched her arm, dragging her along with him. She struggled and kicked, trying to get away from him but his grasp was too strong. "Stop it!" he snapped.

She was so afraid. She had never seen Creek so angry and dangerous. He was usually calm and collected, a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. But now she hardly recognized him.

He opened a door to a closet, throwing the bright blue-skinned girl into it and letting her hit the wall. She winced, hitting the floor and falling on her side. She glared up at Creek, her teeth bared and her eyes wild with anger. "What are you doing??" she hissed.

"Locking you in here so you don't escape," he replied. He moved over to her, bending down so his warm breath tickled against her ear. "By the way," he whispered, "I know the prisoners escaped. I'll be sending my Trolls after them. And you don't want to know what'll happen."

Iris wanted to retch up every single thing she had ever eaten in her whole life. "No!" she shrieked, tears flowing from her eyes. "Don't! Hurt me! Not them! They don't deserve it!"

Creek shook his head. "You're not the one I want to hurt," he replied. "I need you alive to succeed at my plan. You like the idea of being Queen? Well, I can give that to you much sooner than you were originally supposed to have it. Doesn't that sound lovely, Iris?"

The blue-skinned female glared harder at him, trying to make him flinch, but he stood still with a calm demeanor as usual. "I don't love you, Creek!" she screeched. "The last thing I want is to marry you! You're disgusting!"

The purple Troll shrugged, completely unbothered by her words. "Whatever," he replied, backing out of the closet and slamming the door shut.

Iris heard some shuffling sounds against the knob and guessed he was locking her in.

The Princess fell to the floor, feeling completely defeated and weak. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I killed all of you after all."

This chapter was fun :,)

I'm a cruel person

This scene is actually referenced from a Warriors book FITE ME

(I'll explain it in my facts book hehe)

Well, thanks for reading and stay tuned for chapter 32!

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