Crazy Feelings

By Little_Apple05

97K 1.7K 584

Bella Castillo. Your average girl with a beautiful voice. Shawn Mendes. Every girls dream guy. Successful, cu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
*Please Read*
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Two

5K 84 70
By Little_Apple05

"Okay thank you! Yes we will be there today at two O'clock. Thank you very much." I hear and I roll over and see Lily on my phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask her and then she jumps on top of me.

"YOU MADE IT TO ROUND TWO!" She starts yelling and I sit up quickly. 

"Are you serious? This is great!" I say. I am actually excited for this, not because of me getting to meet Shawn Mendes or any of that crap, but because they actually like my singing.

Shawn Mendes just seems like every other celebrity. You know the type that flirts and sleeps with everyone. The jerky type who pretends to be a nice guy in front of the cameras. 

"I told you that they were going to love you and that you were going to win." Lily said as she jumped in the bed freaking out.

"Alright well let's not get our hope up. I don't think I'm going to win. Just because I made it to round two doesn't mean I  going to win. It means the competition just got harder. If I don't win then oh well."  I say and go to bathroom to get ready. We slept in through lunch so I need to get ready now.

"Well I think you're going to win. And when you do you better not forget me okay? Because you're going to become big and famous. You need to remember that I'm the one that forced you to audition." She said as she came in the bathroom to get ready too.

"Okay I'll remember that." I said and laughed. 

We finished getting ready and I was satisfied with the way I look. I'm wearing that new romper I got with the yellow design on it. I have on my white converse and my hair is pulled up into a cute ponytail.

"You ready?" Lily asks me and grabs her bag. I nod and we leave.

I'm not as nervous as I was yesterday, but I am nervous. We arrive at the same place that the first auditions were. When we walk in, there are not nearly as many people as there were yesterday. 

We go and check in and wait for me to be called. I sit there and I remember that I don't know what song I want to sing. I didn't bring a Cd with music or anything. I can just sing acapella I guess.

I started going through my playlist to see which song I should sing. I decide on Barcelona by Ed Sheeran because I  love that song! 

After a little while my number gets called. I walk in and Lily goes in with me.

"Hey it's the bestfriends!" Shawn says and I smile.

"Yeah that's us!" I say and look at Lily. She gives me a thumbs up. I look around and I see a guitar sitting in a corner.

"Um is it alright if I use this?" I ask walking over it. 

"Yeah sure go ahead." One of the judges says and so I grab it and out the strap around me.

"Start when your ready." Another judge says. I take a deep breath and start strumming. 

I sing the sing and I had so much fun singing it. I could do this everyday of my life. I absolutely love music and singing.

When I finished everyone was writing something down on their clip bards which kind if made me nervous.

"Thank you very much. We will contact you if you make it to the final round." One of the judges said. I smiled and me and Lily walked out.

"That was fun!" I say and Lily starts going on and on about how she thinks I'm going to win. I honestly don't think that I will.

The rest of the day went pretty well. We went to dinner and a movie and then we just walked around the city for a while. We stopped at a pretzel cart and both bought one.

"Wow these are amazing!" I said with a mouthful of pretzel.  We were walking down the street trying to get a cab when I got a phone call. I was in the middle of chewing my food.

"Hello?" I said with a mouthful.

"Yes this is the competition judge from the Island records artist search. I'm please to inform you that you have been selected to move on with nine other people to the final round. Congratulations, Shawn will meet you at the same place you auditioned tomorrow at twelve so he can get to know you. You will also be doing a special activity with Shawn that we have planned." The lady said.

"Oh okay! Thank you so much!" I said and hung up the phone. I almost choked on my pretzel when she told me that made it to the final round.

"You made it!" Lily shrieked because I guess she could here what the lady was saying.

"Okay well I guess they liked me a lot more than I thought." I said and threw my trash away.

"Yeah and maybe Shawn has fallen in love with you and your voice!" She said and nudged me.

"Okay number one that would never happen. Number two I have a boyfriend that I am very happy with." I say as we keep trying to get a cab.

"Would you seriously pick Mason over Shawn. The same Mason who use to eat glue?" She said and I laughed.

"Hey he was six. And yes I would. I don't even know Shawn." I say waving my hand at cabs but none of them stop.

"But you will tomorrow." She said. I roll my eyes at her and kept trying to get a cab.

"Will you help me please?" I say and look at her.

"Oh I saw this in a movie once and it worked." She said and lifted her dress up enough to only show her leg and she stuck her leg out. At least three cabs stopped. I laughed so hard.

"Way to go Lily!" I said and we got into one of the cabs. 

"Where can I take you two lovely ladies?" The young cab driver said. He was kind of cute.

We gave him the hotel address and he took us there. Me and Lily talked about what the special activity was going be because the lady didn't tell me.

"I guess I could dress casual but bring my bag with some nice clothes in it just in case." I said and Lily agreed with me.

"Oh I need to call Mason and tell him what's been going on." I say when we get to the hotel room.

I get out my phone and call him.

"Hello?" I hear him say.

"Hey babe! What are you doing?" I asked and sat down on the bed.

"Nothing much. I'm just at the store for my mom. What about you?" 

"I  just got back to the hotel." I said and slipped off my shoes.

"Oh okay, what did you do today?" He asked me. I told him what has been happening and there was a few seconds where he didn't say anything.

"Mason? Are you there?" I asked making sure he hasn't accidentally hung up or something

"Yeah I'm here. I think what your doing is great! I  really proud of you for making it so far in this competition." He said and I smiled. I miss him already.

"Aw thanks babe. I really miss you." I say.

"I miss you too. If you win you would live in Canada with him for a year?" He asked.

"Yeah but I highly doubt I'm going to win. The other contestants are really good." I said. 

"Oh okay. Well I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I'm glad that you're stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something new." 

"Thank you. I'm glad too." 

"Okay well I'm about to head over to check out, I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you." He said.

"Okay bye. I love you too." I said and hung up the phone. I look over and Lily is already sleeping. I get up and change, brush my teeth and wash the makeup off of my face and then go to bed.

I honestly don't know what tomorrow will be like. Most girls my age would die at the thought of spending a day with Shawn Mendes. I'm not a huge fan, I see him like any other celebrity or any other person. 

His music is great, don't get me wrong. I  just not crazy about Shawn.


"Alright I'm leaving." I say to Lily. She isn't feeling to good so she's staying here at the hotel today. 

"Okay, you look cute. I'm sure Shawn will think so too." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I'll text you later to see how you are." I said and she waved goodbye. I'm wearing fitted jeans that I rolled up at the bottom up a little below my calf. 

I'm wearing a Crand Canyon t-shirt that I got when I went one summer. It's a blueish color and the shoulder part is a pinkish color. It has a little logo on the upper left that says 'Get Lost Grand Canyon Get Found'. I don't know exactly what that means but it's a cute shirt.

I left my hair down but I didn't straitened it so it's wavy. I called an Uber because I don't want to stand here for an hour trying to get a cab.

I found where the driver was waiting in the car and we left. The driver didn't talk much, but he seemed nice.

I got off at the same place I audition and I had my my bag with dressy clothes in it just in case. I walk in and look around. I don't see anyone so I just sit down and wait. 

"Sorry I'm late. Traffic was bad." I hear and I turn around and see Shawn come in. He takes off his sunglasses and smiles at me.

"It's alright, I just got here a couple of minuets ago." I say and smile politely.

"Well I'm Shawn and this is John, my body guard. He'll also be your body guard for the day." He said and I shook both of their hands.

"I'm Bella, Bella Castillo." I say and Shawn gives me a weird look. "What?" I say and look at him.

"Nothing, it's just that your name sounds really familiar." 

"Oh well I don't think we have met before." I say and laugh a little.

"Maybe it's just me." He says and smiles.

"So I dressed casually because I didn't know what we would be doing, but i brought nice clothes just in case." I said and pointed to my bag.

"Oh we won't be going anywhere fancy. We are going to the children's hospital to volunteer." When he said that I was a little bit taken back. I'm actually really excited about today now.

"Oh okay! That sounds like fun. I volunteer at the hospital in California sometimes ." I say and grab my bag.

We head out towards his car and he gets stopped by a few fans. I hear a couple of girls ask if I'm his girlfriend. It made me laugh a little.

"No she isn't my girlfriend, we are just friends." He says and smiles at me.

"Oh she must be apart of that competition!" One fan yells. I smile at everyone and a few pictures are taken of me. We finally get to this big black van. John helps me in and then Shawn climbs in next to me.

"So we're friends now huh?" I say and nudge him. He laughs and then smiles at me.

"So tell me about yourself." Shawn said and leaned back in his seat.

"Okay well I live in California, but I wasn't born there." I say.

"Oh really where were you born?" 

"Well I found out not to long ago that I was born in Toronto, Canada." I say and he looks a little confused.

"What do you mean you just found out?" 

"Well when I was three my mom died. I don't know how, but when she did my dad moved to California with me. He doesn't talk about my mom or Canada. He says my grandparents are dead. It's always just been me and my dad. I don't remember anything about my mom. I wish I did though." I say and there is an awkward silence for a minute.

"Anyways, Lily is my best friend as you already know. She actually signed me up for this competition without me knowing. I thought we were here so she could audition." I say and he starts laughing.

"Oh wow! She's a really good friend." He says and laughs.

"Yeah well other than me loving music there isn't anything else really interesting about me." I say.

"Oh come on. There has to be more to you." He says and I shrugg my shoulders.

"Well umm. I'm afraid of the dark. Like being alone in the dark. I really don't like it." I say and he laughs. "Hey it's not funny!" I say and laugh with him.

"So what about you. Who is  the real Shawn Mendes?" I say sounding  like I'm an interviewer.

"Well I mean other than me and my career I'm really just an average dorky guy." He said. He looked out of the window and then just took a deep breath and then sighed.

He seems like he's stressed. I'll try and make sure that he feels relaxed while I'm with him.

"So how'd you get into music?" I ask and he turns towards me.

"Oh well I just kind of always had an interest in it. I was given a guitar as a gift and then learned to play from YouTube." 

"Really? I had to take tons lessons." 

"Yeah well I guess I'm just good like that." He says and I just shake my head.

"I should have known you'd be a fat head." I said jokingly  and he looked at me.

"I am not a fat head!" He said and laughed.

"Okay maybe not but you sure can be sassy. Sassy Mendes." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever." He says and laughs.

"Oh look at me I'm Shawn Mendes and I have my sassy pants on today!" I say in a deep voice to try and sound like him.

"Oh wow! That was a spot on impression!" He says and starts clapping his hands.

"Thank you! Thank you very much! I'll be here till ten!" I say and we both start laughing. I feel really comfortable around Shawn. He's different than I thought. I can be really natural with him.

When we finally arrive at the hospital Shawn gets out of the van first and the helps me out. I leave my bag in the van so I don't have to carry it around everywhere.

We go in and the lady at the front desk greeted us. There were some camera people there videoing us. It felt a little weird having them all up in my face.

"You guys can start in the top floor and then make your way down here. Then we'll do an activity with all of the children here. Here are a list of the rooms you can visit." She said and handed us a list. 

"Thank you very much." I say and look at the list. Shawn comes really close to me so he can read it too. His face is right next to mine and he's kind of breathing on my neck.

I turn and look at him and then he looks at me realizing how close he is.

"Oh sorry." He smirks and takes a step back. I just smile and look back at the list. We walk to the elevators and go up to the top floor.

We go to the first room and there is a little boy laying in a hospital bed. He looks very sick, but he also looks very bright and happy. He looks about the age of five.

"Shawn!" He says and sits up. His mom is in here with him.

"Hi! What your name?" Shawn asks and we both sit down next to the boy.

"I'm Mike. They told me that you would be here." He said and then pulled something out of his bag that was next to him.

"Oh my goodness. Did you draw this?" He asked Mike and he nodded. "Wow this amazing! Thank you so much!" Shawn says.

"Who are you?" Mike asks me.

"I'm Bella, Shawns friend." I say and he smiles.

We talked and played with Mike for a little while and then we had to go to the next room, but we would see him again later.

Let's see how the rest of today goes. So far it's been great! I love meeting all of these kids.


I'm so excited about this story. I've got so many chapters already written. I feel like just releasing them all at once sometimes, but then it wouldn't be as fun.

Thanks so much for reading this story. Make sure to tell your fellow Mendes Army friends about this story.

Love you guys so much!


Ps. I really like this emoji 🌺 It's just really pretty and makes me want to go to Hawaii. 😂 Am I the only one?😂

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