Chasing Lost Love (Sequel to...

De Bts-trash40

546 27 662

In a world of amnesia you forget certain people, events, and even yourself. A part of you dies. That's exactl... Mais

Chapter 1: I Miss you
Chapter 2: Loneliness
Chapter 3: I'm in Love
Chapter 4: Confused
Chapter 5: Abandoned
Chapter 6: Moving
Chapter 7: So it Begins
Chapter 9: Battle within
Chapter 10: Can I Trust You
Chapter 11: Renewing
Chapter 12: A Day Out
Chapter 13: Reaching
Chapter 14: Lessons
Chapter 15: Run
Chapter 16: Coming For You
Chapter 17: On a Hunt
Chapter 18: Sleepless Nights
Chapter 19: A True Battle
Chapter 20: The Final Chapter

Chapter 8: How it All Started

26 2 60
De Bts-trash40

A/N: Aye, here I am with another chapter 2 days in a row. This chapter is italicized for the first half of it because it goes back to the first book where it's the day before they had to facedown with Got7. The second half, well you'll have to read to find out. Anyways, this chapter is unedited, so please excuse any grammatical errors. As always happy reading lovelies 😁😁

Namjoon's Pov

I overlook the group, seeing them smiling and as happy as can be while being worried as well. Today is the day before the showdown with Got7. I had just got done proposing to Jin, and I took him back home so we could just cuddle without any worries for the time being, but I am worried about something. Something completely different from what's happening tomorrow. Something that has to do with everyone's future and what may happen.

My heart aches when I think of the betrayal that I'm going to make him feel. The betrayal that I'm going to make each one of my friends feel. I look to the sleeping boy whose head is on my chest while soft snores escape those luscious plump lips of his. Those lips that I have become so addicted to. Those lips that I will never be able to live without.

I just lay there staring adoringly at the only man who has ever captured my heart. The only one I'm willing to do anything for, even if it means hurting the ones closest to us so long as he's safe.

The door creaks opened to reveal an awestruck Hoseok. He looks to us with a soft smile on his lips, beckoning me to follow him. I lightly lift Jin's head to place it on the pillow, careful not to wake him.

Making sure he's still soundly asleep, I follow Hoseok out to the yard, us going in complete silence. The tension in the air is strong. It's so thick between the two of us. This is where we make our decision on what we're going to do.

"It's funny isn't it," Hoseok chuckles out nervously. I look to the boy standing next to me. He's staring up at the night sky, tears threatening to fall out of his eyes. I follow his movements to stare at the starry night sky. It gives me a sense of calming. A sense of relief. It makes me feel as if there isn't anything wrong in the world, that there is an everlasting peace in this moment.

"What is," I query after neither one of us speaks up.

"The fact that we're going to become known as betrayers and most likely be hated by everyone, even our loved ones," Hoseok breathes out with a shaky breath.

"You can thank your no good girlfriend for that one," I scoff. Minho was behind it all along with Mrs.Park. They both had a part to play in all of this.

"I know, and I was foolish enough to fall in love with her. To think that she was so conniving hurts me."

"They're not the ones threatening us though," I pointed out.

Hoseok looks at me, pulling out the crumpled up note that we refused to show to any of the others. The note that changed the way this whole thing is going to play out.

He opens it, rereading the words that lay on it.

Hoseok and Namjoon,

You have a choice to make. One that may or may not place your loved ones in danger. One that will change your lives forever. This is your old friend Jonghyun. I'm sure you remember me right? The one who killed your parents in cold blood. The one who laughed when he saw your tear stricken faces as you both begged for me to spare their lives. Well, now I'm back, and I'm back to play. You have one of two options,

1. Betray that wretched group of yours and attack your friend, my worse enemy, Min Yoongi or

2. Watch me kill the ones you care for the most. I'm sure the first ones I'll be going for are Kim Seokjin and that unborn child.

The decision is completely up to you.


Hoseok crumpled the paper once again in frustration. We have a heavy decision to make. It was either our loved ones or the one who had given us everything. The one who was there for us since we've become friends, no since we've become a family.

I'm not sure why there's bad blood between Jonghyun and Yoongi, but I also don't get why he's having us attack him. Why is he having us do it for him? Isn't he the cold-blooded murderer who shows no remorse for his actions?

I just don't get his logic behind it all. I don't get any of it. I do know one thing, I can't have him going after Jin. I can't have him attacking my most prized possession. The one who's my entire world. The one who means everything to me. I can't have him touched in the slightest.

I look over to Hoseok to see him shaking in anger. I don't blame him in the slightest. Who wouldn't be angry about the circumstances at hand? Who wouldn't be frustrated at the situation we're in?

"This isn't fair Namjoon. Can't we take their places instead? Can't we be tortured to death instead of making a decision like this? Why do we have to go through this? Why is it us?" Hoseok's voice is quivering. He's scared. He doesn't know the outcome of the whole thing.

"Hoseok, I wish it were that easy. Remember we already tried sacrificing ourselves already? It got us nowhere, so we had to agree to betray everyone. This is what we get for ever joining this side of the world," I reply darkly. I regret everything in this moment. I regret all of my life choices.

"I just don't want to hurt them. I can't imagine how broken they'd be. Not only our friends, but the one girl who had brought us all happiness. The one who was able to bring us all together and open Yoongi's heart to love. She's an angel in this cruel world and to think about how hurt she's going to be kills me." I look back to Hoseok, thinking the same thing. Marissa is going to be the one who's going to be the most hurt out of all of them. She's going to be confused, and she's going to hate us.

If we go after Yoongi and harm him, she's never going to forgive us. She's going to turn her back and ignore us. That thought alone kills me.


Present Day

I walk to the spot where I'm supposed to meet him. I have to see if it's all true. If it is, I can never forgive myself. I destroyed a family. That will make me want to literally kill myself.

"So you showed up," Yoongi speaks up after he sits on a bench next to me. We're both in the middle of the woods, secluded from the world. Nobody will be able to find us out here.

"How could I not," I retorted as I looked at the shorter male. He looked lost. Not just lost, but also hurt. I'm the cause of those emotions. I'm the one who did that.

"Tell me why you did it," He whispers out. I can hear the pain in his voice. It makes my heart ache at the sound of it.

"I'm sorry Yoongs, I had to." I look to the leaves in front of me. I can't look at him, it would make me feel even worse than I already do.

"I found the note to both you and Hoseok. I can understand to an extent why you chose to do it. What I'm not understanding is how you couldn't come to me. We could've found a solution together," He says.

"It wasn't that simple Yoongi. Do I regret doing what I did? Yes I do, especially now that you forgot the person you held closest to your heart," I sigh out on the verge of tears.

"I didn't forget her," He admits. I whip my head in his direction wide eyed. Did I just hear him correctly? Did he just admit that he didn't forget her?

"What do you mean," I choke out.

He looks to the clear blue skies above us sighing out. "I mean I know exactly who Marissa is. I know she's my ex wife. I know she's the love of my life. I know she's the one I'd die for without second guessing myself. She's the mother to our beautiful baby boy. I know exactly who she is."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't believe the words that were escaping his mouth. It all didn't make sense.

"What about Jimin?"

"It's all a rouse. I explained it all to Jimin and he was willing to play along. This is all a part of a greater plan. I am only pretending to have amnesia. Her being held in my arms while I love on her could potentially place her in so much danger, so I'd rather push her away and keep her semi-close instead of whispering that I love her." His voice was low. He was hurting. Being near the one he loves while pretending to not know her must be destroying him.

"Well, your beloved is still in a lot of danger," I blurt out without thinking.

Yoongi finally looks at me as I look at him. His eyes are daring me to continue. I have an internal battle with myself, but telling him will be a way to right what I have wronged. This is a new beginning for us.

"Jonghyun is after her. He's having Hoseok and myself bring her to him. If we fail, he's going to go after Jin and Yuki," I confess.

Yoongi balls his hands into fists. Anger is clearly evident on his face. I'm slightly scared in this moment. There's no telling what Yoongi will do, and I'm afraid to find out.

"I will murder him if he even remotely comes near her," He growls. I look at him in awe. The compassion he has for the ones he loves his truly admirable.

"Don't worry, Hoseok and I will try to stall him as long as we can, but there are also two others who are working beside him with this."


"I'm sure you already know the answer to that question."

"Minho and Jimin's mother?"

"Yes. They're the ones who hired him to go after Marissa. Normally Jonghyun wouldn't take such requests because he likes to go after whom he wishes, but since it's the one you cared so much for, he agreed to it. There's no telling what he'll do once she's in his hands. I'm warning you Yoongi, protect her with your life."

"Damn it! Why does it always have to be her?! Why is she being targeted?! What did she ever do?!" I can tell at this point Yoongi was losing it. He was frustrated and worried.

"I'm not sure why myself, but I am sure of one thing, Jonghyun doesn't play any games. When he has the person of interest in his hands, he toys with them. He tortures them. He's a sadistic bastard and he is capable of killing without any remorse." It makes me sick to my stomach to even think about that man as a human being. No human in their right minds would be able to inflict so much pain and not even feel a little bad about it. No, there's no human on earth that's capable of doing such things, only psychos.

"I know what he's capable of. He's been a long time enemy that's been asleep for a while only to finally come out and play once again. This time, I'm going to be a step ahead of him. Namjoon, you better get back to him before he gets suspicious of you. Also, please be careful. Do not meet with me again until all of this is resolved." He held genuine concern in his voice when he spoke those words. That was enough indication for me to know that he has truly forgiven me. I smile slightly at that, my heart leaping for joy when I know that he's not holding any of this against me.

"Before I go, can I request one thing of you," I ask him as I stand up from the bench. He stands up as well, turning to face me with a serious expression.

"And what would that be," He asks.

"Can you tell Marissa the truth? She deserves to know that you know who she is and why you acted as if you didn't know." He looks at me in bewilderment, not able to give me a response. "Please Yoongi? She really does deserve to know everything."

"I can try, but I don't know how she'll take it," He admits. I can see that he's having an internal battle with it all. I place a hand on his shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze.

"Marissa is the most understanding person we have ever met. She'll easily forgive you Yoongs, you just have to thoroughly explain it to her. Yes she'll be hurt at first, but she won't let you go that easily, she loves you."

"All I can do is try Namjoon."

I nod my head as I retract my hand, leaving his side. I desperately hope that everything is resolved without any bloodshed this time around.

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