A Delitoonz fanfic! (CaRtOoNz...

By IceManNero

29.4K 489 78

A love story! Does contain Mature Content. Read at your own will. (Super Slow Updates, editing) More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5
A/N with art
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Im Sorry

Chapter 6

972 28 2
By IceManNero

Warning: there is blood and slight torture in this chapter, if you don't like those skip this chapter.


"Hiya Luke~! Long time no see~!" He cooed.

"Ohm. How could you." I hissed.

"Feisty~! Me likey~!" Ohm pulled his bandana down and licked his teeth, showing his sharp canines.

"Go and fuck Bryce you perv. Get me out of this damn chair." I growled, pulling at the rope.

"Now now. We don't talk about Bryce." He frowned.

"And why the hell not? What did you do?"

"Nothing." He looked straight into my eyes, "Now let's play~!" He smiled darkly, pulling out the bloodied knife.

He moved the knife up my arm, then stabbed it into my collar bone. I bit back a scream, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing my screams.

"Oh so that's how we're going to play, huh~?" He pulled the knife out forcefully. Then stabbed it into my leg.

I couldn't hold back the screams, they fell from my lips as he did that.

"That's better~!" He forcefully pulled it out again slashing at my arms and legs, blood flew everywhere as he was doing so.

The door to the room opened, and Vanoss poked his head in. A dark shadow casted over his features.

"That's enough now Ohm, come here, the others and I are having a meeting soon, go wash up and meet me in my room."

"Oh, alright." Ohm looked at him, then back at me, "we're not done here, Luke~!"


Tch, Vanoss interrupting my fun with a meeting. It was about to get real fun too.

I wash the blood from my clothing. My hazel eyes stare back at me, I see expressions in them that hasn't been there in awhile, rests in them. Sadness. Horror. Pity. I grimace and splash water onto my face. If Evan saw those expressions in my eyes he'd kill me on the spot, because I've became weak.

I need to keep my act up long enough, so I can help Luke and Jonathan. And so I can see Bryce again... I shake my head and hide my emotions, I pull my bandana over my mouth and exit the bathroom.

I walk towards Evan's room, a blank expression played my eyes, I stopped in front of the door, inhaled and exhaled deeply. I knock on the door, Evan opens it almost immediately. He stares at me for a bit then nods.

"Stay here and guard my room. I'll tell you what happened in the meeting when it's done." He stated blankly, he then put his hand on my shoulder as he walked by, "Don't do anything other than guard. Understand."

It was more of a command then a question, "Yes sir." I saluted, he walked away to the meeting room. I heard shuffling from the room, and a thud, he must've woken up.

I hear the door knob jiggle as he stumbled over to the door, the door flew open and a very confused Delirious looked up.

"Ohm...? What are you doing here, and where am I? Where's Luke?" He asked while yawning, my heart sank at the last question.

"Your in a secret lair, and Luke is... he's in another part of the lair, and before you ask, no.. I can't take you to him." I responded monotonously, he shuddered a bit at my icy tone.

"I... see." He scratched his head and sat down in the doorway. He looked around at the walls of the bedroom, the walls were painted red and black, an owl statue sat in the corner of the room, "Hey, Ohm, is this Vanoss' room or something?"

"Yea..." I simply responded.

"Hm." He hummed and stood up walking over to the bathroom attached to the room, "I'll be back in a bit." I nodded and thought nothing of it.


I walked into the bathroom and locked the door, I walked over to the mirror, my mask was cracked, right under my left eye. Did someone punch me? I lifted my mask to see no black eyes or bruises. I shrugged it off thinking I could've accidentally slept with it on and cracked it. And why did Ohm say he can't take me to Luke...

My crystal blue eyes started tearing up, a bad feeling rose in my gut, I have to find Luke and leave asap. I leaned on the counter with a hand over my mouth, I feel disgusting, why did I wake up in Vanoss' bed?! What could he have done to me in my sleep, he's been acting strangely for awhile now... did he somehow found out about me and Luke? I've known for years that he's had a crush on me but, Luke acted first... I rushed over to the toilet and threw up. Tears gushed done my face, I heard knocking on the door, I quickly washed myself up and opened the door.


I held my head as Craig patched me up, everything hurts. I saw sadness in Ohm's eyes as he stabbed me. Why was he sad? Maybe it's because I brought up Bryce... maybe.

"Hey, you ok there? You seem to be spacing out." Craig snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Of course I'm not ok Craig. I just got stabbed by a psychopath. Someone who I used to call a friend." I hissed.

"Listen, I know you won't believe me but, we don't want to do this. Evan is forcing us, he threatened to kill any weaklings. I'm just trying to protect Tyler, that's why I'm doing as told, same with Ohm, he's trying to protect Bryce. So don't hate any of us, we're just trying to protect the people we love." Craig whispered. I laughed silently.

"Heh... I understand the feeling..." I lay my head back, "So, do you guys plan on over ruling him or something?"

"That's what we're all working on. And trust me. Its gonna be soon." He finished wrapping my arm, and walked out.

Author note:
Hey guys sorry its been ages since the last update but I'm trying my bestest, I just need time to think of creative idea's, and i know yall must be thinking, "damn you take awhile to think if idea's" and yes i do, but watching their YouTube vids kinda help so yea, welp this is the end of the note and chapter so

Peace 🦄

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