Meg and Ariel Lovestruck (gir...

By PoeticBeauty7598

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Meg and Ariel Lovestruck (girlxgirl)

Ch. 1

503 22 3
By PoeticBeauty7598

I spent the rest of the day with Ariel, talking to her, trying to help her jog her memory, but it was of no use. She couldn't remember a thing. I checked my watch and saw that it was almost time for the janitors to lock up the facility. I rose from my chair, Ariel looking confused. "I'm sorry, but I must go. They're about to lock up and I have to get home," I told her sadly. Her face fell, sad. "But I should be back again tomorrow." She smiled at me, her teeth gleaming.

"Okay," she said softly. She rested her hand against the glass again and I pressed mine against it. "Goodbye, Meg." I smiled at her, not wanting to leave.

"Goodbye, Ariel," I whispered back. I started walking away and I went through the door, not looking back. I stopped in my office, discarding my white lab coat and gathered the rest of my things before locking the door to my office. I ran into Ursula before I even made it out the doors.

"Megara, I would like a word with you if you wouldn't mind!" she called out. I stopped a sighed heavily. 'Couldn't you just leave me be woman?!' I thought to myself impatiently. I turned to face her, not bothering to force a smile.

"Yes, Ursula?" I asked. She held a Manila folder in her hand as she walked over to me.

"I need to discuss with the matter of that Andrew boy with you," she said matter-of-factly. I gave another sigh and she started to walk passed me, with me trying to keep up.

"Ursula, his name is Eric." She waved her hand as if it didn't matter.

"Of course of course. Forgive me, it continues to slip my mind, anyhow I need you to explain to me again why we are allowing him our private sector of the lab? He shouldn't be anywhere near the specimens that are coming in. They can be very dangerous." I rolled my eyes as we reached her Land Rover.

"Ursula, he is just trying to sketch out the different species for us. It's the only way, to make sure that we don't disturb the creatures with the flash of a camera," I protested. She shrugged her shoulders, as if she didn't even care. She tossed her things into the backseat of her car and she turned to face me as she slammed the door shut.

"I am just saying, Megara. He is taking a big risk by being so close to them and we are taking an even bigger risk by allowing him in that forbidden section. I am sorry, Megara, but we are going to have to let him go." My jaw dropped at her words.

"Forgive me here, Ursula, but if I'm not mistaken, you can't fire him. He's my apprentice, therefore you have no control over what happens to him. I think that if this was coming directly from Kate, then I would reconsider, but this is not your decision to be making as of right now, and I will kindly ask you this once, back the hell off." She smirked.

"Isn't Eric your brother or something?"

"Yes, he's my half-brother. What does that have to do with anything?" Ursula shrugged her shoulders as she opened the driver's door. She sat in her seat and started her car, the engine roaring to life as she turned the key.

"Perhaps since he is your brother, your judgement has been compromised. Megara, I only want what's best for this company. You, on the other hand, wants what's best for your brother." I was so close to slapping her it wasn't funny. "Maybe I should watch him work myself. I mean, after all, you're the only one who sees his work firsthand. Maybe I should invite him over to my house for dinner and then have him draw a portrait of me." Her brow was raised, daring me to argue with her.

I dug my nails into the palm of my hand and forced a smile. "You know, Ursula, if I didn't know any better, I would say that you were trying to get a date out of my brother." She shrugged her shoulders and she swung her legs into the car. She pulled her door shut, and rolled the window down.

"Well, Megara, see if Andrew-


"Yes, Eric that's exactly what I meant to say. See if Eric is available next Saturday for dinner at my place."

"I don't know, Ursula, he might be worried that you might try to turn him into some sort of mutant." She cackled and then her face appeared to be as hard as stone.

"I'll see you on Monday, Megara. I'm heading up to my cabin so I won't be here tomorrow anyway." Before I could utter a response, her car screeched back and took off out of the parking lot. I sighed heavily and walked to my car. I got in and headed for home. I pulled into my driveway and headed up to the front door. I saw Eric's car parked on the street by my house, and already knew that the doors were unlocked and that there was some form of dinner waiting for me.

I walked right into the house and the smell of tomato sauce filled my nostrils. I smiled when I entered the kitchen, but found that there was just one plate of food set out, and no sign of Eric was evident. There was a note on the fridge for me.

Hey sis! Had to run! See ya Monday!



I sighed heavily as I started to eat my dinner alone.

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