By freidah32

517 86 55

"Kiss me." "What? We just can't do it here. We are in a funeral!" "Am so sad now that a kiss from you... More


Chapter 10

23 5 3
By freidah32

Amy's POV.

I never thought I meant so much to everyone I knew. I always thought that I just had people who had to stay with me so that I could at least not die from loneliness. But I guess I was wrong when I saw everyone: Dad, Jully and even Ryan and other guys looking so relieved when they saw me. The pretty much looked wrecked with the bags under their eyes and pale faces.

They look like this because they were worried about me.

I gave them a smile and they could not stop hugging me and crying and shaking me violently because I made them so worried.

Actually, the last was Jully who still shook me, proving a point of how I had put her in so much worry that she did not take enough rest. That spoke a lot, knowing how the woman likes her sleep.

I looked up when I felt a hand gently squeeze mine. Jason had been staring at me for a while now. Maybe because I looked like a ran over lady with bandages covered up.I could see his eyes sparkle, something that happens when he is happy.

I continued to enjoy the company of those who cared for me until we heard a knock and two police officers came in. Everyone just stared when they said they had come to ask me questions regarding the accident. Jason immediately released his hand and walked towards them with an angry face.


"Can't you see with your own eyes that she is not well?! Are you blind or just plain stupid! Leave or-! Jason growled, his hands balled up to a fist but was stopped when Ryan held him back.The police men gave him a glare before warning him to be calm or it wouldn't be good for him. Jason did not want me to be strained, he wanted me  to rest. I could feel myself feeling giddy that he really cared.

"Miss Glasswood, shall we start the questioning?

One of the policemen asked, and everyone looked at me waiting for my answer.I decided I had to get this over with and nodded and ignored the look that Jason gave me of disapproval. I simply nodded and told him it was okay before the two policemen led everyone out and closed the door. The took a seat and then one of them, the plump one cleared his throat to show he was about to begin.

"Miss Glasswood, who were you with when the accident occurred?"

I licked my lips to release the nervousness I had.

" I was with the driver and Jully, my best friend and we were going to my wedding.

I can't believe it had to be on my wedding day!

" Can you describe what really happened during the accident?"

I felt a lump in my throat and closed my eyes, trying to focus on the scary ordeal that put me in the hospital bed.

" I remember us taking a turn round a corner, then the driver tried to slow down but the brakes did not work."

A tear fell on my cheek.

"We then started to worry when we saw a truck following us in high speed and I remember the driver wearing a smirk as he increased his speed."

Another tear.

" We tried to pull over but it did not work either. We got scared and realized the truck was now almost behind us and it hit us at the back, but the driver took a turn and hit another car.We t-tried to get out but it was difficult"

Tears were now freely moving and my voice was now shaky.

"T-the man who was in the truck ran to us and when I asked him for help, he j-just said it was over and with a grin said...g-g-goodbye! and that he wished me a safe trip to hell! He then took a lighter from his pocket when he noticed that the gas was leaking and lit it then threw it at the leaking gas.

I tried to scream but I couldn't. I looked at Jully who was unconscious and had bruises and cuts."

The policemen looked at me with sadness as they urged me to continue.

I sighed.

"Then there was a fire!"


Hey everyone!

I got your threat messages on how you wanted me to update and here it is.

Its short because it is just a filler chapter to what comes next.

You guys are so awesome to all those who bothered to read and vote and comment. This means so much to me.

Anywho, I want to say a special thank you to katies58 who made such a made a wonderful cover for me. It is so beautiful. You guys should check her out and follow her!

Tell me what you think and as I always say, I accept positive criticism so tell me your thoughts :)

Vote, share and comment!

Lots of nutella love to you all!!


-Do you prefer chocolate or ice cream?

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