Benji and Emily love story (...

Por fanaticslove0

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In pp2 Emily junk is the newest member of the Bellas , she meets benji applebottom from the treble makers , e... M谩s

Hi guys !!
Chapter 1 : winning Championship celebration
Chapter 2: two months later , confirmation and telling Benji
Chapter 3 : A couple days later , Telling Emilys Mom and the girls
Chapter 4: 2 months later ::gender ,shopping and double surprise
Chapter 5 :fun in the sun
Chapter 6 : moving day and unexpected visitors
Chapter 7: a couple of days later :Emilys 21st Birthday
Chapter 8: vacation
Chapter 9: Vacation part 2
Chapter 10: 2 weeks later :home , wedding planning and spa day
Chapter 12 :1 week later : surprise baby shower
Chapter 13 : a couple days later :christmas shopping and trimming up

Chapter 11: 2 weeks later meeting benjis sister and Acapella singing convention

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Por fanaticslove0

Emily is 6 months 1 week and 4 days pregnant , It was Sunday and today Emily's and Benji were going out for lunch with Benjis sister Hannah ( her and Benji weren't very close , they hardly ever spoke ) he had told her not to trust her because she was just like his parents , horrible one minuet and nice the next .....
at the cafe :::
Hannah was already sat at the table waiting as she looked over she saw Benji and Emily and got up to greet them
" hi Benji and you must be Emily " she says hugging her
" yes it's lovely to meet you " Emily says
"You too , can I just say congratulations on the baby and engagement and I'm so sorry about my parents freaking out , I can't believe them You'd think they'd be happy " Benjis sister says sitting down , so do Emily and Benji
Emily smiles at her and says " I was shocked at their reaction too I though they'd happy that their son was having a baby " Emily says
" there never happy about anything unless it's to do with them or their business " his sister says
" like I said em I don't need them all I need is you and my little girl " Benji says as he strokes Emily's bump ( Benji doesn't mention his sister )
Benjis sister looks at them and slightly fake smiles
They order lunch and carry on talking :::
" so when are you due emily " Hannah asks
" April " Emily says
" oh not too much longer then " Hannah says
" nope " Benji says smiling at Emily
" and your sure your keeping it " his sister asks
Benji looks really madly at his sister and so does Emily but sad too
" of course we are , what a stupid thing to say " Benji says looking at Emily's sad face
" look Benji I'm excited to be an aunt but I can see were mom and dad are coming from , your so young and yet your engaged and have a baby on the way " his sister says
"Yea and I'm really happy Emily and my baby are the best things that have ever happened to me so don't say that again " Benji says madly at his sister
" well then I'm happy for you " she says fake smiling again
Benji fake smiles back .....
They eat lunch and emily and Benji go home :::::
" well that was awkward " Benji says
" yea I have to admit it was a little odd , you know Benj there's one thing I don't understand" Emily says
" what's that " Benji asks
" how the most amazing , wonderful , sweet , loving guy I know has to have a family like that your nothing like them " Emily says sweetly
Benji couldn't stop smiling at her as he kissed her
"But you know you've got an adopted mother my mom adores you " Emily says
" your mom is amazing em just like you and our little one " Benji says as he smiles at her
Emily's smiles
" I think my sisters up to something though em" Benji says
" whatever she's up to were staying away from it " Emily says
" yep definitely and if she thinks she's going anywhere near the baby she's got another thing coming she's always been sketchy I wouldn't trust her " Benji says
Emily smiles and agrees ..

They were sat on the couch and Emily had her hand on her bump and felt what was either the baby's foot or hand at one side of her stomach Emily was beaming with happiness
" Benji you've gotta feel this " Emily says smiling
Benji puts his hand were Emily's was and feels
" omg what is it , is that her foot " Benji says happily
" yea I think so " Emily says smiling
" wow she's got big little toes " Benji says stroking her bump
"You don't need to tell me that " Emily says laughing
" hey em Iv had an idea why don't we read her a story " Benji says
" that's an amazing idea " Emily says smiling , he goes upstairs and gets one of the baby books from the nursery and goes back downstairs , Emily and Benji both lay down together and Emily rolls her shirt up and they Begin reading ( they take it in turns reading ) .....
after they had read to the Baby Benji plants kisses down Emily's belly and says " mommy and daddy love you baby girl your our entire world " and kisses her bump again which makes Emily giggle because it tickled
As he does beca walks in .....
" hi em , Benji , am I interrupting " beca asks
" no of course not " Emily says still giggling sitting up and pulling her shirt down placing her hand on her bump
" I just wanted to come and say that Iv been to my first appointment and I'm 2 months along " Beca says excitedly
" oh becs " Emily says going over to hug her
" Iv decided to keep the baby " beca says happily smiling
" omg yeyyyyyy " Emily says squealing at her
" eeek I'm so excited " Beca says smiling
" were gonna be mommys together " emily says happily hugging her
" I know I can't wait " beca says
" so have you told the girls " Emily asks
" no not yet I'm going to tell them tomorrow before we leave " Beca says
" they'll be so happy but what about Jesse " Emily says
" no not yet but I'm going to go and see him after I leave here " Beca says
" ok " Emily says smiling
After a few mins Beca leaves and Emily and Benji go upstairs , have a bath , put their pajamas on and get in bed and watch a movie until falling asleep ::::

The next day :::::
It was the day of the singing convention , it was 9 am and the bellas were leaving at 11 to go to the airport for their flight at half past ::
By the time Emily and Benji had gotten ready and made and eaten breakfast it was already 10:30 ( whilst Emily was away Benji was going to be doing a lot of rehearsing with the treblemakers because they had a big performance coming up in a couple of months )
Benji and Emily put her suitcase in the car and got in the car and drove to the bellas house ::::
" hiiii em , hi Benji "they all say as they walk through the front door
" hiiii girls " Emily and bumper say
" you ready to go " chloe asks
" yea I'm not looking forward to facing das sound machine " Emily says
"Me either but the performance part is gonna be fun " Stacie says
" yea true ,I'm a little nervous though, it's my first performance since iv Been preggers " Emily says
" em you'll be fine , well look after you we promise and besides your not the only one is she Becs " Chloe shouts
" nope " beca's says walking into the kitchen with Jesse
Emily smiles
" Right well we best get going or we're gonna miss our flight " Fat Amy Says
Emily hugs Benji and says " I love you so much Benj I'm going to miss you like crazy " and kisses him
" I love you too em , so so much , I'll miss you both " Benji says kissing Emily and stroking her bump
Beca and Jesse do the exact same thing ....
" enough lip locking you 4 , hurry up , on the bus on the bus " fat Amy says
Beca smiles at Jesse and walks out of the door and onto the bus
Emily takes a deep breath and is about to walk out the door when Benji stops her ...
" don't be nervous babe , it's a good thing out little girl gets to go on stage with her mommy , it's practice for when she's older " Benji says rubbing her bump
Emily smiles and nods , her ,Jesse and Benji walk out of the bellas house and lock up
" I'll ring you later , bye love you " Emily says kissing Benji one last time , climbing onto the bus and smiling at him before sitting down
" good luck girls " he and Jesse shout as they drive off

It was night time by the time they had arrived so they went to their hotel and went to sleep , the next day they had rehearsals and had a stroll into germany ::::::

Today was the third and final day the bellas had been in Germany it was the convention day ::::
At the arena( were it was taking place )
They had just arrived and were walking around looking at the place when they saw Das Sound Machine
" hu , das sound machine 2 o clock " Chloe says anxiously
" tiny mouse " the blonde woman says to Beca
" what do you want " Cynthia says
" nothing " the guy says
" then why are you here " lily says
" we just came to laugh and say hopefully this time we won't see anymore of flabby Abby's baby Chute because that was just too funny " the woman says
" that is not my name " fat Amy says
" I don't know you name it could be anything , obese Denise , inflexible Tina , lazy Susan " the guy says smirking
" my name is fat Amy and I eat krauts like you for lunch " fat Amy says in his face
" you team is like a heated mess , you know a mess in which heat is applied to it and it becomes even bigger " the woman says
" oh shut up " Emily says
" and who are you " the guy says looking at Emily and noticing her bump
" your foolish plan to beat us has already failed , your a member down , she can't possibly perform like that " the woman says with a cocky tone looking at Emily and her bump
" yea I mean just look at her , hows she supposed to dance like that " the guy says looking at her bump
Emily stares at him and looks down sadly
" were not a member down , Emily's still performing , don't ever call her or her baby again , your just jealous, and guess what were going to kick your asses up there " Beca and Lilly say in the woman and guys faces
" oh I think we should change her name to fiesty mouse , ladies take my advice and do not try to beat us " the blonde woman says smirking , walking away
The girls turned to Emily
" you ok em " Chloe asks
" yea fine , ughhhh I hate Das sound machine so much how dare they , I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind " Emily says angrily about to go over to them as she started walking off
" wow, wow em calm down their not worth it " Stacie says pulling her back
Emily nods " why don't we go get lunch I'm hungry " Emily says
" yea me too " beca says
" ok then lets go feed you four " Chloe says referring to Emily and her baby and beca and hers
They eat lunch and try on their outfits ...
" we need to kill them out there " beca says raising her voice in a squeaky tone
All the girls laugh
" sorry these braids are so tight " beca says
" yes we need to totally bring our A game " Chloe says
" guys I'm gonna need a bigger jacket , Shes grown since we tried our outfits on " Emily says giggling trying to zip it over her bump ( it would zip but she couldn't breathe in it )
" here there's a few more on the rail " Stacie says going to get Emily one and laughing
" thanks stace " Emily says zipping it up
" better " Beca says laughing at Emily
" haaaa , yea I can breathe, it didn't help that her toes were right were I was trying to zip
It up " Emily says laughing
All the girls laugh
" I'm so nervous " Emily says
" don't be em everything's gonna be fine just remember don't try and do any dancing , we don't want you or the baby getting hurt we've got that covered if you don't feel good , sick or faint or whatever signal us and just walk off " Chloe says
" thanks guys you really look after me " Emily says smiling at them
" and the same for you beca" Stacie says
" oh I'm fine to dance I'm not even showing " Beca says " the only thing that could go wrong is me puking all over the stage " Beca says laughing .....
A couple minuets later ::::
Das Sound machine had just performed and it was the bellas turn
" ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage the barden university's bellas "the speaker woman says
All the bellas pic their microphones up and walk out onto stage
They were singing a mashup of songs ::::: timber , who run the world girls , Bang Bang and flashlight .....
The girls began singing and dancing around the stage :::

" Well so far so good but would you look at that a baby Bella on board it seems like the newest member of the bellas is expecting " " Gail says ( the Acapella speaker ) into the mic , looking at Emily
" yes let's hope it stays good , or the bellas will be out but I'll give it to her she's got guts performing " the guy Acapella speaker says into the mic referring to Emily

They sing the mashup of all four songs and the crowd goes crazy
" well it appears they've touched everybody in the room " Gail says
" I have to say I'm surprised Gail " the guy says
Das Sound machine shake their head and walk out on stage ready for the winners to be announced ......
" so the winner of this years Acapella singing convention is ......... The barden bellas " Gail says
The girls squeal and jump up and down like 4 year olds as fat Amy pics Chloe and then Beca and then emily and then Stacie , Lilly and Cynthia up and hugs them as they get handed the plaque trophy Das Sound machine looked evily at them and shook their heads as fat Amy rubbed it in their face .....
The girls walk off stage and start getting changed back into their comfy clothes for flying back home :::
They jump up and down with happiness as fat Amy squeezes them into a group hug
" arrrr Amy can't breathe squishing everyone into my bump " Emily says laughing
" sorry Em" fat Amy says laughing unsqueezing them

" ahhhh I can't believe we won " Emily says happily
" me either , how did you feel being up there em at one point I felt a little queesy " beca asks
" ok thank you Becs , nervous but I enjoyed it , when we were doing the leg kick out thing she was kicking like she was doing it too , it made it even more amazing " Emily says stroking her bump and smiling
" aww that's so sweet , she loves joining in doing things with you doesn't she " beca says
" yep she does it's amazing , how did you feel becs , I don't know what it feels like being a month preggers I was 3 when I found out " Emily says laughing
" ok , I don't really feel pregnant yet , I felt abit nauseous but apart from that it was really fun " beca says
" ahh it might be the morning sickness starting" Emily says
" ughhh I hope not " beca says
" oh just you wait you've got all that to come , wait until you can't see your toes or bend over properly , sometimes I feel like I'm made of wood " Emily says laughing
All the girls laugh
The girls pack their stuff up and get a mini bus to the airport , go in and board their plane :::

After about an 8 hour flight they finally arrive home ( it was tea time ish ) and get off the plane
when Emily is walking through the airport with the girls , Benji shouts her name and Emily runs into his arms ( beca did the same with Jesse and so did fat Amy with bumper but bemily were more excited )
" I missed you " Emily says
" I missed you babe " Benji says hugging her
" I missed you more " Emily says kissing him
" how are my girls , Iv missed you both so much " Benji says grabbing Emily's bump and stroking it
" where fine , we missed you " Emily says holding her bump
Benji and Emily go home and lie on the sofa watching a movie together and talking whilst Benji was rubbing Emily's back , Emily tells him about the whole thing and them winning :::

" I can't believe you beat them " Benji says
" me either I'm sooooo happy " Emily says
" my girls are happy I'm happy " Benji says smiling at Emily
" speaking of that I think our little girls missed not hearing your voice " Emily says referring to the baby
Benji smiles " Iv missed not feeling her little kicks and seeing you beaming with happiness every time she nearly bursts her foot out of you" Benji says smiling and laughing
" You know before we left for the flight I was talking to her saying she was going to hear her daddy again soon and she kicked and kicked and kicked , she'd go a new thing that she does too " Emily says smiling
" what's that " Benji asks
" she likes pressing her toes agains my hand , watch this " emily says as she lifts her shirt up and places her hand flat on her bump and presses down , the baby kicks and puts her toes on Emily's hand and keeps them placed there
" awww " Benji says smiling
" she loves it " emily says
Benji lays his head next to Emily's bump and starts talking to the baby : " hi baby girl did you have a fun trip with mommy and the girls I bet you did , I missed you princess and We can't wait to meet you little one mommy and daddy love you so so much , everything's ready for your arrival were just waiting on you now , only 3 months till we get to see your little face and hold you "Benji says kissing Emily's bump
By now Emily was starting to tear up at when Benji said mommy and daddy love you .....
" she's saying she loves us to " Emily says feeling her kicking
Benji smiles
" I love the sound of that , mommy and daddy" Emily says smiling
" me too , my two girls " Benji says smiling
" your amazing do you know that " Emily says kissing him Emily's mom was stood on the porch watching them she was about to go in when she saw them , she couldn't believe just how happy her daughter was ......
" hi em and Benji it's only me " Emily's mom shouts
" hi mom " Emily says putting her shirt down and trying to get up off the couch
" hi Benji " Emily's mom says hugging him
Benji hugs her and says hello
" so how are you three " Emily's mom asks
" were fine thank you mom " Emily says
" you look so happy sweetie " her mom says smiling at Emily
" I am , she and Benji make me so happy , I can't wait for her to arrive " Emily says rubbing her hand up and down her bump
" you know I saw you two then , your going to make amazing parents and I can't wait to meet my little granddaughter " her mom says
" thank you mom , your going to be an amazing grandma " Emily says as she places her hand were should could feel her kicking
" she's been kicking harder these past couple of days she's definitely getting stronger and she's got a knew thing she likes , if i lie my hand flat on my belly and press we're her toes are she presses back and keeps them there " Emily says laughing as she does it
Her mom smiles sweetly at her
" mom would you like to feel " Emily asks
" yea I'd love to " her mom says getting up and sitting next to Emily placing her hand on her bump and smiling
" my little granddaughter " her mom says smiling as she plants a kiss on Emily's bump
Emily puts her hand on top of her moms and presses it down harder on her bump
" can you feel that " Emily asks smiling
" y..yea what is it " her mom asks almost crying
" it's her little foot " Emily says looking and smiling at her mom
" wow " her mom says in amazement .....
a couple of mins later :::
" so anyway how did it go " her mom asks
" well we WON !!! " Emily says excitedly
" omg no way " her mom says happily hugging her
" yep " Emily says
" oh honey I'm so proud of you and the girls " her mom says
Emily smiles
" the only downside to it was that Benji wasn't with me and I missed you mom " Emily says putting her head on Benji and smiling at her mom
Her mom smiles and the two of them
" I missed you two sweetie , luckily it was only 3 days though wasn't it " her mom says
" yea thankfully , our little wriggler didn't like being away from her daddy , when I told her she was going to hear her daddy's voice soon she started kicking and wriggling like crazy it felt like she was doing summersalts " Emily says happily
" well she's gotten to know both of your voices through talking to her " her mom says
Emily smiles " yea we read her a book a couple of days ago , I think she's going to be a Bella when she grows up she's been practising her dance moves , when we were performing doing leg kicks she did it too " Emily says
Benji and her mom both smile
" well she's got to carry on the legacy " Benji says
They all smile ......
Emily and Benji finish talking to Emily's mom and she goes home so emily could have a nap emily and Benji spend the rest of the night together relaxing on the couch in their pjs eating popcorn and candy and watching movies ......

Emily's outfit :

Emily's pajamas/ Onesie :

End of chapter xox -M

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