
By ehoiiWriting

1.4K 68 20

After almost destroying Midgard, Loki is sent back to Asgard where he is faced with his punishment from his a... More

Banned to Midgard

Settling in with Tony Stark

408 34 13
By ehoiiWriting

Thank you all so much for your patience and wanting to continue reading my stories! Sorry this took so long to update. I've been swarmed with work for the past month! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this next part and continue reading! (*^_^*)

             Tony Stark awoke with a bit of a start the next morning. Confused and hungover, he looked over to his bed side table to see a a glass of water with some pain killers, his phone, and a digital clock that read 10:22 am. He idly lay there for some time, taking in the comfort of his bed after letting out a big yawn. After taking the painkillers, he sat upright in his bed trying to remember the events of last night. He knew he had done something, but couldn't remember what. After a quick revision of the texts he had sent, his body became fully awake more than taking a shot of espresso would do. Very quickly he proceeded to take a shower and get dressed, hoping that he didn't already have people waiting to be escorted to their rooms since he had foolishly invited them to stay. No matter, he thought to himself while examining his beard. I could use the company and distraction since... He shook his head to banish the thought and straitened his shirt.

             "Well, it's a new day; better get on with it." he said to himself, a little pep talk to not worry about the day's events that would soon unravel. As expected, Hawkeye, or as he would liked to be called in such familiar conditions, Clint, was waiting at the doors for roughly an hour before Tony came down and greeted him. 

                  "You know I was just half kidding when I asked to live with you." He said, a tad bit bashful now that he was actually there.

                  "It's fine; the company is more than welcome. All the unused space was getting annoying anyway." Tony said with a smile as he helped Clint's bags inside. The next to come was Steve, giving Tony skeptical looks as he brought what looked to be a vacation bag only holding a few outfits, probably not intending to stay long in the event that he would want to leave after checking the place out. Then there was Bruce, most of his items consisting of books, laptop, science gear, etc. He showed them, well, mostly Jarvis showed them by way of verbal direction their new rooms since Tony himself had forgotten some of the maze-like hallways of his building. Since all the others were busy getting comfortable, Tony went back to his own five star suit-like room and ate breakfast that had been prepared for him during his 'giving-of-a-tour' for the others.

                   "I had placed Mr. Banner specifically on a floor lower than the others, yet still close enough to the stairwell in case he were to experience an episode and need containment from the rest. In addition, it would be convenient for him if he wishes to travel down to your lab..." Jarvis was explaining to him as he nibbled on a piece of toast. Apparently, Jarvis had the whole room arrangement pretty covered placing Steve near his gym and Clint with a balcony that overlooked the city.

                          "Lastly, when Thor and Loki arrive-" Jarvis said, but was cut off when Tony spit out his orange juice, suddenly remembering that the man who had tried to take over the world only a few months ago was going to be living with him. He then proceeded to go into a bit of a coughing fit before collecting himself and his thoughts.

                         "Are you alright, sir?" The A.I. asked.

"Yeah, just peachy. I had forgotten that horn-head was coming too."

"As humorous as that sounds, it is customary to act civil and polite to one's guests, sir."

"I know," Tony said before adding in a whisper, "should have never installed 'behavior recommendations.'"

"It is for acts such as these that you did, sir." Jarvis responded, sounding slightly smug to Tony's ears.

"Whatever." He said with a huff, drinking some more juice.

"As I was saying, sir," Jarvis continued, "when Thor and Loki arrive, I have reserved for them the double suite down the hallway from your room in the event should Thor need help containing or any assistance what-so-ever with Loki without alerting the others above so that you are readily available when need be."

"Swift thinking as always, Jarvis. As you should; I mean, after all you were created by the ingenious moi." Tony said, striking a pose as he finished his meal.

Jarvis simply glazed over the comment responded by saying, "As you may know, Thor and Loki probably won't be arriving until late this night so as to use the darkness as a cover to conceal Loki."

"Figured; always so secretive, those Asgardians."


               Tony felt a buzz from his pocket and made swift work as to pull his phone out and check his text messages.

Clint: "I'm going out jogging. Be back before 6."

Steve: "I'm going out."

Bruce: "Is it okay if I use your lab now?"

             Tony laughed as he read the texts.

To Clint: "Ok. You know, you don't have to tell me when you go out  and when you'll be back."

Reply: "Okay, I'll remember for next time."

To Miss America: "K, grandpa."

Reply: "Whatever, I can still kick your ass any day."

To Bruce: "Don't touch my experiments, alright? Or go on my computer(s.)"

Reply: "Got it."

                 Tony reclined back as far as he could in his chair and took a deep sigh. I guess having everyone here, well, most of everyone here isn't a bad thing after all, he thought. But I still can't help feeling that no matter how many people are in this building that I'm missing something...



"SHUT UP! I know, I know, it's not the most safe option, but the others in the household  are most likely out doing whatever it is Midguardians do during the day. This way, we can slip in undetected by the others."

                  "You blumbering oaf."  Was the last thing Loki said to Thor as they briskly walked through the city. Except, when did Loki ever stay quiet for long?

                  "Let go of my hand! I am not a child!" Loki said, violently ripping his hand from Thor's who had unconsciously held it as he pulled his younger step-brother through the city.

                 "I am sorry, brother, I had not known I had held it. Old habit perhaps from all the times I had to wretch you from danger." Thor said, still keeping a hand on Loki's jacket as to not lose him in the crowd. Loki, however, ignored this as he kept walking with him. He would've continued complaining, but even he knew that determined look on his brother's face. Loki wondered why Thor looked in such a strict way. Upon further investigation, though, he came to his conclusion.

                  "Thor?" Loki asked, a bit childish in his tone as to reel his brother in more.

"What is it, Loki?" Thor said, briefly turning his head to look at him over his shoulder.

"Are we lost?"

Thor hesitated before replying in a slightly unsure voice, "No."

              Loki face-palmed himself before saying, "Of course we are lost! You have absolutely no idea as to where we are going, do you?" He replied, outraged at his brother's incompetence."'Oh, we'll just walk through one of the biggest cities on this planet aimlessly! We'll get there eventually!'" Loki said, doing a bad impression of the blonde. "Is that your thinking, Thor? Unbelievable! Look everyone! It's the next king of Asgard; doesn't even know how to read a street sign!"

"Shut up, Loki. I know it's around here somewhere." Thor said, his confidence wavering a bit.

"Ah yes, if only I had my magic we could just teleport there. But no, Odin just had to make things complicated, didn't he? It's a wonder why his son can't even preform the simplest of magic, hmm? It makes me wonder, Thor, if you are even cut out to rule a whole planet when all you can do is throw a big hammer around and fly and yell at people who are foolish enough to listen to you. I mean, really? The majority of the time you're just doing what ever you like and causing people to get hurt without even thinking of the after-fall of your actions! I swear, the day you become king will be the end of all the nine realms if you keep at it like this-"

"We're here." Thor cut Loki off his rant, looking at his younger brother smugly as they both gazed up at 'Stark Towers.'

             "Cheeky idiot." Loki whispered, as he followed Thor to the building, the blonde still clutching his jacket. They walked up to the doors; Thor keeping Loki closely behind him so as to hide his existence as much as possible. Loki watched as Thor took his phone out and began to send a message. When he was finished, Thor opened the door and they were greeted by a friendly secretary.

"So, what brings you two here today?" She asked them. 

            Thor pulled down his hood and said, "I am here to see Tony Stark." Straitening his back a as to make himself look more intimidating to waver the secretary from asking any more questions. He continued to try and block as much of Loki from her sight.

           She gasped a little as she saw who he was and replied, "O-of course, Thor, I-I'll contact M-Mr.Stark immediately!" She frantically grabbed the phone on her desk and began punching in numbers. She dropped the phone on her desk and blushed rather violently as she picked it up and heard Thor give a slight chuckle. 

           "It would seem as though a lot of the women on Midgard take a liking to you." Loki hissed from behind Thor.

               "As to be expected. After all, I helped save this world numerous times and am consider a 'god.'" Thor said, giving Loki another one of those annoying smiles. Loki gave a 'tch!' at his brother as they  heard the secretary finally start talking to Tony.

                  "Y-yes, sir? Ah, Thor is here with someone and requested you come see them." Pause. "Y-Yes, they a-are here now. Yes, r-right now, they are s-standing right in f-front of m-me." Another pause. "O-okay, will do, s-sir." She hung up the phone and looked at Thor. "He will be down here in a moment. P-perhaps you would l-like to t-take a seat?" She said, weakly gesturing towards the chairs near the front desk. 

"No thank you. I would prefer to stand." Thor said, adding an awkward smile.

        "O-okay..." She said, trailing off a bit. They all stood there uncomfortably as they waited for Tony Stark to see Thor and Loki in. 


            "Why are they here already!?" Tony said as he frantically ran around his room.

"I don't know, sir. May I ask as to why you are pacing the room feverishly?" Jarvis said.

"I'm looking for my shoes which I had literally 10 seconds ago." Tony replied, annoyed, as he looked under the couch.

            "Perhaps try checking next to the door, sir?" was the A.I.'s helpful suggestion. Tony looked from under the coffee table to the door and spotted his shoes. He grumbled to himself as he walked over and slapped them onto his feet. 

              "Is it too much to send a text or something?" Tony said as he jogged out of his room, giving the door a slight slam.

"They in fact did, sir." Jarvis said in a weak attempt, but Tony had already shut the door and couldn't hear him.


            Loki was beginning to get bored as he stood behind Thor as they waited for Tony to arrive. The secretary pretended to be working hard on some paperwork as Thor began rocking on his heels and looking around the room as a means  of excuse to not have to talk to anyone. The room was quiet except for the scratching of the secratary's pen on the paper. When Loki was about to heave a great sigh as to bring some noise into the room, it was then that Tony came jogging into the lounge looking a tad out of breath. 

               "Hey everyone!" He said as he leaned on the desk; one arm supporting his body, the other placed on his hip. Loki looked to his heaving diaphragm and gave a snort of amusement.

          "Hello, Tony Stark." Thor greeted him with a smile as he gave a slight bow. Loki remained un-moving as he studied the avenger before him. If only I had my powers, I could further investigate these housing arrangements... Loki thought to himself before he was pulled along by his older brother who said goodbye to the secretary. They walked through a couple hallways before entering an elevator in which Thor and Tony made small talk; Loki standing silently by. The elevator music soon became oppressive to the brunette as they rose higher and higher in the building.

        "Why do you insist upon having us on the top level?" Loki asks from behind the two.

They both turn to him; Thor giving a warning look and Tony shifting his eyes to Loki.

"So that I can keep a good watch on you." Tony says to the non-godly god, pointing a finger in his direction.

"You needn't fear, Tony. I will be with him everywhere he goes." Thor says, putting a heavy hand on Loki's shoulder.

"As if I need it. Without my magic, I am pretty much left powerless and just as feeble as a simple Midgardian." Loki says, a bit of a pout on his face.

        Thor looks to Loki, "You are still a menace, brother." Thor grins a little at this. He pulls down Loki's hood and ruffles the sleek, black hair.

"Stop it you dunce!" Loki says irritably as he slaps the blonde's hand away, running fingers through his hair to smooth it out.

"It's not my fault you spent a hour blow-drying it."

Tony laughs aloud with Thor.

        Blushing, Loki retorts, "As if I was going to walk around with a wet head all day. Especially since you had no idea as to where you were going."

"I found the building eventually."

"Yes, you did. But the hotel we stayed at was only half-an-hour away and it took you two hours..."

        Tony quirks an eyebrow at the brothers' dispute. He lets out a cough and the two look to him.

"We're here." Tony says as the elevator door opens.

As Thor passes Tony on the way out, he hugs him saying, "Thank you for allowing my brother and me to reside in your tower."

Tony awkwardly pats the taller man on the back and looks around.

"No problem, Thor." He says, giving a confused look to Loki.

        Loki just shrugs his shoulders as he sniggers at the Advenger's uncomfortable look. Thor pulls away and pats Tony on the back.

         Tony looks at the ground saying, "A hand-shake is cool, too..."

        "Nonsense, Stark! A hug in Asgard is a means of showing great thanks!" Thor gives a wide smile as Tony's lip gives a slight twitch. Looks like someone doesn't like hugs, Loki thinks. He grins at the thought and follows the two down the crimson hallway. 

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