Egg Hunter

By Mushroompie

851 34 32

The adventures of Tarka and her dragon as they search for the last of the dragon eggs. More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five

Chapter Two

115 3 3
By Mushroompie

All around me is a meadow, pulsing with energy. I look around and find myself the middle of the "mountain" and the sky beyond the rim surrounding the oasis. A small waterfall tumbles off the side of the crater and pools into a seemingly endless pit, filled with water. Rising from the middle of the pit is a tower of crystal, no doubt the source of energy that the magic feeds off. All around are flowers and grass with the occasional willow tree. I smelled the sweet air, and low and behold... STRAWBERRIES!!

I follow my nose and find a cluster of bushes next to the pond. Sometimes I love being blind so that I can smell a strawberry from a mile away! I skip over and pluck a succulent berry. I collect so much, that berries start spilling from my hands.

Okay! I tell myself, That's enought berries for you, Tarka! I walk over to the base of a willow nearby the pond, and sit down. I pop a berry into my mouth and tart, juicy flavors greets me. YUMMY!! I chew as fast as I can, so I can get another strawberry into my mouth. I'm not the savory kind of person. I go from one moment of sweet goodness, to the next... no funny buisness! I am just about to toss another berry in my mouth, when the crystal spire flashes a blinding light. It ripples across the meadow and through the mountain walls. Increadible heat rushes at me.

I leap up, startled (and choking on a strawberry) the energy around me is buzzing and blinding me with light. I can't see anything! (no pun intended) I swallow hard and the not-so-delicious-anymore strawberry slowly clears my throat. Panic starts worming its way into my stomach, what if I can't find my way out?

I take a deep breath, "Okay!" I tell myself out loud, "I will get out one way or the other, so I might as well start walking!" I tentatively take a step forward, then a second one, then--nothing.  My stomach is suddenly far behind me, wind whipping my face and flashes of colors and lights all around me. I shriek like a little girl (even though I am a little girl!) I must be falling!  But where am I falling from? The pond? Last I checked, there was water in there!

After what seems like an eternity of falling, my stomach catches up with me and I sence ground rapidly rushing upward.

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