Soaring Dragon

By anyarhys

4.6K 84 5

A brutal war that rent the firmament asunder had robbed a child of his Legacy. Faced with a vicious enemy, wh... More

CHAPTER TWO: The Strange Encounter
CHAPTER THREE: The Guardian of Silver Moon Realm
CHAPTER SIX: Through the Haze
CHAPTER SEVEN: Divine Dragon Sacred Art
CHAPTER TEN: Ancestral Awakening
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Hellish Training
CHAPTER TWELVE: Heavenly Treasures Pavilion
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: The So-called "Top Three"
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: The Sleeping Dragon
CHAPTER FIFTEEN: "How ironic..."
CHAPTER SIXTEEN: "More alcohol?"
CHAPTER NINETEEN: A Mysterious Beauty
CHAPTER TWENTY: "I'll be waiting for you."

CHAPTER ONE: Lan Hao Continent

278 4 0
By anyarhys

The continent of Lan Hao was an incredibly vast expanse of land. Traversing the landmass would take hundreds of years, perhaps thousands. It was even said that nobody had successfully accomplished such a feat.

The Continent had existed for countless millennia. Many empires and powers had risen and fallen. Currently, there were three empires in existence: Great Ye, Divine Flame, and Snow Lotus. Each one controlled countless numbers of countries and kingdoms.

Cultivation and Martial Arts were a way of life on the Continent. They were as much a part of people's daily lives as breathing. However, not everyone shared an equal opportunity. If one lacked the appropriate resources and the requisite innate martial talent, then one could never hope to advance far down the Martial Path or even dream of reaching the pinnacle.

This pinnacle was the realm of Immortality. Those who had the chance to attain such heights were few and far between. Only those who belonged to powerful Martial Sects and Clans had such chances, making great use of their faction's thousands of years' worth of wealth, history, and most especially, Legacy.

These Legacies had been passed down through countless generations and only a handful of powerful martial factions possessed them. Legacies were secrets of cultivation to reach the higher realms that outsiders simply could not avail themselves to. Secrets and techniques that came into being because an Ancestor of these great factions had reached the pinnacle of the Martial Dao and became an Immortal, leaving their teachings to their descendants.

As such, these deficiencies directly restricted the progress of normal martial practitioners. Even within the powerful martial factions, restrictions existed. Only the most talented and gifted descendants and disciples, called the Chosen, earned the right to learn and train the Legacy arts and techniques left behind by their Immortal Ancestors. The same went for their resources. Only these Chosen enjoyed the full nurturing of these martial factions.

With this being the case, the lure of powerful martial factions' unfathomable resources and Legacies were the reasons many wealthy and noble families within the domain of the Three Empires did everything within their power to nurture their most talented descendants. They aspired to gain the right to send their most talented descendants to study at the Martial Schools that various great factions had established. Having a member of their younger generation become a direct disciple of these sects was a great honor to any Clan. Their status and influence would undoubtedly rise.

After all, the strong were the ones who truly ruled Lan Hao Continent. Only those who possessed the strength to topple mountains, cleave seas, and decimate empires, with a mere flip of a hand.

The road of cultivation was long and incomparably difficult, fraught with peril, failure and death looming at every twist and turn. This was simply due to the fact that embarking down the Path of Cultivation was in defiance of the will of the Nine Heavens. Nevertheless, this did not deter humans from walking down this dangerous road.

For the average citizens of Lan Hao Continent, Martial Arts and Cultivation was a means to gain the capability to protect themselves to a certain extent. Strength, even just a little, allowed them to struggle and survive.

* * *

It was mid-spring and the lands of a rather small country was verdant with every shade of green. The night sky was clear, littered with stars. The bright moon hung low, bathing the land in an ethereal silver glow. A cool, soothing breeze blew, rustling the trees of a dense forest.

At the edge of the woods stood a small village. Smoke drifted out of various homes as the villagers prepared their dinner. Subdued sounds of happy chatter and laughter wafted through the air. The mood was joyful. The harvest had been good. It meant that the villagers had a substantial surplus of crops after they had delivered the requisite quota to their Lord.

This village, like many others like it, was located on the outskirts of a city and was under the rule of the City Lord. The villagers lived a decent life. A poor one but it was enough to survive. They were also protected from bandit attacks and wild beasts by a handful of City Guards that were stationed in the village.

A 5-year old boy burst out of a small house, beaming happily as he held a plateful of cooked grains, vegetables, and a humble slice of roasted meat. He dashed towards the guards' barracks as fast as his little legs could carry him.

The boy's father was the captain of the City Guards stationed at the village. Their family was a little better off than the rest of the villagers and were able to afford meat regularly.

As he neared the barracks, a blinding flash of white light blazed over the canopy of the trees. It was so bright that it dwarfed even the moon.

A violent surge of energy erupted forth from deep within the forest, blasting through the trees and rushing down the mountain like an avalanche, making a beeline for the small village. Quite a number of sturdy trees had been flattened, effectively diminishing the momentum of the shockwave. As the rippling energy reached the village, it carried with it an incredibly strong gust of wind, causing the cluster of tiny homes to shake violently, frightening the villagers.

Stunned, the little boy was blown off his feet and fell flat on his back, dropping the plate of food. Eyes filled with terror, he gazed wide-eyed towards the forest where the white light continued glow.

The guards rushed out of the barracks and stood in shock. The villagers all came running out of their homes frantically. Some had even started screaming of an earthquake.

The piercing white glow persisted for the span of five breaths before it slowly shrunk in on itself and completely vanished. The entire village became eerily silent, the initial clamor quickly dying out. Everyone appeared to be holding their breaths as they continued to gaze at the canopy of trees. When it appeared as though nothing more was going to appear, the villagers shared apprehensive glances amongst themselves.

* * *

Within the Northeastern Region of Lan Hao Continent, a stretch of majestic mountains rose towards the skies. Its seven peaks were blanketed by endless clouds and mist. Covered by lush vegetation, the mountains were enchanting. Winking in between the dense foliage of trees, a hint of silver could be seen as a crystal-clear river weaved through the forest like a sinuous snake, encompassing the peaks. Thunderous roars could be heard as the river tumbled into multiple layers of waterfalls, ending in a 200-foot drop that crashed down into an enormous lake, teeming with life and abundant spiritual energy. The pristine lake was like a gigantic mirror as it reflected the vast expanse of the mountains and skies. The effect was magical.

Scattered all over the mountains were numerous grand buildings, pavilions, courtyards, and ornate bridges, sparkling like jade in the sunlight. It was like its very own secluded kingdom.

Sitting atop a ledge on the fourth mountain, the highest peak, stood an imposing nine-tiered pagoda. It appeared as though it had been hewn from the mountain's rock face. Right beside it, a shimmering waterfall wantonly cascaded down. If one stood on a balcony, the waterfall was but an arm's length away. However, despite the close proximity of the water, the pagoda remained dry as though protected by a barrier. The entire fourth peak appeared illusory, the air rippling in endless waves around it.

The aura the peaks exuded gave one the feeling that the scene was something not of this realm, as though beholding a beautiful dream.

This stretch of mountain peaks, as well as the surrounding area within thousands of kilometers, was the territory of the foremost power in the Northeastern Region, the Divine Will Sect. As their name implied, this sect specialized in Augury but that did not mean that Divination was the only thing they were proficient at. Far from it. Their strength was beyond unfathomable. All the other factions in the region held them in the highest regard and some even feared them.

Seated on a slab of pure-white jade, within the highest floor of the nine-tiered pagoda, a slight figure, draped in pristine white robes, gazed out of the window. He looked incredibly young, no more than a teen, but his long hair was the shocking color of newly fallen snow. Despite his youthful appearance, he exuded an aura of such profound ancientness as though he had been in existence since the beginning of time.

He sat cross-legged, motionless, however, from time to time, a minute tremble could be perceived from his body. He continued to gaze out the window, his stunning grey eyes seemed to pierce through different dimensions. Although his gaze appeared completely blank, his delicate face flickered with emotions, alternating between disbelief, grief, and rage.

After a long while, he closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. He lowered his head, his fingers digging into his palms as he clenched his fists. He slowly exhaled, his body trembling as he muttered to himself. Behind him, space rippled and distorted, as a figure clad in blue robes materialized.


The figure stepped forward and bowed deeply. He was a tall, middle-aged man with a slender build. He had the dignified air of a noble, and etched onto his refined features was the arrogance of one born with a silver spoon in his mouth. However, before the pale youth, he was anything but. His manner was incredibly deferential and his face was filled with reverence as he prostrated himself before the former.

"Mingfeng... I fear something terrible has happened." The youth whispered, his voice filled with pain. Although his voice was incredibly soft, to the middle-aged man, it felt as though an entire ocean swept over him, waves upon waves of pressure incessantly crashing into him. The air heaved around them as ripples of shocking aura surged from the youth.

"Please enlighten me." Mingfeng gritted his teeth and endured, his soul trembling. He quickly channeled his cultivation base as he fought back against the riotous aura emanating from the youth.

Taking a deep shaky breath, the youth finally managed to suppress his raging emotions. The air immediately stilled as the rampaging aura vanished. The youth once more regained his tranquil bearing but grief was still evident in his grey eyes. He gazed at the ashen-faced Mingfeng and smiled apologetically, "Forgive Grandpa for forgetting himself, Mingfeng."

Although the youth referred to himself as Mingfeng's grandfather, he was actually the latter's ancestor.

Xia Mingfeng was the current Sect Master of the Divine Will Sect as well as the youth's descendant, thousands of generations removed.

"Come... get up." The youth gestured.

Xia Mingfeng rose to his feet with difficulty. A trickle of blood seeped out of the corner of his lips, which he quickly wiped.

"The disturbance I felt a few nights ago... A great upheaval has befallen the Ninth Heaven." After a moment's pause, the youth finally murmured as he once more gazed towards the heavens outside the window. His trembling voice was filled with pain.

"I can also sense a breach in between realms... The spell that was used is incredibly complex and arcane. I cannot pinpoint where it appeared but Trespassers have appeared in this realm. I am unable to ascertain their identities, therefore I do not know whether they are friend or foe. We must find them, Mingfeng. With all haste. As the appointed Guardian of Silver Moon Realm, it is my duty and my descendants' duties."

Xia Mingfeng stiffened in shock. He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't find the words. He could only stare mutely at the youth across from him. The news sent his mind reeling.

The Divine Will Sect was special, their roots ran incredibly deep. It was all due to their ancestor, Xia Haotian, who was of divine origin. He was a vassal of the Azure Dragon of the Ninth Heaven and the appointed Guardian of Silver Moon Realm, within which Lan Hao Continent was located.

This earth-shattering fact was a secret so well-hidden that even within the Divine Will Sect, only the upper echelon of the Main Family had knowledge of it.

"Xia Mingfeng." Xia Haotian said, his soft voice carrying a stern tone. "Do not lose yourself to panic. Think of your position."

Inhaling a few breaths of cold air, Xia Mingfeng regained control of himself and hurriedly whispered with a shaky voice, "Forgive me, Ancestor... How could this have happened?"

Xia Haotian only sighed wearily and shook his head. He, himself, had no answer. The deafening silence stretched out for a few breaths of time before Xia Haotian once more opened his mouth to speak.

"Summon the Council of Supreme Elders."

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