Drive Me Crazy ☞ Transformers...

By viva_la_charlie

3.1K 88 27

Another lead in finding the transformers turns into a sour trip, as Daisy Witwicky gains more than she bargai... More


01 | abandoned theater

1.1K 41 22
By viva_la_charlie



*RADIO STATIC* "And now we will play our all time favorite jam from the Jefferson Airplanes, here on 101.6 the 70's station."

The soft but uplifting beat filled the car, where a woman was driving down an empty highway. The windows were rolled down and the wind blew her dark brown hair into the wind. Dark brown eyes scoped the road, seeing no cars in any direction, before the woman decided to speed up down the highway, to get to her destination a bit faster.

"Awe yeah," the woman said as a big smile adored her face, and her knuckles tightened around the steering wheel once more in pure happiness.

The young woman stroked the steering wheel before leaning forward and patting the top of the dashboard as she said a bit loudly, "Come on Bee, turn it up!"

The car's engine revved up some, before the radio's volume turned upwards without the driver having to touch the knob.

"Woah. Come on Bee sing with me," the woman cheered as she began to drum the beat of the song along the edge of the steering wheel.

"Don't you want somebody to love, don't you need somebody to love, wouldn't you like somebody to love!"

The woman, along with another robotic sounding voice sang along with the radio, happiness in their voices and excitement within the atmosphere. Though the happy-go-lucky moment was ruined as another emotionless robotic voice entered and interrupted their singing fest.

"In 0.5 miles make a turn into right exit."

Startled, the woman gasped a bit before she looked over to the passenger side and saw that the GPS guide was on and telling her the right course to her final destination. She swiftly read the screen before turning her eyes up on the road to see the upcoming exit she was suppose to take next.

"Well Bee," the woman said referring to the car she was currently driving, "Guess we are almost there right?"

A various sounds of happy chirps and whirring came in response to the woman's question, making her chortle lightly to herself, knowing that the machine was just as ecstatic as she was to reach her destination.


Ever since she entered Texas, Daisy Witwicky knew one thing for sure. It was blazing hot there. Daisy was not use to such temperatures like the one she was enduring at the moment. That's why she thought if she stopped by an ice cream parlor, a sweet dairy treat will cool her down before the raging temperature increased.

So as she sat inside of her car, licking away at the strawberry ice cream cone she had, Daisy prayed that the temperature would drop at least during the nighttime. She could not sleep in this intense heat, it would be such a bother for her. But Daisy had to keep those thoughts at bay as she had bigger problems to deal with at the moment.

Ones that revolved around a certain leader of the Autobots, and his current location. Daisy had been looking non stop for years to find the exact location of the certain damn blue Peterbuilt truck with a red flames decal. Always picking up hints and clues that only drove her down many dead ends along the way. It was like she was going through an endless maze that goes nowhere, but she never gave up hope that she would accomplish her wishes, it was all she had left to hold on to in this world and she wasn't about to let go that easily.

Luckily though, she had a concrete clue now, one that she knew and believed would not lead her down another ghost chase. Mostly because she got the intel from a very reliable source, one she trusts with her life. Daisy got this piece of information from her partner in crime, and best friend, Bumblebee. Which also happens to be the Autobot Camero that she was currently driving.

Bumblebee, had received a transmission from his old leader a couple days ago, it was faint and almost nonexistent but Bumblebee knew he had heard it. His old boss's voice echo very quietly through his being, what was said Bee could not decipher but he new it was important. Especially if it was told through the link they had, after years of no communication between them all. Something was wrong, Bee and Daisy knew it, and they wanted to find out what the hell it was.  

Did he need help? Was he trying to warn them? Did someone else fall down due to the enemy's vicious ways? There were so many questions running through both their heads and they couldn't even believe to understand what was up and it worried them both. That's why they were there, smack down somewhere in blazing Texas, trying to find the answer to their never ending questions.

"Ok Bee," Daisy called out, bringing her friend's attention to her as she finished up the last of her ice cream, "I'm going in."

"Wait!--We need more time--observe," Bee's voice carried out through the radio as he locked all the car doors in worry.

Daisy could not help but roll her eyes at the protective Bee's demeanor. He was always like that, which is logical due to the fact that they were currently enemies of the law, but sometimes it got to out of hand. Daisy felt like she was being held in a short leash, due to the fact that the only free time she ever had to herself was when she had to use the bathroom. Bee was always near Daisy, and he was lucky she loved him, or she would have skipped out and let herself be caught by the law just to be free of him; that's how annoying he got sometimes.

"I'll be fine, ya big baby," Daisy mused as she pressed the button to unlock the doors, but before she could even open the doors, the lock went back on.

"Bee!" Daisy called out annoyed as she through her hands up and glared at nothing in particular.

"No.--Not safe!" Bee's response came in a demanding voice, and Daisy could not help but imagine a human version of Bumblebee crossing his arms right back at her and giving her a childish expression. Daisy let out a breath of laughter as she imagined that, before she put her arms down and rubbed her temples.

"Bee, ya have to let me out. I need to check in the building. See if Optimus is in there," Daisy explained as her voice went from it's angered tone to a soft octave to try and sway Bee into letting her go. She knew this always worked on Bee, it's how she managed to get away from getting into trouble with him, and he always fell for it.

The locked button seemed to be press again to intensify the meaning of 'no' that Bumblebee was trying to express. Daisy scoffed before she voice her annoyance, "Bee how will we know if OP is in there or not, if I can't go in and check it out?"

"Wait--the freaks come out at night--breaking and entering," Bee's response came quicker than Daisy thought. She was sure he could ponder over her words and let her go, knowing Optimus was the main concern at the moment, but she was proven wrong.

"Bee we are not gunna break in at nighttime to check it out," Daisy said exasperated as she threw her hands in the air, "I can just go now when it's safer."

A series of whirring and clicks came to Daisy's ears and she knew by the tone that Bee was angry now, and she was surely not winning this conversation.

"Look Bee," Daisy snapped, causing the car to stop it's angry tone, "This place is abandoned."

And to make her point, Daisy extended a delicate finger in the direction of the building they were scoping out. The building seemed to be an old theater that is now out of service. Dust and spiderwebs littered the top of the building, and all the neon lights that adored it. In the announcement board that hung above the entrance, the words 'Thanks for 79 great years!' were seen. An obvious sign that no one was going to be entering that building anytime soon.

"See no one is going to be there," Daisy tried to assure Bee, "Well except for that one guy we say walk in, but that's because he's the owner and opened up the doors."

"I can assure you no problems will occur Bee," Daisy added to try and sway Bumblebee to see her way.

"Plus I'll have this!" Daisy exclaimed before she reached over to the passenger seat and picked up an electronic device up into the air. The machine look man-made and was not easy to identify what it did or could do.

"You know that with this we could communicate," Daisy explained as she pressed a series of buttons on the device making it come to life. A bright green light emitted through device before a low white noise emitted from the speaker like part.

"See," Daisy said before she pressed a button and then talked into the device, "If I'm in trouble, I'll just call you from this!"

Her voice echoed through Bee's radio system, showing that with that device a one way communication could be heard. And this concept seemed to quiet down the riled up Bumblebee, who was worried for his best friend's wellness. Bee seemed to think over her words before he responded to her request, though not with words, no he responded by unlocking the doors. Bee's actions caused Daisy to let out a goofy grin, as she knew she had won this quarrel.

"Thanks Bee! You're the best," Daisy said then proceeded to hug the steering wheel before she quickly hopped out of the car before Bee could change his mind about the decision.

"Thank you. Thank you very much," Bee responded with Elvis's signature quote, causing Daisy to roll her eyes at Bee's antics.

Daisy closed the driver's door and leaned into the open window before saying, "Ok I'll try to be in and out quick. I just need to see if OP is in there and I'll come back so we can set up a plan to help him escape."

"Yes captain," Bee responded causing her to smirk.

"Ok I'm out," Daisy quickly said before she departed from the car and began to calmly walk towards the abandoned auditorium.

Daisy's eyes flashed around her wearily, as if she suspected being watched, all while she shoved her hands in her pocket to keep them from fidgeting any further. She did not want to give away the fact that she was nervous, it would give away her true intentions and she did not want that to happen. The last time something like that happened it didn't end well, it actually ended with Daisy almost getting arrested. And that was a bad thing to happen to her, if she got caught by the law, then they would surely figure out her true identity and the fact that she is a wanted criminal. Then she sure would be separated from Bee forever, and she didn't want that to happen.

Daisy sighed heavily as she tried to rid the nerving thoughts from her mind, not wanting to get herself more worked up than she already was. And as she walked up to the main glass doors of the old building she made sure to try and calm herself internally, so she won't raise suspicion upon herself.

Daisy gripped onto the handle before she pushed forward to open the door, only for it to not budge and rattle a bit. Daisy scrunched up her face in confusion, wondering if the doors were locked and that's why she couldn't open them. She then began to pull at the handle, and easily the door opened up in her direction. Embarrassed on her slight fluke, Daisy glanced both ways and saw that no one witnessed her stupidity, making her sigh in relief. She then rushed into the building hoping to rid herself of the spotlight she placed upon herself, and to forget her second of embarrassment.

Inside the building, nothing seemed to change in physically, it was still as old and run down as the outside appeared to look. The only difference is that trash and random material objects seemed to litter the floor. It looked like a hurricane blew through and rearranged everything onto the floor, leaving it all broken and beyond repair. Daisy gasped lightly at the sight, as the sound of glass breaking crunched under her heeled boots. She glanced down to see bits and pieces of broken glass from the large chandelier that sat on the floor smashed in the center of the room.

"Damn what happened here?" Daisy pondered out loud to herself as she looked around the room, before stepping in more to check things out. She could not understand how this place looked this abandoned but outside the streets were alive and well.

"Can I help ya?" A voice cried out from above Daisy, causing her to yelp lightly as she whipped her head upwards in fright.

There, on top of some sort of balcony that transcended in the main room, stood an old aged man. Wrinkles adored the man's face as he looked down at her with a confused expression, not really expecting a visitor to come see his now run down theater. Usually when someone came to look, or buy anything that was left, they'd call ahead of time and set up an appointment. But as the man watched the woman stumble into a place she surely did not belong, he became intrigued greatly.

Daisy, who was taking in the old flannel shirt the man wore that she has basically seen on everyone in Texas already, spoke loudly in aspiration, "Oh I'm sorry. Do you own this building, by any chance? I'm currently interested in buying something you might have here."

With brows bunched together the old man tilted his head at the woman, wondering what an outsider like her could possibly want from the old trashed cinema. There wasn't much left after his last visitor came to clean out all the projectors and electronics he had lying around, so the man doubted there was much to offer the lady.

"Yeah this is my old ball and chain until the bank comes and takes it from me. But I doubt it can be of any service to ya, its been cleaned out by scavengers for days now. Don't have much to offer you hun'," The old man drawled, casting a sad and disappointed look at the building that use to be his prize and joy, that now looked like a graveyard for broken dreams.

Daisy took note of this, as she also gave a look around at the place, seeing old vintage posters like 'El Dorado' with John Wayne or 'The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly' with Clint Eastwood, lying around in dusty frames. It reminded Daisy of her old hometown and the crappy old theater that still ran to this day, and it reminded her of all the times she would visits with her family. The thoughts began to pile in, and Daisy fought to keep them at bay, knowing now was not a time to go down memory lane; especially to think about a life she missed and left behind.

Shaking her head, the black haired beauty just sighed as she looked up to the depressed man and said, "Well I just wanted to know if you perhaps had a semi out back or something? A classic peterbilt truck with blue paint and probably red flame decals on it. Do you have this?"

Daisy watched as the man's face contorted into one of disbelief as it seems she had gotten the detailing of the truck right, she winced slightly as it seemed that she might have let it slipped that she knew more than needed. She cleared her throat slightly, fidgeting with her fingers as she quickly added, "I heard from a friend, that lives here, that you did. That's why I came. You see, my father, uh—my father—had a truck like that once, and well I want to buy one again for him."

Daisy's rushed and stutter filled lie echoed the room as quietness eloped them, the man's gaze turning from confused to calculating as he just blankly stared back at her. She was odd, that much he could pick up on her, well with her fidgeting and awkward impression she's made, it made him wonder what her intentions were at all times. But in his lifetimes he has seen worse women, hell he was from Texas, the place where crazy women are made. So with a heavy sigh, the man scratched the back of his neck as he apologetically spoke, "Sorry sweetheart, you're out of luck today. A fella come in here earlier, bought and toed off the only truck we have that fit that description."

Disappointment burrowed in Daisy's chest as she gaped lightly at him, thoughts shooting rapidly in her head, not being able to hide her emotions from showing. Her hands opened and closed, a nervous habit she had, as she licked her lips and asked warningly, "You sold it? To who?"


To say Bumblebee was distraught would be a great understatement. Troubled seemed to be the better term to describe the infamous Autobot at that moment. Truthfully there was no words to describe the sinking feeling in his spark that brought him to near insanity as he watched strictly the door he watched Daisy walked in an hour ago. He was crestfallen, because she had promised to be in and out of the building, in a few minutes tops; but now time has dragged out. It was way past than a few minutes, it has been over an hour for sure, and Bee was chaotically awaiting her arrival. Even for a signal through the makeshift walkie talkie that she possessed, to show him that she was alive, because he was beginning to wonder.

Bee's nerves were haywire and he was being pushed to the bring of madness as his need to shift began to raise, but he was doing all in his power to keep that at bay. He was just about to burst into his Autobot form, hoping the people wouldn't freak out to much and cause a riot that will surely ensue a high speed chance with Bee and Daisy. Luckily, as if some miracle that Bee prayed for came true, Daisy was seen walking out from the destroyed cinema. Fast and loud, Daisy rammed through the double doors of the dusty place, wind blowing back her hair as she speedily made her way to her car.

A foreign object in her hands, that she purposely fiddled with, as her feet click and clank against the rubble ground. Her lips moving in a fast pace, as she quietly talked to herself, mumbling and grumbling about the situation at hand. Her eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion, yet a hint of anger lingered in her eyes, making anyone wonder just what got her so upset.

As she neared her precious friend in disguise, she could practically feel the lingering stare that Bee surely had on her, as the faint sound of clicks and whirls left the car stereo softly. Without warning, Daisy swung open the door and threw herself in the car before loudly and dramatically slamming the door before her. She was upset, that much was clear to Bee, and he could only assume that the mission was a fail and tracking OP was starting to become a lost cause.

"Shit," Daisy spit out in a fiery passion while gripping the steering wheel tightly in aspiration, as she then proceeded to slam her head against the darn thing. Providing the idea that she was tired and done of the whole ordeal.

"-Onto further news-" the commercialed voice of the yellow transformer echoed the air, breaking the sullen atmosphere Daisy has created. Wanting to hear what she had to say, what actions to pursue now, and what exactly happened in the empty building.

"He's gone," Daisy spotted out angrily, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel as the chirps of surprise arose after her words.

"He was here, but he got taken away," Daisy went on, her eyes darting around as she began to form many plans to get their fallen friend back in her mind, hoping there wasn't much trouble to come for the pair in the future.

"But don't worry Bee," Daisy added as she looked towards the radio, sadness showed in her eyes as she continued, "I know where he is. The owner told me he was hauled over there in that direction."

Daisy pointed down the road, where it looked like it went out onto the the main road in a his small town. People walked in various directions, going on about there day, not knowing a wanted government criminal was sitting smack down in their boring town with a yellow camero by her side.

"Look Bee, I don't know where over there is, but I know it's someone where and I hope it's beautiful," Daisy conjured out as she turned the key in the ignition, making Bee come roaring back to life. The slight vibrations of the old car ran through her body, causing a slight feeling of relaxation to adorn her body. Daisy's mind was beginning to un-fog from the large amount of anger that she was just given, but she was hoping this next spot was the last stop in finding Optimus Prime.


A/N: I think we all know where Optimus is right now, and where Daisy is going to go. Cade is coming in the next chapter for sure, and Tessa! And Lucas, who I was mad died. Anyways glad to see some people interested in this story, especially since there aren't that many fanfics with Cade. Thanks for reading and comment if you want, or don't, it's your life do what you want.

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