I knew it, It's you [Revising]

By lspikerspls

235K 4.9K 281

We met through facebook, knew each other through chat. Could this be love? Jhobea fanfic. 🌻 Thank you for h... More



7.7K 157 40
By lspikerspls

"Cherish every moment and person in your life, because you never know when it will be the last time you will see them."



I followed bea because I really can sense that something bad will happen...


There, I saw bea, blood continuously flowing from her head, her coat was soaked by her own blood, she's lifeless.

I furiously got out of my car... I saw it, I saw how that other car struck Bea's car and crashed into a post. Seeing Bea's car parts scattered around the road makes me weak, I hurriedly went where she was but the policemen were blocking my way...

I screamed Bea's name, hoping that her senses are still okay... She turned her gaze at me, I read her lips, and before she closed her eyes... she mouthed "Jhoana..."

It's been 4 years since that accident happened. I can't say that she's fully recovered but physically she's back, her wounds are now healed and scars are now gone... I thank God for giving her another chance to live.

"Babe." she called me, hugging me from behind.

"Hi." I replied still not facing her.

"Hey, is there something wrong?" she asked with a worried voice...

Oh god, I'm sorry Jhoana, I'm really sorry.

"No, nothing... so how's my Bea?" I asked in a monotonous voice.

"Tired! But seeing my wife, I'm now regaining my energy." she's now facing me with a smile on her face...

"Stop flirting Bea!" I said and she smirked "Oh, I thought it's normal?" she said while wiggling her brows.

"Oh god, why did I marry a dork person." I said in disbelief.

"Oh yeah? Why did you? Ah.. because you love me that much!" she said and gave me a peck on the lips.

She left me alone in the balcony, the view is relaxing because we're still here at Japan. I decided not to go back to Philippines after that accident happened.

"AAAAHHHH! STOP!!" I heard Bea shouting so I hurriedly went to where she is.

I saw her with her both hands placed on her head while in pain.

"Hey babe, what happened to you?" I asked her...

"My head is aching... Ahhh it hurts!!!" she said still enduring the pain.

"Calm down... I'm here okay? I'm not gonna leave you... Hush now." I keep on caressing her back while she's hugging me.

When I felt that she's calm, I asked her "What happened to you?" she closed her eyes, remembering what happened awhile ago...

"I saw a girl... running in a field. But I couldn't see her face at all, all I could see is her body, she's wearing..." she didn't finished her sentence and ran to our room so I followed her.

"She's wearing what?"

"She's wearing this! I can't be wrong... It is really like this, but It's not you babe..." She let me see the picture she's holding and it's me wearing my ateneo volleyball uniform... I know who's she pertaining to, it's Jho.

YES. Bea has a retrograde amnesia. She lost her memory. She don't even know who she is, in short even her autobiographical account is forgotten.

"Okay? Don't stress yourself... I have to do something, you take your meds and sleep na. Love you." I kissed the top of her head.

"Okay babe, be fast okay? I love you babe." I nodded.

4 years had past... and in that 4 years, She thought I'm the one that she loves. It should be Jhoana in my position, whom Bea truly loves the most.

I wanted to tell her about Jhoana, her love for Jhoana, but Bea's parents said that I should not. It's better to leave it in the past because it's the reason why she got in that accident and lost her memory. One time I asked her if she wants to know her past but she shrugged and said "I think it's better and meant to be forgotten, maybe I really had a bad experience in my past which resulted me to be in an accident and lost my memory. So let's not look back on that and focus on our present."

I felt happy to know that she doesn't want to make a fuss about her past anymore but I'm worried at the same time. She may have forgotten it and had already moved on but she left the person whom she loved most and I am really sorry for Jhoana because she still loves her even though Bea had forgotten her already... I'm sorry for her because I know she's still waiting for Bea, she doesn't even get a bit of news about bea though and I didn't tell her about Bea who got in an accident and suffered from an amnesia. I believe that there's a right time for that.

I know the time will come when their paths will cross again but the thing is, Bea can't remember her anymore.

But I still believe in the quote that "The mind may forget but the heart remembers."



I came.

I came to see her...

I don't know when will I be able to see her again, maybe when I'm successful woman? Just like what her parents wanted.

And it's been fucking 4 years and I can say that I'm successful now... I haven't received any news about her, she didn't even contacted me after I left her in the Osaka Castle.

But I received a message from Ate Jia two weeks after the day when I left Bea, saying, "Sorry, Jhoana. I hope you could wait for Bea, but please if you're tired of waiting and you wanted to settle na, don't hesitate to let go and find someone. But yeah I know, you won't do that! Just wait for her, It may take a lot of years but I know she'll come back to you. Soon.

And I'm really sorry Jho, I really do."

I don't know why she's sorry but maybe it's because she took away my love, that instead of me, marrying Bea, it's her.

I've already forgiven her, she's a good person and I don't hate her for stealing away Bea from me, she's just a victim too, their dads that set them up for a wedding just for the sake of their company.

"Babe you're spacing out!" Maddie kissed me on my lips which made me go back into reality.

"No I'm not! I was just staring on our picture." and I motioned my hand to our picture on the table.

"Really? What did I say then?" Wrong move Jho!

"A-ah you said you love me, right?" I said nervously.

"Nah-ah! You're wrong but you're adorable thinking that I love you huh, yes I do love you babe, so much!" she said giggling, what a cute sight.

I blushed... "Awe, you're blushing! You're so beautiful Jho." Maddie said and locked me in her embrace.

"Psh! You're such a flirt babe." I pinched her nose.

"But you still love me right?" she stuck her tongue out, teasing me.

"Hahaha yeah, I love you madzilla!" and I burried my face on her chest.

I can feel that her heart beats rapidly, same as mine... "And I love you more, babe." she kissed me on the top of my head.

Am I in love with her? My heart is beating so fast just like the first time when I saw Bea. Should I let my love for Bea fade away and give myself a chance to love Maddie?

UGHHH! This is confusing!!!

Bea, I wanted you to know that I'm still waiting for you. Please comeback to me as soon as possible until my heart still beats for you, I'm still human and I get tired...

"Babe, you have this one patient that gave me this, take a look." Maddie handed me a paper, the drawing looks like the person has amnesia because there's a dialogue saying "Who are you?" to the girl who was taking care of her.

At the bottom of her drawing says, "The heart remembers what the mind forgets."

"My patient? Really? How old is my patient? I totally forgot already. What comes to her mind that she drew this?" I asked.

"Uhm, she's 16 years old babe, She came up to that because her bestfriend has amnesia and sadly her bestfriend doesn't remember her. You know babe, I'm happy for her because I could see in her eyes that she's determined to let her bestfriend remember her again." Maddie said in a sympathetic voice.

"If I were her, I'll do the same. I would do anything for her to remember me again." I replied and dozed off to sleep.


You've reached the end of the story.

📍 Started: 03.24.17 || Ended: 04.21.17

Thanks guys, Lots of love -lspikerspls💙

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