
By DivergentPanda46

41.8K 1.3K 1.6K

Eric and Four are strangers when they are assigned to be college roommates. With Eric's girlfriend, Tris, an... More

Roommate Trouble
The Third Wheel
Four's Girlfriend
Movie Night
Parties & Picnics
Common Interests
Coffee Break
Guilt & Grief
Make Me Forget
Romantic Gestures
Visiting Day
Opposites Attract
Scar Tissue
Road Trippin'
Knock Me Down
Breaking the Girl
Taste the Pain
The Righteous and the Wicked
Show Me Your Soul
Happiness Loves Company
Turn It Again
Author's Note
Under the Bridge
Fight Like a Brave
Tell Me Baby
Factory of Faith

Job Hunt

1.1K 37 39
By DivergentPanda46


Tris stares out the window, neither of us speaking, other than her telling me which way to go. It's an awkward sort of silence, which sucks, because until this morning our new friendship felt unusually comfortable.

After only about a minute, Tris blurts out, "Look, I know you heard... Eric and me... this morning. I mean, that much was obvious when your face turned beet red the moment you looked at me." My face starts heating up again. Damn it.

I scratch the back of my neck uncomfortably. "Uh... yeah... um... well I didn't hear... that much..." I stutter. Stop being such a Stiff, Tobias, I tell myself. I glance at Tris and her cheeks are flushed, too.

"Uh yeah, well, I just wanted to... I don't know... apologize, I guess. I didn't think. I would never want to make you uncomfortable and we will try to be more considerate in the future. We're just... not used to having to worry about people hearing us. So let's just move on and forget it." Before I can say anything, she interrupts me to point out where to turn.

It's probably best to change the subject. "So, I know I'm about to see, but tell me about where you work."

"At a coffee shop," she replies. "I've worked there since I moved here. The owner is really nice and has been pretty understanding and flexible with me when I have needed it. The tips are decent, too. And she'll work with my class schedule, which is great."

"Do you know if she has any job openings?" I ask hopefully. I really need to find something, because my savings will only last so long. Marcus only pays the bills that come from the college-- tuition, housing and meal plan-- as well as books. My car insurance, gas, basics like toiletries and clothes, and everything else is out of my own pocket.

Tris chews on her lower lip. "Not that I know of... this can be a hard time of year to find a job, it's too bad you didn't come and put in applications a few weeks ago. Still, it never hurts to ask." Tris points to a storefront, directing me to park and come inside with her.

A bell chimes as we enter the cafe. It's a cozy looking place, with a few regular small round tables and hard chairs, but mostly mismatched, overstuffed couches and armchairs arranged throughout the room. The walls are painted bold reds and purples, and the lighting isn't too bright or too dim. "Hang out for a second-- I'll have Tori come up and talk to you," Tris says before she walks away.

The girl behind the counter has three rings in her left eyebrow and her hair is dyed bright purple. Tris greets her as she passes before she disappears to the back room. While I wait, I sip a water and look at the artwork on the walls while I wait for the owner. There are a variety of mediums from oil paintings to watercolor, but mostly photographs, and most are simply signed with the initials BGP.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" I turn toward the voice. The woman who has approached me is medium height and slender with slanted brown eyes and black hair streaked with silver. "I'm Tori. Tris says you're looking for a job."

I shake Tori's outstretched hand. "Thanks for meeting with me-- my name is Four."

"What would you like to drink?" Tori asks before adding, "on the house, of course." I ask for a black coffee and Tori calls our orders to Tris, who smiles at me encouragingly as I follow Tori to a small round table. Tris comes with our drinks as Tori and I make a bit of small talk.

"Well, Four," Tori says, "I don't have an opening right now." It feels like something inside me deflates-- I had my hopes up that it might be just this easy. "But I know people, so why don't you tell me about yourself. What do you like to do, hobbies, special skills?"

"Uh..." I mentally kick myself for stuttering. I won't impress anyone that way. "Well, I like to run... I speak Spanish pretty well... I have studied a variety of Martial Arts since I was in grade school... I--"

"My brother's boyfriend owns a Dojo," Tori interrupts, and I feel my heart rate pick up a bit-- working at a Dojo would be amazing! "He's hiring. Would you be interested in talking with him about a job?"

I'm practically falling over myself in gratitude. "Oh my God, yes, please, that would be amazing. Thank you so much, Tori!" I continue rambling my thanks as Tori chuckles while writing down a name and number on the back of a business card.

"His name is Amar," she says. "The Dojo is actually right across the street, so you could head over there now, and if he isn't busy I'm sure he will see you; otherwise, I wrote his number on the back of the card here. Tell him I sent you, and that you're a friend of Tris's." I smile and thank her again, and get up to leave-- I don't want to take up any more of Tori's time.

I'm about to turn and head to the door when she stops me. "So you're Eric's roommate? And I'm guessing Tris is staying there a lot?" I nod. Tori purses her lips and a crease appears between her eyebrows. "Well... I'm glad you're around. She can use a friend." Tori gives me a smile that doesn't reach her eyes before turning and disappearing down the hall to the back room again.


I watch the last fifteen minutes of the beginner kickboxing class that Amar is teaching when I enter the Dojo. He's a man in his mid-twenties with tan skin and shiny black hair tied back in a low ponytail. He isn't quite as tall as I am-- probably just shy of six feet, and his body is relatively compact, but his muscles are defined. His movements are fluid as he demonstrates kicks for his students, and as he corrects their technique he always has an encouraging smile. Even without actually having met him yet, I can tell that he is very likely an easygoing, good natured guy and I'd definitely like to try working for him.

After all his students leave, he approaches me with the same encouraging smile he gave his students and his hand outstretched. "Hi, I'm Amar Mendez."

"Four Eaton," I reply, shaking his hand firmly. "My friend Tris works for Tori across the street," I begin, gesturing vaguely toward the cafe. "I spoke with Tori this afternoon and when she found out that I have been studying various Martial Arts for years, she told me that she thought you might have a job opening here."

"She thought right," he agrees with a smile. "Come on back and show me what you've got."

Amar is as personable as I expected, and I had a great time sparring with him. He's a little better than me and I could certainly learn some things from him-- and intend to-- but we're not too far off in skill level. I don't have any experience as an instructor, so I will be more of an assistant for a few weeks, then when the new "year" starts in about a month, I will be teaching some of the classes on my own. It's an amazing opportunity, and I sure hope I don't screw it up.

My truck is still parked in front of Tori's cafe. I cross the street and put the key in the driver's door, but pause when I glance up and see Tris through the window, wiping down a counter. I really want to go talk to her, thank her for her help finding this job-- I just feel really anxious to tell her about it. I turn my attention back to what I was doing, unlock the door and hop into the truck. Christina will be leaving for work in an hour or so. If I want to tell her about my new job, I'll need to hurry and catch her.

I start the engine but check my phone before I put it in drive. One missed call... from Marcus. Damn. Well, I'm not going to let him rain on my parade; I'll call him back tomorrow, even though I know he will be angry with me for putting him off. What's he going to do, drive the two hours down here? Doubtful. I put the truck in reverse and back out of the space, then make my way back to the dormitory.


Christina's roommate, Zoe, answers their dorm room door. Zoe was on the cheerleading squad with Chris at our high school, and she and Christina both love shopping, so they've always been friendly with each other, though Zoe and I have never found more than a few words to say to one another.

"She's in her room," Zoe says, skipping any sort of pleasantries, and immediately goes back to the couch, where she is eating chow mein out of the take-out box and watching some chick-flick.

I knock lightly, but don't wait for an answer before opening the door to Christina's room.

"Hey, baby!" she greets me with a bright smile and a kiss. "Where've you been?"

"Oh, Tris needed a ride to work-- Eric was supposed to take her but he must have forgotten." Christina smiles as though she finds that amusing. But then Christina pipes up, "So now you are what, her Uber driver when her man leaves her in a bind?" Maybe Shauna and Marlene were right-- Christina doesn't seem to be taking Tris's presence very well. Still, I'm not going to tell Tris she can't sleep in Eric's room.

"Of course not, Chris. One time thing. But, I asked Tris's boss if they had any openings," I continue as Christina goes back to painting her toenails a neon pink. "They didn't, but it turns out she knew someone with a Dojo who is hiring."

"Dojo?" Chris asks with a puzzled look on her face. How has she dated me for a year without learning what a Dojo is?

"Uh... yeah, you know... a place where they teach martial arts?" She nods, still not making any eye contact. "So, anyway, the Dojo owner was available to meet with me, I went over to his place right then and talked to the guy, and he hired me! I start Monday."

"That's great, babe! I assume you are going to be taking me out to celebrate," Chris says as she screws the cap back on her nail polish. "Are you done talking, or is there anything else?" Christina says, her tone implying that she is done with the subject of my new job. I just nod that I am done and work to keep the frown off of my face.

Then she smiles. "So, Zoe and I went shopping today, let me show you what I got!" Apparently her new clothes are far more exciting than my new job.

I spend the next half hour in mind-numbing boredom as Christina shows me clothes and drones on about something bitchy that Zoe said. I finally tune back in when she mentions Tris.

"Marlene invited your new work friend to go shopping with us tomorrow. Maybe you can be her driver, if Eric forgets about her again." Chris says with a snarky smile.

I frown. "Come on, Christina. It was a one time ride, and more importantly, I got an amazing job out of it. And Tris and I will not be working together. I just met a contact through her, that's all." Somehow I don't think it would help right now to tell Chris I'll be working right across the street, so I keep that to myself.

"A one time thing, only if Eric doesn't forget about her again. What kind of name is 'Tris', anyway?" I roll my eyes; she does realize she's dating a guy whose name is a number, right? "Don't roll your eyes at me, Four. I just don't want my boyfriend letting some needy girl get too dependent on him. Maybe I'm just jealous, baby." Chris pouts and looks at me for reassurance. And of course, I give it to her.

I almost open my mouth and say that I like Tris as a person, but luckily, I catch myself in time, realizing that Chris probably would take that the wrong way. "I'm not sure what you have against her," I say carefully. "I haven't had any problems with her. She's nice. And you, my darling, have absolutely nothing to worry about. I mean, look at you, baby."

Chris rolls her eyes. "Whatever. And yes, I know what I look like, I have a mirror. I look good, and you'd better not forget that. Anyway, I have to get ready for work. You can stick around if you want?"

I don't really feel like hanging around here listening to more silly comments, so I just smile and shake my head. "No, I'll get out of your hair. Have a good night at work, babe," I say as I put on my shoes.

"Oh, I'm off tomorrow," Christina adds. "Maybe we could go out to celebrate like you promised? Then you could stay over..." She runs her nails up my chest.

I'd rather wait for my first paycheck to go out, but I could use some of my savings now that I'll have a way to replenish it-- I really should take her out on a date. "Can't wait, babe," I agree. I give her a chaste kiss before I leave, calling out a goodbye to Zoe, who completely ignores me, on my way out the door.


Just after I walk into the apartment, a chime from my phone, indicating that I have a text message, makes me jump. I groan as I walk straight into my room and bite my lip as I unlock my phone. I let out a sigh of relief when I see the text message-- just a photo from Uriah of a funny message on a readerboard.

I need to just get it over with and listen to Marcus's message. Clearly I will be anxious as long as I put it off. I hesitantly go to my voicemail and play the last message.

"Already ignoring me, are you, son? We can discuss that when I see you in two weeks back here in Milwaukee for that business dinner. Don't forget that you may be away from home, but I still expect you to follow my rules. I do have friends on the faculty at your University. You had better not make a fool of me, Tobias."

That was it. Same old Marcus... reminding me who pulls the strings. How to dress, what to eat, what time to be home at night, whether I can drink alcohol or not... Everytime I break one of his "rules" I get a knot in the pit of my stomach, a dull anxious feeling in the back of my mind.

I don't know how long I sit there before I call him back. I stare at the call log as I prepare myself. I'm hoping he won't answer and I can leave a message-- it will be much easier to get in all the necessary points that way: an apology, an excuse, accept Marcus's rules, and a polite exit. After four excruciatingly long rings, it goes to voicemail. "Hello, Father. I'm sorry I missed your call earlier; I was at a job interview. I received your message and I understand. Take care." I quickly hang up the phone as I sigh in relief. I'm glad now that I didn't wait for tomorrow-- Marcus is like a dark cloud that looms over my head, and I don't need that tonight.

A few minutes later, I hear the front door slam shut-- I bet that's Tris, and I wanted to tell her about the job, though I'm less excited than I was earlier. If my girlfriend barely reacted, why am I expecting Tris to care whether I got the job? But I will tell her anyway, and I definitely want to thank her for introducing me to Tori.

I frown when I find the living room empty and sigh as I put the Call of Duty game disk in the PS4. I'm just starting it up when Tris comes out of Eric's room. I guess she was just changing out of her work clothes-- now she's in ripped skinny jeans, a purple tank top and a gray hoodie, left unzipped.

"Oooh, I love this game," Tris says, grabbing the other controller and curling up on the couch next to me, twisted up like a pretzel again. "Oh hey, did you get to talk to Amar?" Tris's eyes are bright and focused on my own. She looks so genuinely interested, I'm a little surprised.

"Uh, yeah, I did," I reply, setting down the controller. "And... I got the job! Thank you for helping me with that, by the way."

Tris squeals in excitement. "Four, that is so awesome! You're welcome, of course-- it was nothing. When do you start?"

Tris asks me all about the interview and job details for a good fifteen minutes-- everything from when I start and what I thought of Amar, to questions about my past Martial Arts training and what age groups Amar plans to have me teach. Almost as soon as I told her I had the job, Tris was in the kitchen making celebratory Jack & Cokes and turning on an old Chili Peppers album, and we sit on either end the couch sipping them, our bodies angled toward each other, the tv screen still showing that the playstation is waiting for me to press start.

"I'm really kind of nervous about this whole... being an instructor thing," I admit. "I've never really taught anyone anything before."

Tris nods. "You'll be fine. I believe in you. You just have to be patient and remember what it was like when you didn't know anything."

"Have you taught anything before?" I ask. She seems pretty confident about her advice.

Tris's thumb brushes back and forth over the birds tattooed on her collarbone. "My mom was a teacher... third grade. She used to have me come in and teach her class art lessons. I even got to skip school sometimes to come help her." I remember her saying she was interested in art. I'm about to ask her more about it when I notice her frown, but she suddenly brightens up, like she's forcing a smile, and grabs the controller. "Come on, I wanna kick your ass already."

"You can try," I laugh as I pick up my own controller and start the game.

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