Taken - Jeff Atkins

By MrsJDMaslow

91.9K 1.5K 167

"A rumor started a reputation that other people believed in and reacted to. And sometimes a rumor has a snowb... More

Living Nightmare
Work Sucks
Food Lovers
Plot Twist
Be Mine
Study Buddies
We Have Forever
Pick And Choose
Wrong Place, Wrong Time

For The First Time

6.6K 96 1
By MrsJDMaslow

"When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missin' you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missin', too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear
To always get me through the day
And make it okay
I miss you."

Tony offered to take me for a ride just so I can breathe and take a break from school but I couldn't get back into a car after what happened. I haven't been able to since that dreadful night. Instead, I knew where I wanted to go. Tony heavily insisted on being with me because he could see how hard this was hitting me.
My wavy, black hair blew in the soft breeze as we walked the school grounds. The silence between Tony and I was nice; it wasn't awkward but peaceful. If I was going to walk around the school grounds to clear my head, I'm glad it was with him.
"Two beers in two hours." I stated in a soft voice but loud enough for him to look in my direction. "What?"
"He had two beers in two hours." I repeat, dragging my feet along the footpath. "He wasn't drunk. No matter what anyone says. I know Jeff."
It's hard to convince people when we'd gone for a beer run that night; the alcoholic stench filled the car as the police and ambulance got there. Along with the broken bottles that were at my feet on that awful night - it was my word and no one believed me. Which wasn't much to go off when I was drunk myself.
"Are you sure?" Tony asked, looking at me with concern. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at his disbelief in Jeff. "I may have been drunk that night but Jeff knew he was driving. He knew he was taking us home. Jeff wouldn't of put my life in danger like that. I can honestly say: he wasn't drunk."
Silence fell between us again, this time it was awkward. But the silence was soon broken when my eyes focused on the baseball field.
"You know, Jeff and I weren't always the happy couple everyone saw." I started as Tony followed me towards the stands. "We actually hated each other." I scoff, remembering the day we met.
Tony sat beside me, giving me his gentle, friendly look as he listens to what I'm saying.

It was a warm, summers evening. The wind was ever so gentle on this one particular day; as if it were never there. Fast food filled the air along with the sweats of everyone on the field and in the stands. I didn't want to be here - I hated baseball with a passion. But somehow I got roped into watching some stupid baseball game by Zach. I was new to Liberty High School and he thought it was good idea to make friends. It was boring to me so I was trying to get away every chance I could.
"Hey, I'm going to go get a drink." I say, nudging Zach to make him pay attention to me. "Want anything?"
"Nah." Was the only answer I got from the raven haired male. With a role of my eyes, I made my way onto the grass and walked towards where I could get the food and drinks.
"How can I help you?" The man asked with a polite grin. "Hi, can I get a large cola and a meatlovers pizza? Thanks."
My eyes wandered as the man was fetching the things I'd asked for; looking, waiting for literally anything to take me away from this boring game. But my hero never came. The kind man gave me my order after I handed him the cash and I found myself walking back to watch this game; carefully holding the full cola along with the pizza.
Out of nowhere, the drink gets forced out of my hand by a baseball and spilt down the front of my dress. I gasp in shock as a squeal leaves my lips from the cold liquid now dripping down my body.
"I am so sorry!" A brown haired kid with blue eyes quickly mentions rushing over. "I can buy you-"
"Sorry? Sorry?!" I yell back at the baseball player. "Sorry isn't going to get this stain out of my dress!"
"Look, I apologize." The male starts again. "I can buy you another drink and a pizza."
This dress was brand new and this guy wants to replace my food and drink? Is he serious?
"I spent $230 on this dress and now some stupid baseball player has ruined it!" I yell at him as Zach finds his way to my side, holding me back by my shoulders. "C'mon Andrea, lets go."
The guy shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose before laughter left his lips.
"You're calling me stupid when you spent that much on that? News flash: it doesn't even suit you."
"Dude, don't wind her up." Zach begs as my face looked mortified that he'd insulted me. "Jeff!" The coach calls as the kid walks away as I send daggers with my eyes at his head.
"You...you arsehole!" I scream as I toss the pizza box at him. Which missed him, obviously.
His chuckle echoed through my head as he watched me throw a tantrum with Zach taking me away.

"Wow." Tony chuckled, scratching the back of his head as he pointed to the field. "And that all happened here? This is where it all started?"
I wipe a few tears from my face with a forced smile. "I hated that stupid game. But I met the best thing - the best person in my life that day."
"Neither of you would've thought you guys would be inseparable that day, huh?" Tony questioned, bringing a smile to my lips.
"I think both of us hoped we'd never see each other again." My smile faded as I sighed, watching the field. "I'd do anything to watch his stupid baseball game again."
My voice broke speaking those words as Tony embraced me. My tears soaking his shirt as I sobbed into my friends shoulder.
After a little while, we managed to make it back to actual school. When we entered, students were gathered in the hall to get ready for next class. A day earlier, a girl had killed herself. Suicide. My eyes averted to her locker. Seeing the notes, pictures and memories on it. Like it were on yours. I turned my head to the right, seeing Clay.
"Clay." I say, leaving Tony as I walk towards the heartbroken male. "I'm sorry...about-"
I stopped myself from saying her name. Having being in Clay's position before, I knew what saying the name would break Clay. He turned to me. His blood shot eyes was what I focused on. His style had changed as if he put little effort into it.
"Hey Andy." Clay replied, faking a smile. "How was class?"
Another subject. He didn't want to come to terms with what had happened to his dear friend. His crush. His lover.
"It's been good - well, as good as it can be I guess." I respond as I shrug. "Yours?"
"Same." Was all he said before shutting his locker. "I'll see you around."
With that, Clay Jensen had disappeared between the crowd of students in the hall.

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